(Keras) Apply pad_sequences for deeper levels // Variable label length - python

I got a label data shaped (2000,2,x) where x is between 100 and 250 for each of the 2000 sets with 2 being the x and y coordinates. To my understanding, fitting my model like in the code below would only match the length of the coordinates.
y=keras.preprocessing.sequence.pad_sequences(train_labels, maxlen=250),
So how can I bring all of these labels to the same length since that seems necessary in order to use them to train the model?

I imagine labels are going to be a somewhat sparse matrix with shape ( 2000, 2, 250) if you account for padding right? And you're attempting predicting for each example a 2D matrix with (2, 250)?
Anyways, the padding you currently have will only affect the coordinate's dimension.
A hack to get padding on the last dimension would be to permute the axis of the data and add padding then permute back to original shape:
perm_y = np.moveaxis(y, 1, 2)
padded_perm_y = sequence.padding(y, max_len=250, padding='post',
padded_y = np.moveaxis(padded_perm_y, 2, 1)

It turned out that np.pad works here (while np.moveaxis + sequence.padding didn't). So I'm iterating over my input twice; once to get the maximum length and a second time to apply np.pad to a new array that got the shape (training_samples, coordinates, maximum_sequence_length).
While I don't know whether padding distorts the output of the CNN-LSTM, I'm glad that the above error doesn't arise any longer.

For padding sequences with deeper levels (list of lists of lists,..) you can use ragged tensors and convert to tensors/arrays. For example:
import tensorflow as tf
padded_y = tf.ragged.constant(train_labels).to_tensor(0.)
This pads with 0.


Cannot reshape array of size x into shape y

I'm following a tutorial to create an LSTM neural network using keras.
I have an array of 1270 rows and 26 features.
I split the data like this:
train_ind = int(0.8 * X.shape[0])
X_train = X[:train_ind]
X_test = X[train_ind:]
y_train = y[:train_ind]
y_test = y[train_ind:]
And i'm trying to reshape it for the lstm using this:
num_steps = 4
X_train_shaped = np.reshape(X_train_sc, newshape=(-1, num_steps, 26))
y_train_shaped = np.reshape(y_train_sc, newshape=(-1, num_steps, 26))
assert X_train_shaped.shape[0] == y_train_shaped.shape[0]
However, i'm getting this error:
ValueError: cannot reshape array of size 1016 into shape (4,26)
Well, 4 x 26 = 104, and 1270 isn't divisible by 104, so np.reshape() can't choose an integer number of rows (the -1) in order to fit that into an array. You need to change either num_steps or num_features (26) so that num_steps * num_features evenly divides 1270. Unfortunately, this is impossible with num_features = 26, since 13 does not divide 1270. Your other option is to choose a different number of total rows, say 1040 or 1144, which are both divisible by 104.
So, instead of setting train_ind = int(0.8 * X.shape[0]), try train_id = 1040 or a smaller multiple of 104. Note, however, that your test data will also have to have a nice number of rows in order to reshape it in the same way.
First of all, you don't need to reshape an array. The shape attribute of a numpy array simply determines how the underlying data is displayed to you and how the data is accessed; changing the shape doesn't actually move any data around.
Likewise, we note that one cannot change the shape to something that is impossible. For example, if an array has size (100,5,6), you can't change this to (100,5,7). In general the axes have to multiple to the correct values. 100*5*6 not equal 100*5*7.
In your case, you sound like you want to work with an LSTM, which would normally mean that you want to simply add an additional axis so that you have input vectors of size 1. A new axis can be added with a None entry in numpy. Something like:
X_train = X[:train_ind,:,None] #The axes are Batch, Time, and the Input Vector.
Shape should now be (1016,26,1).

