I have an image. I want to get the perimeter of every object in my image. For example, in this image , the perimeter of an object is 33 (the number of pixels at its edges).
I have written the following algorithm, but it is very timely.
Does anyone have an idea to increase the speed of the algorithm?
What I have tried:
def cal_perimeter_object(object, image):
peri_ = 0
for pixel_ in image:
if pixel_is_in_neigbor_of_object() is True:
peri_ += 1
return peri_
As mentioned in the comment by #Piinthesky having a boolean (or labelled image) where you know the label for the object you want to find the contour for is the first step. There are a number of ways of doing this, the simplest of which is thresholding. Once you have your labelled image you can find the perimeter in a number of ways - e.g. the number of pixels along the border. To give you a head start here is a way to do it on the image you put in the link. I have used scikit-image but there are other python libraries you may use.
# If your python version is not 3.x uncomment line below
#from __future__ import print_function
from skimage.measure import label, regionprops
import skimage.io as io
# read in the image (enter the path where you downloaded it on your computer below
im = io.imread('/home/kola/Downloads/perimeter.png')
# To simplify things I am only using the first channel and thresholding
# to get a boolean image
bw = im[:,:,0] > 230
regions = regionprops(bw.astype(int))
I am trying to create a pipeline in which I first render an image using the blender python API (I am using Blender 2.90) and then perform some image processing in python. I want to fetch the image directly from blender without first writing the rendered image to disk and then loading it again. I ran the following code within the blender GUI to do so:
import bpy
import numpy as np
import PIL.Image as Image
from skimage.util import img_as_ubyte
resolution_x = 512
resolution_y = 512
# render settings
scene = bpy.context.scene
scene.render.engine = 'BLENDER_EEVEE'
scene.render.resolution_x = resolution_x
scene.render.resolution_y = resolution_y
scene.render.image_settings.file_format = 'PNG'
scene.render.filepath = "path/to/good_image.png"
# create Viewer Layer in Compositor
scene.use_nodes = True
tree = scene.node_tree
nodes = tree.nodes
links = tree.links
for node in nodes:
render_layer_node = nodes.new('CompositorNodeRLayers')
viewer_node = nodes.new('CompositorNodeViewer')
links.new(viewer_node.inputs[0], render_layer_node.outputs[0])
# render scene and get pixels from Viewer Node
pixels = bpy.data.images['Viewer Node'].pixels
# do some processing and save
img = np.flip(img_as_ubyte(np.array(pixels[:]).reshape((resolution_y, resolution_x, 4))), axis=0)
Problem: The image I get from the Viewer Node is much darker (bad image) than the image saved in the conventional way (good image). Does anyone have an idea why this happens and how to fix it? Does blender maybe treat pixel values differently than I expect?
Some additional information:
Before conversion to uint8, the values of the alpha channel within the dark image are 1.0 (as they actually should be). Background values in the dark image are not 0.0 or negative (as one might guess from appearance), but 0.05...
What I tried:
I thought that pixels might be scaled within range -1 to 1, so I rescaled the pixels to range 0 to 1 before transforming to uint8... Did not lead to the correct image either :(
It's because the image that you get from the Viewer Node is the one "straight from compositing" before color management takes place. You can have a look at the documentation here: this image is still in the linear space.
Your good_image.png on the other hand is obtained after transformation into the "Display Space" (see diagram in the doc). Hence it was transformed into a log-space, maybe gamma-corrected, etc.
Finally, you can get an image that is close to (but slightly different though) to the good image from the viewer node by calling bpy.data.images['Viewer Node'].save_render(filepath) instead, but there is no way to directly extract the color-managed version without rendering to a file first. You can probably do it yourself by adding PyOpenColorIO to your script and applying the color management from this module.
I am new to Python and not really sure how to attack this problem.
What I am trying to do is to take a black and white image and change the value of the edge (x pixels thick) from 255 to some other greyscale value.
