I'm still newbie in tensorflow and I'm trying to understand what's happenning in details while my models' training goes on. Briefly, I'm using the slim models pretrained on ImageNet to do the finetuning on my dataset. Here are some plots extracted from tensorboard for 2 separate models:
Model_1 (InceptionResnet_V2)
Model_2 (InceptionV4)
So far, both models have poor results on the validation sets (Average Az (Area under the ROC curve) = 0.7 for Model_1 & 0.79 for Model_2). My interpretation to these plots is that the weights are not changing over the mini-batches. It's only the biases that change over the mini-batches and this might be the problem. But I don't know where to look to verify this point. This is the only interpretation I can think of but it might be wrong considering the fact that I'm still newbie. Can u please share with me your thoughts? Don't hesitate to ask for more plots in case needed.
As you can see in the plots below, it seems the weights are barely changing over time. This is applied for all other weights for both networks. This led me to think that there is a problem somewhere but don't know how to interpret it.
InceptionV4 weights
InceptionResnetV2 weights
These models were first trained on ImageNet and these plots are the results of finetuning them on my dataset. I'm using a dataset of 19 classes with roughly 800000 images in it. I'm doing a multi-label classification problem and I'm using sigmoid_crossentropy as a loss function. The classes are highly unbalanced. In the table below, we're showing the percentage of presence of each class in the 2 subsets (train, validation):
Objects train validation
obj_1 3.9832 % 0.0000 %
obj_2 70.6678 % 33.3253 %
obj_3 89.9084 % 98.5371 %
obj_4 85.6781 % 81.4631 %
obj_5 92.7638 % 71.4327 %
obj_6 99.9690 % 100.0000 %
obj_7 90.5899 % 96.1605 %
obj_8 77.1223 % 91.8368 %
obj_9 94.6200 % 98.8323 %
obj_10 88.2051 % 95.0989 %
obj_11 3.8838 % 9.3670 %
obj_12 50.0131 % 24.8709 %
obj_13 0.0056 % 0.0000 %
obj_14 0.3237 % 0.0000 %
obj_15 61.3438 % 94.1573 %
obj_16 93.8729 % 98.1648 %
obj_17 93.8731 % 97.5094 %
obj_18 59.2404 % 70.1059 %
obj_19 8.5414 % 26.8762 %
The values of the hyperparams:
weight_decay = 0.00004 #'The weight decay on the model weights.'
optimizer = rmsprop
rmsprop_momentum = 0.9
rmsprop_decay = 0.9 #'Decay term for RMSProp.'
learning_rate_decay_type = exponential #Specifies how the learning rate is decayed
learning_rate = 0.01 #Initial learning rate.
learning_rate_decay_factor = 0.94 #Learning rate decay factor
num_epochs_per_decay = 2.0 #'Number of epochs after which learning rate
Concerning the sparsity of the layers, here are some samples of the sparsity of the layers for both networks:
sparsity (InceptionResnet_V2)
sparsity (InceptionV4)
Here are the plots of the losses for both models:
Losses and regularization loss (InceptionResnet_V2)
Losses and regularization loss (InceptionV4)
I agree with your assessment - the weights aren't changing very much across the minibatches. It does appear they are changing somewhat.
As I'm sure you're aware, you are doing fine tuning with very large models. As such, backprop can sometimes take a while. But, you're running many training iterations. I don't really think this is the problem.
If I'm not mistaken, both of these were originally trained on ImageNet. If your images are in a totally different domain than something in ImageNet, that could explain the problem.
The backprop equations do make it easier for biases to change with certain activation ranges. ReLU can be one if the model is highly sparse (i.e. if many layers have activation values of 0, then weights will struggle to adjust but biases will not). Also, if activations are in the range [0, 1], the gradient with respect to a weight will be higher than the gradient with respect to a bias. (This is why sigmoid is a bad activation function).
It could also be related to your readout layer - specifically the activation function. How are you calculating error? Is this a classification or regression problem? If at all possible, I recommend using something other than sigmoid as your final activation function. tanh could be marginally better. Linear readout sometimes speeds up training, too (all the gradients have to "pass through" the readout layer. If the derivative of the readout layer is always 1 - linear - you're "letting more gradient through" to adjust the weights further down the model).
Lastly I notice your weights histograms are pushing towards negative weights. Sometimes, especially with models that have a lot of ReLU activation, that can be an indicator of the model learning sparsity. Or an indicator of the dead neuron problem. Or both - the two are somewhat linked.
Ultimately, I think your model is just struggling to learn. I've encountered very similar histograms retraining Inception. I was using a dataset of about 2000 images, and I was struggling to push it over 80% accuracy (as it happens, the dataset was heavily biased - that accuracy was roughly as good as random guessing). It helped when I made the convolution variables constant and only made changes to the fully connected layer.
