Efficient way to populate a sparse matrix in Python - python

I am trying to set up a sparse matrix (dok_matrix) of journal co-occurences. Unfortunately, my solution is (too) inefficient to be of any use and I couldn't find any solution online.
EDIT: I would also like to create the sparse matrix directly, not by first creating a dense matrix and then turning it into a sparse matrix.
I start with a dataframe of how often certain journal are cited together. In this example, Nature and Science are cited together 3 times. I would like to end up with a sparse, symmetric matrix where the rows and columns are journals and the non-empty entries are how often these journals are cited together. I.e., here the full matrix would have four rows (Lancet, Nature, NEJM, Science) and four columns (Lancet, Nature, NEJM, Science) and three non-zero entries. Since my real data is much larger, I would like to use a sparse matrix representation.
What I currently do in my code is to update the non-zero entries with the values from my Dataframe. Unfortunately, the comparison of journal names is quite time-consuming and my question is, whether there is a quicker way of setting up a sparse matrix here.
My understanding is that my dataframe is close to a dok_matrix anyways, with the journal combination being equivalent to the tuple used as a key in the dok_matrix. However, I do not know how to make this transformation.
Any help is appreciated!
# Import packages
import pandas as pd
from scipy.sparse import dok_matrix
# Set up dataframe
d = {'journal_comb': ['Nature//// Science', 'NEJM//// Nature', 'Lancet//// NEJM'], 'no_combs': [3, 5, 6], 'journal_1': ['Nature', 'NEJM', 'Lancet'], 'journal_2': ['Science', 'Nature', 'NEJM']}
df = pd.DataFrame(d)
# Create list of all journal titles
journal_list = list(set(set(list(df['journal_1'])) | set(list(df['journal_2']))))
# Set up empty sparse matrix with final size
S = dok_matrix((len(journal_list), len(journal_list)))
# Loop over all journal titles and get value from Dataframe for co-occuring journals
# Update sparse matrix value with value from Dataframe
for i in range(len(journal_list)):
print i
# Check whether journal name is actually in column 'journal_1'
if len(df[(df['journal_1'] == journal_list[i])]) > 0:
for j in range(len(journal_list)):
# If clause to circumvent error due to empty series if journals are not co-cited
if len(df[(df['journal_1'] == journal_list[i]) & (df['journal_2'] == journal_list[j])]['no_combs']) == 1:
# Update value in sparse matrix
S[i, j] = df[(df['journal_1'] == journal_list[i]) & (df['journal_2'] == journal_list[j])]['no_combs'].iloc[0]

Use pandas first to shape your matrix -
dok_matrix(pd.concat([df, df.rename(index=str, columns={'journal_1' : 'journal_2', 'journal_2' : 'journal_1'})], axis=0).pivot(index='journal_1', columns = 'journal_2', values = 'no_combs').as_matrix())
I have first appended the reverse journal1 as journal 2, then pivoted to make the correct shape, then converted to matrix, and then to dok_matrix


Converting 2D numpy array to 3D array without looping

I have a 2D array of shape (t*40,6) which I want to convert into a 3D array of shape (t,40,5) for the LSTM's input data layer. The description on how the conversion is desired in shown in the figure below. Here, F1..5 are the 5 input features, T1...40 are the time steps for LSTM and C1...t are the various training examples. Basically, for each unique "Ct", I want a "T X F" 2D array, and concatenate all along the 3rd dimension. I do not mind losing the value of "Ct" as long as each Ct is in a different dimension.
I have the following code to do this by looping over each unique Ct, and appending the "T X F" 2D arrays in 3rd dimension.
# load 2d data
data = pd.read_csv('LSTMTrainingData.csv')
trainX = []
# loop over each unique ct and append the 2D subset in the 3rd dimension
for index, ct in enumerate(data.ct.unique()):
trainX.append(data[data['ct'] == ct].iloc[:, 1:])
However, there are over 1,800,000 such Ct's so this makes it quite slow to loop over each unique Ct. Looking for suggestions on doing this operation faster.
data_3d = array.reshape(t,40,6)
trainX = data_3d[:,:,1:]
This is the solution for the original question posted.
Updating the question with an additional problem: the T1...40 time steps can have the highest number of steps = 40, but it could be less than 40 as well. The rest of the values can be 'np.nan' out of the 40 slots available.
Since all Ct have not the same length , you have no other choice than rebuild a new block.
But use of data[data['ct'] == ct] can be O(n²) so it's a bad way to do it.
Here a solution using Panel . cumcount renumber each Ct line :
CFt=randint(0,t,(40*t,6)).astype(float) # 2D data
df= pd.DataFrame(CFt)
This automatically fills missing data with Nan. But It warns :
Panel is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
The recommended way to represent these types of 3-dimensional data are with a MultiIndex on a DataFrame, via the Panel.to_frame() method
So perhaps working with df2 is the recommended way to manage your data.

