IndentationError in the Following Python Script - python

My code is not running although everything is properly indented and I have been using Python for a while now, so I am no longer in the world of programming. I couldn't find the solution.
def revisedRussianRoulette(doors):
counter = 0
for i in range(0, len(doors), 2):
i = int(i)
if doors[i] == 1 & counter == 0:
counter += 1
elif doors[i] == 1 & counter == 1:
doors[i] = 0
doors[i-2] = 0
doors[i+2] = 0
elif doors[i] == 0 & counter == 1:
doors[i-2] = 0
return doors
n = int(input().strip())
doors = list(map(int, input().strip().split(' ')))
result = revisedRussianRoulette(doors)
print (" ".join(map(str, result)))
The thing I want to do with this code does not matter. I just want to ask if the syntax is correct because I am getting the following error.
C:\Users\lenovo\Desktop\Practice Files>
File "C:\Users\lenovo\Desktop\PracticeFiles\", line 13
return doors
IndentationError: unindent does not match any outer indentation level
Please, could anyone tell me the solution fast?
The solution provided by Vikas was accurate, although there were no differences between his and my code.

Do indenation like this :
def revisedRussianRoulette(doors):
counter = 0
for i in range(0, len(doors), 2):
i = int(i)
if doors[i] == 1 & counter == 0:
counter += 1
elif doors[i] == 1 & counter == 1:
doors[i] = 0
doors[i-2] = 0
doors[i+2] = 0
elif doors[i] == 0 & counter == 1:
doors[i-2] = 0
return doors

def revisedRussianRoulette(doors):
counter = 0
for i in range(0, len(doors), 2):
i = int(i)
condition_one = doors[i] == 1 & counter == 0
condition_two = doors[i] == 1 & counter == 1
condition_three = doors[i] == 0 & counter == 1
if condition_one:
counter += 1
elif condition_two:
doors[i] = 0
doors[i-2] = 0
doors[i+2] = 0
elif condition_three:
doors[i-2] = 0
return doors
n = int(input().strip())
doors = list(map(int, input().strip().split()))
result = revisedRussianRoulette(doors)
print (" ".join(map(str, result)))


convert tradingview script into python3

I am looking for a converting from TV to python. Just a little code. This is the code in tradingview :
last_signal = 0
long_final = longCond and (nz(last_signal[1]) == 0 or nz(last_signal[1]) == -1)
short_final = shortCond and (nz(last_signal[1]) == 0 or nz(last_signal[1]) == 1)
last_signal := long_final ? 1 : short_final ? -1 : last_signal[1]
for variable :
-> longCond and shortCond, i have the right value (I compared between plot)
But for others, i have some differences (i think, because of last_signal)
this is my code in python :
for x in range(0,len(mavi),1):
last_signal[i] = 0
if x == 0:
longCond_tmp = 0
shortCond_tmp = 0
last_signal_tmp = 0
short_final_tmp = 0
long_final_tmp = 0
if ((longCond_tmp and ((last_signal[i-1])) == 0) or ((last_signal[i-1]) == -1)):
long_final_tmp = 1
long_final_tmp = 0
if ((shortCond_tmp and ((last_signal[i-1])) == 0) or ((last_signal[i-1]) == 1)):
short_final_tmp = 1
short_final_tmp = 0
if long_final_tmp != 0:
last_signal_tmp = 1
if short_final_tmp != 0:
last_signal_tmp = -1
last_signal_tmp = last_signal[i-1]
last_signal[i] += last_signal_tmp
Are there errors in my script in python ?
Ok i found.
Just the number of "(" in
if ((longCond_tmp and ((last_signal[i-1])) == 0) or ((last_signal[i-1]) == -1)):
long_final_tmp = 1
long_final_tmp = 0
if ((shortCond_tmp and ((last_signal[i-1])) == 0) or ((last_signal[i-1]) == 1)):
short_final_tmp = 1
short_final_tmp = 0

