SMBus write_i2c_block_data() command - python

So I started a project on a microcontroler that uses I2C communication a month ago with no knowledge about anything but python.
I have to talk to a peristaltic pump that uses ASCII strings for communication.
So my setup currently consists of a Raspberry Pi, the I2C bus, Arduino and the peristaltic pump. The Arduino is only used as a powersupply. I thought a good starting point would be just to try and turn the pumps LED on and off. The code for LED on is "L,1" and for LED off is "L,0". (The "" indicates that whats inside it is the absolute code). [a link]
By using smbus.SMBus in python I sent the data through the command through write_i2c_block_data. Documentation of smbus gives the following: write_i2c_block_data(int addr,char cmd,long vals[]) however i dont understand what is meant with 'char cmd'. I couldnt put a string command in there and it only worked when I put an integer in there.
Here is the code:
import smbus
import time
bus = smbus.SMBus(1)
slave_address = 0x67
led_on = 'L,1'
led_off = 'L,0'
def string_to_charlist(a_string):
stringlist = list(a_string)
return stringlist
def string_to_intlist(a_string):
lst = string_to_charlist(a_string)
intlist = []
for i in range(len(lst)):
an_int = string_to_charlist(lst[i])
return intlist
ledon_intlist = string_to_intlist(led_on)
ledoff_intlist = string_to_intlist(led_off)
# this will result in ledon_intlist = [76,44,49]
# this will result in ledon_int =list [76,44,48]
command1_on = ledon_intlist.pop(0)
command1_off = ledoff_intlist.pop(0)
for i in range(1):
bus.write_i2c_block_data(slave_address, command1_on, ledon_intlist)
bus.write_i2c_block_data(slave_address, command1_on, ledon_intlist)
After running this code through the raspberry Pi command prompt the pumps LED started blinking on the given time frame. Unfortunately it never stopped blinking and also didt show up when I searched for it using i2ctools command i2cdetect -y 1 I assume the pump's chip is in an infinite loop now.
My questions are:
1. How should one use the write_i2c_block_data() command and what argument does it take. Currently I figured that the 1st argument is the slave address, 2nd is the initial byte of the stream and the 3rd argument is the rest of the stream integer values to be sent.
2. What possibly could have gone wrong that the pump is stuck in an infinite loop and how do I fix it


Get a wrong cpu_frequence from raspberry pi in python

i want use python to get the cpu_freq value from raspberry pi 4B
def GetCpuInfo():
# Get CPU frequence
cpu_freq =open("/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq").read()
return cpu_freq
when i print the cpu_freq data, the output always fixed in 1800000(it's the max cpu frequence 1.8Ghz of raspberry pi),but when each time i use the
cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq
this command in terminal,it give me the dynamic valve(600000-1800000)
So why do i get wrong value when using the python? is it a wrong way to read this file?
There's nothing wrong with your read().
The very act of starting Python can itself take enough cycles to cause the CPU to ramp up to full frequency, especially on a small system like a Pi.
To prevent that, add a delay to let it spool back down before you take your readings. For example:
import time
def GetCpuInfo():
with open("/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq") as f:
for _ in range(20):

How to send and receive data from python to arduino at the same time

I currently have an arduino code, which is connected to three sensors: temperature, pressure and humidity. I would like to make a code in python that of an order (by int or strg), this sends the type of sensor that I want to read, example: if I enter by keyboard 1, it constantly sends me temperature data; if income 2, send me pressure data; and thus be able to enter any digit at any time.
Pd: Sorry my bad english,I don't know if i could explain my problem
I have a similar code in arduino with switch case, and it works perfectly. but I can not make it work in python since when I put raw_input (), the program stops waiting for input and stops reading the sensor data.
import serial
import time
while 1:
print med
this just works fine to read data from one sensor type assigned by default
If you have tasks, that needs to run in parallel, you can use threads. One thread gets the sensor data and the other waits for input.
Python has a very easy to use builtin module for threading.
Official python docs:
A very simple implementation example might look like this:
import threading
def wait_input():
while True:
user_input = input()
# do something with user_input
def get_sonsordata()
while True:
input_thread = threading.Thread(target=wait_input)
sensor_thread = threading.Thread(target=get_sonsordata)

