Convert Java to Python using cx_Oracle SQL/XML query - python

I have an existing solution in Java to extract data from an Oracle database. I do it like so:
String tmp = "begin ? := pkgioexportora.request(?); end;";
String xml = "<><query><popid>1</popid> <moduleid>3</moduleid><only_changes>0</only_changes></query></>";
CallableStatement callableStmt = oracle.prepareCall(tmp);
// Register the type of the out param - an Oracle specific type
callableStmt.registerOutParameter(1, OracleTypes.NUMBER);
callableStmt.setString(2, xml);
This construct returns a job id which I'm later required to use in the WHERE clause of a SELECT query.
I've tried using just a cursor and input the complete statement, without the CallableStatement stuff, but no luck.
cursor = con.cursor()
cursor.execute("begin 2 := pkgioexportora.request(xml_stuff_here); end;";)
callproc seems to give me similar error.
I've tried searching for solutions, or similar things done, but yet to come up with any examples. Is it possible to do such a thing with cx_Oracle or am I stuck with my Java code for doing this?

You can use cursor.callfunc() in cx_Oracle. As in the following:
result = cursor.callfunc("pkgioexportora.request", cx_Oracle.NUMBER, [xml_stuff])
You could also do it this way, but its more complex:
var = cursor.var(cx_Oracle.NUMBER)
cursor.execute("begin :1 := pkgioexportora.request(:2); end;", [var, xml_stuff])
result = var.getvalue()


Getting error when running a sql select statement in python

I am new to this and trying to learn python. I wrote a select statement in python where I used a parameter
Select """cln.customer_uid = """[(num_cuid_number)])
TypeError: string indices must be integers
Agree with the others, this doesn't look really like Python by itself.
I will see even without seeing the rest of that code I'll guess the [(num_cuid_number)] value(s) being returned is a string, so you'll want to convert it to integer for the select statement to process.
num_cuid_number is most likely a string in your code; the string indices are the ones in the square brackets. So please first check your data variable to see what you received there. Also, I think that num_cuid_number is a string, while it should be in an integer value.
Let me give you an example for the python code to execute: (Just for the reference: I have used SQLAlchemy with flask)
def get_data():
SELECT cln.customer_uid='%s' from cln
""" % (num_cuid_number)
data = db.session.execute(base_sql).fetchall()
Pretty sure you are trying to create a select statement with a "where" clause here. There are many ways to do this, for example using raw sql, the query should look similar to this:
query = "SELECT * FROM cln WHERE customer_uid = %s"
parameters = (num_cuid_number,)
separating the parameters from the query is secure. You can then take these 2 variables and execute them with your db engine like
results = db.execute(query, parameters)
This will work, however, especially in Python, it is more common to use a package like SQLAlchemy to make queries more "flexible" (in other words, without manually constructing an actual string as a query string). You can do the same thing using SQLAlchemy core functionality
query =
query = query.where(cln.customer_uid == num_cuid_number)
results = db.execute(query)
Note: I simplified "db" in both examples, you'd actually use a cursor, session, engine or similar to execute your queries, but that wasn't your question.

Python Replace Quoted Values In External SQL Query

I use the simple query below to select from a table based on the date:
select * from tbl where date = '2019-10-01'
The simple query is part of a much larger query that extracts information from many tables on the same server. I don't have execute access on the server, so I can't install a stored procedure to make my life easier. Instead, I read the query into Python and try to replace certain values inside single quote strings, such as:
select * from tbl where date = '<InForceDate>'
I use a simple Python function (below) to replace with another value like 2019-10-01, but the str.replace() function isn't replacing when I look at the output. However, I tried this with a value like that wasn't in quotes and it worked. I'm sure I'm missing something fundamental, but haven't uncovered why it works without quotes and fails with quotes.
def generate_sql(sql_path, inforce_date):
with open(pd_sql_path, 'r') as sql_file:
sql_string =
sql_final = str.replace(sql_string, r'<InForceDate>', inforce_date)
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Nevermind folks -- problem solved, but haven't quite figured out why. File encoding is my guess.

MySql read_sql python query with variable #

I am aware that queries in Python can be parameterized using either ? or %s in execute query here or here
However I have some long query that would use some constant variable defined at the beginning of the query
Set #my_const = 'xyz';
select #my_const;
-- Query that use #my_const 40 times
select ... coalesce(field1, #my_const), case(.. then #my_const)...
I would like to do the least modif possible to the query from Mysql. So that instead of modifying the query to
pd.read_sql(select ... coalesce(field1, %s), case(.. then %s)... , [my_const, my_const, my_const, ..]
,I could write something along the line of the initial query. Upon trying the following, however, I am getting a TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable
query_str = "Set #null_val = \'\'; "\
" select #null_val"
erpur_df = pd.read_sql(query_str, con = db)
Any idea how to use the original variable defined in Mysql query ?
The reason
query_str = "Set #null_val = \'\'; "\
" select #null_val"
erpur_df = pd.read_sql(query_str, con = db)
throws that exception is because all you are doing is setting null_value to '' and then selecting that '' - what exactly would you have expected that to give you? EDIT read_sql only seems to execute one query at a time, and as the first query returns no rows it results in that exception.
If you split them in to two calls to read_sql then it will in fact return you the value of your #null value in the second call. Due to this behaviour read_sql is clearly not a good way to do this. I strongly suggest you use one of my suggestions below.
Why are you wanting to set the variable in the SQL using '#' anyway?
You could try using the .format style of string formatting.
Like so:
query_str = "select ... coalesce(field1, {c}), case(.. then {c})...".format(c=my_const)
Just remember that if you do it this way and your my_const is a user input then you will need to sanitize it manually to prevent SQL injection.
Another possibility is using a dict of params like so:
query_str = "select ... coalesce(field1, %(my_const)s, case(.. then %(my_const)s)..."
pd.read_sql(query_str, params={'my_const': const_value})
However this is dependent on which database driver you use.
From the pandas.read_sql docs:
Check your database driver documentation for which of the five syntax
styles, described in PEP 249’s paramstyle, is supported. Eg. for
psycopg2, uses %(name)s so use params={‘name’ : ‘value’}

