Hi I am trying to create a GUI with tkinter but I am unable to programmatically make the buttons show and/or behave properly.
This is the code I am using to create the buttons based on a a dict:
from tkinter import *
import sqlite3
from functools import partial
def query(x):
conn = sqlite3.connect("_db")
cur = conn.cursor()
q = cur.execute("SELECT text, option1, option2, option3 FROM tbl_1 WHERE id=?", [x, ])
actions = q.fetchone()
return actions
def pkey(identifier, label):
q = query(identifier)
buttons = {}
text = q[0]
for entry in q:
if entry != text and entry is not None:
buttons[int(entry[0])] = entry[3:]
new_button = Button(root)
for k, v in buttons.items():
new_button.config(text=v, command=partial(pkey, k, label))
root = Tk()
text_frame = LabelFrame(root, bg="#A66D4F")
text_frame.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=Y)
options_frame = LabelFrame(root, bg="cyan").pack(fill=X)
lbl = Label(text_frame)
pkey(1, lbl)
This creates the buttons within a frame, but when I click one of the buttons and they should replace the existing buttons all I get is a instance of the buttons on top of the existing one. Going from 3 buttons to 6 buttons.
Is there a way to replace the existing instance of the buttons with a new one after clicking?
#BryanOakley Thank you for the reply. You were correct I was missing a destroy.
i have updated the code with the below and it is working properly now.
def destroy(frame, key, label):
frame = LabelFrame(self.parent, bg="cyan")
option_buttons(frame, key, label)
Thanks again
This is my first real Python project. I am currently developing a GUI in Tkinter that allows the user to select Tasks and CVs to automatically compile documents using standard predefined task and CV texts from a database.
I have created two "Add" buttons in the main window to add Tasks and CVs that show a popup Listbox that allow the user to select the Tasks and CVs they want to have included in the commercial proposal. I have managed to create the popup window as a separate Class and it stores the selected Tasks in a list, but now I need to pass the list with the selected items to the Listbox in the main window when the user clicks the Select button in the popup window, but I cannot get my head around on how to do that.
I have researched on different fora and watched a variety of Youtube videos, but all focus on entry popups or some sort.
This is the code for the main window:
from tkinter import *
from Add import *
# make main window
root = Tk()
theLabel = Label(root, text="ProposalBuilder")
# make frames
taskFrame = Frame(root)
taskFrame.grid(row=1, column=0)
CVFrame = Frame(root)
CVFrame.grid(row=1, column=1)
buildFrame = Frame(root)
buildFrame.grid(row=2, columnspan=2)
# add labels to frames
taskLabel = Label(taskFrame, text="Tasks")
CVLabel = Label(CVFrame, text="CVs")
# add listboxes to frames
scrollTask = Scrollbar(taskFrame, orient=VERTICAL)
listTask = Listbox(taskFrame, selectmode=MULTIPLE, yscrollcommand=scrollTask.set)
scrollTask.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y)
scrollCV = Scrollbar(CVFrame, orient=VERTICAL)
listCV = Listbox(CVFrame, selectmode=MULTIPLE, yscrollcommand=scrollCV.set)
scrollCV.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y)
# add commands to buttons
def addTask():
taskBox = Add('C:\\Users\\204703\\ProposalBuilder\\Database')
sel_test = taskBox.selection
def addCV():
CVBox = Add('C:\\Users\\204703\\ProposalBuilder\\Database')
# add buttons to frames
buttonAddTask = Button(taskFrame, text="Add", command=addTask)
buttonDelTask = Button(taskFrame, text="Delete")
buttonUpTask = Button(taskFrame, text="Up")
buttonDownTask = Button(taskFrame, text="Down")
buttonAddCV = Button(CVFrame, text="Add", command=addCV)
buttonDelCV = Button(CVFrame, text="Delete")
buttonUpCV = Button(CVFrame, text="Up")
buttonDownCV = Button(CVFrame, text="Down")
buttonBuild = Button(buildFrame, text="Build Proposal")
This is the code for the separate class I created for the popup window:
from tkinter import*
from os import *
class Add:
def __init__(self, path):
# the slected tasks
self.selection = []
# make a frame
top = Toplevel()
# get file names from the directory (path) and save in list
self.path = path
self.dirList = listdir(self.path)
# add listbox to frames and populate with file names
self.scrollList = Scrollbar(top, orient=VERTICAL)
self.listbox = Listbox(top, selectmode=MULTIPLE, yscrollcommand=self.scrollList.set)
self.scrollList.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y)
for item in self.dirList:
# add buttons to frame
self.selectButton = Button(top, text="Select", command=self.select)
self.quitButton = Button(top, text="Quit", command=top.destroy)
# identify selected rows and return a list with the selection
def select(self):
selectedRows = self.listbox.curselection()
for item in selectedRows:
return self.selection
Question: pass the list with the selected items to the Listbox in the main window
You need a reference of the main window Listbox.