Proper and definitive explanation about how to build a CNN 1D in Keras

this is the second part of a problem I'm facing with CNN 1d. The first part is this
How does it works the input_shape variable in Conv1d in Keras?
I'using this code:
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers import Dense, Conv1D
import numpy as np
X = np.random.rand(100, N_FEATURES)
Y = np.random.randint(0,2, size=100)
model = Sequential()
model.add(Conv1D(filters=32, kernel_size=N_TIMESTEPS, activation='relu', input_shape=(N_TIMESTEPS, N_FEATURES)))
model.add(Dense(1, activation='sigmoid'))
model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer='adam', metrics=['accuracy'])
Now, what I want to do?
I want to train a CNN 1d over a timeseries with 5 features. Actually I want to work with time windows og length N_TIMESTEPS rather than timeserie it self. This means that I want to use a sort of "magnifier" of dimension N_TIMESTEPS x N_FEATURES on the time series to work locally. That's why I've decided to use CNN
Here come the first question. It is not clear at all if I have to transform the time series into a tensor or it is something that Keras will do for me since I've specified the kernel_size variable.
In case I must provide a tensor I would do something like this:
X_tensor = []
for i in range(len(X)-N_TIMESTEPS):
X_tensor+=[X_tensor[range(i, N_TIMESTEPS+i), :]]
X_tensor = np.asarray(X_tensor)
In this case of course I should also provide a Y_tensor vector computed from Y according to some criteria. Suppose I have already this Y_tensor boolean vector of the same length of X_tensor, which is len(X)-N_TIMESTEPS-1.
Y_tensor = np.random.randint(0,2,len(X)-N_TIMESTEPS-1)
Now if I try to feed the model I get of the most common error for CNN 1d which is:
ValueError: Error when checking input: expected conv1d_4_input to have 3 dimensions, but got array with shape (100, 5)
By looking to a dozen of posts about it I cannot understand what I did wrong. This is what I've tried:
model.fit(np.expand_dims(X, axis=0),Y)
model.fit(np.expand_dims(X, axis=2),Y)
For all of these cases I get always the same error (with different dimensional values in the final tuple).
What Keras expects from my data? Can I feed the model with the whole time series or I have to slice it into a tensor?
How I have to feed the model in term of data structure?I.e. I have to specify in some strange way the dimension of the data?
Can you help me? I find out that this is one the most confusing point of CNN implementation in Keras that there are different posts with different solutions that do not fit with structure of my data (even if they have a very common structure according to me).
Note: There are some post suggesting to pass in the input_shape variable the length of the data. This is meaningless to me since I should not provide the dimension of the data (which is a variable) to the model. The only thing I should give to it, according to the theory, is the filter dimension and number of features (namely the dimension of the matrix that will roll over the time series).
Simply, Conv1D requires 3 dimensions:
Number of series (1)
Number of steps (100 - your entire data)
Number of features (5)
So, model.fit(np.expand_dims(X, axis=0),Y) is correct for X.
Now, if X is (1, 100, 5), naturally your input_shape=(100,5).
If your Y has 100 steps, then you need to make sure your Conv1D will output 100 steps. You need padding='same', otherwise it will become 91. (I suggest you actually work with 91, since you want a result for each 10 steps and probably don't want border effects spoiling your results)
Y must also follow the same rules for shape:
Number of series (1)
Number of steps (100 if padding='same'; 91 if padding='valid')
Number of features (1 = Dense output)
So, Y = Y.reshape((1,-1,1)).
Since you have only one class (true/false), it's pointless to use 'categorical_crossentropy'. You should go with 'binary_crossentropy'.
In general, your overall idea of using this convolution with kernel_size=10 to simulate sliding windows of 10 steps will work as expected (whether it will be efficient or not is another question, answered only by trying).
If you want better networks for sequences, you should probably try LSTM layers. The dimensions work exactly the same way. You will need return_sequences=False.
The main difference is that you will need to separate the data as you did in that loop. Then:
X.shape == (91, 10, 5)
Y.shape == (91, 1)
I think you don't have a clear idea on how 1d convolutional neural networks work:
if you want to predict the y values from the timeseries x and you just have 1 timeseries, your approach won't work. the network needs lots of samples to train, and having just 1 will allow it to easily memorize the input and not learn. For example, if the timeseries is the humidity of a given day, and y is the chance of rain at a specific timestep, what you have now is the data for just one day (timesteps being for example hours of the day). In order for the network to learn you need to gather data for many days, ending up with datasets of shape x=(n_days, timesteps, features) y=(n_days, timesteps, 1).
If you describe your actual problem there's better chance to get more helpful answers
[Edit] by sticking to your code, and using just one timeseries, you are better off with other methods that don't involve deep learning. You could split your timeseries at regular interval, obtaining n samples that would allow your network to train, but unless you have a very long timeseries that may not be a valid alternative.

