I'm implementing an algorithm involving alternating optimization. That is, at each iteration, the algorithm fetches a data batch, and uses the data batch to optimize two losses sequentially. My current implementation with tf.data.Dataaset and tf.data.Iterator is something like this (which is indeed incorrect as detailed below):
data_batch = iterator.get_next()
train_op_1 = get_train_op(data_batch)
train_op_2 = get_train_op(data_batch)
for _ in range(num_steps):
Note that the above is incorrect because each call of sess.run will advance the iterator to get next data batch. So train_op_1 and train_op_2 are indeed using different data batches.
I cannot do something like sess.run([train_op_1, train_op_2]) either, because the two optimization steps need to be sequential (i.e., the 2nd optimization step depends on the latest variable value by the 1st optimization step.)
I'm wondering is there any way to somehow "freeze" the iterator, so that it won't advance in a sess.run call?
I was doing something similar so that is part of my code stripped from some unnecessary stuff. It does a bit more as it has train and validation iterators, but you should get the idea of using is_keep_previous flag. Basically passed as True it fill force reuse of the previous value of the iterator, in case of False it will get new value.
iterator_t = ds_t.make_initializable_iterator()
iterator_v = ds_v.make_initializable_iterator()
iterator_handle = tf.placeholder(tf.string, shape=[], name="iterator_handle")
iterator = tf.data.Iterator.from_string_handle(iterator_handle,
def get_next_item():
# sometimes items need casting
next_elem = iterator.get_next(name="next_element")
x, y = tf.cast(next_elem[0], tf.float32), next_elem[1]
return x, y
def old_data():
# just forward the existing batch
return inputs, target
is_keep_previous = tf.placeholder_with_default(tf.constant(False),shape=[], name="keep_previous_flag")
inputs, target = tf.cond(is_keep_previous, old_data, new_data)
with tf.Session() as sess:
handle_t = sess.run(iterator_t.string_handle())
handle_v = sess.run(iterator_v.string_handle())
# Run data iterator initialisation
while True:
inputs_, target_ = sess.run([inputs, target], feed_dict={iterator_handle: handle_t, is_keep_previous:False})
print(inputs_, target_)
inputs_, target_ = sess.run([inputs, target], feed_dict={iterator_handle: handle_t, is_keep_previous:True})
print(inputs_, target_)
inputs_, target_ = sess.run([inputs, target], feed_dict={iterator_handle: handle_v})
print(inputs_, target_)
except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError:
# now we know we run out of elements in the validationiterator
Use control dependencies when building the graph for train_op_2 so it can see the updated values of the variables.
Or use eager execution.
Im using tensorflow 2.0 and try to speed up my training by optimizing my code a little bit.
I run my model batchwise and want to safe the results from each batch to have all results at the end of one epoch in one tensor.
This is how my code looks like:
for epoch in range(start_epoch, end_epoch):
# this vector shall hold all results for one epoch
predictions_epoch = tf.zeros(0,)
for batch in tf_dataset:
# get prediction with predictions_batch.shape[0] euqals batch_size
predictions_batch = model(batch)
# Add the batch result to the previous results
predictions_epoch = tf.concat(predictions_batch, predictions_epoch)
# predictions_epoch.shape[0] now equals number of all samples in dataset
with writer.as_default():
tf.summary.histogram(name='predictions', data=predictions_epoch, step=epoch)
Lets assume, one prediction is just a scalar value. So predictions_batch is a tensor with shape=[batchsize,].
This way of doing the concaternation just works fine.
Now my question is:
Does this tf.concat() operation slow down my whole training? I also used tf.stack()for this purpose, but it seems like no difference in speed.
I wonder, because once I worked with Matlab, adding new values to a Vector (and hence change its size) within a for-loop was extremly slow. Initializing the vector with zeros and then assign values in the loop was way more efficient regarding speed.
Is this also true for tensorflow? Or is there another more 'proper' way of doing something like adding tensors together in a for-loop which is more clean or faster?
I did not find any alternative solution online.
Thanks for the help.
