I have this optimization problem where I am trying to maximize column z based on a unique value from column X, but also within a constraint that each of the unique values picked of X added up column of Y most be less than or equal to (in this example) 23.
For example, I have this sample data:
1 9 25
1 7 20
1 5 5
2 9 20
2 7 10
2 5 5
3 9 10
3 7 5
3 5 5
The result should look like this:
1 9 25
2 9 20
3 5 5
This is replica for Set up linear programming optimization in R using LpSolve? with solution but I need the same in python.
For those who would want some help to get started with pulp in python can refer to http://ojs.pythonpapers.org/index.php/tppm/article/view/111
Github repo- https://github.com/coin-or/pulp/tree/master/doc/KPyCon2009 could be handy as well.
Below is the code in python for the dummy problem asked
import pandas as pd
import pulp
df = pd.DataFrame({'X':X,'Y':Y,'Z':Z})
allx = df['X'].unique()
possible_values = [(w,b) for w in allx for b in range(1,4)]
x = pulp.LpVariable.dicts('arr', (allx, range(1,4)),
lowBound = 0,
upBound = 1,
cat = pulp.LpInteger)
model = pulp.LpProblem("Optim", pulp.LpMaximize)
model += sum([x[w][b]*df[df['X']==w].reset_index()['Z'][b-1] for (w,b) in possible_values])
model += sum([x[w][b]*df[df['X']==w].reset_index()['Y'][b-1] for (w,b) in possible_values]) <= 23, \
for value in allx:
model += sum([x[w][b] for (w,b) in possible_values if w==value])>=1
for value in allx:
model += sum([x[w][b] for (w,b) in possible_values if w==value])<=1
##View definition
print("The choosen rows are out of a total of %s:"%len(possible_values))
for v in model.variables():
print v.name, "=", v.varValue
For solution in R
all.x <- unique(d$x)
d[lp(direction = "max",
objective.in = d$z,
const.mat = rbind(outer(all.x, d$x, "=="), d$y),
const.dir = rep(c("==", "<="), c(length(all.x), 1)),
const.rhs = rep(c(1, 23), c(length(all.x), 1)),
all.bin = TRUE)$solution == 1,]
I have lots of files that contain x, y, yerr columns. I read them and save and apply a change on the x values, then I would like to set a limit on the x values I will use afterwards which are the newxval:
for key, value in files_data.items():
file_short_name = key
D_value_sale = value[1]
data = pd.DataFrame(value[0])
if data.shape[1] == 3:
data.columns = ["x", "y", "yerr"]
data.columns = ["x", "y"]
D = D_value_sale
b = 111
c = 222
data["newx"] = -c*(((data.x*(1/(1+D)))-b)/b)
data["newy"] = (data.y-data.y.min())/(data.y.max()-data.y.min())
w = data[(data.newx < 20000) & (data.newx > 8000)]
dfx = w["newx"]
dfy = w["newy"]
peak = GaussianModel()
pars = offset.make_params(c=np.median(dfy))
pars += peak.guess(dfy, x= dfy, amplitude=-0.5)
result = model.fit(dfy, pars, dfx)
If I'm understanding correctly what you are asking this is what you could do:
for key, value in files_data.items():
file_short_name = key
# main = value[1]
data = pd.DataFrame(value[0])
if data.shape[1] == 3:
data.columns = ["x", "y", "yerr"]
# Here you should define what happens in case
# the data isn't what you expected it to be
data["newx"] = data.x + 1 # Perform whatever transformation you need
# data["newy"] = data.y * (1.01234) # Etc.
# Then you can limit the newx column by doing:
data[(data.newx < upper_limit) & (data.newx > lower_limit)]
What you're doing won't work if you want to preserve the relationship between columns. When you assign the data columns to their own variables xval, yval and error you are implicitely "losing" their relationship.
I'll open with the same caveat of "if I'm understanding you correctly" then the crux of what you are looking for is the boolean array that you have created to apply your limits:
data = data[(data[0] >= xlim[0]) & (data[0] <= xlim[1])]
This boolean array can be saved and applied to any array of the same shape.
idx = (data[0] >= xlim[0]) & (data[0] <= xlim[1])
filtered_data = data[0][idx]
filtered_newxval = newxval[idx]
By way of a more complete and independent example, see the code below where this concept can be applied to multidimensional arrays and pandas dataframes
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
x = np.random.randint(0, 20, 10)
y = np.random.randint(0, 20, 10)
print("x", x)
# >>> x [ 6 19 14 10 7 6 18 10 10 3]
print("y", y)
# >>> y [ 7 2 1 11 5 1 0 11 11 16]
xmin = 3
xmax = 17
idx = (x >= xmin) & (x <= xmax)
data = np.vstack((x, y))
print("filtered_data:\n", data[:, idx])
# >>> filtered_data:
# [[ 6 14 10 7 6 10 10 3]
# [ 7 1 11 5 1 11 11 16]]
df = pd.DataFrame({"x": x, "y": y})
df["xnew"] = df["x"] * 2
# >>> x y xnew
# >>> 0 6 7 12
# >>> 2 14 1 28
# >>> 3 10 11 20
# >>> 4 7 5 14
# >>> 5 6 1 12
# >>> 7 10 11 20
# >>> 8 10 11 20
# >>> 9 3 16 6
I have the following dataframe (it is actually several hundred MB long):
X Y Size
0 10 20 5
1 11 21 2
2 9 35 1
3 8 7 7
4 9 19 2
I want discard any X, Y point that has an euclidean distance from any other X, Y point in the dataframe of less than delta=3. In those cases I want to keep only the row with the bigger size.