Keras LSTM Input - ValueError: Error when checking input: expected input_1 to have 3 dimensions, but got array with shape (1745, 1)

My Keras RNN code is as follows:
def RNN():
inputs = Input(shape = (None, word_vector_size))
layer = LSTM(64)(inputs)
layer = Dense(256,name='FC1')(layer)
layer = Dropout(0.5)(layer)
layer = Dense(num_classes,name='out_layer')(layer)
layer = Activation('softmax')(layer)
model = Model(inputs=inputs,outputs=layer)
return model
I'm getting the error when I call model.fit()
model.fit(np.array(word_vector_matrix), np.array(Y_binary), batch_size=128, epochs=10, validation_split=0.2, callbacks=[EarlyStopping(monitor='val_loss',min_delta=0.0001)])
Word_vector_matrix is a 3-dim numpy array.
I have printed the following :
print(type(word_vector_matrix), type(word_vector_matrix[0]), type(word_vector_matrix[0][0]), type(word_vector_matrix[0][0][0]))
and the answer is :
<class 'numpy.ndarray'> <class 'numpy.ndarray'> <class 'numpy.ndarray'> <class 'numpy.float32'>
It's shape is 1745 x sentence length x word vector size.
The sentence length is variable and I'm trying to pass this entire word vector matrix to the RNN, but I get the error above.
The shape is printed like:
The answer is (1745,)
The shape of the nested arrays are printed like:
The answer is (7, 300)
The first number 7 denotes the sentence length, which is variable and changes for each sentence, and the second number is 300, which is fixed for all words and is the word vector size.
I have converted everything to np.array() as suggested by the other posts, but still the same error. Can someone please help me. I'm using python3 btw. The similar thing is working in python2 for me, but not in python3. Thanks!
word_vector_matrix is not a 3-D ndarray. It's a 1-D ndarray of 2-D arrays. This is due to variable sentence length.
Numpy allows ndarray to be list-like structures that may contain a complex element (another ndarray). In Keras however, the ndarray must be converted into a Tensor (which has to be a "mathematical" matrix of some dimension - this is required for the sake of efficient computation).
Therefore, each batch must have fixed size sentences (and not the entire data).
Here are a few alternatives:
Use batch size of 1 - simplest approach, but impedes your network's convergence. I would suggest to only use it as a temporary sanity check.
If sequence length variability is low, pad all your batches to be of the same length.
If sequence length variability is high, pad each batch with the max length within that batch. This would require you to use a custom data generator.
Note: After you padded your data, you need to use Masking, so that the padded part will be ignored during training.