Pandas - expanding inverse quantile function

I have a dataframe of values:
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.uniform(0,1,(500,2)), columns = ['a', 'b'])
>>> print df
a b
1 0.277438 0.042671
.. ... ...
499 0.570952 0.865869
[500 rows x 2 columns]
I want to transform this by replacing the values with their percentile, where the percentile is taken over the distribution of all values in prior rows. i.e., if you do df.T.unstack(), it would be a pure expanding sample. This might be more intuitive if you think of the index as a DatetimeIndex, and I'm asking to take the expanding percentile over the entire cross-sectional history.
So the goal is this guy:
a b
0 99 99
.. .. ..
499 58 84
(Ideally I'd like to take the distribution of a value over the set of all values in all rows before and including that row, so not exactly an expanding percentile; but if we can't get that, that's fine.)
I have one really ugly way of doing this, where I transpose and unstack the dataframe, generate a percentile mask, and overlay that mask on the dataframe using a for loop to get the percentiles:
percentile_boundaries_over_time = pd.DataFrame({integer:
pd.expanding_quantile(df.T.unstack(), integer/100.0)
for integer in range(0,101,1)})
percentile_mask = pd.Series(index = df.unstack().unstack().unstack().index)
for integer in range(0,100,1):
percentile_mask[(df.unstack().unstack().unstack() >= percentile_boundaries_over_time[integer]) &
(df.unstack().unstack().unstack() <= percentile_boundaries_over_time[integer+1])] = integer
I've been trying to get something faster to work, using scipy.stats.percentileofscore() and pd.expanding_apply(), but it's not giving the correct output and I'm driving myself insane trying to figure out why. This is what I've been playing with:
perc = pd.expanding_apply(df, lambda x: stats.percentileofscore(x, x[-1], kind='weak'))
Does anyone have any thoughts on why this gives incorrect output? Or a faster way to do this whole exercise? Any and all help much appreciated!
As several other commenters have pointed out, computing percentiles for each row likely involves sorting the data each time. This will probably be the case for any current pre-packaged solution, including pd.DataFrame.rank or scipy.stats.percentileofscore. Repeatedly sorting is wasteful and computationally intensive, so we want a solution that minimizes that.
Taking a step back, finding the inverse-quantile of a value relative to an existing data set is analagous to finding the position we would insert that value into the data set if it were sorted. The issue is that we also have an expanding set of data. Thankfully, some sorting algorithms are extremely fast with dealing with mostly sorted data (and inserting a small number of unsorted elements). Hence our strategy is to maintain our own array of sorted data, and with each row iteration, add it to our existing list and query their positions in the newly expanded sorted set. The latter operation is also fast given that the data is sorted.
I think insertion sort would be the fastest sort for this, but its performance will probably be slower in Python than any native NumPy sort. Merge sort seems to be the best of the available options in NumPy. An ideal solution would involve writing some Cython, but using our above strategy with NumPy gets us most of the way.
This is a hand-rolled solution:
def quantiles_by_row(df):
""" Reconstruct a DataFrame of expanding quantiles by row """
# Construct skeleton of DataFrame what we'll fill with quantile values
quantile_df = pd.DataFrame(np.NaN, index=df.index, columns=df.columns)
# Pre-allocate numpy array. We only want to keep the non-NaN values from our DataFrame
num_valid = np.sum(~np.isnan(df.values))
sorted_array = np.empty(num_valid)
# We want to maintain that sorted_array[:length] has data and is sorted
length = 0
# Iterates over ndarray rows
for i, row_array in enumerate(df.values):
# Extract non-NaN numpy array from row
row_is_nan = np.isnan(row_array)
add_array = row_array[~row_is_nan]
# Add new data to our sorted_array and sort.
new_length = length + len(add_array)
sorted_array[length:new_length] = add_array
length = new_length
# Query the relative positions, divide by length to get quantiles
quantile_row = np.searchsorted(sorted_array[:length], add_array, side="left").astype(np.float) / length
# Insert values into quantile_df
quantile_df.iloc[i][~row_is_nan] = quantile_row
return quantile_df
Based on the data that bhalperin provided (offline), this solution is up to 10x faster.
One final comment: np.searchsorted has options for 'left' and 'right' which determines whether you want your prospective inserted position to be the first or last suitable position possible. This matters if you have a lot of duplicates in your data. A more accurate version of the above solution will take the average of 'left' and 'right':
# Query the relative positions, divide to get quantiles
left_rank_row = np.searchsorted(sorted_array[:length], add_array, side="left")
right_rank_row = np.searchsorted(sorted_array[:length], add_array, side="right")
quantile_row = (left_rank_row + right_rank_row).astype(np.float) / (length * 2)
Yet not quite clear, but do you want a cumulative sum divided by total?
norm = 100.0/df.a.sum()
df['cum_a'] = df.a.cumsum()
df['cum_a'] = df.cum_a * norm
ditto for b
Here's an attempt to implement your 'percentile over the set of all values in all rows before and including that row' requirement. stats.percentileofscore seems to act up when given 2D data, so squeezeing seems to help in getting correct results:
a_percentile = pd.Series(np.nan, index=df.index)
b_percentile = pd.Series(np.nan, index=df.index)
for current_index in df.index:
preceding_rows = df.loc[:current_index, :]
# Combine values from all columns into a single 1D array
# * 2 should be * N if you have N columns
combined = preceding_rows.values.reshape((1, len(preceding_rows) *2)).squeeze()
a_percentile[current_index] = stats.percentileofscore(
df.loc[current_index, 'a'],
b_percentile[current_index] = stats.percentileofscore(
df.loc[current_index, 'b'],

