I got a problem with a dict I want to sort in python 3.5.
It looks like :
d = {'automate': <Routing.Route.Route object at 0x2b7f84835c18>,
'index': <.Routing.Route.Route object at 0x2b7f8486e5c0>,
'index_1': <Routing.Route.Route object at 0x2b7f8483d400>,
'index_2': <Routing.Route.Route object at 0x2b7f84835f98>,
'second': <Routing.Route.Route object at 0x2b7f8483d470>,
'test_route_parameters': <Routing.Route.Route object at 0x2b7f8486e588>}
Where Route class has name, package_name attributes.
I want to print this dict like:
>> Package_name1:
How can I sort my dict by package_name and print it to match the above output?
Have a good day and thank you.
This will do the trick:
{v.package_name:[k for k in d if d[k].package_name==v.package_name] for v in d.values()}
This should work. Loop through the dictionary and check if the package name in value is present in the sorted_dict. If not, add a list as value and package_name as key and then just append the keys to each package_name. Runs in O(n).
sorted_dict = {}
for key in d:
if d[key] not in sorted_dict:
sorted_dict[d[key].package_name] = []
I've tried just about everything to convert a dictionary that looks like this in Python:
d = {'name': 'Jack', 'age': 26}
I know you're able to access values like this:
> Jack
I would like to do this in a for loop though:
for obj in d:
Any ideas how? I've tried both json.loads and json.dumps on obj but keep getting errors like: string indices must be integers. How can I can access specific keys and get their values like the example above?
You need to access .values() of your main dict
d = {'person-1': {'name':'Jack', 'age':'26'}, 'person-2': {'name':'Idk', 'age':'23'}}
for obj in d.values():
And .items() to get the outer key with
for key, obj in d.items():
print(key, obj['name'])
person-1 Jack
person-2 Idk
I wonder if a existing dictionary instance can add and/or delete multiple items without using iterations.
I mean something like this.
supposition:(it actually doesn't work)
D = {"key1":"value1", "key2":"value2", "key3":"value3"}
tags = ["key1","key2"]
Thank you in advance.
If so, you could iterate a list instead of iterate the full dict:
D = {"key1":"value1", "key2":"value2", "key3":"value3"}
for i in ["key1", "key2"]:
If you don't actually need to avoid iteration, but rather just want to do the transformation of the dictionary in an expression, rather than a statement, you could use a dictionary comprehension to create a new dictionary containing only the keys (and the associated values) that don't match your list of things to remove:
D = {key: value for key, value in D.items() if key not in tags}
Unfortunately, this doesn't modify D in place, so if you need to change the value referenced through some other variable this won't help you (and you'd need to do an explicit loop). Note that if you don't care about the values being removed, you probably should use del D[key] instead of D.pop(key).
If all you're wanting to do is show the dictionary where key from list is not present, why not just create a new dic:
D = {"key1":"value1", "key2":"value2", "key3":"value3"}
tags=["key1", "key2"]
dict = {key:value for key, value in D.items() if key not in tags}
I have the following nested dictionary:
d = {'A':{'a':1}, 'B':{'b':2}}
I want to add values to d without overwriting.
So if I want to append the value ['A', 'b', 3] the dictionary should read:
d = {'A':{'a':1, 'b':3}, 'B':{'b':2}}
d['A'].append({'b':3}) errors with:
AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'append'
I don't know what the nested dictionary will be in advance. So saying:
d['A'] = {'a':1, 'b':3}
will not work for my case as I am "discovering/calculating" the values as the script runs.
In python, append is only for lists, not dictionaries.
This should do what you want:
d['A']['b'] = 3
Explanation: When you write d['A'] you are getting another dictionary (the one whose key is A), and you can then use another set of brackets to add or access entries in the second dictionary.
You're looking for the update method:
[Python 3.4.2]
I know this question sounds ridiculous, but I can't figure out where I'm messing up. I'm trying to add keys and values to a dictionary by using strings instead of quoted text. So instead of this,
dict['key'] = value
dict[key] = value
When I run the command above, I get this error:
TypeError: 'str' object does not support item assignment
I think Python is thinking that I'm trying to create a string, not add to a dictionary. I'm guessing I'm using the wrong syntax. This is what I'm trying to do:
dict[string_for_key][string_for_value] = string_for_deeper_value
I want this^ command to do this:
dict = {string_for_key: string_for_value: string_for_deeper_value}
I'm getting this error:
TypeError: 'str' object does not support item assignment
I should probably give some more context. I'm:
creating one dictionary
creating a copy of it (because I need to edit the dictionary while iterating through it)
iterating through the first dictionary while running some queries
trying to assign a query's result as a value for each "key: value" in the dictionary.
