python bokeh vbar_stack streaming glyph doesn't update - python

I want to create a real time updating plot with stacked bars. During the session there has to be adding new bars. But the updating function only works if I refresh the browser. Here is my code:
import numpy as np
import datetime
from bokeh.plotting import figure, ColumnDataSource, curdoc
import random
x = 0
def get_data():
global x
x = x + random.random()
new = {
return new
type = ["y1", "y2"]
colors = ["blue", "yellow"]
source = ColumnDataSource({'x':[], 'y1':[], 'y2':[]})
def update():
p = figure(plot_width=800, plot_height=400)
p.vbar_stack(type, x='x', width=0.5, color=colors, source=source)
curdoc().add_periodic_callback(update, 60)

This was a bug in Bokeh: issue #7823 resolved in PR #7833. You will need to update to version 0.12.16 or newer.


Can't get CrossHairTool in Bokeh to be linked over several plots

I've studied the post:
"How do I link the CrossHairTool in bokeh over several plots?" (See How do I link the CrossHairTool in bokeh over several plots?.
I used the function written by Hamid Fadishei on June 2020 within this post but cannot manage to get the CrossHairTool to correctly display over several plots.
In my implementation, the crosshair displays only within the plot hovered over. I am currently using Bokeh version 2.1.1 with Python Anaconda version 3.7.6 using the Python extension in VSCode version 1.48. I am not familiar with Javascript, so any help to debug my code to correctly display the crosshair across the two plots will be welcomed.
My code:
# Importing libraries:
import pandas as pd
import random
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from bokeh.models import CustomJS, CrosshairTool, ColumnDataSource, DatetimeTickFormatter, HoverTool
from bokeh.layouts import gridplot
from bokeh.plotting import figure, output_file, show
# Function wrote by Hamid Fadishei to enable a linked crosshair within gridplot:
def add_vlinked_crosshairs(figs):
js_leave = ''
js_move = 'if(cb_obj.x >= fig.x_range.start && cb_obj.x <= fig.x_range.end &&\n'
js_move += 'cb_obj.y >= fig.y_range.start && cb_obj.y <= fig.y_range.end){\n'
for i in range(len(figs)-1):
js_move += '\t\t\tother%d.spans.height.computed_location =\n' % i
js_move += '}else{\n'
for i in range(len(figs)-1):
js_move += '\t\t\tother%d.spans.height.computed_location = null\n' % i
js_leave += '\t\t\tother%d.spans.height.computed_location = null\n' % i
js_move += '}'
crosses = [CrosshairTool() for fig in figs]
for i, fig in enumerate(figs):
args = {'fig': fig}
k = 0
for j in range(len(figs)):
if i != j:
args['other%d'%k] = crosses[j]
k += 1
fig.js_on_event('mousemove', CustomJS(args=args, code=js_move))
fig.js_on_event('mouseleave', CustomJS(args=args, code=js_leave))
# Create dataframe consisting of 5 random numbers within column A and B as a function of an arbitrary time range:
startDate = datetime(2020,5,1)
timeStep = timedelta(minutes = 5)
df = pd.DataFrame({
"Date": [startDate + (i * timeStep) for i in range(5)],
"A": [random.randrange(1, 50, 1) for i in range(5)],
"B": [random.randrange(1, 50, 1) for i in range(5)]})
# Generate output file as html file:
output_file("test_linked_crosshair.html", title='Results')
# Define selection tools within gridplot:
select_tools = ["xpan", "xwheel_zoom", "box_zoom", "reset", "save"]
sample = ColumnDataSource(df)
# Define figures:
fig_1 = figure(plot_height=250,
fig_1.line(x='Date', y='A',
fig_2 = figure(plot_height=250,
fig_2.line(x='Date', y='B',
# Define hover tool for showing timestep and value of crosshair on graph:
('','#A{0.00 a}')],
('','#B{0.00 a}')],
# Calling function to enable linked crosshairs within gridplot:
add_vlinked_crosshairs([fig_1, fig_2])
# Generate gridplot:
p = gridplot([[fig_1], [fig_2]])
myGraphenter code here
Here's a solution that works as of Bokeh 2.2.1: Just use the same crosshair tool object for all the plots that need it linked. Like so:
import numpy as np
from bokeh.plotting import figure, show
from bokeh.layouts import gridplot
from bokeh.models import CrosshairTool
plots = [figure() for i in range(6)]
[plot.line(np.arange(10), np.random.random(10)) for plot in plots]
linked_crosshair = CrosshairTool(dimensions="both")
for plot in plots:
show(gridplot(children=[plot for plot in plots], ncols=3))

bokeh: How to edit a df or CDS-object through box_select?

