Speeding up fancy indexing with numpy - python

I have two numpy arrays and each has shape of (10000,10000).
One is value array and the other one is index array.
I want to make a list (or 1D numpy array) by summing all the "Value array" referring the "Index array". For example, for each index i, finding matching array index and giving it to value array as argument
for i in range(1000):
NewArray[i] = np.sum(Value[np.where(Index==i)])
However, This is too slow since I have to do this loop through 300,000 arrays.
I tried to come up with some logical indexing method like
NewArray[Index] += Value[Index]
But it didn't work.
The next thing I tried is using dictionary
for k, v in list(zip(Index.flatten(),Value.flatten())):
for i in NewDict:
NewDict[i] = np.sum(NewDict[i])
But it was slow too
Is there any smart way to speed up?

I had two thoughts. First, try masking, it speeds this up by about 4x:
for i in range(1000):
NewArray[i] = np.sum(Value[Index==i])
Alternately, you can sort your arrays to put the values you're adding together in contiguous memory space. Masking or using where() has to gather all your values together each time you call sum on the slice. By front-loading this gathering, you might be able to speed things up considerably:
# flatten your arrays
vals = Value.ravel()
inds = Index.ravel()
s = np.argsort(inds) # these are the indices that will sort your Index array
v_sorted = vals[s].copy() # the copy here orders the values in memory instead of just providing a view
i_sorted = inds[s].copy()
searches = np.searchsorted(i_sorted, np.arange(0, i_sorted[-1] + 2)) # 1 greater than your max, this gives you your array end...
for i in range(len(searches) -1):
st = searches[i]
nd = searches[i+1]
NewArray[i] = v_sorted[st:nd].sum()
This method takes 26 sec on my computer vs 400 using the old way. Good luck. If you want to read more about contiguous memory and performance check this discussion out.


The sum of the products of a two-dimensional array python

I have 2 arrays of a million elements (created from an image with the brightness of each pixel)
I need to get a number that is the sum of the products of the array elements of the same name. That is, A(1,1) * B(1,1) + A(1,2) * B(1,2)...
In the loop, python takes the value of the last variable from the loop (j1) and starts running through it, then adds 1 to the penultimate variable and runs through the last one again, and so on. How can I make it count elements of the same name?
res1, res2 - arrays (specifically - numpy.ndarray)
Perhaps there is a ready-made function for this, but I need to make it as open as possible, without a ready-made one.
sum = 0
for i in range(len(res1)):
for j in range(len(res2[i])):
for i1 in range(len(res2)):
for j1 in range(len(res1[i1])):
sum += res1[i][j]*res2[i1][j1]
In the first part of my answer I'll explain how to fix your code directly. Your code is almost correct but contains one big mistake in logic. In the second part of my answer I'll explain how to solve your problem using numpy. numpy is the standard python package to deal with arrays of numbers. If you're manipulating big arrays of numbers, there is no excuse not to use numpy.
Fixing your code
Your code uses 4 nested for-loops, with indices i and j to iterate on the first array, and indices i1 and j1 to iterate on the second array.
Thus you're multiplying every element res1[i][j] from the first array, with every element res2[i1][j1] from the second array. This is not what you want. You only want to multiply every element res1[i][j] from the first array with the corresponding element res2[i][j] from the second array: you should use the same indices for the first and the second array. Thus there should only be two nested for-loops.
s = 0
for i in range(len(res1)):
for j in range(len(res1[i])):
s += res1[i][j] * res2[i][j]
Note that I called the variable s instead of sum. This is because sum is the name of a builtin function in python. Shadowing the name of a builtin is heavily discouraged. Here is the list of builtins: https://docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html ; do not name a variable with a name from that list.
Now, in general, in python, we dislike using range(len(...)) in a for-loop. If you read the official tutorial and its section on for loops, it suggests that for-loop can be used to iterate on elements directly, rather than on indices.
For instance, here is how to iterate on one array, to sum the elements on an array, without using range(len(...)) and without using indices:
# sum the elements in an array
s = 0
for row in res1:
for x in row:
s += x
Here row is a whole row, and x is an element. We don't refer to indices at all.
Useful tools for looping are the builtin functions zip and enumerate:
enumerate can be used if you need access both to the elements, and to their indices;
zip can be used to iterate on two arrays simultaneously.
I won't show an example with enumerate, but zip is exactly what you need since you want to iterate on two arrays:
s = 0
for row1, row2 in zip(res1, res2):
for x, y in zip(row1, row2):
s += x * y
You can also use builtin function sum to write this all without += and without the initial = 0:
s = sum(x * y for row1,row2 in zip(res1, res2) for x,y in zip(row1, row2))
Using numpy
As I mentioned in the introduction, numpy is a standard python package to deal with arrays of numbers. In general, operations on arrays using numpy is much, much faster than loops on arrays in core python. Plus, code using numpy is usually easier to read than code using core python only, because there are a lot of useful functions and convenient notations. For instance, here is a simple way to achieve what you want:
import numpy as np
# convert to numpy arrays
res1 = np.array(res1)
res2 = np.array(res2)
# multiply elements with corresponding elements, then sum
s = (res1 * res2).sum()
Relevant documentation:
sum: .sum() or np.sum();
pointwise multiplication: np.multiply() or *;
dot product: np.dot.
Solution 1:
import numpy as np
a,b = np.array(range(100)), np.array(range(100))
print((a * b).sum())
Solution 2 (more open, because of use of pd.DataFrame):
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
a,b = np.array(range(100)), np.array(range(100))
df = pd.DataFrame(dict({'col1': a, 'col2': b}))
df['vect_product'] = df.col1 * df.col2
Two simple and fast options using numpy are: (A*B).sum() and np.dot(A.ravel(),B.ravel()). The first method sums all elements of the element-wise multiplication of A and B. np.sum() defaults to sum(axis=None), so we will get a single number. In the second method, you create a 1D view into the two matrices and then apply the dot-product method to get a single number.
import numpy as np
A = np.random.rand(1000,1000)
B = np.random.rand(1000,1000)
s = (A*B).sum() # method 1
s = np.dot(A.ravel(),B.ravel()) # method 2
The second method should be extremely fast, as it doesn't create new copies of A and B but a view into them, so no extra memory allocations.