Indeed this is a classification problem and sigmoid cross entropy is the appropriate activation function. And you do have a sizable dataset - certainly big enough to fine tune these models.
With this new information, I would suggest lowering the initial learning rate. I have a two-fold reasoning here:
(1) is my own experience. As I mentioned, I'm not especially familiar with RMSprop. I've only used it in the context of DNCs (though, DNCs with convolutional controllers), but my experience there backs up what I'm about to say. I think .01 is high for training a model from scratch, let alone fine tuning. It's definitely high for Adam. In some sense, starting with a small learning rate is the "fine" part of fine tuning. Don't force the weights to shift quite so much. Especially if you're adjusting the whole model rather than the last (few) layer(s).
(2) is the increasing sparsity and shift toward negative weights. Based on your sparsity plots (good idea btw), it looks to me like some weights might be getting stuck in a sparse configuration as a result of overcorrection. I.e., as a result of a high initial rate, the weights are "overshooting" their optimal position and getting stuck somewhere that makes it hard for them to recover and contribute to the model. That is, slightly negative and close to zero is not good in a ReLU network.
As I've mentioned (repeatedly) I'm not very familiar with RMSprop. But, since you're already running lots of training iterations, give low, low, low initial rates a shot and work your way up. I mean, see how 1e-8 works. It's possible the model won't respond to training with a rate that low, but do something of an informal hyperparameter search with the learning rate. In my experience with Inception using Adam, 1e-4 to 1e-8 worked well.
I am training a classifier using CNNs in Pytorch. My classifier has 6 labels. There are 700 training images for each label and 10 validation images for each label. The batch size is 10 and the learning rate is 0.000001. Each class has 16.7% of the whole dataset images. I have trained 60 epochs and the architecture has 3 main layers:
Linear->ReLU->BatchNorm1D->Dropout And finally a fully connected and
a softmax.
My optimizer is AdamW and the loss function is crossentropy. The network is training well as the training accuracy is increasing but the validation accuracy remains almost fixed and equal as the chance of each class(1/number of classes). The accuracy is shown in the image below:
Accuracy of training and test
And the loss is shown in:
Loss for training and validation
Is there any idea why this is happening?How can I improve the validation accuracy? I have used L1 and L2 Regularization as well and also the Dropout Layers. I have also tried adding more data but these didn't help.
Problem Solved: First, I looked at this problem as overfitting and spend so much time on methods to solve this such as regularization and augmentation. Finally, after trying different methods, I couldn't improve the validation accuracy. Thus, I went through the data. I found a bug in my data preparation which was resulting in similar tensors being generated under different labels. I generated the correct data and the problem was solved to some extent (The validation accuracy increased around 60%). Then finally I improved the validation accuracy to 90% by adding more "conv2d + maxpool" layers.
This is not so much a programming related question so maybe ask it again in cross-validated
and it would be easier if you would post your architecture code.
But here are things that I would suggest:
you wrote that you "tried adding more data", if you can, always use all data you have. If thats still not enough (and even if it is) use augmentation (e.g. flip, crop, add noise to the image)
your learning rate should not be so small, start with 0.001 and decay while training or try ~ 0.0001 without decaying
remove the dropout after the conv layers and the batchnorm after the dense layers and see if that helps, it is not so common to use cropout after conv but normally that shouldnt have a negative effect. try it anyways
I am using the TF2 research object detection API with the pre-trained EfficientDet D3 model from the TF2 model zoo. During training on my own dataset I notice that the total loss is jumping up and down - for example from 0.5 to 2.0 a few steps later, and then back to 0.75:
So all in all this training does not seem to be very stable. I thought the problem might be the learning rate, but as you can see in the charts above, I set the LR to decay during the training, it goes down to a really small value of 1e-15, so I don't see how this can be the problem (at least in the 2nd half of the training).
Also when I smooth the curves in Tensorboard, as in the 2nd image above, one can see the total loss going down, so the direction is correct, even though it's still on quite a high value. I would be interested why I can't achieve better results with my training set, but I guess that is another question. First I would be really interested why the total loss is going up and down so much the whole training. Any ideas?
PS: The pipeline.config file for my training can be found here.
In your config it states that your batch size is 2. This is tiny and will cause a very volatile loss.
Try increasing your batch size substantially; try a value of 256 or 512. If you are constrained by memory, try increasing it via gradient accumulation.
Gradient accumulation is the process of synthesising a larger batch by combining the backwards passes from smaller mini-batches. You would run multiple backwards passes before updating the model's parameters.