I need to do this to a set of png images inside of a folder. All images will be geometric (mostly a combination of straight lines) no crazy curves or patterns. Using Python 3.
Please check the images.
A typical file will look like this:
I think this is what you want. The comments should explain pretty well what I going on:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image, ImageFilter
from skimage.morphology import dilation, square
# Open input image and ensure it is greyscale
image = Image.open('XYbase.png').convert('L')
# Find the edges
edges = image.filter(ImageFilter.FIND_EDGES)
# Convert edges to Numpy array and dilate (fatten) with our square structuring element
selem = square(6)
fatedges = dilation(np.array(edges),selem)
# Make Numpy version of our original image and set all fatedges to brightness 128
imnp = np.array(image)
imnp[np.nonzero(fatedges)] = 128
# Convert Numpy image back to PIL image and save
So, if I start with this image:
The (intermediate) edges look like this:
And I get this as the result:
If you want the outlines fatter/thinner, increase/decrease the 6 in:
selem = square(6)
If you want the outlines lighter/darker, increase/decrease the 128 in:
imnp[np.nonzero(fatedges)] = 128
Keywords: image, image processing, fatten, thicken, outline, trace, edge, highlight, Numpy, PIL, Pillow, edge, edges, morphology, structuring element, skimage, scikit-image, erode, erosion, dilate, dilation.
I can interpret your question in a much simpler way, so I thought I'd answer that simpler question too. Maybe you already have a grey-ish edge around your shapes (like the Google drive files you shared) and just want to change all pixels that are neither black nor white into a different colour - and the fact that they are edges is irrelevant. That is much easier:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
# Open input image and ensure it is greyscale
image = Image.open('XYBase.png').convert('L')
# Make Numpy version
imnp = np.array(image)
# Set all pixels that are neither black nor white to 220
imnp[(imnp>0) & (imnp<255)] = 220
# Convert Numpy image back to PIL image and save
I am trying to do some white blob detection using OpenCV. But my script failed to detect the big white block which is my goal while some small blobs are detected. I am new to OpenCV, and am i doing something wrong when using simpleblobdetection in OpenCV? [Solved partially, please read below]
And here is the script:
# Standard imports
import cv2
import numpy as np;
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
# Read image
im = cv2.imread('whiteborder.jpg', cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
imfiltered = cv2.inRange(im,255,255)
kernel = np.ones((5,5))
opening = cv2.morphologyEx(imfiltered,cv2.MORPH_OPEN,kernel)
#write out the filtered image
# Setup SimpleBlobDetector parameters.
params = cv2.SimpleBlobDetector_Params()
params.blobColor= 255
params.filterByColor = True
# Create a detector with the parameters
ver = (cv2.__version__).split('.')
if int(ver[0]) < 3 :
detector = cv2.SimpleBlobDetector(params)
else :
detector = cv2.SimpleBlobDetector_create(params)
# Detect blobs.
keypoints = detector.detect(opening)
# Draw detected blobs as green circles.
# the size of the circle corresponds to the size of blob
print str(keypoints)
im_with_keypoints = cv2.drawKeypoints(opening, keypoints, np.array([]), (0,255,0), cv2.DRAW_MATCHES_FLAGS_DRAW_RICH_KEYPOINTS)
# Show blobs
##cv2.imshow("Keypoints", im_with_keypoints)
By adding a bigger value of area maximum value, i am able to identify a big blob but my end goal is to identify the big white rectangle exist or not. And the white blob detection i did returns not only the rectangle but also the surrounding areas as well. [This part solved]
Based on the answer from #PSchn, i update my code to apply the logic, first set the color filter to only get the white pixels and then remove the noise point using opening. It works for the sample data and i can successfully get the keypoint after blob detection.