Increasing performance of highly repeated numpy array index operations

In my program code I've got numpy value arrays and numpy index arrays. Both are preallocated and predefined during program initialization.
Each part of the program has one array values on which calculations are performed, and three index arrays idx_from_exch, idx_values and idx_to_exch. There is on global value array to exchange the values of several parts: exch_arr.
The index arrays have between 2 and 5 indices most of the times, seldomly (most probably never) more indices are needed. dtype=np.int32, shape and values are constant during the whole program run. Thus I set ndarray.flags.writeable=False after initialization, but this is optional. The index values of the index arrays idx_values and idx_to_exch are sorted in numerical order, idx_source may be sorted, but there is no way to define that. All index arrays corresponding to one value array/part have the same shape.
The values arrays and also the exch_arr usually have between 50 and 1000 elements. shape and dtype=np.float64 are constant during the whole program run, the values of the arrays change in each iteration.
Here are the example arrays:
import numpy as np
import numba as nb
values = np.random.rand(100) * 100 # just some random numbers
exch_arr = np.random.rand(60) * 3 # just some random numbers
idx_values = np.array((0, 4, 55, -1), dtype=np.int32) # sorted but varying steps
idx_to_exch = np.array((7, 8, 9, 10), dtype=np.int32) # sorted and constant steps!
idx_from_exch = np.array((19, 4, 7, 43), dtype=np.int32) # not sorted and varying steps
The example indexing operations look like this:
values[idx_values] = exch_arr[idx_from_exch] # get values from exchange array
values *= 1.1 # some inplace array operations, this is just a dummy for more complex things
exch_arr[idx_to_exch] = values[idx_values] # pass some values back to exchange array
Since these operations are being applied once per iteration for several million iterations, speed is crucial. I've been looking into many different ways of increasing indexing speed in my previous question, but forgot to be specific enough considering my application (especially getting values by indexing with constant index arrays and passing them to another indexed array).
The best way to do it seems to be fancy indexing so far. I'm currently also experimenting with numba guvectorize, but it seems that it is not worth the effort since my arrays are quite small.
memoryviews would be nice, but since the index arrays do not necessarily have consistent steps, I know of no way to use memoryviews.
So is there any faster way to do repeated indexing? Some way of predefining memory address arrays for each indexing operation, as dtype and shape are always constant? ndarray.__array_interface__ gave me a memory address, but I wasn't able to use it for indexing. I thought about something like:
stride_exch = exch_arr.strides[0]
mem_address = exch_arr.__array_interface__['data'][0]
idx_to_exch = idx_to_exch * stride_exch + mem_address
Is that feasible?
I've also been looking into using strides directly with as_strided, but as far as I know only consistent strides are allowed and my problem would require inconsistent strides.
Any help is appreciated!
Thanks in advance!
I just corrected a massive error in my example calculation!
The operation values = values * 1.1 changes the memory address of the array. All my operations in the program code are layed out to not change the memory address of the arrays, because alot of other operations rely on using memoryviews. Thus I replaced the dummy operation with the correct in-place operation: values *= 1.1
One solution to getting round expensive fancy indexing using numpy boolean arrays is using numba and skipping over the False values in your numpy boolean array.
Example implementation:
#numba.guvectorize(['float64[:], float64[:,:], float64[:]'], '(n),(m,n)->(m)', nopython=True, target="cpu")
def test_func(arr1, arr2, inds, res):
for i in range(arr1.shape[0]):
if not inds[i]:
for j in range(arr2.shape[0]):
res[j, i] = arr1[i] + arr2[j, i]
Of course, play around with the numpy data types (smaller byte sizes will run faster) and target being "cpu" or "parallel".

