How do I use pandas.read_csv on Google Cloud ML? - python

I'm trying to deploy a training script on Google Cloud ML. Of course, I've uploaded my datasets (CSV files) in a bucket on GCS.
I used to import my data with read_csv from pandas, but it doesn't seem to work with a GCS path.
How should I proceed (I would like to keep using pandas) ?
import pandas as pd
data = pd.read_csv("gs://bucket/folder/file.csv")
output :
ERROR 2018-02-01 18:43:34 +0100 master-replica-0 IOError: File gs://bucket/folder/file.csv does not exist

You will require to use file_io from to do that as demonstrated below:
from import file_io
from pandas.compat import StringIO
from pandas import read_csv
# read csv file from google cloud storage
def read_data(gcs_path):
file_stream = file_io.FileIO(gcs_path, mode='r')
csv_data = read_csv(StringIO(
return csv_data
Now call the above function
gcs_path = 'gs://bucket/folder/file.csv' # change path according to your bucket, folder and path
df = read_data(gcs_path)
# print(df.head()) # displays top 5 rows including headers as default

Pandas does not have native GCS support. There are two alternatives:
1. copy the file to the VM using gsutil cli
2. use the TensorFlow file_io library to open the file, and pass the file object to pd.read_csv(). Please refer to the detailed answer here.

You could also use Dask to extract and then load the data into, let's say, a Jupyter Notebook running on GCP.
Make sure you have Dask is installed.
conda install dask #conda
pip install dask[complete] #pip
import dask.dataframe as dd #Import
dataframe = dd.read_csv('gs://bucket/datafile.csv') #Read CSV data
dataframe2 = dd.read_csv('gs://bucket/path/*.csv') #Read parquet data
This is all you need to load the data.
You can filter and manipulate data with Pandas syntax now.
dataframe['z'] = dataframe.x + dataframe.y
dataframe_pd = dataframe.compute()


Databricks - pyspark.pandas.Dataframe.to_excel does not recognize abfss protocol

I want to save a Dataframe (pyspark.pandas.Dataframe) as an Excel file on the Azure Data Lake Gen2 using Azure Databricks in Python.
I've switched to the pyspark.pandas.Dataframe because it is the recommended one since Spark 3.2.
There's a method called to_excel (here the doc) that allows to save a file to a container in ADL but I'm facing problems with the file system access protocols.
From the same class I use the methods to_csv and to_parquet using abfss and I'd like to use the same for the excel.
So when I try so save it using:
import pyspark.pandas as ps
# Omit the df initialization
file_name = "abfss://"
sheet = "test"
df.to_excel(file_name, test)
I get the error from fsspec:
ValueError: Protocol not known: abfss
Can someone please help me?
Thanks in advance!
The pandas dataframe does not support the protocol. It seems on Databricks you can only access and write the file on abfss via Spark dataframe. So, the solution is to write file locally and manually move to abfss. See this answer here.
You can not save it directly but you can have it as its stored in temp location and move it to your directory. My code piece is:
import xlsxwriter import pandas as pd1
workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook('data_checks_output.xlsx')
worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet('top_rows')
Create a Pandas Excel writer using XlsxWriter as the engine.
writer = pd1.ExcelWriter('data_checks_output.xlsx', engine='xlsxwriter')
output = dataset.limit(10)
output = output.toPandas()
output.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='top_rows',startrow=row_number)
run below code, which is nothing but moves temp location of file to your desginated location .
Below code does the work of moving files.
sudo mv file_name.xlsx /dbfs/mnt/fpmount/

How do I read a gzipped parquet file from S3 into Python using Boto3?

I have a file called data.parquet.gzip on my S3 bucket. I can't figure out what's the problem in reading it. Normally I've worked with StringIO but I don't know how to fix it. I want to import it from S3 into my Python jupyter notebook session using pandas and boto3.
The solution is actually quite straightforward.
import boto3 # For read+push to S3 bucket
import pandas as pd # Reading parquets
from io import BytesIO # Converting bytes to bytes input file
import pyarrow # Fast reading of parquets
# Set up your S3 client
# Ideally your Access Key and Secret Access Key are stored in a file already
# So you don't have to specify these parameters explicitly.
s3 = boto3.client('s3',
# Get the path to the file
s3_response_object = s3.get_object(Bucket=BUCKET_NAME_HERE, Key=KEY_TO_GZIPPED_PARQUET_HERE)
# Read your file, i.e. convert it from a stream to bytes using .read()
df = s3_response_object['Body'].read()
# Read your file using BytesIO
df = pd.read_parquet(BytesIO(df))
If you are using an IDE in your laptop/PC to connect to AWS S3 you may refer to the first solution of Corey:
import boto3
import pandas as pd
import io
s3 = boto3.resource(service_name='s3', region_name='XXXX',
aws_access_key_id='YYYY', aws_secret_access_key='ZZZZ')
buffer = io.BytesIO()
object = s3.Object(bucket_name='bucket_name', key='path/to/your/file.parquet')
df = pd.read_parquet(buffer)
If you are using Glue job you may refer to the second solution of Corey in the Glue script:
df = pd.read_parquet(path='s3://bucket_name/path/to/your/file.parquet')
In case you want to read a .json file (using an IDE in your laptop/PC):
object = s3.Object(bucket_name='bucket_name',
df = pd.read_json(object, lines=True)

