Expected Output
I want to create a UI in Maya 2014 which contains Layers and Camera given in the image .I don't know what widget to use for this.I tried to create and my code is given below.
import maya.cmds as cmds
window = cmds.window( title="Render", iconName='BTD',widthHeight=
(400,300),titleBar=True,minimizeButton=True,maximizeButton=True )
inner_child5 = cmds.rowColumnLayout(numberOfColumns=1,rowSpacing =
(1,5),columnOffset =(1,'left',10))
RL = cmds.text("Render Layers",width=200,
inner_child_5 = cmds.rowColumnLayout(numberOfColumns=2,columnOffset =
(1,'left',10),rowOffset = (1,"bottom",30))
Layers = cmds.text("Layers",width=100,
camera = cmds.text("Camera",width=200,
cmds.showWindow( window )
Please tell me how to get that output and what widget to use ?
I want to know that how to create the red lined part given in the image
You might want a textScrollList widget ! (Using two of them side by side).
I can share with you the maya ui cheat sheet from Matt Murrey :
I'm trying to create a MASH in Maya and set the input mesh using the Python API. This is incredibly simple in the GUI but I've spent hours and can't figure out how to make it work in the API. Here's my code so far:
from maya import cmds
import MASH.api as mapi
#create backplate
backplate = cmds.polyPlane(w=10,h=10)
#create cube
cube = cmds.polyCube(w=10,h=10)
#create mash
mashNetwork = mapi.Network()
#set mash to mesh distribution type
cmds.setAttr(mashNetwork.distribute + '.arrangement', 4)
What do I do after this? I want the backplate to be the input mesh to the MASH. I know the parameter I need to set can be accessed by this: mashNetwork.distribute + '.inputMesh'
But no matter what I try I get an error. I've tried setAttr, connectAttr, all with no luck. Anyone know how to do this?
You need to connect an outMesh of the shape node to the inputMesh attribute of the MASH_Distribute. You can inspect the manually created connections in the Node Editor to see how it works without scripting first.
cmds.connectAttr('pPlaneShape1.outMesh', mashNetwork.distribute + '.inputMesh')
Can anyone help me? Is it possible to make a script with Python to automatically select every object in Maya's viewport?
Is it possible?
It's very possible though you have to use Maya's api to do it. You can use OpenMayaUI.MDrawTraversal to collect all objects within a camera's frustum.
This may seem more long winded than using OpenMaya.MGlobal.selectFromScreen, but it gives you a few benefits:
You can do it on any camera, despite it not being used as an active view.
You can perform whatever you need to do all in memory without selecting and forcing a redraw.
OpenMaya.MGlobal.selectFromScreen will be interface dependent, meaning that it's not possible to execute it on Maya batch jobs. This will work on either case.
That being said, here's an example that will create a bunch of random boxes, create a camera looking at them, then select all boxes that are within the camera's view:
import random
import maya.cmds as cmds
import maya.OpenMaya as OpenMaya
import maya.OpenMayaUI as OpenMayaUI
# Create a new camera.
cam, cam_shape = cmds.camera()
cmds.move(15, 10, 15, cam)
cmds.rotate(-25, 45, 0, cam)
cmds.setAttr("{}.focalLength".format(cam), 70)
cmds.setAttr("{}.displayCameraFrustum".format(cam), True)
# Create a bunch of boxes at random positions.
val = 10
for i in range(50):
new_cube, _ = cmds.polyCube()
cmds.move(random.uniform(-val, val), random.uniform(-val, val), random.uniform(-val, val), new_cube)
# Add camera to MDagPath.
mdag_path = OpenMaya.MDagPath()
sel = OpenMaya.MSelectionList()
sel.getDagPath(0, mdag_path)
# Create frustum object with camera.
draw_traversal = OpenMayaUI.MDrawTraversal()
draw_traversal.setFrustum(mdag_path, cmds.getAttr("defaultResolution.width"), cmds.getAttr("defaultResolution.height")) # Use render's resolution.
draw_traversal.traverse() # Traverse scene to get all objects in the camera's view.
