Wait between Function Calls - python

I am new to Python. I want to add wait between two function calls.
Below is the code snap, but with this code wait is not working. My code goes in to pause as soon as it reaches the first line of uploadFullstackZiptoCDN().
How Can I make sure that I have a pause of 5 minutes between the functions?

Code below produces a delay which seems to be well-controlled.
It might likely be adapted to your needs.
Among other differences, it allows for more granularity in the start and stop times than time.sleep.
import time
t0 = time.time()
nsecs = 300
while True :
t1 = time.time()
if ( (t1 - t0) > nsecs ) :
print( t1 - t0 )


How to make Non-blocking timer in Python

i need your help.
I need a non-bloking timer, that allows me, in the period it's still counting, doing other tasks.
I need this function for my bot and obviously I don't want to block it all times I call this type of function which requires these timers.
So, in the past i used to use in Arduino (c++) the function millis() that in the same configuration seems not working well like
int t0 =0
int t1
void loop(){
t1= millis()
while (t1-t0 < 6000){
t0 = millis();}}
Do you have any advice for me? A code where I can start from?
The following will print "Timer" for 6 seconds:
import time
start_time = time.time() # returns number of seconds passed since epoch
current_time = time.time()
max_loop_time = 6 # 6 seconds
while (current_time - start_time) <= max_loop_time:
# do stuff
current_time = time.time()
Okay, i found the solution by myself, trying to remember what i previously did on Arduino.
I based this answer from Adam Minas's one, but mine is quite different
So the expected behavior had to be:
print(something) every 5 seconds so:
import time
start_time = time.time() # returns number of seconds passed since epoch
#current_time = time.time()
max_loop_time = 20 # 6 seconds
while True:
while (time.time() - start_time) > max_loop_time:
start_time = time.time()
Then you can stop your while loop with break and other functions like
if == smth :

A cycle that ends as soon as x seconds have passed

I'm trying to make a program with a cycle that ends as soon as sixty seconds have passed but I don't have the slightest idea of how to do so, any ideas?
You can use the time module to get the system time before the execution of the loop, and then make the loop condition so that it stops when 60 seconds have passed.
import time
seconds = 60
start_time = time.time()
while (time.time() - start_time) < seconds:
print("hello !")

How to run a python script that executes every 5 minutes BUT in the meantime executes some other script

I don't want the code to go the sleep in these 5 minutes and just waits. I want to run some other code block or script in the meantime.
How to run a python script that executes every 5 minutes BUT in the meantime executes some other script it code block until the 5 minute time is reached again.
e.g I want to run 3 functions . One to run every 5 minutes. another every 1 minutes. another every 10-20 seconds.
You can use a Thread to control your subprocess and eventually kill it after 5 minutes
import time
delay = 1 # time between your next script execution
wait = delay
t1 = time.time()
while True:
t2 = time.time() - t1
if t2 >= wait:
wait += delay
# execute your script once every 5 minutes (now it is set to 1 second)
# execute your other code here
First, you need to get the time of your script, then you need a variable to store "wait time" of your script (in this case "wait").
Every time your script time is higher or equal to "wait" delay variable is added to wait and code is executed.
And for multiple delays it's:
import time
delay = [1, 3]
wait = [delay[0], delay[1]]
t1 = time.time()
while True:
t2 = time.time() - t1
for i in range(len(wait)):
if t2 >= wait[i]:
wait[i] += delay[i]
if i==0:
print("This is executed every second")
if i==1:
print("This is executed every 3 second")

Python - Accurate time.sleep

I am working on a project which accurate timer is really crucial. I am working on python and am using timer.sleep() function.
I noticed that timer.sleep() function will add additional delay because of the scheduling problem (refer to timer.sleep docs). Due to that issue, the longer my program runs, the more inaccurate the timer is.
Is there any more accurate timer/ticker to sleep the program or solution for this problem?
Any help would be appreciated. Cheers.
I had a solution similar to above, but it became processor heavy very quickly. Here is a processor-heavy idea and a workaround.
def processor_heavy_sleep(ms): # fine for ms, starts to work the computer hard in second range.
start = time.clock()
end = start + ms /1000.
while time.clock() < end:
return start, time.clock()
def efficient_sleep(secs, expected_inaccuracy=0.5): # for longer times
start = time.clock()
end = secs + start
time.sleep(secs - expected_inaccuracy)
while time.clock() < end:
return start, time.clock()
output of efficient_sleep(5, 0.5) 3 times was:
(3.1999303695151594e-07, 5.0000003199930365)
(5.00005983869791, 10.00005983869791)
(10.000092477987678, 15.000092477987678)
This is on windows. I'm running it for 100 loops right now. Here are the results.
(485.003749358414, 490.003749358414)
(490.0037919174879, 495.0037922374809)
(495.00382903668014, 500.00382903668014)
The sleeps remain accurate, but the calls are always delayed a little. If you need a scheduler that accurately calls every xxx secs to the millisecond, that would be a different thing.
the longer my program runs, the more inaccurate the timer is.
So, for example by expecting 0.5s delay, it will be time.sleep(0.5 - (start-end)). But still didn't solve the issue
You seem to be complaining about two effects, 1) the fact that timer.sleep() may take longer than you expect, and 2) the inherent creep in using a series of timer.sleep() calls.
You can't do anything about the first, short of switching to a real-time OS. The underlying OS calls are defined to sleep for at least as long as requested. They only guarantee that you won't wake early; they make no guarantee that you won't wake up late.
As for the second, you ought to figure your sleep time according to an unchanging epoch, not from your wake-up time. For example:
import time
import random
target = time.time()
def myticker():
# Sleep for 0.5s between tasks, with no creep
target += 0.5
now = time.time()
if target > now:
time.sleep(target - now)
def main():
previous = time.time()
for _ in range(100):
now = time.time()
print(now - previous)
previous = now
# simulate some work
time.sleep(random.random() / 10) # Always < tick frequency
# time.sleep(random.random()) # Not always < tick frequency
if __name__ == "__main__":
Working on Linux with zero knowledge of Windows, I may be being naive here but is there some reason that writing your own sleep function, won't work for you?
Something like:
import time
def sleep_time():
start_time = time.time()
while (time.time() - start_time) < 0.0001:
end_time = time.time() + 60 # run for a minute
cnt = 0
while time.time() < end_time:
cnt += 1
print("Slept ",cnt," Times")

