I'm using this package to run Google Places API on Python. I'm running the following code:
from googleplaces import GooglePlaces, types, lang
google_places = GooglePlaces(key)
query_result = google_places.nearby_search(
location='London, England', keyword='Fish and Chips',
radius=20000, types=[types.TYPE_FOOD])
However when I do that, I get this error:
"error_message" : "This API project is not authorized to use this API. Please ensure this API is activated in the Google Developers Console: https://console.developers.google.com/apis/api/geocoding_backend?project=_",
"results" : [],
"status" : "REQUEST_DENIED"
However my API is enabled and everything seems cool, as you can see below:
Can someone help here?
I have a list of dictionaries that contain album information which I'm trying to use to search within Spotify and then add to users' saved albums. I tried following the examples given in the spotipy documentation, however, I'm getting an issue when using the search function via spotipy.
SCOPE = 'user-library-modify'
sp = spotipy.Spotify(auth_manager=SpotifyOAuth(CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET, REDIRECT_URI, scope=SCOPE))
for album in newMusic:
albumName = album["Title"]
artistName = f"{album['Last Name']}+{album[' First Name']}"
getRecord = sp.search(q = f"artist:{artistName}&album:{albumName}", type='album')
I provided the redirect url when prompted after running, but this results in a 401 response for each album result as such:
"error": {
"status": 401,
"message": "No token provided"
I have the .cache file with the access and refresh tokens but it still says no token is provided. I thought maybe I was entering the query incorrectly, but I don't see anything wrong. This is how an example end url looks:
What am I doing wrong here? How can I get my access code recognized?
Found the issue; the query entry format was wrong. I found this answer to a past question that explains my problem: Using python to get a track from the spotify API by using search Endpoint
The artist, album, etc. do not need to be declared separately (e.g. "artist: _", "album: _"). They should just be combined together like:
Weirdly, this contradicts what is in the Spotify API documentation where an example query value is given as such:
Example value:
I'm new on Facebook marketing API.
1) they let me open only a sandbox account and I want to create a real one and get a real report.
2) after generating the example code and working with Python SDK and getting this error -
Unsupported get request. Object with ID '[number_of_ad_account_id]' does not exist, cannot be loaded due to missing permissions, or does not support this operation. Please read the Graph API documentation at https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api
please help me solve this issues.
EDIT: CODE (take from Facebook sample code)
from facebookads.adobjects.adaccount import AdAccount
from facebookads.adobjects.adsinsights import AdsInsights
from facebookads.api import FacebookAdsApi
access_token = '{secret}'
ad_account_id = '{secret}'
app_secret = '{secret}'
fields = [
params = {
'time_range': {'since':'2017-07-10','until':'2017-07-10'},
'filtering': [],
'level': 'account',
'breakdowns': [],
print AdAccount(ad_account_id).get_insights(
I had the same problem. The SAMPLE_CODE.py auto-generated from Marketing API's quickstart doesn't prefix ad_account_id with act_ by default; it puts the Sandbox Account ID directly, while the Ad Insights API expects:
Just prefix you ad_account_id with act_ and it will work.
I ran for awhile a python script to post articles on my blogspot blog.
everything ran smoothly until I started to get this auth error
RequestError: {'status': 401, 'body': 'User does not have permission to create new post', 'reason': 'Unauthorized'}
I really can't understand how to fix it reading gdata documentation.
Could you please suggest me how to do?
Thank you
Here the part of my code that doesn't work anymore:
from gdata import service
import gdata
import atom
blogger_service = service.GDataService('xxxxxx','xxxxxx')
blogger_service.service = 'blogger'
blogger_service.account_type = 'GOOGLE'
blogger_service.server = 'www.blogger.com'
def CreatePublicPost(blogger_service, blog_id, title, content,tags):
entry = gdata.GDataEntry()
entry.title = atom.Title('xhtml', title)
entry.content = atom.Content(content_type='html', text=content)
for tag in tags :
category = atom.Category(term=tag, scheme="http://www.blogger.com/atom/ns#")
return blogger_service.Post(entry, '/feeds/%s/posts/default' % blog_id)
Now there is a API version 3.0...
This old version is obsolete and no longer works, apparently...