frustum_objs = []
# Loop through objects within frustum.
for i in range(draw_traversal.numberOfItems()):
# It will return shapes at first, so we need to fetch its transform.
shape_dag_path = OpenMaya.MDagPath()
draw_traversal.itemPath(i, shape_dag_path)
transform_dag_path = OpenMaya.MDagPath()
OpenMaya.MDagPath.getAPathTo(shape_dag_path.transform(), transform_dag_path)
# Get object's long name and make sure it's a valid transform.
obj = transform_dag_path.fullPathName()
if cmds.objExists(obj):
# At this point we have a list of objects that we can filter by type and do whatever we want.
# In this case just select them.
Hope that gives you a better direction.
you can try the following script
import maya.OpenMaya as om
import maya.OpenMayaUI as omUI
view = omUI.M3dView.active3dView()
om.MGlobal.selectFromScreen( 0, 0, view.portWidth(), view.portHeight(),om.MGlobal.kReplaceList)
I found this snippet on https://forums.cgsociety.org/t/list-objects-in-viewport/1463426, and it seems to do the trick. You can read through the discussion for more information
I am using pywinauto to take a screenshot of a specific window.
Here is the code I use to take a capture of notepad ("Bloc-notes" in french) :
from pywinauto import Application
app = Application().connect(title_re=".*Bloc-notes")
hwin = app.top_window()
img = hwin.capture_as_image()
And here is the result:
The red "border" is the background of the window. How can I safely eliminate this red border?
I tried to configure Windows 10 in order not to show windows shadows (in the "visual effects settings") but it has no effect on the size of the capture.
When I look precisely on the capture, I can see that the left, bottom and right borders are 7 pixels thick. Can I reliably remove these pixels? What I mean by "reliably" is: will it always work, and work on other computers?
Any help appreciated.
Here is the solution I found.
import ctypes
from pywinauto import Application
import win32gui
app = Application().connect(title_re=".*Bloc-notes")
hwin = app.top_window()
window_title = hwin.window_text()
rect = ctypes.wintypes.RECT()
ctypes.wintypes.HWND(win32gui.FindWindow(None, window_title)),
img = hwin.capture_as_image(rect)
And here is the result:
It has worked on all the tests I run (different windows).
Application().connect can return a collection of windows.
Instead use app['YOUR TITLE HERE'] or use find_windows.
From there you can capture the image without those borders.
You can find more info from the docs.
I'm a beginner in programing in Maya, and I want to create a new Window INSIDE the main UI of Maya. The ideal place is in the same place that the attribute editor. I know it's possible because XGen does that, but I really do not find how :'(
Like here !
You can create a window with maya.cmds scripting and make this window dockable in maya
Using the dockControl example:
import maya.cmds as cmds
myWindow = cmds.window()
buttonForm = cmds.formLayout( parent = myWindow )
cmds.button( parent = buttonForm )
allowedAreas = ['right']
cmds.dockControl( area='right', content=myWindow, allowedArea=allowedAreas )
you can create any arbitrary window and enforce/allow it to dock at a specific location.
The above example will spawn and restrict 'myWindow' to the Right side of your UI, unless you undock it...
Extending the allowedAreas attribute gives more location options if you want to use them.
I want both view below are blue, how to set it? please help me! when i forcus to the second line i want it highlight both of object are blue, not one blue and one grey as below.
Code like this:
ui = twin_gtk_builder('twin.ui', ['dia_support', 'liststore7'])
win = ui.get_object('dia_support')
##### Begin function tree view
liststore = gtk.ListStore(int, int, int)
win.sw = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
win.sm = gtk.TreeModelSort(liststore)
##### Set sort column
n = 1
win.sm.set_sort_column_id(n, gtk.SORT_ASCENDING)
win.tv = gtk.TreeView(win.sm)
win.tv.column = [None] * 3
win.tv.column[0] = gtk.TreeViewColumn('0-1000')
win.tv.column[1] = gtk.TreeViewColumn('0-1000000')
win.tv.column[2] = gtk.TreeViewColumn('-10000-10000')
win.tv.cell = [None] * 3
for i in range(3):
win.tv.cell[i] = gtk.CellRendererText()
win.tv.column[i].pack_start(win.tv.cell[i], True)
win.tv.column[i].set_attributes(win.tv.cell[i], text=i)
##### End function tree view
and how it work
Tried one more time with #PM 2Ring help, Thanks so much for your help!