Yes, this is not the most recommendable way to do it. It is better to simply add each tensor to a list and concatenate them once at the end:
for epoch in range(start_epoch, end_epoch):
predictions_batches = []
for batch in tf_dataset:
predictions_batch = model(batch)
# ...
predictions_epoch = tf.concat(predictions_batches)
You can also use a tf.TensorArray, which may be better if you want to decorate the code with tf.function.
for epoch in range(start_epoch, end_epoch):
# Pass arguments as required
# If the number of batches is know or an upper bound
# can be estimated use that and dynamic_size=False
predictions_batches = tf.TensorArray(
tf.float32, INTIAL_SIZE, dynamic_size=True, element_shape=[BATCH_SIZE])
i = tf.constant(0)
for batch in tf_dataset:
predictions_batch = model(batch)
predictions_batches = predictions_batches.write(i, predictions_batch)
i += 1
# ...
predictions_epoch = predictions_batches.concat()
I have a Dataset API doohickey which is part of my tensorflow graph. How do I swap it out when I want to use different data?
dataset = tf.data.Dataset.range(3)
iterator = dataset.make_one_shot_iterator()
next_element = iterator.get_next()
variable = tf.Variable(3, dtype=tf.int64)
model = variable*next_element
#pretend like this is me training my model, or something
with tf.Session() as sess:
while True:
print(sess.run(model)) # (0,3,6)
dataset = tf.data.Dataset.range(2)
iterator = dataset.make_one_shot_iterator()
next_element = iterator.get_next()
with tf.Session() as sess:
sess.run(variable.initializer) #This would be a saver restore operation, normally...
while True:
print(sess.run(model)) # (0,3)... hopefully
I do not believe this is possible. You are asking to change the computation graph itself, which is not allowed in tensorflow. Rather than explain that myself, I find the accepted answer in this post to be particularly clear in explaining that point Is it possible to modify an existing TensorFlow computation graph?
Now, that said, I think there is a fairly simple/clean way to accomplish what you seek. Essentially, you want to reset the graph and rebuild the Dataset part. Of course you want to reuse the model part of the code. Thus just put that model in a class or function to allow reuse. A simple example built on your code:
# the part of the graph you want to reuse
def get_model(next_element):
variable = tf.Variable(3,dtype=tf.int64)
return variable*next_element
# the first graph you want to build
# the part of the graph you don't want to reuse
dataset = tf.data.Dataset.range(3)
iterator = dataset.make_one_shot_iterator()
next_element = iterator.get_next()
# reusable part
model = get_model(next_element)
#pretend like this is me training my model, or something
with tf.Session() as sess:
while True:
print(sess.run(model)) # (0,3,6)
# now the second graph
# the part of the graph you don't want to reuse
dataset = tf.data.Dataset.range(2)
iterator = dataset.make_one_shot_iterator()
next_element = iterator.get_next()
# reusable part
model = get_model(next_element)
with tf.Session() as sess:
while True:
print(sess.run(model)) # (0,3)... hopefully
Final Note: you will also see some references here and there to tf.contrib.graph_editor docs here. They specifically say that you can't accomplish exactly what you want with the graph_editor (see in that link: "Here is an example of what you cannot do"; but you can get pretty close). Even still though, it's not good practice; they had good reason to make the graph append only, and I think the above method I suggest is the cleaner way to accomplish what you seek.
One way I would suggest but that will make things slower is by using place_holders followed by the tf.data.dataset. Therefore, you will have the following:
train_data = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=[None, None, 1]) # just an example
# Then add the tf.data.dataset here
train_data = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices(train_data).shuffle(10000).batch(batch_size)
Now when running the graph within a session, you have to feed in the data using the placeholder. So you feed whatever you like...
Hope this helps!!
Most tutorials focus on the case where the entire training dataset fits into memory. However, I have an iterator which acts as an infinite stream of (features, labels)-tuples (creating them cheaply on the fly).
When implementing the input_fn for tensorflows estimator, can I return an instance from the iterator as
def input_fn():
(feature_batch, label_batch) = next(it)
return tf.constant(feature_batch), tf.constant(label_batch)
or does input_fn has to return the same (features, labels)-tuples on each call?
Moreover is this function called multiple times during training as I hope it is like in the following pseudocode:
for i in range(max_iter):
The argument of input_fn are used throughout training but the function itself is called once. So creating a sophisticated input_fn that goes beyond returning a constant array as explained in the tutorial is not as straightforward.
Tensorflow proposes two examples of such non-trivial input_fn for numpy and panda arrays, but they start from an array in memory, so this does not help you with your problem.
You could also have a look at their code by following the links above, to see how they implement an efficient non-trivial input_fn, but you may find that it requires more code that you would like.
If you are willing to use the less-high level interface of Tensorflow, things are IMHO simpler and more flexible. There is a tutorial that covers most needs and the proposed solutions are easy(-er) to implement.
In particular, if you already have an iterator that returns data as you described in your question, using placeholders (section "Feeding" in the previous link) should be straightforward.