I show, how to using listTask
Extend your __init__ to accept the reference target_listbox
class Add:
def __init__(self, target_listbox, path):
self.target_listbox = target_listbox
Insert the selected items into .target_listbox
Note: Your, return self.selection is useless, a Button.command can't process returns.
def select(self):
selectedRows = self.listbox.curselection()
for item in selectedRows:
self.target_listbox.insert(tk.END, self.dirList[item])
Pass the reference listTask to Add(...
taskBox = Add(listTask, ...)
hello stack overflow members
my question is
how i can get the Button names when the buttons are automatically generating from a database
like this
for index, dat in enumerate(data2):
ttk.Button(master, text=dat[0]).grid(row=index+1, column=1,pady=0,padx=0)
any help<3
Or do you just want to know which button was pressed? Then try this:
from tkinter import *
import tkinter.ttk as ttk
master = Tk()
data2 = ['Orange','Apple','Banana','Kiwi']
button_dict = {}
def callback_function(x): print('Pressed:', x)
for index, dat in enumerate(data2):
button = ttk.Button(master, text=dat[0],
command=lambda dat=dat: callback_function(dat))
button.grid(row=index+1, column=1,pady=0,padx=0)
button_dict[dat] = button # Stores a reference to the button under
# the name from the database
for name in data2:
print(name, button_dict[name]) # prints all button/name associations
I want to create a reminder to remind me of the time I have chosen in the combobox by pressing the confirmed button. I put the time in a label and also create a delete button that can delete the label and button itself in the same row by a loop. It works if there's only one label, but if I increased the number of it it can only destroy the last label and button.
below is my code:
class final:
def __init__(self,app):
self.time= StringVar()
self.timecombo = ttk.Combobox(app,textvariable=self.time)
self.timecombo.config(value =('1:00','2:00','3:00','4:00','5:00','6:00','7:00','8:00','9:00','10:00','11:00','12:00'))
***def save(self):
savetext = self.time.get()
self.deletebutton_list = []
self.savelabel_list = []
for i in range(len(self.savelist)):
savelabel = Label(app, text=self.savelist[i])
savelabel.grid(row=4 + i, column=0)
deletebutton = Button(app, text='delete' , command=functools.partial(self.deletelabel,idx=i))
deletebutton.grid(row=4 + i, column=1)
def deletelabel(self, idx):
app = Tk()
a = final(app)
app.title('things to do')
I believed that there must be something wrong in the loop or the function deletelabel but I still can't fix it.
Do not change the list. If you delete label/button #1, then label #2 becomes #1, and so when you press the button to delete label #2, it deletes label #3 because everything has moved up. Also, note that every time you call "save()" it creates a new set of widgets that overlay the old widgets, which will eventually slow down the computer. Create and grid the new time label only. Keep track of the row with a self.next_row variable (or whatever) and increment it by one each time.
This is a question that points out how usable classes are. Create a new class, with label and a close button, for each reminder.
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import ttk
class NewButton:
def __init__(self, master, label_text, this_row):
## put everything in a new frame so destroying
## one frame will destroy everything in it
self.fr.grid(row=this_row, column=1)
Label(self.fr, text=label_text).grid(row=0, column=1)
Button(self.fr, text="Close This",
command=self.fr.destroy).grid(row=0, column=2)
class Final:
def __init__(self,app):
self.time_var= StringVar()
self.timecombo = ttk.Combobox(app,textvariable=self.time_var)
def save(self):
save_text = self.time_var.get()
self.this_row += 1
next_button=NewButton(self.app, save_text, self.this_row)
app = Tk()
a = Final(app)
app.title('things to do')
I want to present several questions, one after another. The first question is shown as I like, with the cursor set in the entry field. Then I destroy the window and call the function again to create a new window. This time the window is not shown in the front and therefore I first have to click on the screen in order to have the cursor set to the entry field. Also the escape key does not work until I click on the screen to bring the window to the top. I'd be very happy for your help!
Thank you in advance!
