Networkit graphEvent (python) - python

Another Networkit question. Seems like this module doesn't get much support (and I certainly don't want to open issues on github just to get help), but you don't get if you don't ask. By reading the docs it seems like there's a lot of functions to perform certain operations in an optimal way... but often I just don't get how to do use those functions.
This time I am trying to understand what a GraphEvent is. Let's say that I build a graph, I calculate the connected components and then I remove edges and nodes iteratively, based on some condition; then I want to calculate the connected components again. I thought that I could do something like:
#edge removals
but components.DynConnectedComponents(Graph).update(GraphEvent), which updates the connected components after an event... well it requires a GraphEvent object, and I haven't the slightest idea of what it might be and how to handle it. There's nothing in the docs that clarifies it and I would appreciate a lot if someone could explain me this.

I received an answer to another question where the graphEvent is explained too.


Visualize Python function flow (e.g. as tree or concept map)

I have taught myself python in quite a haphazard way. So my question perhaps won't be very pythonic.
When I write functions in classes, I often lose overview of what each function does. I do try to name them properly. But still, they are sometimes smaller parts of code where it seems arbitrary in which functions to put them. So whenever I want to make changes, I still need to go through the entire code in order to figure out how my functions actually flow.
From what I understand, we have objects and we have functions, and these are our units for structuring our code. But this only gives you a flat structure. It doesn't allow you to do any kind of nesting, like in a tree diagram, over multiple levels. Especially, the code in my file doesn't automatically water itself so that the functions that are called first and more often automatically further up on the top, whereas helper functions would be automatically further down in the document, or even nested.
In fact, even being able to visually nest lower-order subroutines "inside" a higher-order function that calls it would seem helpful. But it's not something that would be supported by Python's syntax. (Plus, it wouldn't quite suffice, because a sub-routine might be used by several higher-order functions.)
I imagine it would be useful to see all functions in my code visualized as a tree, or as a concept map:
Where each function is a dot. And calling order visualized by arrows. This way, I would also easily see which functions are more central, and which are more outliers, or even orphaned.
Yet perhaps this isn't even a case for another tool. Perhaps this is more a case of me not understanding proper coding. Perhaps there is something I can do differently in order to get the kind of intuitive overview over how my program works, without needing another tool.
Firstly, I am not quite sure why this isn't asked more often. Reading code is not intuitive, at all! We should be able to visualize the evolution of a process or function so well that close to every one will be able to understand its behavior. In the 60s and so, people had to be reasonably sure their programs would run, because getting access to the computer would take time; today we execute or compile our program, run tests if we have them, and get to know immediately whether it works. What happened is there is less mental effort now, we execute a bit less code in our heads, and the computer a bit more. But we must still think of how the program behaves midst execution in order to debug. For the future, it would be nice if the computer could just tell us how the program behaves.
You propose looking at a sort of tree of the program as a resolute, and after all, the abstract syntax tree is literally a tree, but I don't think this is what we ought to spend our efforts on when it comes to visualizing systems. What would be preferable is if we could look at an interactive view of how the problem changes its intermediate data-structures as a function of time.
Currently, we have debuggers--but that's akin to looking at the issue by asking what a function is at many values, when we would much rather look at its graph. A lot of programming is done by doing something you feel is right, observing if the behavior correct, if it's not correct then we make modifications by reacting and correcting said behavior.
Bret Victor in his essay, Learnable Programming, discusses this topic. I highly recommend it, even though it won't help you right now, maybe you can help others in the future by making these ideas more prevalent.
Onwards, then to where I tell you what you can do right now. In his book Clean Code, Robert C. Martin proposes structuring code much like how a newspaper is laid out.
Think of a well-written newspaper article. You read it vertically. At the top you expect a headline that will tell you what the story is about and allows you to decide whether it is something you want to read. The first paragraph gives you a synopsis of the whole story, hiding all the details while giving you the broad-brush concepts. As you continue downward, the details increase until you have all the dates, names, quotes, claims, and other minutia.
What is proposed, is to organize your program top-down, with higher level procedures that call mid-level procedures, which in turn call the lower level procedures. At any place, it should be obvious that (1) you are at the appropriate level of abstraction, and (2) you are looking at the part of the program implementing the behavior you seek to modify.
This means storing state at the level where it belongs, and exposing it anywhere else. Procedures should take only the parameters they need, because more parameters means you must also think about more parameters when reasoning about the code.
This is the primary reason for decomposing procedures into smaller procedures. For example, here some code I've written previously. It's not perfect, but you can see very clearly which part of the program you need to go to if you want to change anything.
Of course, higher order procedures are listed before any other. I'm telling you what I'm going to do, before I show you how I do it.
function formatLinks(matches, stripped) {
let formatted_links = []
for (match of matches) {
let diff = difference(match, stripped)
if (isSimpleLink(diff)) {
} else if (hasPrefix(diff)) {
} else if (hasSuffix(diff)) {
// There might be multiple links within a word
// in which case we join them and strip any duplicated parts
// (which are otherwise interpreted as suffixes)
if (formatted_links.length > 1) {
return combineLinks(formatted_links)
// Default case
return formatted_links[0]
If JavaScript was a typed language, and if we could see an image of the decisions made in the code, as a factor of input and time, this could be even better.
I think Quokka.js and VS Code Debug Visualizer are both doing interesting work in this sector.