Accurate sleep/delay within Python while loop

I have a while True loop which sends variables to an external function, and then uses the returned values. This send/receive process has a user-configurable frequency, which is saved and read from an external .ini configuration file.
I've tried time.sleep(1 / Frequency), but am not satisfied with the accuracy, given the number of threads being used elsewhere. E.g. a frequency of 60Hz (period of 0.0166667) is giving an 'actual' time.sleep() period of ~0.0311.
My preference would be to use an additional while loop, which compares the current time to the start time plus the period, as follows:
EndTime = time.time() + (1 / Frequency)
while time.time() - EndTime < 0:
This would fit into the end of my while True function as follows:
while True:
A = random.randint(0, 5)
B = random.randint(0, 10)
C = random.randint(0, 20)
Values = ExternalFunction.main(Variable_A = A, Variable_B = B, Variable_C = C)
Return_A = Values['A_Out']
Return_B = Values['B_Out']
Return_C = Values['C_Out']
#Updated other functions with Return_A, Return_B and Return_C
EndTime = time.time() + (1 / Frequency)
while time.time() - EndTime < 0:
I'm missing something, as the addition of the while loop causes the function to execute once only. How can I get the above to function correctly? Is this the best approach to 'accurate' frequency control on a non-real time operating system? Should I be using threading for this particular component? I'm testing this function on both Windows 7 (64-bit) and Ubuntu (64-bit).
If I understood your question correctly, you want to execute ExternalFunction.main at a given frequency. The problem is that the execution of ExternalFunction.main itself takes some time. If you don't need very fine precision -- it seems that you don't -- my suggestion is doing something like this.
import time
frequency = 1 # Hz
period = 1.0/frequency
while True:
time_before = time.time()
while (time.time() - time_before) < period:
time.sleep(0.001) # precision here
You may tune the precision to your needs. Greater precision (smaller number) will make the inner while loop execute more often.
This achieves decent results when not using threads. However, when using Python threads, the GIL (Global Interpreter Lock) makes sure only one thread runs at a time. If you have a huge number of threads it may be that it is taking way too much time for the program to go back to your main thread. Increasing the frequency Python changes between threads may give you more accurate delays.
Add this to the beginning of your code to increase the thread switching frequency.
import sys
1 is the number of instructions executed on each thread before switching (the default is 100), a larger number improves performance but will increase the threading switching time.
You may want to try python-pause
Pause until a unix time, with millisecond precision:
import pause
Pause using datetime:
import pause, datetime
dt = datetime.datetime(2013, 6, 2, 14, 36, 34, 383752)
You may use it like:
while true:
#Your code here
Another solution for an accurate delay is to use the perf_counter() function from module time. Especially useful in windows as time.sleep is not accurate in milliseconds. See below example where function accurate_delay creates a delay in milliseconds.
import time
def accurate_delay(delay):
''' Function to provide accurate time delay in millisecond
_ = time.perf_counter() + delay/1000
while time.perf_counter() < _:
delay = 10
t_start = time.perf_counter()
print('Wait for {:.0f} ms. Start: {:.5f}'.format(delay, t_start))
t_end = time.perf_counter()
print('End time: {:.5f}. Delay is {:.5f} ms'.
format(t_end, 1000*(t_end - t_start)))
sum = 0
ntests = 1000
for _ in range(ntests):
t_start = time.perf_counter()
t_end = time.perf_counter()
print('Test completed: {:.2f}%'.format(_/ntests * 100), end='\r', flush=True)
sum = sum + 1000*(t_end - t_start) - delay
print('Average difference in time delay is {:.5f} ms.'.format(sum/ntests))`