How do you edit cells in a sparse matrix using scipy?

I'm trying to manipulate some data in a sparse matrix. Once I've created one, how do I add / alter / update values in it? This seems very basic, but I can't find it in the documentation for the sparse matrix classes, or on the web. I think I'm missing something crucial.
This is my failed attempt to do so the same way I would a normal array.
>>> from scipy.sparse import bsr_matrix
>>> A = bsr_matrix((10,10))
>>> A[5][7] = 6
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#11>", line 1, in <module>
A[5][7] = 6
File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\scipy\sparse\bsr.py", line 296, in __getitem__
raise NotImplementedError
There several Sparse matrix formats. Some are better suited to indexing. One that has implemented it is lil_matrix.
Al = A.tolil()
Al[5,7] = 6 # the normal 2d matrix indexing notation
print Al
print Al.A # aka Al.todense()
A1 = Al.tobsr() # if it must be in bsr format
The documentation for each format suggests what it is good at, and where it is bad. But it does not have a neat list of which ones have which operations defined.
Advantages of the LIL format
supports flexible slicing
changes to the matrix sparsity structure are efficient
Intended Usage
LIL is a convenient format for constructing sparse matrices
dok_matrix also implements indexing.
The underlying data structure for coo_matrix is easy to understand. It is essentially the parameters for coo_matrix((data, (i, j)), [shape=(M, N)]) definition. To create the same matrix you could use:
sparse.coo_matrix(([6],([5],[7])), shape=(10,10))
If you have more assignments, build larger data, i, j lists (or 1d arrays), and when complete construct the sparse matrix.
The documentation for bsr is here bsr matrix and for csr is here csr matrix. It might be worth it to understand the csr before moving to the bsr. The only difference is that bsr has entries that are matrices themselves whereas the basic unit in a csr is a scalar.
I don't know if there are super easy ways to manipulate the matrices once they are created, but here are some examples of what you're trying to do,
import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import bsr_matrix, csr_matrix
row = np.array( [5] )
col = np.array( [7] )
data = np.array( [6] )
A = csr_matrix( (data,(row,col)) )
This is a straightforward syntax in which you list all the data you want in the matrix in the array data and then specify where that data should go using row and col. Note that this will make the matrix dimensions just big enough to hold the element in the largest row and column ( in this case a 6x8 matrix ). You can see the matrix in standard form using the todense() method.
However, you cannot manipulate the matrix on the fly using this pattern. What you can do is modify the native scipy representation of the matrix. This involves 3 attributes, indices, indptr, and data. To start with, we can examine the value of these attributes for the array we've already created.
>>> print A.data
>>> print A.indices
array([7], dtype=int32)
>>> print A.indptr
array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], dtype=int32)
data is the same thing it was before, a 1-d array of values we want in the matrix. The difference is that the position of this data is now specified by indices and indptr instead of row and col. indices is fairly straightforward. It simply a list of which column each data entry is in. It will always be the same size and the data array. indptr is a little trickier. It lets the data structure know what row each data entry is in. To quote from the docs,
the column indices for row i are stored in indices[indptr[i]:indptr[i+1]]
From this definition we can see that the size of indptr will always be the number of rows in the matrix + 1. It takes a little while to get used to it, but working through the values for each row will give you some intuition. Note that all the entries are zero until the last one. That means that the column indices for rows i=0-4 are going to be stored in indices[0:0] i.e. the empty array. This is because these rows are all zeros. Finally, on the last row, i=5 we get indices[0:1]=7 which tells us the data entry(ies) data[0:1] are in row 5, column 7.
Now suppose we wanted to add the value 10 at row 2 column 4. We first put it into the data attribute,
A.data = np.array( [10,6] )
next we update indices to indicate the column 10 will be in,
A.indices = np.array( [4,7], dtype=np.int32 )
and finally we indicate which row it will be in by modifying indptr
A.indptr = np.array( [0,0,0,1,1,1,2], dtype=np.int32 )
It is important that you make the data type of indices and indptr np.int32. One way to visualize what's going in in indptr is that the change in numbers occurs as you move from i to i+1 of a row that has data. Also note that arrays like these can be used to construct sparse matrices
B = csr_matrix( (data,indices,indptr) )
It would be nice if it was as easy as simply indexing into the array as you tried, but the implementation is not there yet. That should be enough to get you started at least.

