Python Cerberus how to check dynamic root keys - python

I have a dict with IDs as its root keys that I want to validate. In other words, the root keys of the dict I want to validate are dynamic. Is there a way to run keyschema against the root keys?
import cerberus
v = cerberus.validator.Validator()
schema = {'keyschema': {'type': 'string'}}
d = {'foo': 'bar', 'baz': 'gaz'}
print('I want this to be true.')
print(v.validate(d, schema))
### Output:
# I want this to be true.
# False
I know I could do the following:
wrapper = {'nested': d}
schema = {'nested': {'keyschema': {'type': 'string'}}}
v.validate(wrapper, schema)
but the current structure of my project doesn't easily allow for that.
Any solutions/tips/suggestions?

I managed to hack something together ( subclassing Validator and overriding validate():
class V(cerberus.Validator):
def validate(self, document, schema=None, update=False, normalize=True):
doc = None
wrapped = False
if schema is not None:
root_schema = schema.get('__root__', None)
wrapped = root_schema is not None
if wrapped:
doc = {'__root__': document}
schema = {'__root__': root_schema}
elif self.schema is not None:
root_schema = self.schema.get('__root__', None)
wrapped = root_schema is not None
if wrapped:
doc = {'__root__': document}
schema = {'__root__': root_schema}
doc = doc or document
result = super(V, self).validate(doc, schema, update, normalize)
if wrapped:
# Unwrap.
self.document = self.document['__root__']
for e in self._errors:
e.schema_path = tuple(e.schema_path[1:])
if len(e.document_path) > 1:
e.document_path = tuple(e.document_path[1:])
return result
This allows you to treat the root document as a 'type': 'dict' or 'type': 'list'.
v = V()
d = {'1': '1', '2': '2'}
schema = {'__root__': {
'type': 'dict',
'keyschema': {'coerce': int},
'valueschema': {'coerce': int},
print(v.validate(d, schema), v.document, v.errors)
l = ['1', '2']
schema = {'__root__': {
'type': 'list',
'schema': {'coerce': int},
print(v.validate(l, schema), v.document, v.errors)
l = ['1', 'b']
print(v.validate(l, schema), v.document, v.errors)
True {1: 1, 2: 2} {}
True [1, 2] {}
False [1, 'b'] {1: ["field '1' cannot be coerced: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'b'"]}


How edit python dict in example?

I have a dict:
my_dict = {'some.key' : 'value'}
and i want to change it like this:
result = {'some' : {'key' : 'value'}}
how i can do this?
I need to this to create nested classes using dicts:
my_dict = {'nested.key' : 'value'}
class Nested:
key : str
class MyDict:
nested : Nested
if you need this for real use, and not as a coding exercise, you can install extradict and use extradict.NestedData:
In [1]: from extradict import NestedData
In [2]: a = NestedData({'some.key' : 'value'})
In [3]: a["some"]
Out[3]: {'key': <str>}
In [4]: a["some"]["key"]
Out[4]: 'value'
In [5]:
Out[5]: {'some': {'key': 'value'}}
(disclaimer: I am the package author)
Not quite sure if I understand your question, but would
result = {key.split('.')[0]: {key.split('.')[1]: value} for key, value in my_dict.items()}
do the trick?
I hope this function will help you
def foo(obj):
result = {}
for k, v in obj.items():
keys = k.split('.')
caret = result
for i in range(len(keys)):
curr_key = keys[i]
if i == len(keys) - 1:
caret[curr_key] = v
caret.setdefault(curr_key, {})
caret = caret[curr_key]
return result
with recurtion it could look like this (having all keys unique is essential):
my_dict = {'key0' : 'value0',
'nested.key' : 'value',
'nested1.nested1.key1' : 'value1',
'nested2.nested2.nested2.key2' : 'value2'}
def func(k,v):
if not '.' in k: return {k:v}
k1,k = k.split('.',1)
return {k1:func(k,v)}
res = {}
for k,v in my_dict.items():
>>> res
{'key0': 'value0',
'nested': {'key': 'value'},
'nested1': {'nested1': {'key1': 'value1'}},
'nested2': {'nested2': {'nested2': {'key2': 'value2'}}}}

python set dict not exist, how can I handle it?