Somebody did it like this, but i can't find his contact...
I had to do a bit of work to get that code to run, Sunshine jp. In future, please try to post code that others can run & test, especially if it's GUI code. Otherwise it can be very hard to work out what the problem is and how to fix it.
I'm not familiar with twin_gtk1_builder(). Is it a GTK1 function?
Anyway, I've modified your code to run on GTK2+. I'm not quite sure what you want your code to do. So I've given row 2 a background color of cyan. Also, I've added the ability to make multiple selections, either using Ctrl or Shift on the keyboard when you select with the mouse; you can also do multiple selection with the keyboard with shift up and down arrows.
When the window loses focus the selected row(s) stays blue on my system. Maybe that's a feature of GTK2 that GTK1 doesn't have. (Or maybe it's due to my window manager - I'm using KDE 4.5.3 on Mepis Linux).
#!/usr/bin/env python
TreeView test
From http://stackoverflow.com/questions/25840091/how-to-make-forcus-highlight-for-2-objects-at-the-same-time
import pygtk
import gtk
def TreeViewTest():
def delete_event(widget, event, data=None):
return False
win = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL)
win.set_title("TreeView Test")
win.set_size_request(320, 160)
win.connect("delete_event", delete_event)
win.vbox = gtk.VBox()
win.sw = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
##### Begin function tree view
#Set up liststore data. Column 3 controls whether
# background color of the TreeView is default or special.
liststore = gtk.ListStore(int, int, int, bool)
liststore.append([1, 2, 3, False])
#Tell row 2 to use the special color
liststore.append([2, 2, 2, True])
liststore.append([4, 4, 4, False])
win.sm = gtk.TreeModelSort(liststore)
##### Set initial sort column
n = 1
win.sm.set_sort_column_id(n, gtk.SORT_ASCENDING)
win.tv = gtk.TreeView(win.sm)
win.tv.column = [None] * 3
win.tv.column[0] = gtk.TreeViewColumn('0-1000')
win.tv.column[1] = gtk.TreeViewColumn('0-1000000')
win.tv.column[2] = gtk.TreeViewColumn('-10000-10000')
#Set up cell renderers
win.tv.cell = [None] * 3
for i in range(3):
win.tv.cell[i] = gtk.CellRendererText()
win.tv.cell[i].set_property('cell-background', 'cyan')
win.tv.column[i].pack_start(win.tv.cell[i], True)
#win.tv.column[i].set_attributes(win.tv.cell[i], text=i)
win.tv.column[i].set_attributes(win.tv.cell[i], text=i,
#Allow multiple selection
treeselection = win.tv.get_selection()
##### End function tree view
def main():
if __name__ == "__main__":
Note that this is NOT a good way to make a GUI. You should be creating a proper class, not adding everything as an attribute to win. Please see the PyGTK 2.0 Tutorial for plenty of code examples.
Ok. Sorry about my earlier confusion over what your problem is. At least we've now got a nice simple example of a PyGTK program that creates a TreeView. :)
Anyway, it turns out that I was right when I guessed that the blue color of the selection turning to grey when the window loses focus on your computer is due to the behaviour of the window manager. I suppose there may be a way to block that in the application, by playing with Widget attributes, but I'm not sure how to do that. And besides, it's considered rude for programs to ignore the settings in the users' window theme.
So the most appropriate solution to your problem is to make the appropriate change in your window manager's appearance settings.
In KDE the relevant property is called "Inactive selection changes color", as described in Color Scheme Options:
Inactive selection changes color — If checked, the current selection in elements which do not have input focus will be drawn using a different color. This can assist visual identification of the element with input focus in some applications, especially those which simultaneously display several lists.
To change this, open up system settings (ALT+F2 → "systemsettings", or the [K] menu → system settings), then go to "Application appearance" and select "Colors". In the "Options" tab, uncheck the "Inactive selection changes color" setting, and click apply.
... ... ...
If you're not using KDE you'll have to figure out for yourself how to change it; hopefully, other window manager settings interfaces and documentation refer to this property with the same name or a similar name.