telegram bot: how should i get user feedback after forcereply? - python

#!/usr/bin/env python3
#-*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
from apikey import tgbottoken,authedchat
from telebot import types
import telebot,logging
bot =telebot.TeleBot(tgbottoken)
def extract_arg(arg):
return arg.split()[1:]
def mailwithsg(msg):
cid =
sendto = types.ForceReply(selective=False)
bot.send_message(cid, "Send me another word:", reply_markup=sendto)
after I use the methods and send a reply markup message, how should I get user's reply text (like user feedback)? which method should I use?
I now use pyTelegramBotAPI as a Python Wrapper.

It will reply a normal message.
Only Inline Keyboard should use CallBackQuery to handle it.
So that just use message_id to identify all messages and do what you want.

use my method from php - i think you can translate it to python;
case 'Send me another word:':
$usersreply = $message ;
--------->here you can send some text to user and say Thanks)


Posting a message in Symphony from Python

I'm trying to send a message from Symphony using Python.
I found this page but I don't really know how to use it ( There's a cURL and a post url .. ) and I don't understand how I can use requests in this context ( still a beginner in API ).
Can someone help me to figure out how I can use this page to send a message from Python.
Thank you
You have to pass some required things in headers and use multipart/from-data content-type.
If you know about the postman then first with that and pass required headers.
files ={"message":"<messageML>Hello world!</messageML>"}
"sessionToken": "SESSION_TOKEN",
"keyManagerToken": "KEY_MANAGER_TOKEN"
}"", files=files,headers=headers) has alot of examples on how to use symphony sdk. From python you don't want to use the api. This is the simple code to send a message from a bot. If you do not have a bot set up yet, follow NOTE you will need an admin user to follow these steps.
from symphony.bdk.core.config.loader import BdkConfigLoader
from symphony.bdk.core.symphony_bdk import SymphonyBdk
config = BdkConfigLoader.load_from_file("config.yaml")
async with SymphonyBdk(config) as bdk:
streams = bdk.streams()
messages = bdk.messages()
user_id = 123 # this can be found by clicking on a profile and copy profile link eg symphony://?userId=31123123123
stream = await streams.create_im_or_mim([user_id])
await messages.send_message(, f"<messageML>Message you want to send</messageML>")

python telegram bot: why are digits a link to phone number?

Sending text/markdown with Python-Telegram-Bot, all digit groups are rendered as links to phone numbers like in
Clicking on 12345 it jumps to the phone call keyboard. How can I avoid this behavior, rendering 12345 as normal text (not a link)?
I went through the documentation but cannot find any reference to this particular issue.
This is the test code:
import telegram
from telegram.ext import Updater, CommandHandler
def start_function(update, context):
update.message.reply_text("Test 12345", parse_mode=telegram.ParseMode.MARKDOWN)
bot = telegram.Bot(token=TOKEN)
updater = Updater(token=TOKEN, use_context=True)
dispatcher = updater.dispatcher
dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler("start", start_function))
Any pointer to docs or examples is welcome. Thank you in advance.
Wrap the number in ``(backtick);
Test: `12345`
Wrap the number in a <code></code> block;
Test: <code>12345</code>
MarkDown example (first witout ``, second request;):
&text=Test: `12345`&parse_mode=MarkDown

pyTelegramBotAPI disable link preview

Currently writing my first bot using pyTelegramBotAPI. I want to disable link previews on certain messages. How do I do this?
It looks like there is an disable_web_page_preview parameter on the sendMessage method.
tb = telebot.TeleBot(TOKEN)
tb.send_message(123456, "Hi <link>", disable_web_page_preview=True)
Original code;
def send_message(token, chat_id, text, disable_web_page_preview=None, reply_to_message_id=None, reply_markup=None,
parse_mode=None, disable_notification=None):
Try using link_preview/disable_web_page_preview parameter.
client.send_message('chat_name', '[link](', parse_mode = "Markdown", link_preview=False)
To me this works:
client.send_message(chat_name, msg, link_preview=False)
(Python 3.8, Telethon 1.24)

import string from different file in python

Last week I installed the Telegram application on my Raspberry Pi and set up a script to send me notifications on time (with crontab). But as I have to enter a Token from my Bot and a chat_id of my Telegram Account I want to store them one time in different files so I only have to change it in one file if they ever change. So far my code looks like this:
import telepot
import values
with open("", "r") as valuesFile:
chat_id, Token = valuesFile.readlines()
bot = telepot.Bot('TOKEN')
bot.sendMessage(chat_id, 'message')
chat_id = 'ChatID'
Token = 'TOKEN'
But I haven't figured out how to get the information from my other files. I have looked on the internet but I'm not really good a programming like at all so I hoped somebody could help me with finding the right command to import the two strings from my files and use them as the declaration for chat_id and TOKEN.
Your question is rather unclear. Are you importing the values and tokens from a python file? A text file?. I will guide you through a few examples.
If you want to import the values from another python file (let's call it and let's assume it's in the same directory as the script you sent (
chat_id = 'YOUR_CHAT_ID'
import values
import telepot
bot = telepot.Bot(values.TOKEN)
Now, let's assume the values you need are in a text file, values.txt that looks like:
import telepot
with open("values.txt", "r") as valuesFile:
chatId, Token = valuesFile.readlines()
bot = telepot.Bot(Token)
bot.sendMessage(chatId, "This is a message")

How to send bold text using Telegram Python bot

I am writing a telegram bot in Python. I want to send messages with bold letters. I tried to inclose message inside both * and **, but it does not solve the problem.
Is there a function for mark up or HTML formatting or a way to do it?
You should use:
bot.send_message(chat_id=chat_id, text="*bold* Example message",
bot.send_message(chat_id=chat_id, text='<b>Example message</b>',
More info at:
This is a little bit late. But i hope to be helpful for others:
import telepot
token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' # Your telegram token .
receiver_id = yyyyyyyy # Bot id, you can get this by using the next link :<TOKEN>/getUpdates. Note that you should
replace <TOKEN> with your token.
bot = telepot.Bot(token)
message = "*YOUR MESSAGE YOU WENT TO SEND.*" #Any characters between ** will be
send in bold format.
bot.sendMessage(receiver_id, message , parse_mode= 'Markdown' )