import SimpleITK as sitk
reader = sitk.ImageFileReader()
img = reader.Execute()
meta = {
"a": reader.GetMetaData('0'), <- if not exist return 'undeinfed'
"b": reader.GetMetaData('1'),
"c": reader.GetMetaData('2'),
I am javascript developer.
I want to set meta dict and it shows error which is 'Key '0' does not exist'.
It can be not exist how can I set meta in this case?
From the docs, the ImageFileReader class has a HasMetaDataKey() boolean function. So you should be able to do something like this:
meta = {
"a": reader.GetMetaData('0') if reader.HasMetaDataKey('0') else 'undefined',
"b": reader.GetMetaData('1') if reader.HasMetaDataKey('1') else 'undefined',
"c": reader.GetMetaData('2') if reader.HasMetaDataKey('2') else 'undefined',
And you could do in one (long) line:
meta = {m: reader.GetMetaData(k) if reader.HasMetaDataKey(k) else 'undefined'
for m, k in zip(['a', 'b', 'c'], ['0', '1', '2'])}
you can use default dict
from collections import defaultdict
d = defaultdict(lambda : 'xx') #<- Whatever value you want
d[10] #no value passed value automatically assinged to xx
d[11]=12 #value 12 assinged
#to get value you can use d.get(key)
print(d[10]) #prints 'xx'
defaultdict(<function <lambda> at 0x000001557B4B03A8>, {10: 'xx', 11: 12})
you get the idea you can modify according to your need

Apply json patch to a Mongoengine document

I'm trying to apply a json-patch to a Mongoengine Document.
I'm using these json-patch library: and mongoengine 0.14.3 with python 3.6.3
This is my actual code:
json_patch = JsonPatch.from_string(jp_string)
document = Document.objects(id=document_id)
json_documents = json.loads(document.as_pymongo().to_json())
json_patched_document = json_patch.apply(json_documents[0])
Is there a better way to save an edited json document?
I've enhanced a little bit the code:
json_patch = JsonPatch.from_string(jp_string)
document = Document.objects(id=document_id)
json_document = json.loads(document.as_pymongo().to_json())
json_patched_document = json_patch.apply(json_documents[0])
.from_json(json.dumps(json_patched_document), created=True)
but, is there a way to not convert the document to json?
I had slightly similar problem, the part that I dont wanted the complete Document for saving, I just wanted to update fields which are modified/added.
heres the code I tests on below inputs:
def tryjsonpatch():
doc_in_db = {'foo': 'bar', "name": "aj", 'numbers': [1, 3, 7, 8]}
input = {'foo': 'bar', "name": "dj", 'numbers': [1, 3, 4, 8]}
input2 = {'foo': 'bar', "name": "aj", 'numbers': [1, 3, 7, 8], "extera": "12"}
input3 = {'foo': 'bar', "name": "dj", 'numbers': [1, 3, 4, 8], "extera": "12"}
patch = jsonpatch.JsonPatch.from_diff(doc_in_db, input3)
print("\n***patch***\n", patch)
doc = get_minimal_doc(doc_in_db, patch)
result = patch.apply(doc, in_place=True)
print("\n###result###\n", result,
"\n###present###\n", doc_in_db)
def get_minimal_doc(present, patch):
cur_dc = {}
for change in patch.patch:
if change['op'] not in ("add"):
keys = change['path'].split("/")[1:]
present_move = {}
old_key = 1
first = True
for key in keys:
if key.isdigit(): # old_key represented a array
cur_dc[old_key] = present_move
if first:
cur_dc[key] = {}
first = False
cur_dc[old_key][key] = {}
old_key = key
present_move = present[old_key]
return cur_dc