pymssql ( python module ) unable to use temporary tables

This isn't a question, so much as a pre-emptive answer. (I have gotten lots of help from this website & wanted to give back.)
I was struggling with a large bit of SQL query that was failing when I tried to run it via python using pymssql, but would run fine when directly through MS SQL. (E.g., in my case, I was using MS SQL Server Management Studio to run it outside of python.)
Then I finally discovered the problem: pymssql cannot handle temporary tables. At least not my version, which is still 1.0.1.
As proof, here is a snippet of my code, slightly altered to protect any IP issues:
conn = pymssql.connect(host=sqlServer, user=sqlID, password=sqlPwd, \
cur = conn.cursor()
The above code FAILS (returns no data, to be specific, and spits the error "pymssql.OperationalError: No data available." if you call cur.fetchone() ) if I call it with testQuery defined as below:
testQuery = """
[sample_id] varchar (256)
,[blah] varchar (256) )
FROM [myTableOI]
WHERE [Shipment Type] in ('test')
However, it works fine if testQuery is defined as below.
testQuery = """
FROM [myTableOI]
WHERE [Shipment Type] in ('test')
I did a Google search as well as a search within Stack Overflow, and couldn't find any information regarding the particular issue. I also looked under the pymssql documentation and FAQ, found at, and did not see anything mentioning that temporary tables are not allowed. So I thought I'd add this "question".
Update: July 2016
The previously-accepted answer is no longer valid. The second "will NOT work" example does indeed work with pymssql 2.1.1 under Python 2.7.11 (once conn.autocommit(1) is replaced with conn.autocommit(True) to avoid "TypeError: Cannot convert int to bool").
For those who run across this question and might have similar problems, I thought I'd pass on what I'd learned since the original post. It turns out that you CAN use temporary tables in pymssql, but you have to be very careful in how you handle commits.
I'll first explain by example. The following code WILL work:
testQuery = """
[name] varchar(256)
,[age] int )
values ('Mike', 12)
,('someone else', 904)
conn = pymssql.connect(host=sqlServer, user=sqlID, password=sqlPwd, \
database=sqlDB) ## obviously setting up proper variables here...
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM #TEST")
tmp = cur.fetchone()
This will then return the first item (a subsequent fetch will return the other):
('Mike', 12)
But the following will NOT work
testQuery = """
[name] varchar(256)
,[age] int )
values ('Mike', 12)
,('someone else', 904)
conn = pymssql.connect(host=sqlServer, user=sqlID, password=sqlPwd, \
database=sqlDB) ## obviously setting up proper variables here...
cur = conn.cursor()
tmp = cur.fetchone()
This will fail saying "pymssql.OperationalError: No data available." The reason, as best I can tell, is that whether you have autocommit on or not, and whether you specifically make a commit yourself or not, all tables must explicitly be created AND COMMITTED before trying to read from them.
In the first case, you'll notice that there are two "cur.execute(...)" calls. The first one creates the temporary table. Upon finishing the "cur.execute()", since autocommit is turned on, the SQL script is committed, the temporary table is made. Then another cur.execute() is called to read from that table. In the second case, I attempt to create & read from the table "simultaneously" (at least in the mind of pymssql... it works fine in MS SQL Server Management Studio). Since the table has not previously been made & committed, I cannot query into it.
Wow... that was a hassle to discover, and it will be a hassle to adjust my code (developed on MS SQL Server Management Studio at first) so that it will work within a script. Oh well...

How do I use SQL parameters with python?

I am using python 2.7 and pymssql 1.9.908.
In .net to query the database I would do something like this:
using (SqlCommand com = new SqlCommand("select * from Customer where CustomerId = #CustomerId", connection))
com.Parameters.AddWithValue("#CustomerID", CustomerID);
//Do something with the command
I am trying to figure out what the equivalent is for python and more particularly pymssql. I realize that I could just do string formatting, however that doesn't seem handle escaping properly like a parameter does (I could be wrong on that).
How do I do this in python?
After creating a connection object db:
cursor = db.execute('SELECT * FROM Customer WHERE CustomerID = %s', [customer_id])
then use any of the fetch... methods of the resulting cursor object.
Don't be fooled by the %s part: this is NOT string formatting, it's parameter substitution (different DB API modules use different syntax for parameter substitution -- pymssql just happens to use the unfortunate %s!-).