Python's pyserial with interrupt mode

I have a device which works on serial communication. I am writing python code which will send some commands to get the data from the device.
There are three commands.
1.COMMAND - sop
Device does its internal calculation and sends below data
Response - "b'SOP,0,921,34,40,207,0,x9A\r\n'"
2.COMMAND - time
This gives a date time values which normally do not change untill the device is restarted
3.START - "\r\r" or (<cr><cr>)
This command puts the device in responsive mode after which it responds to above commands. This command is basically entering <enter> twice & only have to do once at the start.
Now the problem which I am facing is that, frequency of data received from sop command is not fixed and hence the data is received anytime. This command can also not be stopped once started, so if I run another command like time, and read the data, I do not receive time values and they are merged with the sop data sometime. Below is the code, I am using:
port = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyS0',115200) #Init serial port
port.write(("\r\r".encode())) #Sending the start command
bytesToRead = port.in_waiting #Checking data bytesize
res = #Reading the data which is normally a welcome msg
port.reset_input_buffer() #Clearing the input serial buffer
port.reset_output_buffer() #Clearing the output serial buffer
port.write(("sop\r".encode())) #Sending the command sop
while True:
bytesToRead = port.in_waiting
res =
res = port.readline()
Using the above command I sometimes do not receive the value of time after executing its command or sometimes it is merged with the sop command. Also with the sop command, I received a lot of data during the sleep(5) out of which I need to get the latest data. If I do not include sleep(5), I miss the sop data and it is then received after executing the time command.
I was hoping if anyone can point me to right direction of how to design it in a better way. Also, I think this can easily be done using interrupt handler but I didn't found any code about pyserial interrupts. Can anyone please suggest some good code for using interrupts in pyserial.
Instead of using time.sleep(), its preferred to use serialport.in_waiting which help to check the number of bytes available in rcv buffer.
So once there is some data is rcv buffer then only read the data using read function.
so following code sequence can be followed without having any delay
while True:
bytesToRead = port.in_waiting
if(bytestoRead > 0):
res =
# put some check or filter then write data on serial port
res = port.readline()
I am taking a stab here: Your time.sleep(5) might be too long. Have you tried making the sleep really short, for example time.sleep(.300)? If the time data gets written back between the sop returns you will catch it before it gets merged with sop, but I am making an assumption here that it will send time data back, else there is anyway nothing more you can do on the server side (the python) code. I do believe it won't hurt to make the sleep less, it is anyway just sitting there waiting (polling) for communication.
Not having the having the same environment on my side, makes it difficult to answer, because I can't test my answer, so I hope this might help.

Multitasking Python-Arduino Communication

I am doing a project where I have to acquire data from an Arduino Uno connected to various sensors using Python on Windows (and eventually in Raspberry Pi 2 Model B).
As Python would constantly be listening to Arduino, I was thinking how should I let Python be always ready to read in a user input (any keyboard keys or even better, with a push-button if this is possible) after which Python will tell Arduino Uno to re-acquire data from all the sensors (i.e. refresh data from the sensors) and print it on the Python Console. I am currently using PyCharm with pySerial for communications between Arduino and Python. My code (without considering user input) is as of below:
import sys
import serial
import time
arduino = serial.Serial('COM3', 9600, timeout=1)
time.sleep(3) # wait for Arduino to initialize
def readData(): # reads inputs from Arduino
datastring = arduino.readline()
print datastring
while True:
strin = 'p'
arduino.write(strin.encode()) # tell arduino a phase shifter setting has been finished
strin = 's'
time.sleep(0.5) # waits for 0.5 s
# print('Data to be transfered: %s'%ASCIIdata)
I understand that related topics have been posted before, however, I have tried the solutions online to no avail and I am finding it quite difficult to code as I am very new to Python. (I am reading documentation and examples and trying to code at the moment.)
Currently, I have done some research on this topic and have tried the following methods but to no avail:
Using msvcrt, getch and using nodelay(1) to allow my program to run even when no user input is received. I used "stdscr", and curses, to which I used "stdscr = curses.initscr()", however, in PyCharm, as it is an IDE, it returned an error "Redirection is not supported." My attempt at implementing this is as of below:
def readData(): # reads inputs from Arduino
datastring = arduino.readline()
print datastring
while True:
stdscr = curses.initscr()
user_input = stdscr.getch()
if user_input == -1:
I understand there is multithreading in Python and a number of leads lead me to think that it should be the way to go if I want to listen to user inputs continuously while still acquiring data from Arduino. May I ask if this is the correct direction in which I should pursue?
I have heard about select() and poll() though the former isn't supported on Windows. I will try select() when I port my program over to Raspberry Pi which runs on Linux.
May I ask if anyone can point me to a direction on how to implement a program that reads data continuously from Arduino in PyCharm, and but a user input will cause everything to stop (like an interrupt) and have Python (PyCharm) ask Arduino to pass it a set of fresh sensor data?
Thank you! :)