I'm trying to label a pandas-df (containing timeseries data) with the help of
a bokeh-lineplot, box_select tool and a TextInput widget in a jupyter-notebook. How can I access the by the box_select selected data points?
I tried to edit a similar problems code (Get selected data contained within box select tool in Bokeh) by changing the CustomJS to something like:
source.callback = CustomJS(args=dict(p=p), code="""
var inds = cb_obj.get('selected')['1d'].indices;
[['xvals'][i] for i in inds] = 'b'
but couldn't apply a change on the source of the selected points.
So the shortterm goal is to manipulate a specific column of source of the selected points.
Longterm I want to use a TextInput widget to label the selected points by the supplied Textinput. That would look like:
That's the current code I'm trying in the notebook, to reconstruct the issue:
from random import random
import bokeh as bk
from bokeh.layouts import row
from bokeh.models import CustomJS, ColumnDataSource, HoverTool
from bokeh.plotting import figure, output_file, show, output_notebook
x = [random() for x in range(20)]
y = [random() for y in range(20)]
hovertool=HoverTool(tooltips=[("Index", "$index"), ("Label", "#label")])
source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=x, y=y, label=[i for i in "a"*20]))
p1 = figure(plot_width=400, plot_height=400, tools="box_select", title="Select Here")'x', 'y', source=source, alpha=0.6)
source.selected.js_on_change('indices', CustomJS(args=dict(source=source), code="""
var inds = cb_obj.indices;
for (var i = 0; i < inds.length; i++) {['label'][inds[i]] = 'b'
layout = row(p1)
The main thing to note is that BokehJS can only automatically notice updates when actual assignments are made, e.g. = some_new_data
That would trigger an update. If you update the data "in place" then BokehJS is not able to notice that. You will have to be explicit and call source.change.emit() to let BokehJS know something has been updated.
However, you should also know that you are using three different things that are long-deprecated and will be removed in the release after next.
There is no need to ever use .get You can just access properties directly:
The ['1d'] syntax. This dict approach was very clumsy and will be removed very soon. For most selections you want the indices property of the selection:
This is an ancient ad-hoc callback. There is a newer general mechanism for callbacks on properties that should always be used instead
source.selected.js_on_change('indices', CustomJS(...))
Note that in this case, the cb_obj is the selection, not the data source.
With the help of this guide on how to embed a bokeh server in the notebook I figured out the following minimal example for my purpose:
from random import random
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from import output_notebook, show
from bokeh.layouts import column
from bokeh.models import Button
from bokeh.plotting import figure
from bokeh.models import HoverTool, ColumnDataSource, BoxSelectTool
from bokeh.models.widgets import TextInput
def modify_doc(doc):
# create a plot and style its properties
p = figure(title = "My chart", tools=TOOLS)
p.xaxis.axis_label = 'X'
p.yaxis.axis_label = 'Y'
hovertool=HoverTool(tooltips=[("Index", "$index"), ("Label", "#label")])
source = ColumnDataSource(
xvals=list(range(0, 10)),
yvals=list(np.random.normal(0, 1, 10)),
label = [i for i in "a"*10]
p.scatter("xvals", "yvals",source=source, color="white")
p.line("xvals", "yvals",source=source)
# create a callback that will add a number in a random location
def callback():
inds = source.selected.indices
for i in inds:['label'][i] = label_input.value.strip()
new_data = pd.DataFrame(
new_data.to_csv("new_data.csv", index=False)
# TextInput to specify the label
label_input = TextInput(title="Label")
# add a button widget and configure with the call back
button = Button(label="Label Data")
# put the button and plot in a layout and add to the document
doc.add_root(column(button,label_input, p))
show(modify_doc, notebook_url="http://localhost:8888")
That generates the following UI:
BTW: Due to the non-existing box_select tool for the line glyph I use a workaround by combining it with invisible scatter points.
So far so good, is there a more elegant way to access the data.source/new_data df in the notebook outside modify_doc() than exporting it within the callback?