Pyramids and Oblique Cones in MEEP

Apologies if this is not the right place for this question.
I've recently started using MIT's MEEP software (Python3, on Linux). I am quite new to it and would like to mostly use it for photovoltaics projects. Somewhat common shapes that show up here are "inverted pyramid" and slanted (oblique) cone structures. Creating shapes in MEEP seems to generally be done with the GeometricObject class, but they don't seem to directly support either of these structures. Is there any way around this or is my only real option simulating these structures by stacking small Block objects?
As described in my own "answer" posted, it's not too difficult to just define these geometric objects myself, write a function to check if it's inside the object, and return the appropriate material. How would I go about converting this to a MEEP GeometricObject, instead of converting that to a material_func as I've done?
No responses, so I thought I'd post my hacky way around it. There are two solutions: First is as mentioned in the question, just stacking MEEP's Block object. The other approach I did was define my own class Pyramid, which works basically the same way as described here. Then, I convert a list of my class objects and MEEP's shape object to a function that takes a vector and returns a material, and this is fed as material_func in MEEP's Simulation object. So far, it seems to work, hence I'm posting it as an answer. However, It substantially slows down subpixel averaging (and maybe the rest of the simulation, though I haven't done an actual analysis), so I'm not very happy with it.
I'm not sure which is "better" but the second method does feel more precise, insofar that you have pyramids, not just a stack of Blocks.

create p2p-network with "save-option" in python

I need an implementation of network with nodes (<100) in python. Nodes can send response on all nodes and on two neighbor-nodes. Nodes can save small data. Does anyone know of such library?
I use btpeer, but there is no "save-data"-option.
You may find doozerd an interesting concept. I am not sure about consistency guarantees it provides though.

Reportlab Wrapper

I'm looking for a Reportlab wrapper which does the heavy lifting for me.
I found this one, which looks promising.
It looks cumbersome to me to deal with the low-level api of Reportlab (especially positioning of elements, etc) and a library should facilitate at least this part.
My code for creating .pdfs is currently a maintain hell which consists of positioning elements, taking care which things should stick together, and logic to deal with varying length of input strings.
For example while creating pdf invoices, I have to give the user the ability to adjust the distance between two paragraphs. Currently I grab this info from the UI and then re-calculate the position of paragraph A and B based upon the input.
Besides that I look for a wrapper to help me with this, it would be great if someone could point me to / provide a best-practice example on how to deal with positioning of elements, varying lengh of input strings etc.
For future reference:
Having tested the lib PDFDocument, I can only recommend it. It takes away a lot of complexity, provides a lot of helper functions, and helps to keep your code clean. I found this resource really helpful to get started.

Automatic CudaMat conversion in Python

I'm looking into speeding up my python code, which is all matrix math, using some form of CUDA. Currently my code is using Python and Numpy, so it seems like it shouldn't be too difficult to rewrite it using something like either PyCUDA or CudaMat.
However, on my first attempt using CudaMat, I realized I had to rearrange a lot of the equations in order to keep the operations all on the GPU. This included the creation of many temporary variables so I could store the results of the operations.
I understand why this is necessary, but it makes what were once easy to read equations into somewhat of a mess that difficult to inspect for correctness. Additionally, I would like to be able to easily modify the equations later on, which isn't in their converted form.
The package Theano manages to do this by first creating a symbolic representation of the operations, then compiling them to CUDA. However, after trying Theano out for a bit, I was frustrated by how opaque everything was. For example, just getting the actual value for myvar.shape[0] is made difficult since the tree doesn't get evaluated until much later. I would also much prefer less of a framework in which my code much conform to a library that acts invisibly in the place of Numpy.
Thus, what I would really like is something much simpler. I don't want automatic differentiation (there are other packages like OpenOpt that can do that if I require it), or optimization of the tree, but just a conversion from standard Numpy notation to CudaMat/PyCUDA/somethingCUDA. In fact, I want to be able to have it evaluate to just Numpy without any CUDA code for testing.
I'm currently considering writing this myself, but before even consider such a venture, I wanted to see if anyone else knows of similar projects or a good starting place. The only other project I know that might be close to this is SymPy, but I don't know how easy it would be to adapt to this purpose.
My current idea would be to create an array class that looked like a Numpy.array class. It's only function would be to build a tree. At any time, that symbolic array class could be converted to a Numpy array class and be evaluated (there would also be a one-to-one parity). Alternatively, the array class could be traversed and have CudaMat commands be generated. If optimizations are required they can be done at that stage (e.g. re-ordering of operations, creation of temporary variables, etc.) without getting in the way of inspecting what's going on.
Any thoughts/comments/etc. on this would be greatly appreciated!
A usage case may look something like (where sym is the theoretical module), where we might be doing something such as calculating the gradient:
W = sym.array(np.rand(size=(numVisible, numHidden)))
delta_o = -(x - z)
delta_h =, W)*h*(1.0-h)
grad_W =, delta_h)
In this case, grad_W would actually just be a tree containing the operations that needed to be done. If you wanted to evaluate the expression normally (i.e. via Numpy) you could do:
npGrad_W = grad_W.asNumpy()
which would just execute the Numpy commands that the tree represents. If on the other hand, you wanted to use CUDA, you would do:
cudaGrad_W = grad_W.asCUDA()
which would convert the tree into expressions that can executed via CUDA (this could happen in a couple of different ways).
That way it should be trivial to: (1) test grad_W.asNumpy() == grad_W.asCUDA(), and (2) convert your pre-existing code to use CUDA.
Have you looked at the GPUArray portion of PyCUDA?
While I haven't used it myself, it seems like it would be what you're looking for. In particular, check out the "Single-pass Custom Expression Evaluation" section near the bottom of that page.