If you just want to detect the white rectangle you can try to set a higher threshold, e.g. 253, erase small object with an opening and take the biggest blob. I first smoothed your image, then thresholding it:
and the opening:
now you just have to use findContours and take the boundingRect. If your rectangle is always that white it should work. If you get lower then 251 with your threshold the other small blobs will appear and your region merges with them, like here:
Then you could still do an opening several times and you get this:
But i dont think that it is the fastest idea ;)
You could try setting params.maxArea to something obnoxiously large (somewhere in the tens of thousands): the default may be something lower than the area of the rectangle you're trying to detect. Also, I don't know how true this is or not, but I've heard that detection by color is bugged with a logic error, so it may be worth a try disabling it just in case that is causing problems (this has probably been fixed in later versions, but it could still be worth a try)
I want to extract the silhouette of an image, and I'm trying to do it using the contour function of MatplotLib. This is my code:
from PIL import Image
from pylab import *
# read image to array
im = array(Image.open('HOJA.jpg').convert('L'))
# create a new figure
# show contours with origin upper left corner
contour(im, origin='image')
This is my original image:
And this is my result:
But I just want to show the external contour, the silhouette. Just the read lines in this example.
How can I do it? I read the documentation of the contour function, but I can't get what I want.
If you know a better way to do this in Python, please tell me! (MatplotLib, OpenCV, etc.)
If you want to stick with your contour approach you can simply add a levels argument with a value 'thresholding' the image between the white background and the leaf.
You could use the histogram to find an appropriate value. But in this case any value slightly lower than 255 will do.
contour(im, levels=[245], colors='black', origin='image')
Make sure you checkout Scikit-Image if you want to do some serious image processing. It contains several edge detection algoritms etc.
For those who want the OpenCV solution, here it is:
ret,thresh = cv2.threshold(image,245,255,0)
contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(thresh,cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL,cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE)
tam = 0
for contorno in contours:
if len(contorno) > tam:
contornoGrande = contorno
tam = len(contorno)
cv2.imshow('My image',image)
In this example, I only draw the biggest contour. Remember that 'image' must be a single-channel array.
You should change the parameters of the threshold function, the findContours function and the drawContours function to get what you want.
threshold Documentation
findContours Documentation
drawContours Documentation
I do the conversion to 'int' in the drawContours function because there is a bug in the Open CV 2.4.3 version, and if you don't do this conversion, the program breaks.
This is the bug.
I would recommand using OpenCV for performance.
It has a findContour functions accessible from python using the cv2 binding.
This function can be set to return only the external contour.
You will have to threshold your image as well.
Any ideas how to use Python with the PIL module to shrink select all? I know this can be achieved with Gimp. I'm trying to package my app as small as possible, a GIMP install is not an option for the EU.
Say you have 2 images, one is 400x500, other is 200x100. They both are white with a 100x100 textblock somewhere within each image's boundaries. What I'm trying to do is automatically strip the whitespace around that text, load that 100x100 image textblock into a variable for further text extraction.
It's obviously not this simple, so just running the text extraction on the whole image won't work! I just wanted to query about the basic process. There is not much available on Google about this topic. If solved, perhaps it could help someone else as well...
Thanks for reading!
If you put the image into a numpy array, it's simple to find the edges which you can use PIL to crop. Here I'm assuming that the whitespace is the color (255,255,255), you can adjust to your needs:
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
im = Image.open("test.png")
pix = np.asarray(im)
pix = pix[:,:,0:3] # Drop the alpha channel
idx = np.where(pix-255)[0:2] # Drop the color when finding edges
box = map(min,idx)[::-1] + map(max,idx)[::-1]
region = im.crop(box)
region_pix = np.asarray(region)
To show what the results look like, I've left the axis labels on so you can see the size of the box region:
from pylab import *
The general algorithmn would be to find the color of the top left pixel, and then do a spiral scan inwards until you find a pixel not of that color. That will define one edge of your bounding box. Keep scanning until you hit one more of each edge.
might be of some help. You can use the simple bounding box method described in that tutorial or #Tyler Eaves spiral suggestion which works equally as well