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Are global variables thread-safe in Flask? How do I share data between requests?
(4 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I'm working on a small web app to create some diagrams and I need to create a variable to hold a unique file name for each web app session so that users don't end up getting the wrong file when they save the diagram as a pdf. To do this I've wrapped the related views in a class using flask_classful and created an instance variable to hold the file name.
class PiperView(FlaskView):
route_base = '/'
def __init__(self):
self.piper_name = '_init_.pdf'
self.tst_index = 0
self.tst_plot = 0
self.tst_download = 0
self.tst_master = 0
def index(self):
self.piper_name = '_piper.pdf'
#test Code
file = open(fpath+'index.txt','a')
self.tst_index += 1
self.tst_master += 1
file.write(str(self.tst_index)+"."+str(self.tst_master)+") " +str(self.piper_name)+', ')
plot_data = np.loadtxt('piper_data.csv', delimiter=',', skiprows=1 )
html_plot = Markup(piper(plot_data, ' ', alphalevel=1.0, color=False, file_nam=self.piper_name))
return render_template('plot.html',title='The Plot', figure=html_plot)
def plot(self):
self.piper_name = str(random.randint(0,10000001))+'_piper.pdf'
#test Code
file = open(fpath+'plot.txt','a')
self.tst_plot += 1
self.tst_master += 1
file.write(str(self.tst_plot)+"."+str(self.tst_master)+" ) " +str(self.piper_name)+', ')
f = request.files['data_file']
plot_data = np.loadtxt(f, delimiter=',', skiprows=1 )
html_plot = Markup(piper( plot_data, ' ', alphalevel=1.0, color=False, file_nam=self.piper_name))
return render_template('plot.html',title='The Plot', figure=html_plot)
return render_template('plot.html',title='The Plot', figure="There Seems To Be A Problem With Your Data")
def download(self):
#test Code
file = open(fpath+'download.txt','a')
self.tst_download += 1
self.tst_master += 1
file.write(str(self.tst_download)+"."+str(self.tst_master)+") " +str(self.piper_name)+', ')
return send_from_directory(directory=fpath,filename=self.piper_name)
The problem is that the instance variable that holds the file name doesn't get shared between methods. I added some test code to try and figure out what was happening. The 'tst_index', 'tst_plot' and 'tst_download' each behave as expected in that they get incremented but the 'tst_master' does not get incremented between method calls.
The output from the test code is:
1.1) _piper.pdf,
1.1 ) 7930484_piper.pdf, 2.2 ) 9579691_piper.pdf,
1.1) init.pdf, 2.2) init.pdf,
when I call the index view one (1) time, the plot view two (2) times and the download view (2) times. As you can see the 'tst_master' instance variable is not getting updated between method calls.
I know this would work in plain python as I tested it but what am I missing about flask and flask_classful that is causing this?
You are overcomplicating your task. You probably don't need to use flask-classful for it.
You can use ordinary flask sessions. Session is unique for each user. The only thing you need is to use some unique ID for each file. This file id can be user id if your users log in into your web app and their credentials are stored in the db. Or you can randomly generate this file id. Then you can store the filename in the flask session like this:
from flask import session
def plot(...):
session['user_file_name'] = user_file_name
def download(...):
user_file_name = session['user_file_name']
Hope this helps.
Embedding state like that in your application is generally a bad idea. There is no guarantee that the view instance the generates a response will persist for more than that one request. Store your data outside of flask- server-side on a database, a key-value store, or even a file on disk somewhere, or client-side in the browser. Flask has a number of plugins that make that easier (flask-sqlalchemy, flask-session, flask-redis, etc).
Flask natively offers the flask.session object, which stores information in cookies on the client side. flask-session would probably do what you want without much additional overhead if you were concerned with storing things server side. Just configure it with the File System session interface and you get a flask.session variable that handles all the magic of linking user requests to data stored on the filesystem.
so I'm having trouble getting some data to my DB.