python bokeh: update scatter plot colors on callback

I only started to use Bokeh recently. I have a scatter plot in which I would like to color each marker according to a certain third property (say a quantity, while the x-axis is a date and the y-axis is a given value at that point in time).
Assuming my data is in a data frame, I managed to do this using a linear color map as follows:
min_q = df.quantity.min()
max_q = df.quantity.max()
mapper = linear_cmap(field_name='quantity', palette=palettes.Spectral6, low=min_q, high=max_q)
source = ColumnDataSource(data=get_data(df))
p = figure(x_axis_type="datetime")
p.scatter(x="date_column", y="value", marker="triangle", fill_color=mapper, line_color=None, source=source)
color_bar = ColorBar(color_mapper=mapper['transform'], width=8, location=(0,0))
p.add_layout(color_bar, 'right')
This seems to work as expected. Below is the plot I get upon starting the bokeh server.
Then I have a callback function update() triggered upon changing value in some widget (a select or a time picker).
def update():
# get new df (according to new date/select)
df = get_df()
# update min/max for colormap
min_q = df.quantity.min()
max_q = df.quantity.max()
# I think I should not create a new mapper but doing so I get closer
mapper = linear_cmap(field_name='quantity', palette=palettes.Spectral6 ,low=min_q, high=max_q)
color_bar.color_mapper=mapper['transform'] = get_data(df)
# etc
This is the closest I could get. The color map is updated with new values, but it seems that the colors of the marker still follow the original pattern. See picture below (given that quantity I would expect green, but it is blue as it still seen as < 4000 as in the map of the first plot before the callback).
Should I just add a "color" column to the data frame? I feel there is an easier/more convenient way to do that.
EDIT: Here is a minimal working example using the answer by bigreddot:
from import curdoc
from bokeh.layouts import column
from bokeh.plotting import figure
from bokeh.models import Button, ColumnDataSource, ColorBar, HoverTool
from bokeh.palettes import Spectral6
from bokeh.transform import linear_cmap
import numpy as np
x = [1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10]
y = [1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10]
z = [1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10]
source = ColumnDataSource(dict(x=x, y=y, z=z))
#Use the field name of the column source
mapper = linear_cmap(field_name='z', palette=Spectral6 ,low=min(y) ,high=max(y))
p = figure(plot_width=300, plot_height=300, title="Linear Color Map Based on Y")'x', y='y', line_color=mapper,color=mapper, fill_alpha=1, size=12, source=source)
color_bar = ColorBar(color_mapper=mapper['transform'], width=8, location=(0,0))
p.add_tools(HoverTool(tooltips="#z", show_arrow=False, point_policy='follow_mouse'))
p.add_layout(color_bar, 'right')
b = Button()
def update():
new_z = np.exp2(z)
mapper = linear_cmap(field_name='z', palette=Spectral6 ,low=min(new_z), high=max(new_z))
color_bar.color_mapper=mapper['transform'] = dict(x=x, y=y, z=new_z)
curdoc().add_root(column(b, p))
Upon update, the circles will be colored according to the original scale: everything bigger than 10 will be red. Instead, I would expect everything blue until the last 3 circle on tops that should be colored green yellow and red respectively.
It's possible that is a bug, feel free to open a GitHub issue.
That said, the above code does not represent best practices for Bokeh usage, which is: always make the smallest update possible. In this case, this means setting new property values on the existing color transform, rather than replacing the existing color transform.
Here is a complete working example (made with Bokeh 1.0.2) that demonstrates the glyph's colormapped colors updating in response to the data column changing:
from import curdoc
from bokeh.layouts import column
from bokeh.plotting import figure
from bokeh.models import Button, ColumnDataSource, ColorBar
from bokeh.palettes import Spectral6
from bokeh.transform import linear_cmap
x = [1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10]
y = [1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10]
z = [1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10]
#Use the field name of the column source
mapper = linear_cmap(field_name='z', palette=Spectral6 ,low=min(y) ,high=max(y))
source = ColumnDataSource(dict(x=x, y=y, z=z))
p = figure(plot_width=300, plot_height=300, title="Linear Color Map Based on Y")'x', y='y', line_color=mapper,color=mapper, fill_alpha=1, size=12, source=source)
color_bar = ColorBar(color_mapper=mapper['transform'], width=8, location=(0,0))
p.add_layout(color_bar, 'right')
b = Button()
def update():
new_z = np.exp2(z)
# update the existing transform
mapper['transform'].high=max(new_z) = dict(x=x, y=y, z=new_z)
curdoc().add_root(column(b, p))
Here is the original plot:
And here is the update plot after clicking the button