Find the total number of occurrence of a string in a cyclic string

I'm currently learning Python and I'm stuck on this specific question.
Here is my current code:
word = input()
text = 0
wordch = 0
positions = 0
repeated = 0
while repeated != 2:
for i in range(0, len(tablet)):
if tablet[i] == word[wordch]:
text += 1
wordch += 1
if text == len(word):
positions += 1
text = 0
wordch = 0
elif repeated == 1 and text == len(word):
positions += 1
text = 0
wordch = 0
elif i == len(tablet)-1:
repeated += 1
elif tablet[i] != word[wordch]:
text == 0
wordch == 0
I would hope for a code that is really basic using the same concepts but please do answer.
Thank you!
I have tried to solve the problem by using a different approach. As we know that we can only use (len(fav_word)) - 1 letters if we tried to create the substring in a cyclic manner from the end since if we took any more characters, we would have created them from the start itself without the cycle.
So, I just created a new string from the original string by appending the starting (len(fav_word)) - 1 to the original string and then find all occurrences of the fav_string in the new string.
def find_all(a_str, sub):
start = 0
while True:
start = a_str.find(sub, start)
if start == -1: return
yield start
start += 1
x = "cabccabcab"
fav = "abc"
y = x + x[0:len(fav)-1]
print(len(list(find_all(y, fav)))) # Output: 3
x = "ababa"
fav = "aba"
y = x + x[0:len(fav)-1]
print(len(list(find_all(y, fav)))) # Output: 2
x = "aaaaaa"
fav = "aa"
y = x + x[0:len(fav)-1]
print(len(list(find_all(y, fav)))) # Output: 6
x = "abaaba"
fav = "aaba"
y = x + x[0:len(fav)-1]
print(len(list(find_all(y, fav)))) # Output: 2
def find_str(g,find):
lg = len(g)
lf = len(find)
for index, i in enumerate(g):
if i == find[0]:
if index+lf <= lg:
s = "".join(g[index:index+lf])
if s == find:
rem = "".join(g[index:])
lr = len(rem)
for index,i in enumerate(g):
if lr == lf:
if rem == find:
return x
def split(word):
return [char for char in word]
x = "aaaaaa"
pattern = "aa"
while ok:
if buffer==pattern:
if len(mylist)==0:

function unable to work with user inputs?

I have the following code, which is a code for a connect 4 game, the problem is that the functions seem to break in the user input part of the code. I don't know if I accidentally edited something to break it but I'm almost certain that it isn't as typing the adding this to the code:
The output of this does return true as expected.
The code is as follows:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Sun Dec 22 17:24:35 2019
#author: Norbert
import numpy as np
h = 8
w = 9
x = 0
y = 0
playspace = np.zeros((h,w))
playspace[:, [0,-1]] = 8
def addcounter(column,team):
placed = False
while not placed:
for i in range(h-1,0,-1):
if playspace[i,column] > 0:
if team == 1:
playspace[i,column] = 1
if team == 2:
playspace[i,column] = 2
if team != 1 and team != 2:
print("error, invalid team")
placed = True
def height(column):
for i in range(h-1,0,-1):
if playspace[i,column] > 0:
return i
def checkhorizontal(y,x,team):
a1 = 0
a2 = 0
a3 = 0
a4 = 0
for i in range(4):
if playspace[h-y,x+i] == team:
a1 += 1
if playspace[h-y,x+i-1] == team:
a2 += 1
if playspace[h-y,x+i-2] ==team:
a3 += 1
if playspace[h-y,x+i-3] ==team:
a4 += 1
if (a1 == 4) or (a2 == 4) or (a3 == 4) or (a4 == 4):
return True
def checkvertical(y,x,team):
a1 = 0
a2 = 0
a3 = 0
a4 = 0
checking = playspace[:,x]
for i in range(4):
if checking[h-(y+i)] == team:
a1 += 1
if checking[h-(y+i-1)] == team:
a2 += 1
if checking[h-(y+i-2)] ==team:
a3 += 1
if checking[h-(y+i-3)] == team:
a4 += 1
if (a1 == 4) or (a2 == 4) or (a3 == 4) or (a4 == 4):
return True
def checkdiagonal(y,x,team):
diag1 = 0
diag2 = 0
if playspace[h-y,x] == team:
diag1 += 1
diag2 += 1
for i in range(1,4):
broken1 = False
if playspace[h-y+i,x+i] == team and not broken1:
diag1 += 1
if playspace[h-y+i,x+i] != team:
broken1 = True
for i in range(1,4):
broken2 = False
if playspace[h-y-i,x-i] == team and not broken2:
diag1 += 1
if playspace[h-y-i,x-i] != team:
broken2 = True
for i in range(1,4):
broken3 = False
if playspace[h-y+i,x-i] == team and not broken3:
diag2 += 1
if playspace[h-y+i,x-i] != team:
broken3 = True
for i in range(1,4):
broken4 = False
if playspace[h-y-i,x+i] == team and not broken4:
diag2 += 1
if playspace[h-y-i,x+i] != team:
broken4 = False
if (diag1 >= 4) or (diag2 >= 4):
return True
finished = False
turn = 0
team_turn = 1
while not finished:
valid = False
print("turn: {}".format(turn))
print("It is player {}'s turn".format(team_turn))
while not valid:
player_input = int(input("Where would you like to drop a counter?"))
if playspace[0,player_input] != 0:
print("That isn't a valid column")
valid = True
if team_turn == 1:
if checkhorizontal(height(player_input),player_input,team_turn) == True or checkvertical(height(player_input),player_input,team_turn) == True or checkdiagonal(height(player_input),player_input,team_turn) == True:
print("Player {} wins".format(team_turn))
finished = True
if team_turn == 2:
if checkhorizontal(height(player_input),player_input,team_turn) == True or checkvertical(height(player_input),player_input,team_turn) == True or checkdiagonal(height(player_input),player_input,team_turn) == True:
print("Player {} wins".format(team_turn))
finished = True
turn += 1
turn_changed = False
while not turn_changed:
if team_turn == 1:
team_turn = 2
turn_changed = True
if team_turn == 2:
team_turn = 1
turn_changed = True
any help in trying to solve the bugs in the code would be grately appreciated. The connect 4 game uses simple 2-d arrays to display and store the game board. I have plans to use this array to create a pygame later on.
To clarify, the checks don't run to execute a victory message and end the game. despite the if statements being True. Only the vertical win seems to end the game.
I managed to correct the horizontal part, the code correction is as follows:
if (checkhorizontal(height(player_input)+1,player_input,team_turn) == True) or (checkvertical(height(player_input),player_input,team_turn) == True) or (checkdiagonal(height(player_input),player_input,team_turn) == True):
and in the horizontalcheck function:
def checkhorizontal(y,x,team):
a1 = 0
a2 = 0
a3 = 0
a4 = 0
checking = playspace[y,:]
for i in range(4):
if checking[x+i] == team:
a1 += 1
if checking[x+i-1] == team:
a2 += 1
if checking[x+i-2] ==team:
a3 += 1
if checking[x+i-3] ==team:
a4 += 1
if (a1 == 4) or (a2 == 4) or (a3 == 4) or (a4 == 4):
return True
Ignore the prints, they're for debugging. But I basically removed one dimension and flipped the h-y value to become the y value.