I found a pull request which converts a generator to an input_fn:
The relevant part is
def _generator_input_fn():
"""generator input function."""
queue = feeding_functions.enqueue_data(
features = (queue.dequeue_many(batch_size) if num_epochs is None
else queue.dequeue_up_to(batch_size))
if not isinstance(features, list):
features = [features]
features = dict(zip(input_keys, features))
if target_key is not None:
if len(target_key) > 1:
target = {key: features.pop(key) for key in target_key}
target = features.pop(target_key[0])
return features, target
return features
return _generator_input_fn
from tensorflow.contrib.learn.python.learn.learn_io import generator_io
import numpy as np
# define generator
def generator():
for index in range(2):
yield {'a': np.ones(1) * index,'b': np.ones(1) * index + 32,'label': np.ones(1) * index - 32}
input_fn = generator_io.generator_input_fn(generator, target_key='label', batch_size=2, shuffle=False, num_epochs=1)
features, target = input_fn()
Refer to the test case https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/pull/7045/files
Let's say I defined a network Net and the example code below runs well.
# ... input processing using TFRecord ... # reading from TFRecord
x, y = tf.train.batch([image, label]) # encode batch
net = Net(x,y) # connect to network
# ... initialize and session ...
for iteration:
loss, _ = sess.run([net.loss, net.train_op])
The Net does not have tf.placeholder, since input is provided by tensors from TFRecord provider. What if I would like to run validation set as well, e.g., every 500 steps? How can I switch input flow?
x, y = tf.train.batch([image, label], ...) # training set
vx, vy = tf.train.batch([vimage, vlabel], ...) # validation set
net = Net(x,y)
for iteration:
loss, _ = sess.run([net.loss, net.train_op])
if step % 500 == 0:
# graph is already defined from input to loss.
# how can I run net.loss with vx and vy??
Only one thing I can imagine is, modifying Net to have placeholders, and every time running like
sess.run([...], feed_dict = {Net.x:sess.run(x), Net.y:sess.run(y)})
sess.run([...], feed_dict = {Net.x:sess.run(vx), Net.y:sess.run(vy)})
However, this seems to me that I lost benefits of using TFRecord (e.g., full TF integration). In the middle of computation flow, I have to stop the flow, run tf.sess, and continue (doesn't this lower speed by forcing to use CPU in the middle?)
I am wondering,
if there is a better way.
if my solution is not that worse than I imagine.
Thanks in advance.
There is a better way (than placeholders). I ran into this issue with the CIFAR10 tutorial in TensorFlow, which I adjusted to check accuracy on the test set simultaneous to the training every 500 batches or so. This is where sharing variables comes in handy.
x, y = tf.train.batch([image, label], ...) # training set
vx, vy = tf.train.batch([vimage, vlabel], ...) # validation set
with tf.variable_scope("model") as scope:
net = Net(x,y)
vnet = Net(vx,vy)
for iteration:
loss, _ = sess.run([net.loss, net.train_op])
if step % 500 == 0:
loss, acc = sess.run([vnet.loss, vnet.accuracy])
By setting the scope to reuse variables on the second call to Net(), you will use the same tensors and values created in the first call but with a different set of inputs. Just make sure that vimage and vlabel aren't reusing tensors from image and label (which could possibly solved by creating their own variable scopes).
I'm currently stuck with an implementation problem of TFRecordReader
This is the setup :
trainQ = tf.train.string_input_producer(fileList)
RecReader = tf.TFRecordReader()
batch_strings = RecReader.read(trainQ)
encoder_inputs,decoder_inputs,enc_len,dec_len = seq['utterance'],seq['response'],con['utter_length'],con['resp_length']
mini_batch = tf.train.batch([encoder_inputs,decoder_inputs,enc_len,dec_len,decoder_inputs],batch_size,2,capacity=50*batch_size,dynamic_pad = True,enqueue_many=False)
encoder_inp,decoder_inp,encoder_lens,decoder_lens,labels = mini_batch
<build rest of the model>
loss = <some loss>
train_ops = <optimizer>.minimize(loss)
Now when I do train_ops.run(), it automatically reads off the queue and trains the model over a batch. But if I want to evaluate some intermediate variable, I cannot do variable.eval() since that would mean a new batch being read off the trainQ queue with different values
One way I can think of circumventing this to use a placeholder to feed parse_single_example and populating the placeholder in the train loop each time. But is there a better way of doing this i.e. evaluating variables without reading off the queue again?
Hope this is not confusing
If you want to evaluate an intermediate layer (call it conv3) that depends on the batch input every 100 iterations, you can do the following:
for step in range(100000):
if step % 100 != 0:
# only run the training operation
# run train_op AND `conv3` at the same time
_, conv3_value = sess.run([train_op, conv3])
The trick here is to call train_op and conv3 in the same call the tf.Session. That way, a batch is read off the training queue to train one step, but it is also used at the same time to compute conv3.