Google App Engine Deploy Error When Deploying Python - python

Currently I am trying to deploy a server for Mit App Inventor, when I browser the project it looks just fine and the local host works as well. The problem is that when I try to deploy it I get an error. I am using python 2.7.8. By the way I am doing this project from my other gmail account.
I have tried and retried a thousand times, but with no result. Can you please help me?
This is the main error
It says that that's an error when reading a line.

From what I can see you're still using the Google App Engine Launcher which I think was deprecated and is no longer supported. The point is that it still uses to deploy and from the error message you get it also tries to use login/password for authentication which is also no longer supported.
Today you should use the Cloud SDK and the gcloud command line to manage/deploy your app. I'm confident that will solve your issue.


App works locally but crashes on Heroku because of Databases connection

Stack communities,
I need your help. I’ve just written my first app in Python with the dash libraries. I am now trying to deploy thanks to the Heroku frameworks. It first works but when trying to connect it my database (PostGre), it crashed. I think it’s because my connection btw Heroku/PostGre SQL is not working correctly.
I’ve tried many changes within my code but still don’t understand why my app crash.
When I try to run the app, I get the following error within the heroku log :
Image of the Heroku error within the server log
My code can be found here in my Github repositorie.
As of now, my database consists of a giant CSV master file because I want to keep it simple for now.
Link to the Database (Private):
*On Heroku it seems that I should use the AWS-S3 and connect it. But I didn't manage to do it.
The goal of this project is to build an end-to-end visualization tool in python and deploy it. (I decided to use Dash Library and Heroku to deploy it). Maybe I should switch to AWS...
Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated…

Setting up a sever on Google Cloud with Postgresql database?

I've been trying for about two weeks now to set up a server for a completed Django app on the google cloud shell. All of the documentation for gcloud is confusing and sends me to several different pages for one task and it is very hard to keep track of what to do. Sites like digitalocean, which is useful for Django program setup, doesn't work on gcloud. I haven't figured out a way to connect a postgres VM to my program through the cloud shell despite having the server running. I am very lost in setting this up. Could someone please help me set up my Django app? It runs perfectly on localhost but when trying to implement it into the google cloud nothing works.
I've done the django-gcloud tutorial already and set up a simple site just by importing the code from google, which doesn't help because all it does is import a completed app and you just type in "gcloud app deploy" which doesn't explain how to set it up so that you can do that.
My program uses python 3, DjangoRestFramework, and Celery. The database is Postgresql.
My full module list is:
Django-1.11.2 amqp-2.1.4 astroid-1.5.3 billiard- celery-4.0.2 djangorestframework-3.6.3 isort-4.2.15 kombu-4.0.2 lazy-object-proxy-1.3.1 mccabe-0.6.1 pep8-1.7.0 psycopg2-2.7.1 pylint-1.7.2 pytz-2017.2 six-1.10.0 vine-1.1.3 wrapt-1.10.10

python flask hosting in AWS ubuntu(EC2)

I have followed this tutorial to run flask application using apache2 server. But after I followed its instructions and when opened the {publicDNS}/flaskapp page not found error occurred. How can i solve this problem.
Thank You.
It takes sometime to configure the server. You have to restart it and see the public DNS

Can't run coursebuilder in google app engine

It is really weird that after clicking run button, it does nothing and also no log and show a clock sign on the first column.
It works normally before. However, after I messed up my python environment, the google coursebuilder can't run web application. That's my guessing. When I run which only shows:
These let me feel like I have no way to solve it!Are there anyone who came across this problem before? Any ideas or suggestions?
Updated: I follow suggestions to use command line to run web application on GAE. It reminds me here:
Update: The error message shows that GAE can't get the allocated port and domain. The reason why it happens is that when I use command line to run the web application, I also open GAE GUI to run a web app with the same port number.
So the way to solve it is to close the GAE GUI and free the port. Or we also could designate another kind of port number with command line.(--port=XXXX and --admin_port=YYYY). Or take a look at the doc:
Again thanks for the help of Mihail R!
The OP had multiple issues with GAE setup which were resolved by simply reinstalling the GAE Launcher and making sure the app was first copied into Applications from the .dmg file, then ran from the Applications instead of from inside the .dmg file, and appropriate permissions were suppose to be given so that GAE Launcher created the symlinks it needed to work properly.
More instructions on proper GAE SDK installation can be found here: after clicking on the needed SDK and then the OS the SDK will be installed on.

Server Error : Should we have to install webapp2 separately to run Google App Engine in Ubuntu?

I am following getting started guide of google app engine python2.7. I have downloaded zip file of app engine for my ubuntu. I have created helloworld files and ran
'google_appengine/ helloworld/'
command. localhost:8000, i.e. admin page opens fine, but localhost:8080 has server error.
I have tried to import in my local python environment, which gave an error. So do we have to install it? which I tried according to webapp2's official website but didn't work out.
This question gets asked so many times, have you checked stackoverflow for similar answers?
Have you read the documentation on what third party libraries are included with the appengine runtime.
webapp2 is included in the runtime but you must configure support/inclusion in app.yaml
And before you get any further read up on how to include external third party libraries. You will save yourself lots of time and questions just reading.