You can find more about it here:
And if you have questions about authentication, maybe those links help:
Having trouble trying to use gdata and oauth2 in python
Authentication with the Google Docs List API, Python and OAuth 2
I'm writing an application that utilizes Paypal's permissions API. I'm currently working on the sandbox. I get the verification code correctly but when I try to GetAccessToken, I get the error:
{"responseEnvelope":{"timestamp":"2013-09-03T08:32:16.580-07:00","ack":"Failure","correlationId":"3527b7033f20f","build":"2210301"},"error":[{"errorId":"560022","domain":"PLATFORM","subdomain":"Application","severity":"Error","category":"Application","message":"The X-PAYPAL-APPLICATION-ID header contains an invalid value","parameter":["X-PAYPAL-APPLICATION-ID"]}]}
I'm using the sandbox APP_ID and all the Verification code is also gotten dynamically. Here is my code fragment.
token = "AAAAAAAYaraTSVjvkUBT"
verification = "mgnnWDVfFmgAES0q371Hug"
headers2 = {
url = "https://svcs.paypal.com/Permissions/GetAccessToken/?token=%s&verifier=%s" %(token, verification)
dat2 = {"requestEnvelope": {"errorLanguage":"en_US"}}
req2 = urllib2.Request(url, simplejson.dumps(dat2), headers2)
res2 = urllib2.urlopen(req2).read()
What I'm I doing wrong??
You cannot use the sandbox application id on the live environment. See https://developer.paypal.com/webapps/developer/docs/classic/lifecycle/goingLive/#register to learn how to obtain a live application id.
The endpoint should be https://svcs.sandbox.paypal.com as Siddick said above. The paypal API documentation is so inconsistent, the endpoint i had used previously had been used in a sandbox situation in the documentation.
I'm trying to write a python script that retrieves information about publications from ISI Web of Science. I found domoritz's python script wos.py on GitHub. It uses Suds to connect to the ISI Web of Science web service. I've imported it into my python script and I tried this code, following the very brief instructions in the comments:
from wos import *
soap = WokmwsSoapClient()
results = soap.search('Hallam')
I then get an error:
suds.WebFault: Server raised fault: 'line 1:1: unexpected token: Hallam'
I looked through the code in wos.py. Here is the search function:
def search(self, query):
qparams = {
'databaseID' : 'WOS',
'userQuery' : query,
'queryLanguage' : 'en',
'editions' : [{
'collection' : 'WOS',
'edition' : 'SCI',
'collection' : 'WOS',
'edition' : 'SSCI',
rparams = {
'count' : 5, # 1-100
'firstRecord' : 1,
'fields' : [{
'name' : 'Relevance',
'sort' : 'D',
return self.client['search'].service.search(qparams, rparams)
I thought maybe query can't be just a plain python string, as I saw in the WSDL page that userQuery is actually of type xs:string. But this page says that userQuery "Must be a valid WOKQL query statement. This requirement is enforced internally", which makes it seem like I don't have to pass in a special type. Anyway, I tried appending 'xs:string' to the beginning of query but I got the same error.
Does anybody know the proper way to use this method?
You could try to use the Wos Python Client that can be install with:
pip install wos
And then you can use it like this:
from wos import WosClient
import wos.utils
with WosClient('JohnDoe', '12345') as client:
print(wos.utils.query(client, 'AU=Knuth Donald'))
You will also have a CLI tool to be used like:
wos -u 'JohnDoe' -p '12345' query 'AU=Knuth Donald'
*DISCLAIMER: I don't work for Web of Science but I am the author of the client. You need to have web services access (which is a paid service in addition to the normal WOS access) since Web of Science does not allow web services requests coming from normal users. You should ask your university to provide you with the username and password that WOS gave them. This is not just for my client but for anything that uses WOS web service. *
So apparently passing in a python string was fine, but I needed a string that was more like a search query. I found this example on the website I mentioned before:
<woksearch:search xmlns:woksearch="http://woksearch.v3.wokmws.thomsonreuters.com">
<!-- this request has the minimum required elements,
but contains all valid retrieve options
for this operation and databaseId -->
<userQuery>AU=Arce, G*</userQuery>
So I tried using results = soap.search('AU=Hallam') and that worked. I can now do things like print results.recordsFound and I get correct answers.