Tensorflow shape inference static RNN compiler error

I am working on OCR software optimized for phone camera images.
Currently, each 300 x 1000 x 3 (RGB) image is reformatted as a 900 x 1000 numpy array. I have plans for a more complex model architecture, but for now I just want to get a baseline working. I want to get started by training a static RNN on the data that I've generated.
Formally, I am feeding in n_t at each timestep t for T timesteps, where n_t is a 900-vector and T = 1000 (similar to reading the whole image left to right). Here is the Tensorflow code in which I create batches for training:
sequence_dataset = tf.data.Dataset.from_generator(example_generator, (tf.int32,
sequence_dataset = sequence_dataset.batch(experiment_params['batch_size'])
iterator = sequence_dataset.make_initializable_iterator()
x_batch, y_batch = iterator.get_next()
The tf.nn.static_bidirectional_rnn documentation claims that the input must be a "length T list of inputs, each a tensor of shape [batch_size, input_size], or a nested tuple of such elements." So, I go through the following steps in order to get the data into the correct format.
# Dimensions go from [batch, n , t] -> [t, batch, n]
x_batch = tf.transpose(x_batch, [2, 0, 1])
# Unpack such that x_batch is a length T list with element dims [batch_size, n]
x_batch = tf.unstack(x_batch, experiment_params['example_t'], 0)
Without altering the batch any further, I make the following call:
output, _, _ = tf.nn.static_rnn(lstm_fw_cell, x_batch, dtype=tf.int32)
Note that I do not explicitly tell Tensorflow the dimensions of the matrices (this could be the problem). They all have the same dimensionality, yet I am getting the following bug:
ValueError: Input size (dimension 0 of inputs) must be accessible via shape
inference, but saw value None.
At which point in my stack should I be declaring the dimensions of my input? Because I am using a Dataset and hoping to get its batches directly to the RNN, I am not sure that the "placeholder -> feed_dict" route makes sense. If that in fact is the method that makes the most sense, let me know what that looks like (I definitely do not know). Otherwise, let me know if you have any other insights to the problem. Thanks!
The reason for the absence of static shape information is that TensorFlow doesn't understand enough about the example_generator function to determine the shapes of the arrays it yields, and so it assumes the shapes can be completely different from one element to the next. The best way to constrain this is to specify the optional output_shapes argument to tf.data.Dataset.from_generator(), which accepts a nested structure of shapes matching the structure of the yielded elements (and the output_types argument).
In this case you'd pass a tuple of two shapes, which can be partially specified. For example, if the x elements are 900 x 1000 arrays and the y elements are scalars:
sequence_dataset = tf.data.Dataset.from_generator(
example_generator, (tf.int32, tf.int32),
output_shapes=([900, 1000], []))

Reshape Keras Input for LSTM

I have two ndarrays, inputs and results, both consisting of multiple arrays looking like this:
inputs = [
results = [
I managed to split them up into train and test arrays, where train contains 66% of the arrays and test the other 33%. Now I'd like to reshape them for further use in my LSTM but my script fails when inputting them into np.reshape() function.
split = int(round(0.66 * results.shape[0]))
train_results = results[:split, :]
train_inputs = inputs[:split, :]
test_results = results[split:, :]
test_inputs = inputs[split:, :]
X_train = np.reshape(train_inputs, (train_inputs.shape[0], train_inputs.shape[1], 1))
X_test = np.reshape(test_inputs, (test_inputs.shape[0], test_inputs.shape[1], 1))
Please tell me how to use np.reshape() correctly in this case.
Basically I am loosely following this tutorial: https://github.com/Vict0rSch/deep_learning/tree/master/keras/recurrent
You just pass a tuple to np.reshape.
For an LSTM layer, you need the shape like (NumberOfExamples, TimeSteps, FeaturesPerStep).
So, we need to know how many steps your sequence has. By the looks of your X array, I'll suppose you have 3 steps and 2 features.
If that's the case:
X_train = train_inputs.reshape((split,3,2))
X_test = X_test.reshape((test_inputs.shape[0], 3, 2))
If, otherwise, you want 6 steps of one feature, the shape is (split,6,1). You can do anything, as long as the multiplication of the three elements in the shape must remain always the same
For the results. Do you want the results to be a result in sequence, matching the input steps? Or are they just single outputs (two independent outputs for the entire sequence)?
Since you've got 3 results, and I have assumed you have 3 time steps, I'll assume these 3 results are in sequence as well, so, I'll reshape them as:
Y_train = train_results.reshape((split,3,1)) #three steps, one result per step
#for this to work, your last LSTM layer should use `return_sequences=True`.
But if they are 3 independent results:
Y_train = train_results.reshape((split,3))
#for this to work, you must have 3 cells in the last layer, be it a Dense or an LSTM. But this LSTM must have `return_sequences=False`.