In this example the intended result would be:
X Y Size
0 10 20 5
2 9 35 1
3 8 7 7
As the question is stated, the behavior of the desired algorithm is not clear about how to deal with the chaining of distances.
If chaining is allowed, one solution is to cluster the dataset using a density-based clustering algorithm such as DBSCAN.
You just need to set the neighboorhood radius epsto delta and the min_sample parameter to 1 to allow isolated points as clusters. Then, you can find in each group which point has the maximum size.
from sklearn.cluster import DBSCAN
X = df[['X', 'Y']]
db = DBSCAN(eps=3, min_samples=1).fit(X)
df['grp'] = db.labels_
df_new = df.loc[df.groupby('grp').idxmax()['Size']]
X Y Size grp
0 10 20 5 0
2 9 35 1 1
3 8 7 7 2
You can use below script and also try improving it.
#get all euclidean distances using sklearn;
#it will create an array of euc distances;
#then get index from df whose euclidean distance is less than 3
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import euclidean_distances
Z = df[['X', 'Y']]
euc = euclidean_distances(Z, Z)
idx = [(i, j) for i in range(len(euc)-1) for j in range(i+1, len(euc)) if euc[i, j] < 3]
# collect all index of df that has euc dist < 3 and get the max value
# then collect all index in df NOT in euc and add the row with max size
# create a new called df_new by combining the rest in df and row with max size
from itertools import chain
df_idx = list(set(chain(*idx)))
df2 = df.iloc[df_idx]
idx_max = df2[df2['Size'] == df2['Size'].max()].index.tolist()
df_new = pd.concat([df.iloc[~df.index.isin(df_idx)], df2.iloc[idx_max]])
X Y Size
2 9 35 1
3 8 7 7
0 10 20 5
I understand how to create simple quantiles in Pandas using pd.qcut. But after searching around, I don't see anything to create weighted quantiles. Specifically, I wish to create a variable which bins the values of a variable of interest (from smallest to largest) such that each bin contains an equal weight. So far this is what I have:
def wtdQuantile(dataframe, var, weight = None, n = 10):
if weight == None:
return pd.qcut(dataframe[var], n, labels = False)
dataframe.sort_values(var, ascending = True, inplace = True)
cum_sum = dataframe[weight].cumsum()
cutoff = max(cum_sum)/n
quantile = cum_sum/cutoff
quantile[-1:] -= 1
return quantile.map(int)
Is there an easier way, or something prebuilt from Pandas that I'm missing?
Edit: As requested, I'm providing some sample data. In the following, I'm trying to bin the "Var" variable using "Weight" as the weight. Using pd.qcut, we get an equal number of observations in each bin. Instead, I want an equal weight in each bin, or in this case, as close to equal as possible.
Weight Var pd.qcut(n=5) Desired_Rslt
10 1 0 0
14 2 0 0
18 3 1 0
15 4 1 1
30 5 2 1
12 6 2 2
20 7 3 2
25 8 3 3
29 9 4 3
45 10 4 4
I don't think this is built-in to Pandas, but here is a function that does what you want in a few lines:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pandas._libs.lib import is_integer
def weighted_qcut(values, weights, q, **kwargs):
'Return weighted quantile cuts from a given series, values.'
if is_integer(q):
quantiles = np.linspace(0, 1, q + 1)
quantiles = q
order = weights.iloc[values.argsort()].cumsum()
bins = pd.cut(order / order.iloc[-1], quantiles, **kwargs)
return bins.sort_index()
We can test it on your data this way:
data = pd.DataFrame({
'var': range(1, 11),
'weight': [10, 14, 18, 15, 30, 12, 20, 25, 29, 45]
data['qcut'] = pd.qcut(data['var'], 5, labels=False)
data['weighted_qcut'] = weighted_qcut(data['var'], data['weight'], 5, labels=False)
The output matches your desired result from above:
var weight qcut weighted_qcut
0 1 10 0 0
1 2 14 0 0
2 3 18 1 0
3 4 15 1 1
4 5 30 2 1
5 6 12 2 2
6 7 20 3 2
7 8 25 3 3
8 9 29 4 3
9 10 45 4 4
I'm trying to bin a sample of observations into n discrete groups, then combine these groups until each subgroup has a mimimum of 6 members. So far, I've generated bins, and grouped my DataFrame into them:
# df is a DataFrame containing 135 measurments
bins = np.linspace(df.heights.min(), df.heights.max(), 21)
grp = df.groupby(np.digitize(df.heights, bins))
1 4
2 1
3 2
4 3
5 2
6 8
7 7
8 6
9 19
10 12
11 13
12 12
13 7
14 12
15 12
16 2
17 3
18 6
19 3
21 1
So I can see that I need to combine groups 1 - 3, 3 - 5, and 16 - 21, while leaving the others intact, but I don't know how to do this programmatically.