Typically, a training loop would like this (I'm using pytorch-like syntax for illustrative purposes):
for model_inputs, truths in iter_batches():
predictions = model(model_inputs)
loss = get_loss(predictions, truths)
With gradient accumulation, you'll put several batches through and then update the model. This simulates a larger batch size without requiring the memory to actually put a large batch size through all at once:
accumulations = 10
for i, (model_inputs, truths) in enumerate(iter_batches()):
predictions = model(model_inputs)
loss = get_loss(predictions, truths)
if (i - 1) % accumulations == 0:
How to accumulate gradients in tensorflow?
Understanding accumulated gradients in PyTorch
I am going through Hands-on Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow by Aurélien Géron and I'm trying to make sense of what I'm doing wrong while solving an exercise. It's exercise 8 from Chapter 11. What I have to do is train a neural network with 20 hidden layers, 100 neurons each, with the activation function ELU and weight initializer He Normal on the CIFAR10 dataset (I know 20 hidden layers of 100 neurons is a lot, but that's the point of the exercise, so bear with me). I have to use Early Stopping and Nadam optimizer.
The problem that I have is that I didn't know what learning rate to use. In the solutions notebook, the author listed a bunch of learning rates that he tried and used the best one he found. I wasn't satisfied by this and I decided to try to find the best learning rate myself. So I used a technique that was recommended in the book: train the network for one epoch, exponentially increasing the learning rate at each iteration. Then plot the loss as a function of the learning rate, see where the loss hits its minumum, and choose a slightly smaller learning rate (since that's the upper bound).
This is the code from my model:
model = keras.models.Sequential()
model.add(keras.layers.Flatten(input_shape=[32, 32, 3]))
for _ in range(20):
model.add(keras.layers.Dense(10, activation="softmax"))
optimizer = keras.optimizers.Nadam(lr=1e-5)
(Ignore the value of the learning rate, it doesn't matter yet since I'm trying to find the right one.)
Here is the code that was used to find the optimal learning rate:
class ExponentialLearningRate(keras.callbacks.Callback):
def __init__(self, factor):
self.factor = factor
self.rates = []
self.losses = []
def on_batch_end(self, batch, logs):
keras.backend.set_value(self.model.optimizer.lr, self.model.optimizer.lr * self.factor)
def find_learning_rate(model, X, y, epochs=1, batch_size=32, min_rate=10**-5, max_rate=10):
init_weights = model.get_weights()
init_lr = keras.backend.get_value(model.optimizer.lr)
iterations = len(X) // batch_size * epochs
factor = np.exp(np.log(max_rate / min_rate) / iterations)
keras.backend.set_value(model.optimizer.lr, min_rate)
exp_lr = ExponentialLearningRate(factor)
history = model.fit(X, y, epochs = epochs, batch_size = batch_size, callbacks = [exp_lr])
keras.backend.set_value(model.optimizer.lr, init_lr)
return exp_lr.rates, exp_lr.losses
def plot_lr_vs_losses(rates, losses):
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
plt.plot(rates, losses)
plt.hlines(min(losses), min(rates), max(rates))
plt.axis([min(rates), max(rates), min(losses), losses[0] + min(losses) / 2])
plt.xlabel("Learning rate")
The find_learning_rate() function exponentially increases the learning rate at each iteration, going from the minimum learning rate of 10^(-5) to the maximum learning rate of 10. After that, I plotted the curve using the function plot_lr_vs_losses() and this is what I got:
Looks like using a learning rate of 1e-2 would be great, right? But when I re-compile the model, with a learning rate of 1e-2 the model's accuracy on both the training set and the validation set is about 10%, which is like choosing randomly, since we have 10 classes. I used early stopping, so I can't say that I let the model train for too many epochs (I used 100). But even during training, the model doesn't learn anything, the accuracy of both the training set and the validation set is always at around 10%.
This whole problem disappears when I use a much smaller learning rate (the one used by the author in the solutions notebook). When I use a learning rate of 5e-5 the model is learning and reaches around 50% accuracy on the validation set (which is what the exercise expects, that's the same accuracy the author got). But how is it that using the learning rate indicated by the plot is so bad? I read a little bit on the internet and this method of exponentially increasing the learning rate seems to be used by many people, so I really don't understand what I did wrong.
You're using a heuristic search method on an unknown exploration space. Without more information on the model/data characteristics, it's hard to say what went wrong.
My first worry is the abrupt rise to effective infinity for the loss; you have an edge in yoru exploration space that is not smooth, suggesting that the larger space (including many epochs of training) has a highly irruptive boundary. It's possible that any learning rate near the epoch-=1 boundary will stumble across the cliff at later epochs, leaving you with random classifications.
The heuristic you used is based on a couple of assumptions.
