Isolating the first word of a string - python

This is the code i've wrote so far:
def first_word(text: str) -> str:
while text.find(' ') == 0:
text = text[1:]
while text.find('.') == 0:
text = text[1:]
while text.find(' ') == 0:
text = text[1:]
while text.find('.') == 0:
text = text[1:]
if text.find('.') != -1:
text = text.split('.')
elif text.find(',') != -1:
text = text.split(',')
elif text.find(' ') != -1:
text = text.split(' ')
text = text[0]
return text
it's supposed to isolate the first word in a string, it shold delete any ".", " ", "," and keep only the word itself.

Using re, and split():
import re
ss = 'ba&*(*seball is fun'
print(''.join(re.findall(r'(\w+)', ss.split()[0])))

sentence="bl.a, bla bla"
first_word=sentence.split(" ")[0]
Or you could try a list comprehension:
sentence="bl.a, bla bla"
first_word=''.join([e for e in first_word if e not in ".,"]) #or any other punctuation
first_word=sentence.split(" ")[0]


Python strings formatting

Given a string containing at least one space character.
Output the substring located between the first and second spaces of the source string. If the string contains only one space, then output an empty string.
My attempt:
But input is incorrect, for example: user_input=Hello World my name , input is: World my , i don't know why , can you help me?
user_input = input("Enter your string: ")
space_counter = 0
for char in user_input:
if char == " ":
space_counter += 1
if space_counter > 1:
start_space_index = None
for i in range(len(user_input)):
if user_input[i] == " ":
start_space_index = i
second_space_index = None
for i in range(len(user_input)-1, -1, -1):
if user_input[i] == " ":
second_space_index = i
print(user_input[start_space_index+1: second_space_index])
print("Empty string")
Example: 1
Assuming the input like:
hello my name is abc
Output should be
hello my
Example 2:
hello my
a = 'hello my name is abc'
obj = a.split(" ") #this splits like ['hello', 'my', 'name', 'is', 'abc']
if len(obj) > 2:
print(obj[0], obj[1])
print None
Here, it is
user_input = input("Enter your string: ")
Lst = user_input.split(" ")
space_counter = 0
for char in user_input:
if char == " ":
space_counter += 1
if space_counter > 1:
start_space_index = None
for i in range(len(user_input)):
if user_input[i] == " ":
start_space_index = i
second_space_index = None
for i in range(len(user_input)-1, -1, -1):
if user_input[i] == " ":
second_space_index = i
if user_input[0] == " ":

How do I return my output instead of print?

def spin_words(sentence):
adjusted_string = sentence.split()
for i in adjusted_string:
if len(i) > 5:
print(i[::-1], end = ' ')
print(i, end = ' ')
The problem is asking to take a string and return the same string but, with all the five letter words or more in reversed
def spin_words(sentence):
splitted_string = sentence.split()
reversed_fives = [s[::-1] if len(s) >= 5 else s for s in splitted_string]
return " ".join(reversed_fives)

Replace a sequence of characters by another one

I have a sequence of characters '-------' and i want to replace each '-' in it by each letter in 'jaillir' in the correct range.
How do i do that ?
Here is my code
import random
with open ("lexique.txt", "r", encoding= "utf8") as a:
words = []
letters = []
tirets= []
for line in a:
ligne = line[:-1]
choix = random.choice(words)
tiret = ('-'* len(choix))
accompli = False
while not accompli:
lettre = input("Entrez une lettre du mot ")
for t in range(len(tiret)):
if lettre in choix:
tiret.replace(tiret[t], lettre[t])
I think you need to fix your file reading code, even though it is not the question, as below:
with open('lexique.txt', r) as f:
text = # get file contents
Next to replace the ---- by a word, I am assuming that the dashes in your text will only ever be the same length as the word, so:
word = 'word' # any string e.g. word
dashes = '-' * len(word)
So now you can use python's string.replace method like so:
text = text.replace(dashes, word) # every time it finds the sequence of dashes it will be replaced by your word
With a for loop (gradual replacement):
word = 'word' # any word
length = len(word)
temp = ''
for i, letter in enumerate(text):
if letter == '-':
if i + len(tempword) < len(text):
characters = [True if l == '-' else False for l in text[i:i + len(tempword)]]
if not(False in characters):
new += tempword[0]
if len(tempword) > 1:
tempword = tempword[1:]
tempword = word
new += letter
new += letter

python text splitter program

I have a program that splits a text into sentences using the following rule:
Sentence boundaries occur at ".", "?" and "!" except:
A) Periods followed by digit with no intervening whitespaces. B) Periods followed by whitespaces followed by lower case letters. C) Periods with no followed whitespaces. D) Periods preceded with titles.
My written code is as given below:
file_name = raw_input("Enter the name of the text file: ")
txt_file = open('%s.txt' % file_name, 'r+')
text = txt_file.readline()
print; print "Original text is: "; print
print text
new_wrd = []
new_line = []
new_txt = []
while len(text.strip()) != 0:
for index, char in enumerate(text):
print char
if char == "." or char == "?" or char == "!":
if text[index+1] == " ":
if ("".join(new_wrd) == "Mrs" or "".join(new_wrd) == "Mr" or "".join(new_wrd) == "Ms"
or "".join(new_wrd) == "Dr" or "".join(new_wrd) == "Jr"):
if text[index+2].isupper():
new_line = []
new_wrd = []
new_line.append(char + " ")
new_wrd = []
elif char == " ":
if ("".join(new_wrd) == "Mrs." or "".join(new_wrd) == "Mr." or "".join(new_wrd) == "Ms."
or "".join(new_wrd) == "Dr." or "".join(new_wrd) == "Jr.") or new_wrd != []:
new_line.append(" ")
new_wrd = []
text = txt_file.readline()
for txt in new_txt:
print txt
For the given example:
Mr. XYZ is a good boy. He has just pass his B.Tech degree from ABC, Lmnop... At least, he has passed the degree.
The output should show:
Mr. XYZ is a good boy.
He has just pass his B.Tech degree from ABC, Lmnop...
At least, he has passed the degree.
But instead, it shows:
Mr. XYZ is a good boy.
He has just pass his B.Tech degree from ABC, Lmnop...
What are the corrections that could be made for proper output?
Also, the the code:
not working. Why?