You can do this:
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.random_integers(1,200,135), columns=['heights'])
bins = np.linspace(df.heights.min(), df.heights.max(), 21)
grp = df.groupby(np.digitize(df.heights, bins))
sizes = grp.size()
def f(vals, max):
sum = 0
group = 1
for v in vals:
sum += v
if sum <= max:
yield group
group +=1
sum = v
yield group
#I've changed 6 by 30 for the example cause I don't have your original dataset
grp.size().groupby([g for g in f(sizes, 30)])
And if you do print grp.size().groupby([g for g in f(sizes, 30)]).cumsum() you will see that the cumulative sums is grouped as expected.
Also if you want to group the original values you can do something like:
dat = np.random.random_integers(0,200,135)
dat = np.array([78,116,146,111,147,78,14,91,196,92,163,144,107,182,58,89,77,134,
df = pd.DataFrame({'heights':dat})
bins = np.digitize(dat,np.linspace(0,200,21))
grp = df.heights.groupby(bins)
m = 15 #you should put 6 here, the minimun
s = 0
c = 1
def f(x):
global c,s
res = pd.Series([c]*x.size,index=x.index)
s += x.size
if s>m:
s = 0
c += 1
return res
g = grp.apply(f)
print df.groupby(g).size()
#another way of doing the same, just a matter of taste
m = 15 #you should put 6 here, the minimun
s = 0
c = 1
def f2(x):
global c,s
res = [c]*x.size #here is the main difference with f
s += x.size
if s>m:
s = 0
c += 1
return res
g = grp.transform(f2) #call it this way
print df.groupby(g).size()
I am trying to determine the optimum value of Z in a data table using Python. The optimum of Z occurs when the difference in Y values is greater than 10. In my code I am assigning the elements of each entry into a class. In order to determine the optimum I therefore need to access the previously calculated value of Y and subtract it from the new value. This all seems very cumbersome to me so if you know of a better way I can perform these type of calculations please let me know. My sample data table is:
1 5 10
2 3 20
3 4 30
4 6 40
5 12 50
6 12 60
7 34 70
8 5 80
My code so far is:
class values:
def __init__(self, X, Y, Z):
self.X = X
self.Y = Y
self.Z = Z
#Diff = Y2 - Y1
#if Diff > 10:
#optimum = Z
valueLst = []
f = open('sample.txt','r')
for i in f:
X = i.split('\t')[0]
Y = i.split('\t')[1]
Z = i.split('\t')[2]
x = values(X,Y,Z)
An example of the operation I would like to achieve is shown in the following table. The difference in Y values is calculated in the third column, I would like to return value of Z when the difference is 22 i.e. Z value of 70.
1 2 10
2 3 1 20
3 4 1 30
4 6 2 40
5 12 6 50
6 12 0 60
7 34 22 70
8 35 1 80
Any help would be much appreciated.
A class seems like overkill for this. Why not a list of (x, y, z) tuples?
valueLst = []
for i in f:
You can then determine the differences between the y values and get the last item z from the 3-tuple corresponding to the largest delta-y:
yDiffs = [0] + list(valueLst[i][1] - valueLst[i-1][1]
for i in range(1, len(valueLst)))
bestZVal = valueLst[yDiffs.index(max(yDiffs))][2]
To start, you can put the columns into a list data structure:
f = open('sample.txt','r')
x, y, z = [], [], []
for i in f:
ix, iy, iz = map(int, i.split('\t')) # the map function changes each number
# to an integer from a string
When you have data structures, you can use them together to get other data structures you want.
Then you can get each difference starting from the second y:
differences = [y[i] - y[i+1] for i in range(1,len(y))]
What you want is the z at the same index as the max of the differences, so:
maxIndex = y.index(max(differences))
answer = z[maxIndex]
Skipping the building of tuples x, y and z
diffs = [curr-prev for curr, prev in izip(islice(y, 1, None), islice(y, len(y)-1))]
max_diff = max(diffs)
Z = y[diffs.index(max_diff)+1]
Given a file with this content:
1 5 10
2 3 20
3 4 30
4 6 40
5 12 50
6 12 60
7 34 70
8 5 80
You can read the file and convert to a list of tuples like so:
with open('value_list.txt') as f:
for line in f:
[(1, 5, 10), (2, 3, 20), (3, 4, 30), (4, 6, 40), (5, 12, 50), (6, 12, 60), (7, 34, 70), (8, 5, 80)]
Then you can use that data to find tuples that meet your criteria using a list comprehension. In this case y-previous y>10:
print([data[i][2] for i in range(1,len(data)) if data[i][1]-data[i-1][1]>tgt])