how do I search with a variable in sqlite in python - python

I'm trying to insert a variable inside one SQL query using "+uid+" but the variable does not seem to be taken into account:
import datetime
import sqlite3 as lite
import sys
con = lite.connect('user.db')
uid = raw_input("UID?: ")
time =
with con:
cur = con.cursor()
cur.execute("SELECT Name FROM Users WHERE Id = "+uid+";")
rows = cur.fetchall()
for row in rows:
print row
print time

Do not use string manipulation on SQL. It can result in sql-injections.
cur.execute("SELECT Name FROM Users WHERE Id = "+uid+";")
to (using prepared statements)
cur.execute("SELECT Name FROM Users WHERE Id=?;", (uid,))

cur.execute("SELECT Name FROM Users where %s=?" % (Id), (uid,))
also check out this answer
Python sqlite3 string variable in execute


Unable to find a column in sqlite 3 database

I saved my data in databse where I created two columns with master_user and master_password.I inserted a value in my database. But somehow I am unable to find that master_user with my current code. error- sqlite3.OperationalError: no such column: animesh7370
def login(self):
conn = sqlite3.connect("master.db")
cur = conn.cursor()
#conn.execute("CREATE TABLE master_database (master_users TEXT NOT #NULL,master_password
#cur.execute("INSERT INTO master_database (master_users,master_password)
user = self.root.ids.user.text
password = self.root.ids.password.text
cur.execute(f"SELECT * FROM master_database WHERE master_user = {user}")
#cur.execute("SELECT * FROM master_database ")
for items in c:
Naming problem. You forgot the 's' to master_user.
cur.execute(f"SELECT * FROM master_database WHERE master_users = {user}")
HERE --^
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM master_database WHERE master_users =?" ,(user,))
This is because your resulting SQL looks like this (assuming that user is 'animesh7370'):
SELECT * FROM master_database WHERE master_user = animesh7370
Better use command parameters
select_stmt = "SELECT * FROM master_database WHERE master_users = %s"
cur.execute(select_stmt, (user,))
Note that command parameters are not simply inserted as a string concatenation but are passed to the query with the appropriate data type.
See: Passing parameters to SQL queries
You declared the column as master_users but referred to it as master_user in the select statement. It is usual to use column names in singular.

how to take a date as an input and insert it in a table while doing sql connectivity in python

I have tried doing some sql connectivity and faced a problem recently, i could'nt take isert dates into a table. I have given the code below. what should i add in this?
import mysql.connector as con
db = con.connect(host = "localhost", user = "root", password = "root", database = "vish")
if db.is_connected():
a = int(input("roll no. : "))
b = input("name : ")
c = int(input("phone : "))
cursor = db.cursor()
q = ("insert into student values({}, '{}', {})".format(a,b,c))
how do i take date and insert it into a table
If you have a table t and a column c and you wish to insert a date literal, the format for that literal is 'YYYY-MM-DD', so for example:
INSERT INTO t(c) VALUES('2020-01-11')
But whenever you are getting input from the "outside", you are leaving yourself open to SQL Injection attacks and should be using prepared statements. If you have parsed the input date and built a string literal such as '2020-01-11' from the input, then you are safe. But if you have isolated the year, month and day and you are using a prepared statement anyway because there are other values you have not so rigorously validated, you can also use a '?' parameter for the date thus:
from datetime import date
today = date(2020, 1, 11)
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute("INSERT INTO t(c) VALUES(?)", (today,))

retrieving data from table based on a value from a python variable

I am writing a function that will retrieve data from sqlite table based on the parameters user provide. This is the function so far
def database_retrieve(db_file, id):
conn = sqlite3.connect(db_file)
with conn:
sql_command = "SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE id = "+id
cur = conn.cursor()
result = cur.fetchall()
return result
except Exception as e:
db_file = 'testdb.db'
print(database_retrieve(db_file, 'subject1'))
This gives me the following error
no such column: subject1
When I add subject1, which is an entry under the id column in my_table, directly to the sql command like this
sql_command = "SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE id = 'subject1'"
it works fine and prints all the data.
I am new to sqlite3. Please help. Thanks in advance
These are the links I used to come this far
Python sqlite3 string variable in execute
When you do this
sql_command = "SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE id = "+id
The value of sql_command is
"SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE id = subject1"
As you can see, subject1 is not in quotes. sqlite thinks it is a column, that's why you see that error.
Instead, do this
sql_command = "SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE id = ?"
cur.execute(sql_command, [id])
? acts as a placeholder for the variable id.
The official sqlite3 documentation mentions few others methods
The sql_command string being generated should be something like this (Formatted string):
sql_command = "SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE id = %s AND name = %s" % (212212, 'shashank')

Sql statement with like from variable

I'm executing this code in python
from sqlite3 import dbapi2 as sqlite
con = sqlite.connect("db.sqlite")
cur = con.cursor()
surname = "'%atton%'"
cur.execute("select id from singers where surname like :surname", locals())
After this code cur.rowcount == -1 but Patton is in the database.
Is my SQL statement bad?
thank you
The DB-API parameterization you use (which you should use, don't change that) means the surname will automatically be quoted or escaped appropriately. You should remove the inner set of quotes from your surname string.
surname = "%atton%"
cur.execute("select id from singers where surname like :surname",

How to check with python if a table is empty?

Using python and MySQLdb, how can I check if there are any records in a mysql table (innodb)?
Just select a single row. If you get nothing back, it's empty! (Example from the MySQLdb site)
import MySQLdb
db = MySQLdb.connect(passwd="moonpie", db="thangs")
results = db.query("""SELECT * from mytable limit 1""")
if not results:
print "This table is empty!"
Something like
import MySQLdb
db = MySQLdb.connect("host", "user", "password", "dbname")
cursor = db.cursor()
sql = """SELECT count(*) as tot FROM simpletable"""
data = cursor.fetchone()
print data
will print the number or records in the simpletable table.
You can then test if to see if it is bigger than zero.
