I'm trying to get the device address from Alexa.
I've followed this tutorial but I'm having some problems.
The code I'm using is this one:
def test_intent(event, context):
from botocore.vendored import requests
device_id = event["context"]["System"]["device"]["deviceId"]
api_access_token = event["context"]["System"]["apiAccessToken"]
api_uri = "https://api.amazonalexa.com/v1/devices/{}/settings/address".format(device_id)
api_headers = {"Accept": "application/json", "Authorization": "Bearer {}".format(api_access_token)}
api_response = requests.get(api_uri, headers=api_headers)
data = api_response.json()
I put some location (US location) in my alexa app and I allowed the permission the skill ask me (Full Address in this case).
The api_response.status_code is 204, so it should be ok. But when I run the last line "api_response.json()" it crashes (alexa replays that there is a problem with the skill).
I think the problem is the api_response is None and the json is not working, but I don't know why this could happend.
Any guess about this?
After some test, I realised that I've set the phone's location, not the echo dot location in the Alexa app, so that's the reason the app responded with 204 (no data)
Apologies for any incorrect formatting, long time since I posted anything on stack overflow.
I'm looking to send a json payload of data to Azure IoT Hub which I am then going to process using an Azure Function App to display real-time telemetry data in Azure Digital Twin.
I'm able to post the payload to IoT Hub and view it using the explorer fine, however my function is unable to take this and display this telemetry data in Azure Digital Twin. From Googling I've found that the json file needs to be utf-8 encrypted and set to application/json, which I think might be the problem with my current attempt at fixing this.
I've included a snipped of the log stream from my azure function app below, as shown the "body" part of the message is scrambled which is why I think it may be an issue in how the payload is encoded:
2023-01-27T13:39:05Z [Error] Error in ingest function: Cannot access child value on Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JValue.
My current test code is below for sending payloads to IoT Hub, with the potential issue being that I'm not encoding the payload properly.
import datetime, requests
import json
deviceID = "JanTestDT"
IoTHubName = "IoTJanTest"
iotHubAPIVer = "2018-04-01"
iotHubRestURI = "https://" + IoTHubName + ".azure-devices.net/devices/" + deviceID + "/messages/events?api-version=" + iotHubAPIVer
SASToken = 'SharedAccessSignature'
Headers = {}
Headers['Authorization'] = SASToken
Headers['Content-Type'] = "application/json"
Headers['charset'] = "utf-8"
datetime = datetime.datetime.now()
payload = {
'power': "1.7",
'wind_speed': "1.7",
'wind_direction': "1.7"
payload2 = json.dumps(payload, ensure_ascii = False).encode("utf8")
resp = requests.post(iotHubRestURI, data=payload2, headers=Headers)
I've attempted to encode the payload correctly in several different ways including utf-8 within request.post, however this produces an error that a dict cannot be encoded or still has the body encrypted within the Function App log stream unable to decipher it.
Thanks for any help and/or guidance that can be provided on this - happy to elaborate further on anything that is not clear.
is there any particular reason why you want to use Azure IoT Hub Rest API end point instead of using Python SDK? Also, even though you see the values in JSON format when viewed through Azure IoT Explorer, the message format when viewed through a storage end point such as blob reveals a different format as you pointed.