I'm not that good with python and trying to learn.
so this is the data I'm sending to the Django server:
as you can see I'm getting FILES called doc[i] to the server and I want to save the name of the file in the DB.
but I don't know how to loop through it.
that's what I'm doing for now:
def submit_quality_dept_application(request, application_id):
doc0 = request.FILES['doc0']
length =['length']
application = Application.objects.get(id=application_id)
application_state = application.application_state
application_state['doc0'] =
return Response(length, status=status.HTTP_200_OK)
that way it's working for doc0 and I can save its name in the DB.
but I want to loop through every doc[i] and save it in DB.
any suggestions?
You can enumerate over the items with a range(…) [Python-doc]:
def submit_quality_dept_application(request, application_id):
n = int(['length'])
application = Application.objects.get(id=application_id)
application_state = application.application_state
for i in range(n):
doc = request.FILES[f'doc{i}']
application_state[f'doc{i}'] =
return Response(length, status=status.HTTP_200_OK)
But I'm not sure if the is the best way to handle multiple files. It might be better to submit a list of files as request, for example for the same key.
def admin3_p():
return render_template("input_test.html")
#app.route("/admin/3", methods=['POST'])
def student_name():
with app.test_request_context('/admin/3', data='student'):
variable = request.form.get('student', list(''))
return variable
# Connect to CSV
def csv_func():
variable = student_name()
csv_f = "names.csv"
titles = ["Event", "Student", "Grade"]
students = [["Ev", "St", "Gr"], [variable]]
with open(csv_f, 'w') as csvfile:
csvwriter = csv.writer(csvfile)
with open(csv_f, 'r') as csvfile:
csvreader = csv.reader(csvfile)
titles = next(csvreader)
for student in csvreader:
print('Fields: ' + ', '.join(title for title in titles))
I am trying to make a website with Flask. Th csv_func method is supposed to take the input from the html and print it to a csv file.
It returns "TypeError: The view function did not return a valid response. The return type must be a string, dict, tuple, Response instance, or WSGI callable, but it was a list" When it runs
Technically the error is because function with a route decorator is considered 'a view' and is supposed to return a page, yet yours student_name returns a tuple (of student names)
Yet I have to tell you that you got it wrong idea of web app syntax and structure. Your flow of control is opposite from what is should be. You should initiate model and csv changes from controller (student_name function), and you are doing it vise versa, by calling student_name from . The main code usually just start web app with something like'', port=81)
So you should restructure you code in a so student_name function invokes csv changing function.
I guess you think that web app form is akin to input command in python, yet a web app is very different from python console input. The main difference is that website normally offer several different pages, and user is free to land on any page he likes. So normal webserver just wait for user landing to one or another page or sending one or another form. Thus the structure of web app is a set of pages, routes and controllers for that pages, and main code just starts the flask server. Go throw some introductory flask tutorial if it is still
unclear. E.g.
Most web apps follow UI design pattern called Model-View-Controller, where user actions, such as opening a webpage on a specific web address or filling a form first hit some controlling code, which the initiates some changes in the model (data).
Get rid of the app.route(...) decorator above def student_name():.
hello i guess have problem with client and member config which config should i use as you can see i am inserting json as data when i call get_data it returns with no problem but when i try to use predicate-sql it gives me error "hazelcast.errors.HazelcastSerializationError: Exception from server: com.hazelcast.nio.serialization.HazelcastSerializationException: There is no suitable de-serializer for type -120. This exception is likely caused by differences in t
he serialization configuration between members or between clients and members."