Here's a picture to show what I mean:
key: value: query_as_new_value
Sorry, I should have clarified: the dictionary's name is not actually 'dict'; I called it 'dict' in my question to show that it was a dictionary.
I'll just post the whole process I'm writing in my script. The error occurs during the last command of the function. Commented out at the very bottom are some other things I've tried.
from collections import defaultdict
global query_line, pericope_p, pericope_f, pericope_e, pericope_g
def _pre_query(self, typ):
with open(self) as f:
i = 1
for line in f:
if i == query_line:
i += 1
target = repr(line.strip())
###skipping some code
pericope_dict_post[self][typ] = line.strip()
#^Outputs error TypeError: 'str' object does not support item assignment
pericope_dict_pre = {'pericope-p.txt': 'pericope_p',
'pericope-f.txt': 'pericope_f',
'pericope-e.txt': 'pericope_e',
'pericope-g.txt': 'pericope_g'}
pericope_dict_post = defaultdict(dict)
#pericope_dict_post = defaultdict(list)
#pericope_dict_post = {}
for key, value in pericope_dict_pre.items():
pericope_dict_post[key] = value
#pericope_dict_post.update({key: value})
#^Also works
#^AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'append'
#^AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'append'
_pre_query(key, value)
-----FINAL EDIT-----
Matthias helped me figure it out, although acushner had the solution too. I was trying to make the dictionary three "levels" deep, but Python dictionaries cannot work this way. Instead, I needed to create a nested dictionary. To use an illustration, I was trying to do {key: value: value} when I needed to do {key: {key: value}}.
To apply this to my code, I need to create the [second] dictionary with all three strings at once. So instead of this:
my_dict[key] = value1
my_dict[key][value1] = value2
I need to do this:
my_dict[key][value1] = value2
Thanks a ton for all your help guys!
You could create a dictionary that expands by itself (Python 3 required).
class AutoTree(dict):
"""Dictionary with unlimited levels"""
def __missing__(self, key):
value = self[key] = type(self)()
return value
Use it like this.
data = AutoTree()
data['a']['b'] = 'foo'
{'a': {'b': 'foo'}}
Now I'm going to explain your problem with the message TypeError: 'str' object does not support item assignment.
This code will work
from collections import defaultdict
data = defaultdict(dict)
data['a']['b'] = 'c'
data['a'] doesn't exist, so the default value dict is used. Now data['a'] is a dict and this dictionary gets a new value with the key 'b' and the value 'c'.
This code won't work
from collections import defaultdict
data = defaultdict(dict)
data['a'] = 'c'
data['a']['b'] = 'c'
The value of data['a'] is defined as the string 'c'. Now you can only perform string operations with data['a']. You can't use it as a dictionary now and that's why data['a']['b'] = 'c' fails.
first, do not use dict as your variable name as it shadows the built-in of the same name.
second, all you want is a nested dictionary, no?
from collections import defaultdict
d = defaultdict(dict)
d[string_for_key][string_for_value] = 'snth'
another way, as #Matthias suggested, is to create a bottomless dictionary:
dd = lambda: defaultdict(dd)
d = dd()
d[string_for_key][string_for_value] = 'snth'
you can do something like this:
>>> my_dict = {}
>>> key = 'a' # if key is not defined before it will raise NameError
>>> my_dict[key] = [1]
>>> my_dict[key].append(2)
>>> my_dict
{'a': [1, 2]}
Note: dict is inbuilt don't use it as variable name
Is it possible to assign multiple keys per value in a Python dictionary. One possible solution is to assign value to each key:
dict = {'k1':'v1', 'k2':'v1', 'k3':'v1', 'k4':'v2'}
but this is not memory efficient since my data file is > 2 GB. Otherwise you could make a dictionary of dictionary keys:
key_dic = {'k1':'k1', 'k2':'k1', 'k3':'k1', 'k4':'k4'}
dict = {'k1':'v1', 'k4':'v2'}
main_key = key_dict['k2']
value = dict[main_key]
This is also very time and effort consuming because I have to go through whole dictionary/file twice. Is there any other easy and inbuilt Python solution?
Note: my dictionary values are not simple string (as in the question 'v1', 'v2') rather complex objects (contains different other dictionary/list etc. and not possible to pickle them)
Note: the question seems similar as How can I use both a key and an index for the same dictionary value?
But I am not looking for ordered/indexed dictionary and I am looking for other efficient solutions (if any) other then the two mentioned in this question.
What type are the values?
dict = {'k1':MyClass(1), 'k2':MyClass(1)}
will give duplicate value objects, but
v1 = MyClass(1)
dict = {'k1':v1, 'k2':v1}
results in both keys referring to the same actual object.