Python - read parquet data from a variable

I am reading a parquet file and transforming it into dataframe.
from fastparquet import ParquetFile
pf = ParquetFile('file.parquet')
df = pf.to_pandas()
Is there a way to read a parquet file from a variable (that previously read and now hold parquet data)?
In Pandas there is method to deal with parquet. Here is reference to the docs. Something like that:
import pandas as pd
should work. Also please read this post for engine selection.
You can read a file from a variable also using pandas.read_parquet using the following code. I tested this with the pyarrow backend but this should also work for the fastparquet backend.
import pandas as pd
import io
with open("file.parquet", "rb") as f:
data =
buf = io.BytesIO(data)
df = pd.read_parquet(buf)

How to read csv to dataframe in Google Colab

I am trying to read a csv file which I stored locally on my machine. (Just for additional reference it is titanic data from Kaggle which is here.)
From this question and answers I learnt that you can import data using this code which works well from me.
from google.colab import files
uploaded = files.upload()
Where I am lost is how to convert it to dataframe from here. The sample google notebook page listed in the answer above does not talk about it.
I am trying to convert the dictionary uploaded to dataframe using from_dict command but not able to make it work. There is some discussion on converting dict to dataframe here but the solutions are not applicable to me (I think).
So summarizing, my question is:
How do I convert a csv file stored locally on my files to pandas
dataframe on Google Colaboratory?
step 1- Mount your Google Drive to Collaboratory
from google.colab import drive
step 2- Now you will see your Google Drive files in the left pane (file explorer). Right click on the file that you need to import and select çopy path. Then import as usual in pandas, using this copied path.
import pandas as pd
df=pd.read_csv('gdrive/My Drive/data.csv')
Pandas read_csv should do the trick. You'll want to wrap your uploaded bytes in an io.StringIO since read_csv expects a file-like object.
Here's a full example:
The key snippet is:
import pandas as pd
import io
df = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(uploaded['train.csv'].decode('utf-8')))
Colab google: uploading csv from your PC
I had the same problem with an excel file (*.xlsx), I solved the problem as the following and I think you could do the same with csv files:
- If you have a file in your PC drive called (file.xlsx) then:
1- Upload it from your hard drive by using this simple code:
from google.colab import files
uploaded = files.upload()
Press on (Choose Files) and upload it to your google drive.
2- Then:
import io
data = io.BytesIO(uploaded['file.XLSX'])
3- Finally, read your file:
import pandas as pd
f = pd.read_excel(data , sheet_name = '1min', header = 0, skiprows = 2)
4- Please, change parameters values to read your own file. I think this could be generalized to read other types of files!
Enjoy it!
This worked for me:
from google.colab import auth
from import GoogleDrive
from pydrive.auth import GoogleAuth
from oauth2client.client import GoogleCredentials
gauth = GoogleAuth()
gauth.credentials = GoogleCredentials.get_application_default()
drive = GoogleDrive(gauth)
myfile = drive.CreateFile({'id': '!!!YOUR FILE ID!!!'})
Replace !!!YOUR FILE ID!!! with the id of the file in google drive (this is the long alphanumeric string that appears when you click on "obtain link to share"). Then you can access file.csv with pandas' read_csv:
import pandas as pd
frm = pd.read_csv('file.csv', header=None)
So, if you were not working on google colab, you would have simply written something like this:
df = pd.read_csv('path_of_the_csv_file')
In google colab, you only thing you have to know is the path of the csv file.
If you follow the steps that I have written below, your problem will be solved:
First of all, upload the CSV file on your google drive.
Then, open your google colab notebook and click on the 'Files' icon on the left
side of the page.
Then, click on the 'Google Drive Folder' icon to mount your Google Drive.
Then, look for the csv file that you uploaded on your google drive (step 1),
and copy its path.
Once you have the path, treat it as an ordinary path and use it in your code.
It should look something like this:
df = pd.read_csv('/content/drive/MyDrive/File.csv')
this worked for me:
import pandas as pd
import io
Alternatively, you can use github to import files also.
You can take this as an example:
Also google does not persist the file for longer so you may have to run the github snippets time and again.

S3 Bucket .txt.gz Copy Via PySpark

I am using Python 2 (Jupyter notebook running PySpark on EMR). I am trying to load some data as a dataframe in order to map/reduce it and output it to my own S3 bucket.
I typically use this command:
df ='com.databricks.spark.csv').options(header='true', inferschema='true').load('file:///home/path/datafolder/data2014/*.csv')
This is failing to work for when the file is in S3 and not my own bucket (as I am not sure how to format the .load command) which is most of my use cases now. My files are also a mix of .csv and .txt.gz, both of which I want in csv format (unzipped) when copied over.
I had a look on google and tried the following commands in Python 2 (Jupyter notebook):
import os
import findspark
from pyspark import SparkContext, SQLContext
sc = SparkContext.getOrCreate()
sqlContext = SQLContext(sc)
import sys
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
from urllib.request import urlretrieve
from urllib import urlretrieve
# Get file from URL like this:
Which simply outputs: ('/tmp/tmpmDB1EC.gz', <httplib.HTTPMessage instance at 0x7f54db894758>) so I'm unsure what to do now.
I have read through the documentation, and searched this website and Google for simple methods on forming the df but am stuck. I also read up about using my AWS key / secret key (which I have) but I could not find an example to follow.
Can someone kindly help me out?
you need to load it using the spark context
data_file = urlretrieve("")
raw_data = sc.textFile(data_file)
