I have a raster that is being stored in a numpy array that holds an aerial photo of an area that may be any shape. There is a good amount of noise in the data within the area that needs to be smoothed out. The edge of the image (where no data is) is marked by 0s that extend to the edge of the raster.
I have tried using the gaussian filter in scipy.ndimage.filters, but that reduces the values of the pixels at the edge of the data set. I can't find a flag to set nodata value. Is there a better way to do this in Python?
I have a 3D numpy array that contains my ROI, obtained by peforming a logic and between the CT image and the mask.
Plot of the ROI
After performing this operation and a zoom using scipy.ndimage.zoom in order to obtain a volume of 160x160x160, I would like to enlarge the ROI, since right now the amount of values different from 0 is around 5%, or at least remove a lot of 0s (for instance by reducing the volume to 80x80x80 around my ROI)
Do you have any advice?
Thank you in advance.
I found a solution that worked for my problem.
A user here posted a code that is useful to trim all the 0s from a given n-dimensional array in input.
Then, i used scipy.ndimage.zoom to enlarge the volume.
This series of steps allowed me to have a smaller volume with a larger ROI.
I'm working on a perspective transform application involving transforming 3D points to 2D camera pixels. It is a purely mathematical model, because I'm preparing to use it on hardware that I don't really have access to (so I'm making up focal length and offset values for the intrinsic camera matrix).
When I do the mapping, depending on the xyz location of the camera, I get huge differences in where my transformed image is, and I have to make the matrix where I'm inputting the pixels really large. (I'm mapping an image of 1000x1000 pixels to an image of about 600x600 pixels, but its located around 6000, so I have to make my output matrix 7000x7000, which takes a long time to plt.imshow. I have no use for the actual location of the pixels, because I'm only concerned with what the remapped image looks like.
I was wondering how people dealt with this issue:
I can think of just cropping the image down to the area that is non-zero (where my pixels are actually mapped too? Like seen in:
How to crop a numpy 2d array to non-zero values?
but that still requires me to use space and time to alot a 7000x7000 destination matrix
I have two images of the same size and I have computed a vector field to warp the second image onto the first one.
However, as my vector field is computed over a grid with a 10 pixels spacing along both directions, I would like to define such a vector field but for all points of my image.
Thus, I am wondering how I could achieve this.
interpolate between the points - 2D interpolation over regular grid,
should be fast, using scipy
compute your vector field for a 1-pixel resolution
reduce the size (using PIL) of your original image and use the
10-pixel vector field
Either case it is a tradeoff between image size/quality and speed.
I am attempting to use machine learning (namely random forests) for image segmentation. The classifier utilizes a number of different pixel level features to classify pixels as either edge pixels or non edge pixels. I recently applied my classifier to a set of images that are pretty difficult to segment even manually (Image segmentation based on edge pixel map) and am still working on obtaining reasonable contours from the resulting probability map. I also applied the classifier to an easier set of images and am obtaining quite good predicted outlines (Rand index > 0.97) when I adjust the threshold to 0.95. I am interested in improving the segmentation result by filtering contours extracted from the probability map.
Here is the original image:
The expert outlines:
The probability map generated from my classifier:
This can be further refined when I convert the image to binary based on a threshold of 0.95:
I tried filling holes in the probability map, but that left me with a lot of noise and sometimes merged nearby cells. I also tried contour finding in openCV but this didn't work either as many of these contours are not completely connected - a few pixels will be missing here and there in the outlines.
Edit: I ended up using Canny edge detection on the probability map.
The initial image seems to be well contrasted and I guess we can simply threshold to obtain a good estimate of the cells. Here is a morphological area based filtering of the thresholded image:
Area based opening filter(this needs to be set based on your dataset of cells under study):
Area based closing filter(this needs to be set based on your dataset of cells under study):
Contours using I-Erosion(I):
Code snippet:
C is input image
C10 = C>10; %threshold depends on the average contrast in your dataset
C10_areaopen = bwareaopen(C10,2500); %area filters average remove small components that are not cells
C10_areaopenclose = ~bwareaopen(~C10_areaopen,100); %area filter fills holes
se = strel('disk',1);
figure, imshow(C10_areaopenclose-imerode(C10_areaopenclose,se)) %inner contour
To get smoother shapes I guess fine opening operations can be performed on the filtered images, thus removing any concave parts of the cells. Also for cells that are attached one could use the distance function and the watershed over the distance function to obtain segmentations of the cells: http://www.ias-iss.org/ojs/IAS/article/viewFile/862/765
I guess this can be also used on your probability/confidence maps to perform nonlinear area based filtering.
I would like to display a satellite image (preferably using python, but other solutions are welcome). It consists in a floating-point parameter P, with dimension NxM, and each pixel is geolocated by the fields latitude and longitude (each of size NxM). So I would like to:
(1) create an image of parameter P with an associated color scale. The image should not be resampled, so it should have dimension NxM
(2) display coastlines over this image
Currently, I can do (1) using PIL. I can also use the basemap library to display an image and the coastlines, but I don't know how to do it without reprojection, by staying in the image native projection with size NxM.
Edit: the parameter P does not contain any information about the coastline. Only the location (lat, lon) of the pixels should be used to overlay the coastline. The coordinates for the coastline can be obtained from gshhs for example. gshhs is actually used in the basemap library.
If all you're trying to do is enhance the boundaries between land and water, it might be good to use a high-pass filter.
For instance, start out with Lena:
and apply a highpass filter:
then overlay the highpass on top of the original:
(more details and examples can be found here).
You can find filters in scipy here.
For those in the community still looking for an answer to this question, the method which I am currently implementing (for v. similar purposes - I'm trying to test the geolocation of satellite data) requires a landmask.
There are landmask datasets available all over the place online, each with different rules and characteristics. I am working with netCDF4 data in python and my landmask is a gridded .nc dataset in which ocean elements are valued as 1 and land elements are valued as 0.
Iterating through my satellite data I multiply each latitude and longitude value by the number of elements per degree in the landmask. In my case there are 120 elements per degree in lat/lon, so
lon_inds = (lons*120).astype(int)
lat_inds = (lats*120).astype(int)
A more general way of writing this would involve substituting 120 for
respectively. Both examples of these operations can be done nearly instantaneously if using numpy arrays (which is the case for the python netCDF4 module).
Now I create a mask of my own: it must have the same dimensions as the data array (for those not intimately acquainted with satellites, the data, lats and lons arrays will all have identical dimensions):
my_mask = np.zeros(data.shape, dtype=int)
Now all we need to do is replace values in the mask where there is a coastline. This is done by iterating through the lat_inds and lon_inds arrays, looking up the value in the landmask of
and changing the value of
to 1 if any of the neighbors
are not equal to 0 (of course, a smoother coastline can be generated by adding in the diagonal neighboring cells, but this should not be necessary as hopefully you should be using a landmask dataset with sharper spatial resolution than your satellite data).