How to run python files on tomcat server? - python

I have installed Tomcat in my system and when I type "http://localhost:8081/"
I get the following screen
However when I try to run a .py file from Tomcat, it is unable to interpret the file and shows me the following screen. What should I do to resolve this issue?

Tomcat doesn't know how to run Python scripts without additional configuration. You need to configure Tomcat's CGIServlet in order to run Python scripts.


PyCharm Error when setting remote interpreter -> Run Error: Jupyter server process failed to start due to path mismatch issue

I am trying to setup remote development on PyCharm. For this, I want to make changes locally and execute the code on remote Amazon EC2 instance with a remote interpreter. I had done the following configuration of the project, but I am getting run error when I try to execute a ipython file created locally.
Cannot run program "stfp://<remote server hostname>/<remote server host>:<remote interpreter path>" (in directory <local folder directory>): error=2, No such file or directory.
It seems it should open <remote folder directory> instead of <local folder directory> when running the program. I read through multiple setup instructions but could not get this fixed. I am attaching configuration below.
Can you please help me with what could be wrong?
Updating PyCharm to 2022.3 can fix the issue. This seems to be related to an unstable older version.

How to add python to tomcat 9 list of environment variables?

I have a spring boot application that runs certain python scripts using the process class combined with the buffered reader to read the out put. This project works fin within the intellij tomcat embedded server. However when we try to run it on a stand alone tomcat server we get the error Cannot run program "python": CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file specified . Keep in mind this program works fine within the intellij embedded tomcat server. We have come tot he conclusion that THE stand alone tomcat is not picking up our python environment variables. How can we resolve this problem? Is there anything we need to add to tomcat to get the server to recongnize the python environment variable.
Here is the answer: When running python scripts from java you must provide the full python executable path. For some reason tomcat does not recognize the system variables.

Can't run Python Script on remote VM via SSH

I have an Azure VM into which I SSH in. The VM is a W10 host.
I can create files with touch, change directories and so on, but whenever I try to run a python script that is hosted on the VM I get the following error:
The system cannot execute the specified program.
At first glance I thought that there was a problem related to my pyhton alias and the PATH variable, so I decided to use RDP to log into the machine, open a CMD and try the same command, which worked just fine. The python program executed flawlessly.
I used where to find where is my python.exe located at, so whenever I run the script on my remote terminal I can do something like:
This does result in the same error message as the one stated above.
Can I get some help?
Hi try to execute your command as below.
ssh user#machine python <

Is there a way run a python script on another server?

I have a Djnago web application on IIS 6 on one server. Is there a way that from this website I call another python script that is on another server in such a way that that script just run itself there?
Calling or Runnig that script in the usual way as internet says, is not working.
I always get the error of os.getcwd() and it also doesn't allow to change that directory.
I just want to run that python script there on that server from this server.
Can anyone help?
Normally, I would recommend using a framework like fabric or winrm if you want to run a python script on another server. Those frameworks use ssh or windows remoting functionality, respectively, to allow a python program to execute other commands (including python scripts) on other systems. If the target machine is a windows machine, be forewarned that you can run into all sorts of UAC issues doing normal operations.

Python application permission denied

My Python program uses the terminal(system) command to perform the task on the file and script. I am going to convert this Python program into Mac OS application and Linux application using pyinstaller. I am going to pass the application installer file to my friends. However, I have following questions.
If script or file doesn't have proper permission which my program is trying to access, will Python get an error?
Running some script or opening file will require the permission of root. So is there a possible option that will prompt the user for root(admin) password or run my application with root privilege?
Try chmod 777, this will give the file all rights for execution and editing. There are also other modes for chmod like 755, which will also work for your case.