I haven't tested the Python code with REST API, but I have a Python SDK that worked for me. Please refer the code sample below
import os
import random
import time
from datetime import date, datetime
from json import dumps
from azure.iot.device import IoTHubDeviceClient, Message
def json_serial(obj):
"""JSON serializer for objects not serializable by default json code"""
if isinstance(obj, (datetime, date)):
return obj.isoformat()
raise TypeError("Type %s not serializable" % type(obj))
CONNECTION_STRING = "<AzureIoTHubDevicePrimaryConnectionString>"
MSG_TXT = '{{"temperature": {temperature},"humidity": {humidity}, "timesent": {timesent}}}'
def run_telemetry_sample(client):
print("IoT Hub device sending periodic messages")
while True:
temperature = TEMPERATURE + (random.random() * 15)
humidity = HUMIDITY + (random.random() * 20)
x = datetime.now().isoformat()
timesent = dumps(datetime.now(), default=json_serial)
msg_txt_formatted = MSG_TXT.format(
temperature=temperature, humidity=humidity, timesent=timesent)
message = Message(msg_txt_formatted, content_encoding="utf-8", content_type="application/json")
print("Sending message: {}".format(message))
print("Message successfully sent")
def main():
print("IoT Hub Quickstart #1 - Simulated device")
print("Press Ctrl-C to exit")
client = IoTHubDeviceClient.create_from_connection_string(CONNECTION_STRING)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print("IoTHubClient sample stopped by user")
print("Shutting down IoTHubClient")
if __name__ == '__main__':
You can edit the MSG_TXT variable in the code to match the payload format and pass the values. Note that the SDK uses Message class from Azure IoT Device library which has an overload for content type and content encoding. Here is how I have passed the overloads in the code message = Message(msg_txt_formatted, content_encoding="utf-8", content_type="application/json")
I have validated the message by routing to a Blob Storage container and could see the telemetry data in the JSON format. Please refer below image screenshot referring the data captured at end point.
Hope this helps!
im working in a personal project that needs new email in the start, and i want create a new email with python also i don't want run a complicate smtp server(I don't know much about that yet) i want do something like temp mail with api, i'd tried temp mail api but i got error i do something like this
import requests
url = "privatix-temp-mail-v1.p.rapidapi.com/request/mail/id/md5 of my temp mail"
req = request.get(url)
but i got 401 status code that says your api key is invalid
then i go to rapidapi website and see examples there was a header for req so i put that to my code that was like:
import requests
url = "https://privatix-temp-mail-v1.p.rapidapi.com/request/mail/id/md5"
headers = {
'x-rapidapi-host': "privatix-temp-mail-v1.p.rapidapi.com",
'x-rapidapi-key': "that was a key"
req = request.get(url, headers=headers)
then i got this
{"message":"You are not subscribed to this API."}
now i get confused and i don't know what is problem if you know temp mail api or something liks this service or any suggest pls help me
In order to use any API from RapidAPI Hub, you need to subscribe to that particular API. It's pretty simple.
Go to the Pricing Page of this API and choose a plan according to your need. Click on the subscribe button and you will be good to go. However, the Basic plan is free but a soft limit is associated with it so it may ask for your card details.
I have been recently exploring the CloudKit and related frameworks. I got the communication with my app working, as well as with my website using CloudKitJS. Where I am struggling is the Server-to-Server communication (which I would need for exporting data from public database in csv.
I have tried Python package requests-cloudkit, which others were suggesting. I have created a Server-to-Server token, and have copied only the key between START and END line once creating the eckey.pem file. I then got this code:
from requests_cloudkit import CloudKitAuth
from restmapper import restmapper
import json
KEY_ID = '[my key ID from CK Dashboard]'
SECRET_FILE_KEY = 'eckey.pem'
'recordType': '[my record type]'
CloudKit = restmapper.RestMapper("https://api.apple-cloudkit.com/database/1/[my container]/development/")
cloudkit = CloudKit(auth=AUTH)
response = cloudkit.POST.public.records.query(json.dumps(PARAMS))
I am then getting the 401 Authentication failed response. I am stuck on this for days, so I would be grateful for any help or advice. 😊
Creating the server-to-server key is an important first step, but in order to make HTTP requests after that, you have to sign each request.
Look for the Authenticate Web Service Requests section near the bottom of this documentation page.