More efficient way to find index of objects in Python array

I have a very large 400x300x60x27 array (lets call it 'A'). I took the maximum values which is now a 400x300x60 array called 'B'. Basically I need to find the index in 'A' of each value in 'B'. I have converted them both to lists and set up a for loop to find the indices, but it takes an absurdly long time to get through it because there are over 7 million values. This is what I have:
for i in range(0,400*300*60):
Is there a more efficient way to do this? Its taking hours and hours and the program is still stuck on the last line.
You don't need amax, you need argmax. In case of argmax, the array will only contain the indices rather than values, the computational efficiency of finding the values using indices are much better than vice versa.
So, I would recommend you to store only the indices. Before flattening the array.
instead of np.amax, run A.argmax, this will contain the indices.
But before you're flattening it to 1D, you will need to use a mapping function that causes the indices to 1D as well. This is probably a trivial problem, as you'd need to just use some basic operations to achieve this. But that would also consume some time as it needs to be executed quite some times. But it won't be a searching probem and would save you quite some time.
You are getting those argmax indices and because of the flattening, you are basically converting to linear index equivalents of those.
Thus, a solution would be to add in the proper offsets into the argmax indices in steps leveraging broadcasting at each one of them, like so -
m,n,r,s = A.shape
idx = A.argmax(axis=3)
idx += s*np.arange(r)
idx += r*s*np.arange(n)[:,None]
idx += n*r*s*np.arange(m)[:,None,None] # idx is your C output
Alternatively, a compact way to put it would be like so -
m,n,r,s = A.shape
I,J,K = np.ogrid[:m,:n,:r]
idx = n*r*s*I + r*s*J + s*K + A.argmax(axis=3)

Vectorize iteration over two large numpy arrays in parallel

I have two large arrays of type numpy.core.memmap.memmap, called data and new_data, with > 7 million float32 items.
I need to iterate over them both within the same loop which I'm currently doing like this.
for i in range(0,len(data)):
if new_data[i] == 0: continue
combo = ( data[i], new_data[i] )
if not combo in new_values_map: new_values_map[combo] = available_values.pop()
data[i] = new_values_map[combo]
However this is unreasonably slow, so I gather that using numpy's vectorising functions are the way to go.
Is it possible to vectorize with the index – so that the vectorised array can compare it's items to the corresponding item in the other array?
I thought of zipping the two arrays but I guess this would cause unreasonable overhead to prepare?
Is there some other way to optimise this operation?
For context: the goal is to effectively merge the two arrays such that each unique combination of corresponding values between the two arrays is represented by a different value in the resulting array, except zeros in the new_data array which are ignored. The arrays represent 3D bitmap images.
EDIT: available_values is a set of values that have not yet been used in data and persists across calls to this loop. new_values_map on the other hand is reset to an empty dictionary before each time this loop is used.
EDIT2: the data array only contains whole numbers, that is: it's initialised as zeros then with each usage of this loop with a different new_data it is populated with more values drawn from available_values which is initially a range of integers. new_data could theoretically be anything.
In answer to you question about vectorising, the answer is probably yes, though you need to clarify what available_values contains and how it's used, as that is the core of the vectorisation.
Your solution will probably look something like this...
indices = new_data != 0
data[indices] = available_values
In this case, if available_values can be considered as a set of values in which we allocate the first value to the first value in data in which new_data is not 0, that should work, as long as available_values is a numpy array.
Let's say new_data and data take values 0-255, then you can construct an available_values array with unique entries for every possible pair of values in new_data and data like the following:
available_data = numpy.array(xrange(0, 255*255)).reshape((255, 255))
indices = new_data != 0
data[indices] = available_data[data[indices], new_data[indices]]
Obviously, available_data can be whatever mapping you want. The above should be very quick whatever is in available_data (especially if you only construct available_data once).
Python gives you a powerful tools for handling large arrays of data: generators and iterators
Basically, they will allow to acces your data as they were regular lists, without fetching them at once to memory, but accessing piece by piece.
In case of accessing two large arrays at once, you can
for item_a, item_b in izip(data, new_data):
#... do you stuff here
izip creates an iterator what iterates over the elements of your arrays at once, but it does picks pieces as you need them, not all at once.
It seems that replacing the first two lines of loop to produce:
for i in numpy.where(new_data != 0)[0]:
combo = ( data[i], new_data[i] )
if not combo in new_values_map: new_values_map[combo] = available_values.pop()
data[i] = new_values_map[combo]
has the desired effect.
So most of the time in the loop was spent skipping the entire loop upon encountering a zero in new_data. Don't really understand why these many null iterations were so expensive, maybe one day I will...