How to make a Bokeh scatter plot interactive (with slider)

I'm trying to make a scatter plot in Bokeh based on the simple example code posted here.
The following code produces a working demo for a line plot:
from bokeh.layouts import column
from bokeh.models import CustomJS, ColumnDataSource, Slider
from bokeh.plotting import Figure, show
# fetch and clear the document
from import curdoc
x = [x*0.005 for x in range(0, 100)]
y = x
source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=x, y=y))
plot = Figure(plot_width=400, plot_height=400)
plot.line(x='x', y='y', source=source)
def callback(source=source, window=None):
data =
f = cb_obj.value
x, y = data['x'], data['y']
for i in range(len(x)):
y[i] = window.Math.pow(x[i], f)
slider = Slider(start=0.1, end=4, value=1, step=.1, title="Start week",
layout = column(slider, plot)
It looks like this:
In this demo, when you adjust the slider and press the 'reset' icon, the plot re-draws itself based on the updated formula for y=f(x).
However, I want to make a scatter plot that changes, not a line plot.
When I simply change plot.line in above code to, the plot renders okay but it is static - it does not change when you shift the slider and press 'reset'. No error messages that I can see.
I found the answer in the documentation.
The final line in callback should be source.change.emit() not source.trigger('change'). I do not know the difference between these two but the latter works with circle plots.
def callback(source=source, window=None):
data =
f = cb_obj.value
x, y = data['x'], data['y']
for i in range(len(x)):
y[i] = window.Math.pow(x[i], f)

Bokeh streaming axes

When I'm using Bokeh Stream on Bokeh Server I start with an empty ColumnDataSource - however, this presents a problem as the figure is then generated with no axes labels and despite the data in the plot being updated the axes remain unchanged when it's plotted. It appears the solution to this is to have a fixed x_range and y_range - however, since it's constantly streaming I don't want it to be fixed...
I guess the solution is to update the ranges too but I'm not sure how to do this?
My code currently is as followed:
source_ios = ColumnDataSource({'Date': [], 'Vol': []})
source_gp = ColumnDataSource({'Date': [], 'Vol': []})
ios = figure(toolbar_location=None, x_axis_type='datetime',plot_width=800, plot_height=250)'Date',y='Vol', fill_color="pink",line_color=None, fill_alpha=0.05, size=20, source=source_ios)
def update():
MAU_ios = pd.read_csv('myapp/data/pplus_ios_data.csv')
MAU_ios['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(MAU_ios['Date'])
MAU_ios['Vol'] = MAU_ios.Vol.astype(int)
new_MAU_ios = {'Date':MAU_ios['Date'], 'Vol':MAU_ios['Vol']}
curdoc().add_periodic_callback(update, 8000)
The graph looks like this, as can be seen the axes aren't updated automatically
If you don't create the axis + label beforehand you need to add some padding with the min_border properties of figure()
from import curdoc
from bokeh.plotting import figure
from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource
from random import random
source_ios = ColumnDataSource({'Date': [], 'Vol': []})
ios = figure(toolbar_location=None,plot_width=800, plot_height=250)
ios.xaxis.axis_label = 'Date'
ios.yaxis.axis_label = 'Vol'
ios.min_border_left = 50
ios.min_border_bottom = 50'Date',y='Vol',color="pink", size=20, source=source_ios)
def update():
global i
new_MAU_ios = {'Date':range(i,i+10),'Vol':[random() for j in range(10)]}
curdoc().add_periodic_callback(update, 8000)