It's a little bit convoluted, but you have to carefully construct signed headers to include with each request you make. I'm not familiar with how to do it in Python, but here's how I do it in NodeJS which may help:
//Get the timestamp in a very specific format
let date = moment().utc().format('YYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss[Z]')
//Construct the subpath
let endpoint = '/records/lookup'
let path = '/database/1/iCloud.*****/development/public'
let subpath = path+endpoint
//Get the key file
let privateKeyFile = fs.readFileSync('../../'+SECRET_FILE_KEY, 'utf8')
//Make a string out of your JSON query
let query = {
recordType: '[my record type]'
let requestBody = JSON.stringify(query)
//Hash the query
let bodyHash = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(requestBody, 'utf8').digest('base64')
//Assemble the components you just generated in a special format
//[Current date]:[Request body]:[Web service URL subpath]
let message = date+':'+bodyHash+':'+subpath
//Sign it
let signature = crypto.createSign('RSA-SHA256').update(message).sign(privateKeyFile, 'base64')
//Assemble your headers and include them in your HTTP request
let headers = {
'X-Apple-CloudKit-Request-KeyID': KEY_ID,
'X-Apple-CloudKit-Request-ISO8601Date': date,
'X-Apple-CloudKit-Request-SignatureV1': signature
This is a bit hairy at first, but I just put all this stuff in a function that I reuse whenever I need to make a request.
Apple's documentation has pretty much been abandoned and it's hard to find good help with CloudKit Web Services these days.
I'm trying to get make an API for the first time and I've made my app but it says I have to do a local authentication with instructions here:
Link to TDAmeritrade authentication
But it says I have to go on https://auth.tdameritrade.com/auth?response_type=code&redirect_uri={URLENCODED REDIRECT URI}&client_id={URLENCODED Consumer Key}%40AMER.OAUTHAP where I plug in the "url encoded redirect uri" and "urlencoded consumer key" and I dont know how to get the URI. Let's say if I'm using local host 1111 do i just plug in "localhost:1111"? because that didnt work
Perhaps that doesn't even matter? because I was writing the following:
import requests
from config import consumer_key
#daily prices generator
endpoint = "https://api.tdameritrade.com/v1/marketdata/{}/pricehistory".format("AAPL")
import time
parameters = {'api_key':consumer_key,
stuff = requests.get(url = endpoint, params = parameters)
lister = stuff.json()
which returned "{'error': 'The API key in request query param is either null or blank or invalid.'}"
TDA has some rules
timeStamp needs to be in milliseconds
Can only get past 31 days in minute format
There is also some format constraints.
frequenceType=minute --> then use periodType=day
frequencyType=daily --> then use periodType=month
I'm writing an application that utilizes Paypal's permissions API. I'm currently working on the sandbox. I get the verification code correctly but when I try to GetAccessToken, I get the error:
{"responseEnvelope":{"timestamp":"2013-09-03T08:32:16.580-07:00","ack":"Failure","correlationId":"3527b7033f20f","build":"2210301"},"error":[{"errorId":"560022","domain":"PLATFORM","subdomain":"Application","severity":"Error","category":"Application","message":"The X-PAYPAL-APPLICATION-ID header contains an invalid value","parameter":["X-PAYPAL-APPLICATION-ID"]}]}
I'm using the sandbox APP_ID and all the Verification code is also gotten dynamically. Here is my code fragment.
token = "AAAAAAAYaraTSVjvkUBT"
verification = "mgnnWDVfFmgAES0q371Hug"
headers2 = {
url = "https://svcs.paypal.com/Permissions/GetAccessToken/?token=%s&verifier=%s" %(token, verification)
dat2 = {"requestEnvelope": {"errorLanguage":"en_US"}}
req2 = urllib2.Request(url, simplejson.dumps(dat2), headers2)
res2 = urllib2.urlopen(req2).read()
What I'm I doing wrong??
You cannot use the sandbox application id on the live environment. See https://developer.paypal.com/webapps/developer/docs/classic/lifecycle/goingLive/#register to learn how to obtain a live application id.
The endpoint should be https://svcs.sandbox.paypal.com as Siddick said above. The paypal API documentation is so inconsistent, the endpoint i had used previously had been used in a sandbox situation in the documentation.