Here's my code:
from Tkinter import *
def text_input_restricted(fn,question, nr_letters, limit, len_min, len_max,keys, justify):
class MyApp():
def validate(root, S):
return all(c in keys for c in S)
def __init__(self, q= None):
#save response after "next"-button has been clicked
def okClicked():
lines = e.get()
if len_min < len(lines) < len_max:
lines = unicode(lines).encode('utf-8')
datFile = open(fn, "a")
datFile.write(" '%s'"%(lines))
self.root = Tk()
vcmd = (self.root.register(self.validate), '%S')
#quit if escape-key has been pressed
self.root.bind('<Escape>', lambda q: quit())
color = '#%02x%02x%02x' % (200, 200, 200)
#set window size to screen size
#remove buttons (cross, minimize, maximize)
#remove title
labelWidget = Label(self.root,text=question, font=("Arial", int(0.02*MAXX)), bd=5, bg=color, justify="center")
labelWidget.place(x=0, y=RHeight/40,width=RWidth)
ok_width = RWidth/15
ok_height = RWidth/15
okWidget = Button(self.root, text= "next", command = okClicked, font=("Arial",int(0.015*MAXX)), bd=5, justify="center")
okWidget.place(x=RWidth/2-ok_width/2,y=13*RHeight/40, width=ok_width,height=ok_height)
def callback(sv):
c = sv.get()[0:limit]
sv = StringVar()
width=nr_letters * int(0.02*MAXX)*1.3
sv.trace("w", lambda name, index, mode, sv=sv: callback(sv))
e = Entry(self.root, textvariable=sv,font=("Arial", int(0.02*MAXX)),justify=justify,validate="key", validatecommand=vcmd)
e.place(x=RWidth/2-width/2, y=9*RHeight/40, width=width)
#show cursor
fn = "D:/test.dat"
text_input_restricted(fn = fn, question=u"f for female, m for male", nr_letters=1, limit =1, len_min =0, len_max=2, keys = 'fm', justify="center")
text_input_restricted(fn = fn, question="How old are you?", nr_letters=2,limit=2, len_min = 1, len_max = 3, keys = '1234567890',justify="center")
In Tk you use the raise command to bring a window to the front of the Z-order. However, raise is a keyword in Python so this has been renamed to lift. Provided your application is still the foreground application you can call the lift() method on a toplevel widget. If the application is not the foreground application then this will raise the window but only above other windows from the same application. On Windows this causes the taskbar icon for your application to start flashing.
You might do better to destroy the contents of the toplevel and replace them. Or even better - create a number of frames holding each 'page' of your application and toggle the visibility of each frame by packing and pack_forgetting (or grid and grid forget). This will avoid loosing the focus completely - you can just set the focus onto the first widget of each frame as you make it visible.
I'm using a listbox (with scrollbar) for logging:
self.listbox_log = Tkinter.Listbox(root, height = 5, width = 0,)
self.scrollbar_log = Tkinter.Scrollbar(root,)
self.listbox_log.configure(yscrollcommand = self.scrollbar_log.set)
self.scrollbar_log.configure(command = self.listbox_log.yview)
Now, when I do:
I want the inserted element to be selected. I've tried:
but that doesn't work... Please suggest a solution...
AFAIK the ScrollBar widget doesn't have an auto-scroll feature, but it can be easily implemented by calling the listBox's yview() method after you insert a new item. If you need the new item to be selected then you can do that manually too using the listbox's select_set method.
from Tkinter import *
class AutoScrollListBox_demo:
def __init__(self, master):
frame = Frame(master, width=500, height=400, bd=1)
self.listbox_log = Listbox(frame, height=4)
self.scrollbar_log = Scrollbar(frame)
self.scrollbar_log.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y)
self.listbox_log.configure(yscrollcommand = self.scrollbar_log.set)
self.scrollbar_log.configure(command = self.listbox_log.yview)
b = Button(text="Add", command=self.onAdd)
#Just to show unique items in the list
self.item_num = 0
def onAdd(self):
self.listbox_log.insert(END, "test %s" %(str(self.item_num))) #Insert a new item at the end of the list
self.listbox_log.select_clear(self.listbox_log.size() - 2) #Clear the current selected item
self.listbox_log.select_set(END) #Select the new item
self.listbox_log.yview(END) #Set the scrollbar to the end of the listbox
self.item_num += 1
root = Tk()
all = AutoScrollListBox_demo(root)
root.title('AutoScroll ListBox Demo')
try to do it in this way. (I have copied from another question: How to auto-scroll a gtk.scrolledwindow?) It works fine for me.
def on_TextOfLog_size_allocate(self, widget, event, data=None):
adj = self.scrolled_window.get_vadjustment()
adj.set_value( adj.upper - adj.page_size )