I am trying to use the gmplot library to plot a load of lats/long coordinates I have. If I just take the example on the pypi page, see below ( and run it, I generate the HTML file but I don't know how to turn this into the actual map. Any ideas?
gmap = gmplot.GoogleMapPlotter(37.428, -122.145, 16)
gmap.plot(latitudes, longitudes, 'cornflowerblue', edge_width=10)
gmap.scatter(more_lats, more_lngs, '#3B0B39', size=40, marker=False)
gmap.scatter(marker_lats, marker_lngs, 'k', marker=True)
gmap.heatmap(heat_lats, heat_lngs)
This will generate the map in your folder where your notebook is, or your file where you have written the code. If you want the map to be generated at some other location specify the path at gmap.draw(<path for map>).
This map can be opened in any browser. Generated map by gmplot has javascript based zoomin capability and the entire map can be accessed through the browser
I need to create a Wind Rose KML file to be opened in google earth with as (similar to) the following pictures.
I can create wind roses using windrose python module, like this one:
And I know how to create KML points and lines in python using simplekml module like this one:
Does anyone know any package capable of doing that?
or any idea of how to do it?
If you use matplotlib when draw windrose, try to save the fig with following opthons.
plt.savefig('windrose.png', bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0, transparent=True)
After you got the image file, generate ground overlay code in kml.
import simplekml
kml = simplekml.Kml(open=1)
doc = kml.newdocument(name='sample', open=1, visibility=0)
ground = doc.newgroundoverlay(name='windrose example')
ground.icon.href = 'windrose.png'
ground.altitudemode = simplekml.AltitudeMode.absolute
ground.altitude = 500.0
ground.latlonbox.north = 38.031368255615234
ground.latlonbox.south = 37.11344909667969
ground.latlonbox.east = 141.5791015625
ground.latlonbox.west = 140.4208984375
ground.visibility = 1'sample.kml')
Each values are need to adjust.
Please refer following, if you'd like to know more about ground overlay.
Open Google Earth.
Draw a static picture\chart like wanted one over a map.
Save it into a KML file.
Open with any text editor.
It must show you an example which lead you to generate a valid KML with your data.
I created a plotly figure using python and I am aware that one can save the interactive figure in html format by using:
For the axis labels, as well as the title of the figure, I used LaTeX fonts like this:
fig.update_layout(title=r'$\text{Some title}_2$')
When I render it in my browser directly the LaTeX fonts are displayed correctly. However, when I save the figure in .html format, the title, as well as the axis labels, are not rendered using LaTeX fonts. I rather see the plain text like $\text{Some title}_2$.
What can I do to circumvent that problem?
Add an include_mathjax = 'cdn' parameter to .write_html.
And read the documentation of write_html function carefully :)
include_mathjax: bool or string (default False)
Specifies how the MathJax.js library is included in the output html div string. MathJax is required in order to display labels with LaTeX typesetting.
If False, no script tag referencing MathJax.js will be included in the output.
If 'cdn', a script tag that references a MathJax CDN location will be included in the output. HTML div strings generated with this option will be able to display
LaTeX typesetting as long as internet access is available.
If a string that ends in '.js', a script tag is included that
references the specified path. This approach can be used to point the
resulting HTML div string to an alternative CDN.
import as px
fig = px.line(x = [0,1,2], y = [0,1,4])
fig.update_layout(title=r'$\text{Some title}_2$')
fig.write_html("example_figure.html", include_mathjax = 'cdn')
Given a graph defined in SageMath:
G = Graph({...})
one can call to open a preview.
But how can I save this picture to file instead?
I'm aware I can do this within the preview dialog,
but I can't see an option to do this from code.
Something like .write('/tmp/file').
I can use latex, write the output to a file, and then compile it with LaTeX, but this seems a little round the corner:
The result of a call to graph.plot() is a sage Graphics object, which is the fundamental object for manipulating and saving graphics. To save the plot, name the Graphics object and call one of its save methods.
For a complete minimum example:
# In sage session or script
G = graphs.WheelGraph(15)
p = G.plot()
p.save_image("myimage.png") # saves the graph to myimage.png
I have tried to export a visualisation of data with ipyleaflet as PNG or any other file format but i could not find a method that is working. For example in folium there is Is there a library or method in ipyleaflet that i have missed in my research which helps me to accomplish my goal?
here is some example code to generate a map
from ipyleaflet import *
center = [34.6252978589571, -77.34580993652344]
zoom = 10
m = Map(default_tiles=TileLayer(opacity=1.0), center=center, zoom=zoom)
I'd like to export this map as an image file without taking a screenshot manually.
I found two sources that allow to export javascript leaflet maps: and
Unfortunately i was not able to make use of them in python.
My colleague and I found a decent work around for ipyleaflet (python) image export. Here is how it works. The folium library is required for an export. The GeoJson data in this example is already prepared with style properties:
import folium
map = folium.Map([51., 12.], zoom_start=6,control_scale=True)
This is how the result looks:
The html file can be further processed in python (windows) with subprocess calls to make a PDF or PNG out of it. I hope this helps as the ipyleaflet doc for python is almost non existant.
For generating html, you can use ipywidgets
from ipywidgets.embed import embed_minimal_html
embed_minimal_html('map.html', views=[m])
If you want to make a PNG, you can use ipywebrtc, more specifically:
Or in code:
from ipywebrtc import WidgetStream, ImageRecorder
widget_stream = WidgetStream(widget=m, max_fps=1)
image_recorder = ImageRecorder(stream=widget_stream)
Saving the PNG:
with open('map.png', 'wb') as f:
Or converting to pillow image for preprocessing:
import PIL.Image
import io
im =
ipyleaflet supports saving as html. Export of svg and png does not seem to be supported.'output.html')
I created an issue ticket for ipyleaflet:
I just discovered plotly and like it so far. I have this code provided by the main website
import plotly.plotly as py
from plotly.graph_objs import *
trace0 = Scatter(
trace1 = Scatter(
data = Data([trace0, trace1])
unique_url = py.plot(data, filename='basic-line')
I am curious about two things:
1) When I run this code, my browser automatically pops up and shows me the graph. All I want is the url so that I can later embed it in an html file. Is there a way to turn off the feature that opens my browser and shows me the graph?
2) Is there a way to get rid of the 'Play with this data' link?
I have combed through the documentation provided, but have come up empty-handed on these two issues.
To disable pop-ups you could use auto_open=FALSE and try the following
py.plot(data, filename='basic_line', auto_open=False)
py.plot(data, show_link=False) will take that link off (if you are referring to the link that says Export to At least it does using:
import plotly.offline as py. As for the link at the top (when you hover your mouse over the graph), I'm trying to get rid of the Save and edit plot in cloud but only find options for that under the java script version... and that hides the whole bar which has other useful items on it (javascript option is: {displayModeBar: false}). Obviously I am finding the reference to "play with this data" ambiguous. You can see the workaround I wrote here: Adding config modes to Plotly.Py offline - modebar
You can easily remove that Export to link in the offline graph.
Open your saved html file in a text editor. and search for. {"showLink": true, "linkText": "Export to"}
And change the true value to false.