Generate hierarchical JSON tree structure from Django model

I have a Django model as
class Classification(models.Model):
kingdom = models.CharField(db_column='Kingdom', max_length=50)
phylum = models.CharField(db_column='Phylum', max_length=50)
class_field = models.CharField(db_column='Class', max_length=50)
order = models.CharField(db_column='Order', max_length=50)
family = models.CharField(db_column='Family', max_length=50)
genus = models.CharField(db_column='Genus', max_length=50)
species = models.CharField(db_column='Species', max_length=50)
to represent biological taxonomy classification as shown here:
I have classification records of over 5,000 species. I need to generate JSON hierarchical structure as shown below.
'name': "root",
'children': [
'name': "Animalia",
'children': [
'children': [ ... ]
Can you suggest me any method(s) to do so?
You can do the following:
Transform a list of Classifications to a nested dict.
Transform nested dict to the required format
Samples here will operate on slightly reduced Classification class to improve readability:
class Classification:
def __init__(self, kingdom, phylum, klass, species):
self.kingdom = kingdom
self.phylum = phylum
self.klass = klass
self.species = species
First part:
from collections import defaultdict
# in order to work with your actual implementation add more levels of nesting
# as lambda: defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list)))
nested_dict = defaultdict(
lambda: defaultdict(
lambda: defaultdict(list)
for c in all_classifications:
defaultdict is just a nice tool to guarantee existence of the key in a dictionary, it receives any callable and use it to create a value for missing key.
Now we have nice nested dictionary in the form of
'Kingdom1': {
'Phylum1': {
'Class1': ["Species1", "Species2"],
'Class2': ["Species3", "Species4"],
'Phylum2': { ... }
'Kingdom2': { 'Phylum3': { ... }, 'Phylum4': {... } }
Part two: converting to desired output
def nested_to_tree(key, source):
result = {'name': key, 'children':[]}
for key, value in source.items():
if isinstance(value, list):
result['children'] = value
child = nested_to_tree(key, value)
return result
tree = nested_to_tree('root', nested_dict')
I believe it's self-explanatory - we just convert passed dictionary to desired format and recurse to it's content to form children.
Complete example is here.
Two notes:
Written in python 3. Replacing source.items() with source.iteritems() should suffice to run in python 2.
You haven't specify what leafs should looks like, so I just assumed that leaf nodes should be genus with all species attached as children. If you want species to be leaf nodes - it's pretty straightforward to modify the code to do so. If you have any trouble doing so - let me know in comments.
Finally got what I wanted. Code is not beautiful, near ugly, yet somehow I got what I wanted.
def classification_flare_json(request):
#Extracting from database and sorting the taxonomy from left to right
clazz = Classification.objects.all().order_by('kingdom','phylum','class_field','genus','species')
tree = {'name': "root", 'children': []}
#To receive previous value of given taxa type
def get_previous(type):
types = ['kingdom', 'phylum', 'class_field', 'family', 'genus', 'species']
n = types.index(type)
sub_tree = tree['children']
if not sub_tree: return None
for i in range(n):
if not sub_tree: return None
sub_tree = sub_tree[len(sub_tree)-1]['children']
if not sub_tree: return None
last_item = sub_tree[len(sub_tree)-1]
return last_item['name']
#To add new nodes in the tree
def append(type, item):
types = ['kingdom', 'phylum', 'class_field', 'family', 'genus', 'species_id']
n = types.index(type)
sub_tree = tree['children']
for i in range(n+1):
if not sub_tree: return None
sub_tree = sub_tree[len(sub_tree)-1]['children']
for item in clazz:
while True:
if item.kingdom == get_previous('kingdom'):
if item.phylum == get_previous('phylum'):
if item.class_field == get_previous('class_field'):
if == get_previous('family'):
if item.genus == get_previous('genus'):
append('genus', {'name':item.species, 'size': 1})
append('family', {'name':item.genus, 'children': []})
append('class_field', {'name', 'children':[]})
append('phylum', {'name': item.class_field, 'children':[]})
append('kingdom', {'name': item.phylum, 'children':[]})
tree['children'].append({'name': item.kingdom, 'children':[]})
return HttpResponse(json.dumps(tree), content_type="application/json")

python generating nested dictionary key error

I am trying to create a nested dictionary from a mysql query but I am getting a key error
result = {}
for i, q in enumerate(query):
result['data'][i]['firstName'] = q.first_name
result['data'][i]['lastName'] = q.last_name
result['data'][i]['email'] =
KeyError: 'data'
desired result
result = {
'data': {
0: {'firstName': ''...}
1: {'firstName': ''...}
2: {'firstName': ''...}
You wanted to create a nested dictionary
result = {} will create an assignment for a flat dictionary, whose items can have any values like "string", "int", "list" or "dict"
For this flat assignment
python knows what to do for result["first"]
If you want "first" also to be another dictionary you need to tell Python by an assingment
result['first'] = {}.
otherwise, Python raises "KeyError"
I think you are looking for this :)
>>> from collections import defaultdict
>>> mydict = lambda: defaultdict(mydict)
>>> result = mydict()
>>> result['Python']['rules']['the world'] = "Yes I Agree"
>>> result['Python']['rules']['the world']
'Yes I Agree'
result = {}
result['data'] = {}
for i, q in enumerate(query):
result['data']['i'] = {}
result['data'][i]['firstName'] = q.first_name
result['data'][i]['lastName'] = q.last_name
result['data'][i]['email'] =
Alternatively, you can use you own class which adds the extra dicts automatically
class AutoDict(dict):
def __missing__(self, k):
self[k] = AutoDict()
return self[k]
result = AutoDict()
for i, q in enumerate(query):
result['data'][i]['firstName'] = q.first_name
result['data'][i]['lastName'] = q.last_name
result['data'][i]['email'] =
result['data'] does exist. So you cannot add data to it.
Try this out at the start:
result = {'data': []};
You have to create the key data first:
result = {}
result['data'] = {}
for i, q in enumerate(query):
result['data'][i] = {}
result['data'][i]['firstName'] = q.first_name
result['data'][i]['lastName'] = q.last_name
result['data'][i]['email'] =