How to sum over columns with some weight in a csr matrix in python

If I have a large csr_matrix A, I want to sum over its columns, simply
does this for me, right? Are the corresponding axis values: 1->rows, 0->columns?
I stuck when I want to sum over columns with some weights which are specified in a list, e.g. [1 2 3 4 5 4 3 ... 4 2 5] with the same length as the number of rows in the csr_matrix A. To be more clear, I want the inner product of each column vector with this weight vector. How can I achieve this with Python?
This is a part of my code:
uniFeature = csr_matrix(uniFeature)
[I,J] = uniFeature.shape
sumfreq = uniFeature.sum(axis=0)
sumratings = []
for j in range(J):
column = uniFeature.getcol(j)
column = column.toarray()
sumtemp = np.dot(ratings,column)
sumfreq = sumfreq.toarray()
average = np.true_divide(sumratings,sumfreq)
(Numpy is imported as np) There is a weight vector "ratings", the program is supposed to output the average rating for each column of the matrix "uniFeature".
I experimented to dot column=uniFeature.getcol(j) directly with ratings(which is a list), but there is an error that says format does not agree. It's ok after column.toarray() then dot with ratings. But isn't making each column back to dense form losing the point of having the sparse matrix and would be very slow? I ran the above code and it's too slow to show the results. I guess there should be a way that dots the vector "ratings" with each column of the sparse matrix efficiently.
Thanks in advance!

calculating means of many matrices in numpy

I have many csv files which each contain roughly identical matrices. Each matrix is 11 columns by either 5 or 6 rows. The columns are variables and the rows are test conditions. Some of the matrices do not contain data for the last test condition, which is why there are 5 rows in some matrices and six rows in other matrices.
My application is in python 2.6 using numpy and sciepy.
My question is this:
How can I most efficiently create a summary matrix that contains the means of each cell across all of the identical matrices?
The summary matrix would have the same structure as all of the other matrices, except that the value in each cell in the summary matrix would be the mean of the values stored in the identical cell across all of the other matrices. If one matrix does not contain data for the last test condition, I want to make sure that its contents are not treated as zeros when the averaging is done. In other words, I want the means of all the non-zero values.
Can anyone show me a brief, flexible way of organizing this code so that it does everything I want to do with as little code as possible and also remain as flexible as possible in case I want to re-use this later with other data structures?
I know how to pull all the csv files in and how to write output. I just don't know the most efficient way to structure flow of data in the script, including whether to use python arrays or numpy arrays, and how to structure the operations, etc.
I have tried coding this in a number of different ways, but they all seem to be rather code intensive and inflexible if I later want to use this code for other data structures.
You could use masked arrays. Say N is the number of csv files. You can store all your data in a masked array A, of shape (N,11,6).
from numpy import *
A = ma.zeros((N,11,6))
A.mask = zeros_like(A) # fills the mask with zeros: nothing is masked
A.mask = (A.data == 0) # another way of masking: mask all data equal to zero
A.mask[0,0,0] = True # mask a value
A[1,2,3] = 12. # fill a value: like an usual array
Then, the mean values along first axis, and taking into account masked values, are given by:
mean(A, axis=0) # the returned shape is (11,6)