Translating sentences into pig latin

SO i have this assignment to translate multiple words into pig latin. assume that the user will always input lowercase and only letters and spaces.
#----------------global variables
sentence = input("What do you want to translate into piglattin? ")
sentence = list(sentence)
sentence.insert(0, ' ')
length = len(sentence)
sentence.append(' ')
pigLattin = sentence
false = 0
true = 1
consonant = []
a = 0
b = 0
c = 0
d = 0
e = 0
f = 0
j = 0
x = 0
y = 0
#----------------main functions
def testSpace(sentence, i):
if sentence[i] == ' ':
a = true
a = false
return a
def testVowel(sentence, i):
if sentence[i] == 'a' or sentence[i] == 'e' or sentence[i] == 'i' or sentence[i] == 'o' or sentence[i] == 'u' or sentence[i] == 'y':
b = true
b = false
return b
def testStartWord(sentence, i):
x = 0
if sentence[i].isalpha() and sentence[i-1] == ' ':
c = true
x = 1
if x == 1 and sentence[i] != 'a' and sentence[i] != 'e' and sentence[i] != 'i' and sentence[i] != 'o' and sentence[i] != 'u' and sentence[i] != 'y':
c = true
c = false
return c
def testWordEnd(sentence, i):
if sentence[i].isalpha() and sentence[i+1] == ' ':
d = true
d = false
return d
#----------------main loop
for i in range(1,length):
x = 0
space = testSpace(sentence, i)
vowel = testVowel(sentence, i)
word = testStartWord(sentence, i)
end = testWordEnd(sentence, i)
if vowel == false and space == false and word == true:
e = i
f = f + 1
if end == true:
consLength = len(consonant)
for x in range(consLength):
y = i + j - f
j = j + 1
del consonant[:]
pigLength = len(pigLattin)
for b in range (pigLength):
print(pigLattin[b], end='')
this is what i have so far. it gets kinda messy when trying to remove items. im sort of stuck here and its not working.
OK i got it working now this is an updated version
sentence = input("Please enter a sentence: ")
vowels = ("a", "e", "i", "o", "u", "A", "E", "I", "O", "U")
words = sentence.split()
count = 0
def find_vowel(word):
for i in range(len(word)):
if word[i] in vowels:
return i
return -1
for word in words:
vowel = find_vowel(word)
if(vowel == -1):
print(word, ' ', end='')
elif(vowel == 0):
print(word + "ay", ' ', end='')
print(word[vowel:] + word[:vowel] + "ay", ' ', end='')
Instead of using testSpace eliminate the spaces by using sentence = sentence.split(). This will split all your words into strings in a list. Then iterate through the words in your list.
Instead of using testStartWord, use an if statement:
for word in sentence:
if word[0] in ["a","e","i","o","u"]:
word[:(len(word)-1)] = word[0]
#More Code...
At the end, where you print the output, use print sentence.join()
Here's an alternate version. I use a regular expression to find words in the input string, pass them to a callback function, and substitute them back into the original string. This allows me to preserve numbers, spacing and punctuation:
import re
import sys
# Python 2/3 compatibility shim
inp = input if sys.hexversion >= 0x3000000 else raw_input
VOWELS = set('aeiouyAEIOUY')
YS = set('yY')
def pig_word(word):
Given a word, convert it to Pig Latin
if hasattr(word, 'group'):
# pull the text out of a regex match object
word =
# find the first vowel and what it is
vowel, where = None, None
for i,ch in enumerate(word):
if ch in VOWELS:
vowel, where = ch, i
if vowel is None:
# No vowels found
return word
elif where == 0 and vowel not in YS:
# Starts with a vowel - end in 'way'
# (leading y is treated as a consonant)
return word + 'way'
# Starts with consonants - move to end and follow with 'ay'
# check capitalization
uppercase = word.isupper() and len(word) > 1
titlecase = word[:1].isupper() and not uppercase
# rearrange word
word = word[where:] + word[:where] + 'ay'
# repair capitalization
if uppercase:
word = word.upper()
elif titlecase:
# don't use str.title() because it screws up words with apostrophes
word = word[:1].upper() + word[1:].lower()
return word
def pig_latin(s, reg=re.compile('[a-z\']+', re.IGNORECASE)):
Translate a sentence into Pig Latin
# find each word in the sentence, pass it to pig_word, and insert the result back into the string
return reg.sub(pig_word, s)
def main():
while True:
s = inp('Enter a sentence to translate (or Enter to quit): ')
if s.strip():
if __name__=="__main__":
Enter a sentence to translate (or Enter to quit):
>>> Hey, this is really COOL! Let's try it 3 or 4 times...
Eyhay, isthay isway eallyray OOLCAY! Et'slay ytray itway 3 orway 4 imestay...