#app.route('/insert_data/<database_name>/<collection_name>', methods=['POST'])
def insert_data(database_name, collection_name):
client = hazelcast.HazelcastClient(cluster_members=[
dbname_map = client.get_map(f"{database_name}-{collection_name}").blocking()
if request.json:
received_json_data = request.json
received_id = received_json_data["_id"]
del received_json_data["_id"]
dbname_map.put(received_id, received_json_data)
return jsonify()
#app.route('/get_data/<database_name>/<collection_name>', methods=['GET'])
def get_all_data(database_name, collection_name):
client = hazelcast.HazelcastClient(cluster_members=[
dbname_map = client.get_map(f"{database_name}-{collection_name}").blocking()
entry_set = dbname_map.entry_set()
output = dict()
datas = []
for key, value in entry_set:
value['_id'] = key
output = value
return jsonify({"Result":datas})
#bp.route('/get_query/<database_name>/<collection_name>/<name>', methods=['GET'])
def get_query_result(database_name, collection_name,name):
client = hazelcast.HazelcastClient(cluster_members=[
predicate_map = client.get_map(f"{database_name}-{collection_name}").blocking()
predicate = and_(sql(f"name like {name}%"))
entry_set = predicate_map.values(predicate)
#entry_set = predicate_map.entry_set(predicate)
send_all_data = ""
for x in entry_set:
send_all_data += x.to_string()
send_all_data += "\n"
# print("Retrieved %s values whose age is less than 30." % len(result))
# print("Entry is", result[0].to_string())
# value=predicate_map.get(70)
# print(value)
return jsonify()
i try to change hazelcast.xml according to hazelcast-full-example.xml but i can't start hazelcast after
the changes and do i really have to use serialization ? hazelcast version:4.1 python:3.9
This is most likely happening because you are putting entries of the type dictionary to the map, which is serialized by the pickle because you didn't specify a serializer for that and the client does not know how to handle that correctly, so it fallbacks to the default serializer. However, since pickle serialization is Python-specific, servers cannot deserialize it and throw such an exception.
There are possible solutions to that, see the chapter for details.
I think the most appropriate solution for your use case would be Portable serialization which does not require a configuration change or code on the server-side. See the
BTW, client objects are quite heavyweight, so you shouldn't be creating them on demand like this. You can construct it once in your application and share and use it in your endpoints or business-logic code freely since it is thread-safe. The same applies to the map proxy you get from the client. It can also be re-used.
I have a Jython 2.7 script that receives a URL and uses the parameters/values in the URL to create or update records.
Example URL: http://server:host/maximo/oslc/script/CREATEWO?&wonum=WO0001&description=Legacy&classstructureid=1666&wopriority=1&worktype=CM
Receive the URL and put the parameters/values in variables:
from psdi.server import MXServer
from psdi.mbo import MboSet
resp = {}
wonum = request.getQueryParam("wonum")
description = request.getQueryParam("description")
classstructureid = request.getQueryParam("classstructureid")
wopriority = request.getQueryParam("wopriority")
worktype = request.getQueryParam("worktype")
Some lines that aren't relevant to the question:
woset = MXServer.getMXServer().getMboSet("workorder",request.getUserInfo())
whereClause = "wonum= '" + wonum + "'"
woMbo = woset.moveFirst()
Then use the values to either create a new record or update an existing record:
#If workorder already exists, update it:
if woMbo is not None:
woMbo.setValue("description", description)
woMbo.setValue("classstructureid", classstructureid)
woMbo.setValue("wopriority", wopriority)
woMbo.setValue("worktype", worktype)
resp[0]='Updated workorder ' + wonum
#Else, create a new workorder
woMbo.setValue("description", description)
woMbo.setValue("classstructureid", classstructureid)
woMbo.setValue("wopriority", wopriority)
woMbo.setValue("worktype", worktype)
resp[0]='Created workorder ' + wonum
responseBody =resp[0]
Unfortunately, the field names/values are hardcoded in 3 different places in the script.
I would like to enhance the script so that it is dynamic -- not hardcoded.
In other words, it would be great if the script could accept a list of parameters/values and simply loop through them to update or create a record in the respective fields.
Is it possible to do this?
You're using the Maximo Next Gen. REST API to execute an automation script that accepts an HTTP request with parameters and creates or updates a Work Order in the system. You want to make your script more generic (presumably to accept more paramaters for the created/updated work order) and/or other mbo's.
This can be achieved without developing automation scripts and just using the Next Gen. API you're already using to execute the script. The API already accepts create & update requests on the mxwo object structure with the ability to use all the fields, child objects, etc.
