SQLAlchemy not rolling back after FlushError - python

I'm writing some test to a REST API linked to a MySQL db with python+werkzeug+SQLalchemy, one of the test is to try to add a "object" with the primary key missing in the json and verify that it fails and doesn't insert anything in the DB. It used to work fine with sqlite but I switched to MySQLdb and now I get a FlushError (instead of an IntegrityError I used to catch) and when I try to rollback after the error, it doesn't throw any error but the entry is in the database with the primary key set to ''. The code looks like this:
session = Session()
res = func(*args, session=session, **kwargs)
except sqlalchemy.exc.SQLAlchemyError as e:
return abort(422)
return res
And here's the error that I catch during the try/except:
class 'sqlalchemy.orm.exc.FlushError':Instance has a NULL identity key. If this is an auto-generated value, check that the database table allows generation of new primary key values, and that the mapped Column object is configured to expect these generated values. Ensure also that this flush() is not occurring at an inappropriate time, such as within a load() event.
I just read the documentation about the SQLalchemy session and rollback feature but don't understand why the rollback doesn't work for me as this is almost textbook example from the documentation.
I use Python 2.7.13, werkzeug '0.12.2', sqlalchemy '1.1.13' and MySQLdb '1.2.3' and mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.1.73 !
Thanks for your help

It looks like the problem was MYSQL only:
By default, the strict mode isn't activated and allow incorrect insert/update to make changes in the database (wtf?), the solution is to change the sql_mode, either globally:
MySQL: Setting sql_mode permanently
Or in SQLalchemy like explained in this blog post:


No exception raised in SqlAlchemy if error in Vertica database

I have table defined in Vertica in which one of the columns has UNIQUE constraint enforced. Now, on inserting a new row, if the same value is present in the column then an error 6745 is raised when the query is executed in the database shell. I am trying to achieve this using Sqlalchemy.
I have an Sqlalchemy engine defined and connect to the DB using this. Next I use execute() which can be used with the above connection created to execute a raw SQL query. I am using a try-except block around the above implementation to catch any exceptions. On inserting a new row with Sqlalchemy no exception is raised but the constraint is enforced in the database side(no duplicated entries written). But the error raised in the database is not captured by Sqlalchemy, hence cannot really say if the operation succeeded or if there was a conflict with the new data being added.
How can I configure Sqlalchemy to raise an exception in case an error was raised on the Database?
I am using the vertica_python dialect.
Temporary Solution:
For now, I use the number of entries in the table before and after performing the operation to classify the status of the operation. This is a dirty hack and not efficient.
You can configure SqlAlchemy to raise an exception by setting the raise_on_unique_violation flag to True on your Vertica connection object. This flag tells SqlAlchemy to raise an exception if a unique constraint violation occurs, rather than silently ignoring it.
For example:
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.dialects.vertica import VerticaDialect
engine = create_engine("vertica+vertica_python://username:password#hostname:port/dbname",
connect_args={'raise_on_unique_violation': True},
connection = engine.connect()
When you use the connection.execute() method to insert a new row, if a unique constraint violation occurs, SqlAlchemy will raise a UniqueViolation exception, which you can catch and handle in your code.
You can also use session.flush() and session.commit() to handle the exception.
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
session = Session()
except IntegrityError as e:
raise e
You can check if the error code is 6745, if yes then it is a unique constraint violation error.

Insert not working for SQLAlchemy database session

Why isn't a record being inserted? There is an id returned but when I check the database there is no new record.
From models.py
from zope.sqlalchemy import ZopeTransactionExtension
DBSession = scoped_session(sessionmaker(extension=ZopeTransactionExtension()))
And views.py
DBSession.execute(text('INSERT INTO (a,b,c) VALUES (\'a\',\'b\',\'c\') RETURNING id'), params=dict(a=a,b=b,c=c))
I've tried committing with transaction.commit() which doesn't get an error but doesn't insert a record. result.fetchone()[0] is getting an id.
And DBSession.commit which gets
assert self.transaction_manager.get().status == ZopeStatus.COMMITTING, "Transaction must be committed using the transaction manager"
This is because you are not using ORM to insert new rows threfore transaction doesn't know it should commit on it's own, because transaction state is not marked as dirty.
Place the following code after you DBSession.execute the query in your views.py.
from zope.sqlalchemy import mark_changed
session = DBSession()
session.execute(...your query...)
At this point transaction should be able to properly commit your query, alternatively use ORM to insert the new row.
Here is a bit more on this subject:
By default, zope.sqlalchemy puts sessions in an 'active' state when they are first used. ORM write operations automatically move the session into a 'changed' state. This avoids unnecessary database commits. Sometimes it is necessary to interact with the database directly through SQL. It is not possible to guess whether such an operation is a read or a write. Therefore we must manually mark the session as changed when manual SQL statements write to the DB.
after execute

When should I be calling flush() on SQLAlchemy?

