Django mocks not working as expected - python

I'm struggling with django mock; I have even simplified an unit test but the test is still failing. I want to verify that a method is called (even with any parameter), but the "assert_called_once_with" always returns False.
Currently I'm trying:
def test_shouldHaveCalledMakeResetToken(self, mocked):
user = User.get(...)
Even this simple example is failing with:
AssertionError: Expected 'make_reset_password' to be called once. Called 0 times
How this is possible? What am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance

You have to use full path to utils, e.g. #patch('my_app.utils.make_reset_password') and then in the test call a function that calls make_reset_password.
def test_shouldHaveCalledMakeResetToken(self, mock_make_reset_password):
user = User.get(...)
The other thing that comes to my mind is you are not mocking the correct function. If make_reset_password is imported from utils in another module then you need to change the path in the #patch decorator.
For example
from my_app.utils import make_reset_password
def run_make_reset_password(user):
def test_shouldHaveCalledMakeResetToken(self, mock_make_reset_password):
user = User.get(...)


Python: How to use mock or patch to check that a method inside another method has run?

I've read through a whole bunch of answers, but still don't understand where I need to mock and/or which class/module to patch and keep getting module does not have the attribute errors.
I have a View class which contains a method I'd like to test. That method does not return anything. What it does is: checks an if/else statement based on the method's parameter, and in both cases fires off another method (imported from another module) with different args. I want to see if that inner method is being called with the correct arguments.
Here's the simplified code:
from django.views import View
from django.conf import settings
from my_project import email
class ProcessSub(View):
def handle_ineligible(ineligible_dict):
if ineligible_dict["status"] == "NOT_FOUND":
What I want to do in my test is call handle_ineligible with a known status and check whether email.send_email was called with the right EMAIL_ID.
What I've tried:
def test_not_found(self, mock_email_send):
view = ProcessSub()
This fails with the following AssertionError:
E AssertionError: expected call not found.
E Expected: send_email('asdf')
E Actual: not called.

pytest - how to assert if a method of a class is called inside a method

I am trying to figure out how to know if a method of class is being called inside a method.
following is the code for the unit test:
# file
def test_purge_s3_files(mocker):
args = Args()
mock_s3fs = mocker.patch('s3fs.S3FileSystem')
segment_obj = segments.Segmentation()
inside the purge_s3_file method bulk_delete is called but when asserting it says that the method was expected to be called and it is not called!
mocker = <pytest_mock.plugin.MockerFixture object at 0x7fac28d57208>
def test_purge_s3_files(mocker):
args = Args()
mock_s3fs = mocker.patch('s3fs.S3FileSystem')
segment_obj = segments.Segmentation(environment='qa',
> mock_s3fs.bulk_delete.assert_called()
E AssertionError: Expected 'bulk_delete' to have been called.
I don't know how to test this and how to assert if the method is called!
Below you can find the method being testing:
# file
import s3fs
def purge_s3_files(self, prefix=None):
bucket = 'sample_bucket'
files = []
fs = s3fs.S3FileSystem()
if fs.exists(f'{bucket}/{prefix}'):
print(f'Directory {bucket}/{prefix} does not exist in s3.')
print(f'Purging S3 files from {bucket}/{prefix}.')
print(*files, sep='\n')
The problem you are facing is that the mock you are setting up is mocking out the class, and you are not using the instance to use and check your mocks. In short, this should fix your problem (there might be another issue explained further below):
m = mocker.patch('s3fs.S3FileSystem')
mock_s3fs = m.return_value # (or mock_s3())
There might be a second problem in how you are not referencing the right path to what you want to mock.
Depending on what your project root is considered (considering your comment here) your mock would need to be referenced accordingly:
The rule of thumb is that you always want to mock where you are testing.
If you are able to use your debugger (or output to your console) you will (hopefully :)) see that your expected call count will be inside the return_value of your mock object. Here is a snippet from my debugger using your code:
You will see the call_count attribute set to 1. Pointing back to what I mentioned at the beginning of the answer, by making that change, you will now be able to use the intended mock_s3fs.bulk_delete_assert_called().
Putting it together, your working test with modification runs as expected (note, you should also set up the expected behaviour and assert the other fs methods you are calling in there):
def test_purge_s3_files(mocker):
m = mocker.patch("app.segments.s3fs.S3FileSystem")
mock_s3fs = m.return_value # (or m())
segment_obj = segments.Segmentation(environment='qa',
Python mock testing depends on where the mock is being used. So you have the mock the function calls where it is imported.
def r_execute(file):
# do something
But the actual function call happens in another namespace ->
from app.r_executor import r_execute
def analyse():
To mock this I should use
# not mocker.patch('app.r_executor.r_execute')

Python testing: mocking a function that's imported AND used inside another funciton

Due to circular-import issues which are common with Celery tasks in Django, I'm often importing Celery tasks inside of my methods, like so:
# some code omitted for brevity
# accounts/
def refresh_library(self, queue_type="regular"):
from core.tasks import refresh_user_library
kwargs={"user_id":}, queue=queue_type
return 0
In my pytest test for refresh_library, I'd only like to test that refresh_user_library (the Celery task) is called with the correct args and kwargs. But this isn't working:
# tests/
def test_refresh_library():
Error is about refresh_library not having an attribute refresh_user_library.
I suspect this is due to the fact that the task(refresh_user_library) is imported inside the function itself, but I'm not too experienced with mocking so this might be completely wrong.
Even though apply_async is your own-created function in your core.tasks, if you do not want to test it but only make sure you are giving correct arguments, you need to mock it. In your question you're mocking wrong package. You should do:
# tests/
def test_refresh_library():
In your task function, refresh_user_library is a local name, not an attribute of the task. What you want is the real qualified name of the function you want to mock:
def test_refresh_library():
# you test here

Is it possible to make pytest report if a function is never called directly in a test?

def main(p):
if foo_a(p):
return False
return p**2
def foo_a(p):
return p % 11 == 0
Now you can get 100% test coverage by
import unittest
from script import main
class Foobar(unittest.TestCase):
def test_main(self):
self.assertEquals(main(3), 9)
But maybe one wanted foo_a to be p % 2 == 0 instead.
The question
Branch coverage would shed a light on it, but I would also like to know if a function was never called "directly" by a test (such as main is in the example), but only indirectly (such as foo_a in the example).
Is this possible with pytest?
First of all just general line of thought is to unittest foo_a as well
import unittest
from script import main, foo_a
class Foobar(unittest.TestCase):
def test_main(self):
self.assertEquals(main(3), 9)
def test_foo_a(self):
self.assertEquals(foo_a(11), True)
You are probably looking for which can be used with pytest, this tool can show you exactly which lines of code had been called during testing
But I think there is another way to check your problem it is called mutation testing, here are some libraries that could help you with it
And also look into property based testing libraries like

Mocking an instance method call in a function

I'm currently having my first real experience writing tests by creating a unittest suite in python, and I've run into a problem with my mock framework.
Currently, I have a function that has a line like this:
def data_function():
*Some code*
with AccountDBConnection(account_id) as adb: # Pulling data
data = adb.get_query_results(query)
*Some more code*
I'm trying to test that the function get_query_results is being called correctly. In my tests, I'm attempting to test it as so:
def test_data_function(self, mock_AccountDBConnection):
*Other assertions*
*more assertions*
Unfortunately, whenever I try to run this test, I get an AssertionError stating get_query_results is never called. It most certainly is called, and I can't get it to recognize this. I think it's because the method is being called on an instance of an object that is created within the function, but I don't know how to get the mock to recognize. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Thanks a bunch!