I need to make a EAN-13 number validity checker in Python2. I don't see why this doesn't work

inp = raw_input("Input a EAN-13 number.")
aaa = False
bbb = False
if len(inp) == 13:
bbb = True
print "Error input"
ean_number = int(inp)
def ean13(value_1):
mult_of_ten = 0
sum_of_digits = 0
done = False
for z in len(value_1):
if not z == 0:
if z % 2 == 0:
value_1[z] *= 3
elif not z % 2 == 0:
value_1[z] *= 1
for a in len(value_1):
sum_of_digits += value_1[a]
if sum_of_digits % 10 == 0:
result = 0
elif not sum_of_digits % 10 == 0:
while done == False:
mult_of_ten = sum_of_digits
for d in True:
mult_of_ten += d
if sum_of_digits % 10 == 0:
done == True
result = mult_of_ten - sum_of_digits
if result == value_1[12]:
print "True"
if bbb == True:
I really don't see why teacher can't help either.
I need to make a EAN-13 number validity checker in Python2. I don't see why this doesn't work. Can anyone help?
I have made an EAN 13 Number Validity Checker in Python2.
Hope it helps you out.
# ean = '9780201379624'
ean = raw_input("Input a EAN-13 number:\n")
err = 0
even = 0
odd = 0
check_bit = ean[len(ean)-1]#get check bit(last bit)
check_val = ean[:-1]#Get all vals except check bit
if len(ean) != 13:#Check the input length
print "Invalid EAN 13"
for index,num in enumerate(check_val):#Gather Odd and Even Bits
if index%2 == 0:
even += int(num)
odd += int(num)
if ((3*odd)+even+int(check_bit)) % 10 == 0:# Check if the algorithm 3 * odd parity + even parity + check bit matches
print "Valid EAN 13"
print "Invalid EAN 13"

Python says: "IndexError: string index out of range."

I am making some practice code for a game similar to the board game, MasterMind-- and It keeps coming out with this error, and I can't figure out why it's doin it. Here's the code:
def Guess_Almost (Guess, Answer):
a = ''.join([str(v) for v in Answer])
g = str(Guess)
n = 0
am = 0
while n < 5:
if g[n] == a[0]:
am = am + 1
if g[n] == a[2]:
am = am + 1
if g[n] == a[3]:
am = am + 1
if g[n] == a[3]:
am = am + 1
n = n + 1
Okay, the Guess is specified to be 4 integers, and the Answer is a list containing 4 numbers. They both have the same 'len' after the code, so i don't have a clue.
The point of this code is to turn the Answer into a string of 4 numbers, and see if any of those numbers match thoise of the guess, and return how many total matches there are.
See if this helps
def Guess_Almost (Guess, Answer):
a = ''.join([str(v) for v in Answer])
g = str(Guess)
n = 0
am = 0
if len(g) >= 5 and len(a) >=4:
while n < 5:
if g[n] == a[0]:
am = am + 1
if g[n] == a[2]:
am = am + 1
if g[n] == a[3]:
am = am + 1
if g[n] == a[3]:
am = am + 1
n = n + 1