I'm new to SQLAlchemy and have inherited a somewhat messy codebase without access to the original author.
The code is litered with calls to DBSession.flush(), seemingly any time the author wanted to make sure data was being saved. At first I was just following patterns I saw in this code, but as I'm reading docs, it seems this is unnecessary - that autoflushing should be in place. Additionally, I've gotten into a few cases with AJAX calls that generate the error "InvalidRequestError: Session is already flushing".
Under what scenarios would I legitimately want to keep a call to flush()?
This is a Pyramid app, and SQLAlchemy is being setup with:
DBSession = scoped_session(sessionmaker(extension=ZopeTransactionExtension(), expire_on_commit=False))
Base = declarative_base()
The ZopeTransactionExtension on the DBSession in conjunction with the pyramid_tm being active on your project will handle all commits for you. The situations where you need to flush are:
You want to create a new object and get back the primary key.
log.info('look, my new object got primary key %d', obj.id)
You want to try to execute some SQL in a savepoint and rollback if it fails without invalidating the entire transaction.
sp = transaction.savepoint()
foo = Foo()
foo.id = 5
except IntegrityError:
log.error('something already has id 5!!')
In all other cases involving the ORM, the transaction will be aborted for you upon exception, or committed upon success automatically by pyramid_tm. If you execute raw SQL, you will need to execute transaction.commit() yourself or mark the session as dirty via zope.sqlalchemy.mark_changed(DBSession) otherwise there is no way for the ZTE to know the session has changed.
Also you should leave expire_on_commit at the default of True unless you have a really good reason.

Checking for non-existent optional tables

I am using SQLAlchemy + Pyramid to operate on my database. However, there are some optional tables which are not always expected to be present in the DB. So while querying them I try to catch such cases with the NoSuchTableError
x = session.query(ABC.name.label('sig_name'),func.count('*').label('count_')).join(DEF).join(MNO).filter(MNO.relevance >= relevance_threshold).group_by(DEF.signature).order_by(desc('count_')).all()[:val]
except NoSuchTableError:
x = [-1,]
But on executing this statement, I get a ProgrammingError
ProgrammingError: (ProgrammingError) (1146, "Table 'db.mno' doesn't exist")
Why does SQLAlchemy raise the more general ProgrammingError instead of the more specific NoSuchTableError? And if this is indeed expected behaviour, how do I ensure the app displays correct information depending on whether tables are present/absent?
Since this is part of my webapp, the model of DB is in models.py (under my pyramid webapp). I do have a setting in my .ini file that asks user to select whether additional tables are available or not. But not trusting the user, I want to be able to check for myself (in the views) whether table exists or not. The contentious table is something like (in models.py)
class MNO(Base):
How and Where should the check be made so that a variable can be set (preferably during app setup) which tells me whether the tables are present or not?
Note: In this case I would have to try if...else rather than 'ask for forgiveness'
According to the sqlalchemy docs, a NoSuchTableError is only thrown when "SQLAlchemy [is] asked to load a table's definition from the database, but the table doesn't exist." You could try loading a table's definition, catching the error there, and doing your query otherwise.
If you want to do things via "asking for forgiveness":
table = Table(table_name, MetaData(engine))
except NoSuchTableError:
Alternatively, you could just check whether the table exists:
Better yet, why don't you use the has_table method:
if engine.dialect.has_table(connection, table_name):
#do your crazy query
Why don't you use Inspector to grab the table names first?
Maybe something like this:
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.engine import reflection
#whatever code you already have
engine = create_engine('...')
insp = reflection.Inspector.from_engine(engine)
table_name = 'foo'
table_names = insp.get_table_names()
if table_name in table_names:
x = session.query(ABC.name.label('sig_name'),func.count('*').label('count_')).join(DEF).join(MNO).filter(MNO.relevance >= relevance_threshold).group_by(DEF.signature).order_by(desc('count_')).all()[:val]

How to create a rollback button in django with MySQLdb?

I want to create a rollback button in my django project using MySQLdb. I have tried to use commit() and rollback() with InnoDB as database engine, rollback() seems not work because the database was updated even though rollback() was put after commit(). Here is some related lines in python code:
def update(request):
if 'weight' in request.GET and request.GET['weight']:
weight = request.GET['weight']
return HttpResponseRedirect('/clamplift/')
if 'realtag' in request.GET and request.GET['realtag']:
realtag = request.GET['realtag']
return HttpResponseRedirect('/clamplift/')
conn = MySQLdb.Connect(host="localhost", user="root", passwd="", db="scale")
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute("UPDATE `scale`.`scale_stock` SET `current_weight` = %s WHERE `scale_stock`.`paper_roll_id` = %s", (weight,realtag))
conn.rollback() # I test rollback() function here.
return HttpResponseRedirect('/clamplift/')
Actually I want one button for update data to database and another button to rollback like providing undo function.
Please give me any idea. Thank you very much.
I have no experience with MySQLdb directly, but most of the time, the rollback method is only good during a transaction. That is, if a transaction is still open, then rollback will undo everything that has happened since the start of the transaction. So when you call commit, you are ending the transaction and can no longer meaningfully call rollback.
In response to question in comments:
Add a datetime field to the model to track revisions. Create another model with the same fields as the original model and a foreign key into to original model's table. When an update occurs to the original model, copy the old values into the new table, set the datetime to NOW and set the foreign key in the revisions table to point at the row being edited before performing the update. You can then provide a list of previous states to revert to by selecting all of the revisions for the row in question and letting the user select based on datetime. Of course you can also provide the user that made the edit as well or other specific information that you think will be useful to the users of your app.