Select cells randomly from NumPy array - without replacement

I'm writing some modelling routines in NumPy that need to select cells randomly from a NumPy array and do some processing on them. All cells must be selected without replacement (as in, once a cell has been selected it can't be selected again, but all cells must be selected by the end).
I'm transitioning from IDL where I can find a nice way to do this, but I assume that NumPy has a nice way to do this too. What would you suggest?
Update: I should have stated that I'm trying to do this on 2D arrays, and therefore get a set of 2D indices back.
How about using numpy.random.shuffle or numpy.random.permutation if you still need the original array?
If you need to change the array in-place than you can create an index array like this:
your_array = <some numpy array>
index_array = numpy.arange(your_array.size)
print your_array[index_array[:10]]
All of these answers seemed a little convoluted to me.
I'm assuming that you have a multi-dimensional array from which you want to generate an exhaustive list of indices. You'd like these indices shuffled so you can then access each of the array elements in a randomly order.
The following code will do this in a simple and straight-forward manner:
import numpy as np
#Define a two-dimensional array
#Use any number of dimensions, and dimensions of any size
#Get a list of indices for an array of this shape
#Shuffle the indices in-place
#Access array elements using the indices to do cool stuff
for i in indices:
print d
Printing d verified that all elements have been accessed.
Note that the array can have any number of dimensions and that the dimensions can be of any size.
The only downside to this approach is that if d is large, then indices may become pretty sizable. Therefore, it would be nice to have a generator. Sadly, I can't think of how to build a shuffled iterator off-handedly.
Extending the nice answer from #WoLpH
For a 2D array I think it will depend on what you want or need to know about the indices.
You could do something like this:
data = np.arange(25).reshape((5,5))
x, y = np.where( a = a)
idx = zip(x,y)
data = np.arange(25).reshape((5,5))
grid = np.indices(data.shape)
idx = zip( grid[0].ravel(), grid[1].ravel() )
You can then use the list idx to iterate over randomly ordered 2D array indices as you wish, and to get the values at that index out of the data which remains unchanged.
Note: You could also generate the randomly ordered indices via itertools.product too, in case you are more comfortable with this set of tools.
Use random.sample to generates ints in 0 .. A.size with no duplicates,
then split them to index pairs:
import random
import numpy as np
def randint2_nodup( nsample, A ):
""" uniform int pairs, no dups:
r = randint2_nodup( nsample, A )
for jk in zip(*r):
... A[jk]
assert A.ndim == 2
sample = np.array( random.sample( xrange( A.size ), nsample )) # nodup ints
return sample // A.shape[1], sample % A.shape[1] # pairs
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
nsample = 8
ncol = 5
exec "\n".join( sys.argv[1:] ) # run this.py N= ...
A = np.arange( 0, 2*ncol ).reshape((2,ncol))
r = randint2_nodup( nsample, A )
print "r:", r
print "A[r]:", A[r]
for jk in zip(*r):
print jk, A[jk]
Let's say you have an array of data points of size 8x3
data = np.arange(50,74).reshape(8,-1)
If you truly want to sample, as you say, all the indices as 2d pairs, the most compact way to do this that i can think of, is:
#generate a permutation of data's size, coerced to data's shape
idxs = divmod(np.random.permutation(data.size),data.shape[1])
#iterate over it
for x,y in zip(*idxs):
#do something to data[x,y] here
Moe generally, though, one often does not need to access 2d arrays as 2d array simply to shuffle 'em, in which case one can be yet more compact. just make a 1d view onto the array and save yourself some index-wrangling.
flat_data = data.ravel()
flat_idxs = np.random.permutation(flat_data.size)
for i in flat_idxs:
#do something to flat_data[i] here
This will still permute the 2d "original" array as you'd like. To see this, try:
flat_data[12] = 1000000
print data[4,0]
#returns 1000000
people using numpy version 1.7 or later there can also use the builtin function numpy.random.choice