In the original question, your values are strings: even though you're declaring the same string twice, I think they'll be interned to the same object in that case
NB. if you're not sure whether you've ended up with duplicates, you can find out like so:
if dict['k1'] is dict['k2']:
print("good: k1 and k2 refer to the same instance")
print("bad: k1 and k2 refer to different instances")
(is check thanks to J.F.Sebastian, replacing id())
Check out this - it's an implementation of exactly what you're asking: multi_key_dict(ionary)
(sources at https://github.com/formiaczek/python_data_structures/tree/master/multi_key_dict)
(on Unix platforms it possibly comes as a package and you can try to install it with something like:
sudo apt-get install python-multi-key-dict
for Debian, or an equivalent for your distribution)
You can use different types for keys but also keys of the same type. Also you can iterate over items using key types of your choice, e.g.:
m = multi_key_dict()
m['aa', 12] = 12
m['bb', 1] = 'cc and 1'
m['cc', 13] = 'something else'
print m['aa'] # will print '12'
print m[12] # will also print '12'
# but also:
for key, value in m.iteritems(int):
print key, ':', value
# will print:1
# 1 : cc and 1
# 12 : 12
# 13 : something else
# and iterating by string keys:
for key, value in m.iteritems(str):
print key, ':', value
# will print:
# aa : 12
# cc : something else
# bb : cc and 1
m[12] = 20 # now update the value
print m[12] # will print '20' (updated value)
print m['aa'] # will also print '20' (it maps to the same element)
There is no limit to number of keys, so code like:
m['a', 3, 5, 'bb', 33] = 'something'
is valid, and either of keys can be used to refer to so-created value (either to read / write or delete it).
Edit: From version 2.0 it should also work with python3.
Using python 2.7/3 you can combine a tuple, value pair with dictionary comprehension.
keys_values = ( (('k1','k2'), 0), (('k3','k4','k5'), 1) )
d = { key : value for keys, value in keys_values for key in keys }
You can also update the dictionary similarly.
keys_values = ( (('k1',), int), (('k3','k4','k6'), int) )
d.update({ key : value for keys, value in keys_values for key in keys })
I don't think this really gets to the heart of your question but in light of the title, I think this belongs here.
The most straightforward way to do this is to construct your dictionary using the dict.fromkeys() method. It takes a sequence of keys and a value as inputs and then assigns the value to each key.
Your code would be:
dict = dict.fromkeys(['k1', 'k2', 'k3'], 'v1')
dict.update(dict.fromkeys(['k4'], 'v2'))
And the output is:
{'k1': 'v1', 'k2': 'v1', 'k3': 'v1', 'k4': 'v2'}
You can build an auxiliary dictionary of objects that were already created from the parsed data. The key would be the parsed data, the value would be your constructed object -- say the string value should be converted to some specific object. This way you can control when to construct the new object:
existing = {} # auxiliary dictionary for making the duplicates shared
result = {}
for k, v in parsed_data_generator():
obj = existing.setdefault(v, MyClass(v)) # could be made more efficient
result[k] = obj
Then all the result dictionary duplicate value objects will be represented by a single object of the MyClass class. After building the result, the existing auxiliary dictionary can be deleted.
Here the dict.setdefault() may be elegant and brief. But you should test later whether the more talkative solution is not more efficient -- see below. The reason is that MyClass(v) is always created (in the above example) and then thrown away if its duplicate exists:
existing = {} # auxiliary dictionary for making the duplicates shared
result = {}
for k, v in parsed_data_generator():
if v in existing:
obj = existing[v]
obj = MyClass(v)
existing[v] = obj
result[k] = obj
This technique can be used also when v is not converted to anything special. For example, if v is a string, both key and value in the auxiliary dictionary will be of the same value. However, the existence of the dictionary ensures that the object will be shared (which is not always ensured by Python).
I was able to achieve similar functionality using pandas MultiIndex, although in my case the values are scalars:
>>> import numpy
>>> import pandas
>>> keys = [numpy.array(['a', 'b', 'c']), numpy.array([1, 2, 3])]
>>> df = pandas.DataFrame(['val1', 'val2', 'val3'], index=keys)
>>> df.index.names = ['str', 'int']
>>> df.xs('b', axis=0, level='str')
2 val2
>>> df.xs(3, axis=0, level='int')
c val3
I'm surprised no one has mentioned using Tuples with dictionaries. This works just fine:
my_dictionary = {}
my_dictionary[('k1', 'k2', 'k3')] = 'v1'
my_dictionary[('k4')] = 'v2'