Assuming you are working always with the same query parameters, rather than define variables, loop through a list of strings and put them as key-value pairs
To populate
items = ["wonum", "description"]
resp = {k: request.getQueryParam(k) for k in items}
Then to set
for i in items:
woMbo.setValue(i, resp[i])
Otherwise, you are looking for URL parsing and the getQuery method, followed by a split("="), giving you ["wonum", "WO0001", "description", "Legacy"], for example, and you can loop over every other element to get you dynamic entries
l = ["wonum", "WO0001", "description", "Legacy"]
for i in range(0, len(l)-1, 2):
key:wonum value:WO0001
key:description value:Legacy
Note: This is subject to SQL injection attacks, and should be fixed
whereClause = "wonum= '" + wonum + "'"
I'm trying to use to create and update databases. I'd like to implement notification changes, preferably in continuous mode. Running the test code posted below, I don't see how the changes scheme works within python.
class SomeDocument(Document):
# def __init__ (self):
intField = IntegerField()#for now - this should to be an integer
textField = TextField()
couch = couchdb.Server('')
databasename = 'testnotifications'
if databasename in couch:
print 'Deleting then creating database ' + databasename + ' from server'
del couch[databasename]
db = couch.create(databasename)
print 'Creating database ' + databasename + ' on server'
db = couch.create(databasename)
for iii in range(5):
doc = SomeDocument(intField=iii,textField='somestring'+str(iii))
print + '\t' + doc.rev
something = db.changes(feed='continuous',since=4,heartbeat=1000)
for iii in range(5,10):
doc = SomeDocument(intField=iii,textField='somestring'+str(iii))
print something
print db.changes(since=iii-1)
The value
returns information that is of interest, but in a format from which I haven't worked out how to extract the sequence or revision numbers, or the document information:
{u'last_seq': 6, u'results': [{u'changes': [{u'rev': u'1-9c1e4df5ceacada059512a8180ead70e'}], u'id': u'7d0cb1ccbfd9675b4b6c1076f40049a8', u'seq': 5}, {u'changes': [{u'rev': u'1-bbe2953a5ef9835a0f8d548fa4c33b42'}], u'id': u'7d0cb1ccbfd9675b4b6c1076f400560d', u'seq': 6}]}
Meanwhile, the code I'm really interested in using:
Returns a generator object and doesn't appear to provide notifications as they come in, as the CouchDB guide suggests ....
Has anyone used changes in couchdb-python successfully?
I use long polling rather than continous, and that works ok for me. In long polling mode db.changes blocks until at least one change has happened, and then returns all the changes in a generator object.
Here is the code I use to handle changes. settings.db is my CouchDB Database object.
since = 1
while True:
changes = settings.db.changes(since=since)
since = changes["last_seq"]
for changeset in changes["results"]:
doc = settings.db[changeset["id"]]
except couchdb.http.ResourceNotFound:
// process doc
As you can see it's an infinite loop where we call changes on each iteration. The call to changes returns a dictionary with two elements, the sequence number of the most recent update and the objects that were modified. I then loop through each result loading the appropriate object and processing it.
For a continuous feed, instead of the while True: line use for changes in settings.db.changes(feed="continuous", since=since).
I setup a mailspooler using something similar to this. You'll need to also load couchdb.Session() I also use a filter for only receiving unsent emails to the spooler changes feed.
from couchdb import Server
s = Server('http://localhost:5984/')
db = s['testnotifications']
# the since parameter defaults to 'last_seq' when using continuous feed
ch = db.changes(feed='continuous',heartbeat='1000',include_docs=True)
for line in ch:
doc = line['doc']
// process doc here
doc['priority'] = 'high'
doc['recipient'] = 'Joe User'
# doc['state'] + 'sent'
This will allow you access your doc directly from the changes feed, manipulate your data as you see fit, and finally update you document. I use a try/except block on the actual '' so I can catch when a document has been updated while I was editing and reload the doc before saving.