Connecting via USB/Serial port to Newport CONEX-PP Motion Controller in Python

I'm having trouble getting my Windows 7 laptop to talk to a Newport CONEX-PP motion controller. I've tried python (Spyder/Anaconda) and a serial port streaming program called Termite and in either case the results are the same: no response from the device. The end goal is to communicate with the controller using python.
The controller connects to my computer via a USB cable they sold me that is explicitly for use with this device. The connector has a pair of lights that blink when the device receives data (red) or sends data (green). There is also a packaged GUI program that comes with the device that seems to work fine. I haven't tried every button, the ones I have tried have the expected result.
The documentation for accessing this device is next to non-existant. The CD in the box has one way to connect to it and the webpage linked above has a different way. The first way (CD from the box) creates a hierarchy of modules that ends in a module it does not recognize (this is a code snippet provided by Newport):
import sys
import clr
from CommandInterfaceConexPP import *
import System
print 'Instrument Key=>', instrument
myPP = ConexPP()
ret = myPP.OpenInstrument(instrument)
print 'OpenInstrument => ', ret
result, response, errString = myPP.SR_Get(1)
That last line returns:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "< ipython-input-2-5d824f156d8f >", line 2, in
result, response, errString = myPP.SR_Get(1)
TypeError: No method matches given arguments
I'm guessing this is because the various module references are screwy in some way. But I don't know, I'm relatively new to python and the only time I have used it for serial communication the example files provided by the vendor simply worked.
The second way to communicate with the controller is via the visa module (the CONEX_SMC_common module imports the visa module):
import sys
class CONEX(CONEXSMC): def __init__(self):
super(CONEX,self).__init__() device_key = 'com5'
self.connect=self.rm.open_resource(device_key, baud_rate=57600, timeout=2000, data_bits=8, write_termination='\r\n',read_termination='\r\n')
That last command returns:
VisaIOError: VI_ERROR_TMO (-1073807339): Timeout expired before operation completed.
If, instead, I write to the port mine.connect.write('VE') the light on the connector flashes red as if it received some data and returns:
(4L, < StatusCode.success: 0 >)
If I ask for the dictionary of the "mine" object mine.__dict__, I get:
{'connect': <'SerialInstrument'(u'ASRL5::INSTR')>,
'device_key': u'ASRL5::INSTR',
'list_of_devices': (u'ASRL5::INSTR',),
'rm': )>}
The ASRL5::INSTR resource for VISA is at least related to the controller, because when I unplug the device from the laptop it disappears and the GUI program will stop working.
Maybe there is something simple I'm missing here. I have NI VISA installed and I'm not just running with the DLL that comes from the website. Oh, I found a Github question / answer with this exact problem but the end result makes no sense, the thread is closed after hgrecco tells him to use "open_resource" which is precisely what I am using.
Results with Termite are the same, I can apparently connect to the controller and get the light to flash red, but it never responds, either through Termite or by performing the requested action.
I've tried pySerial too:
import serial
ser = serial.Serial('com5')
Python just waits there forever, I assume because I haven't set a timeout limit.
So, if anyone has any experience with this particular motion controller, Newport devices or with serial port communication in general and can shed some light on this problem I'd much appreciate it. After about 7 hours on this I'm out of ideas.
After coming back at this with fresh eyes and finding this GitHub discussion I decided to give pySerial another shot because neither of the other methods in my question are yet working. The following code works:
import serial
ser = serial.Serial('com5',baudrate=115200,timeout=1.0,parity=serial.PARITY_NONE, stopbits=serial.STOPBITS_ONE, bytesize=serial.EIGHTBITS)
and returns
The string is 9 characters long, so my arbitrarily chosen 10 character read ended up picking up one of the termination characters.
The problem is that python files that come with the device, or available on the website are at best incomplete and shouldn't be trusted for anything. The GUI manual has the baud rate required. I used Termite to figure out the stop bit settings - or at least one that works.
3.5 years later...
Here is a gist with a class that supports Conex-CC
It took me hours to solve this!
My device is Conex-CC, not PP, but it's seem to be the same idea.
For me, the serial solution didn't work because there was absolutely no response from the serial port, either through the code nor by direct TeraTerm access.
So I was trying to adapt your code to my device (because for Conex-CC, even the code you were trying was not given!).
It is important to say that import clr is based on pip install pythonnet and not pip install clr which will bring something related to colors.
After getting your error, I was looking for this Pythonnet error and have found this answer, which led me to the final solution:
import clr
# We assume Newport.CONEXCC.CommandInterface.dll is copied to our folder
from CommandInterfaceConexCC import *
print('Instrument Key=>', instrument)
myCC = ConexCC()
ret = myCC.OpenInstrument(instrument)
print('OpenInstrument => ', ret)
response = 0
errString = ''
result, response, errString = myCC.SR_Get(1, response, errString)
print('Positive SW Limit: result=%d,response=%.2f,errString=\'%s\''%(result,response,errString))
And here is the result I've got:
Instrument Key=> COM4
OpenInstrument => 0
Positive SW Limit: result=0,response=25.00,errString=''�
For Conex-CC serial connections are possible using both pyvisa
import pyvisa
rm = pyvisa.ResourceManager()
inst = rm.open_resource('ASRL6::INSTR',baud_rate=921600, write_termination='\r\n',read_termination='\r\n')
pos = inst.query('01PA?').strip()
and serial
import serial
serial = serial.Serial(port='com6',baudrate=921600,bytesize=8,parity='N',stopbits=1,xonxoff=True)
All the commands are according to the manual