Convergence speed as a function of learning rate is relatively smooth
Final accuracy is virtually independent of the learning rate.
It appears that your model does not exhibit these characteristics.
The heuristic trains on only one epoch; how many epochs does it take to converge the model at various learning rates? If the learning rate is too large, the model may do that final convergence very slowly, as it circles the optimum point. It's also possible that you never got close to that point with a rate that was too large.
Without mapping the convergence space with respect to that epoch-1 test, we can't properly analyze the problem. However, you can try a related experiment: starting at, perhaps, 10^-4, fully train your model (detect convergence and stop). Repeat, multiplying the LR by 3 each time. When you cross into non-convergence around .0081, you have a feeling for where you no longer converge.
Now subdivide that range [.0027, .0081] as you see fit. Once you find an upper endpoint that does converge, you can use that to guide a final search for the optimal learning rate.
Here is a typical plot of train/test losses behaviour as epoch increases.
I'm not an expert but I have read several topics on similar problems. Well, let me explain what I'm doing.
First, I have used implementation given by https://github.com/pytorch/vision/blob/master/torchvision/models/resnet.py for resnet18 & resnet50, and by https://github.com/akamaster/pytorch_resnet_cifar10 for resnet32, resnet56. For all these nets I got the same kind of test-loss hieratic behaviour.
Second, my inputs are images 5x64x64, so I have adapted the first Convolutional Layer, and the output of the last Full-connected consist of 180 neurons. I have used either 64, 128, 256 batch sizes for the training, and 128 for the test: the same behaviour persists. I have also both used 300k or 100k images in input training (100k for the test): same behaviour persists too. The images are not of "standard" RGB photos: first, as you probably have already, , remarked there are 5 channels, second the pixel values can be negative (eg. spanning the range (-0.01, 500))
Third, I am aware of the model.train() statement for the training phase, as well as the model.eval() statement (coupled with the with torch.no_grad():) for the testing phase. It is clear that if I do not use model.eval() during the test phase, the test loss is gently decrasing as the traing loss. But, this is not allowed, isn't it?
I have tried several things after reading post concerning Batch Norm behaviour wo any success
I have used SGD, Adam (& SWATS)
I have tryied lr = 0.1 to lr= 1e-5
I have modified the BN momentum (default = 0.1) : 0.5 and 0.01; as well as the eps parameter.
Now, I have managed to get nice results (ie; good training & testing losses) with a classical CNN (ie. wo any Batch normalization, & short-cuts) but I would like to study Resnet behaviour against adversarial attack. So, I would like to get Resnet fit my images :slight_smile:
Any idea ?
After making some tests, I have found something: I have used the standard resnet20 (h=1). Then, I have used as test set the same samples (100,000 images) as for the train set. BUT, for the test set 1) I do not use the shuffling, and 2) I do not make any Horizontal/vertical flip or Rot90deg, Rot180deg or Rot270deg. I observe the same kind of fluctuations for the test loss.
Moreover, when I switch OFF complety the transformations of the train set, and uses the same set for train & test, I got the same behviour:
And finaly, if I switch off the suffling and random transforms (flips & Rotations) of train set, and I use the same set for test, then I get:
Seems that the test loss is converging towards a value, but different from the train loss. Why ???
This is more of a deep learning conceptual problem, and if this is not the right platform I'll take it elsewhere.
I'm trying to use a Keras LSTM sequential model to learn sequences of text and map them to a numeric value (a regression problem).
The thing is, the learning always converges too fast on high loss (both training and testing). I've tried all possible hyperparameters, and I have a feeling it's a local minima issue that causes the model's high bias.
My questions are basically :
How to initialize weights and bias given this problem?
Which optimizer to use?
How deep I should extend the network (I'm afraid that if I use a very deep network, the training time will be unbearable and the model variance will grow)
Should I add more training data?
Input and output are normalized with minmax.
I am using SGD with momentum, currently 3 LSTM layers (126,256,128) and 2 dense layers (200 and 1 output neuron)
I have printed the weights after few epochs and noticed that many weights
are zero and the rest are basically have the value of 1 (or very close to it).
Here are some plots from tensorboard :
Faster convergence with a very high loss could possibly mean you are facing an exploding gradients problem. Try to use a much lower learning rate like 1e-5 or 1e-6. You can also try techniques like gradient clipping to limit your gradients in case of high learning rates.
Answer 1
Another reason could be initialization of weights, try the below 3 methods:
Method described in this paper https://arxiv.org/abs/1502.01852
Xavier initialization
Random initialization
For many cases 1st initialization method works the best.
Answer 2
You can try different optimizers like
Momentum optimizer
SGD or Gradient descent
Adam optimizer
The choice of your optimizer should be based on the choice of your loss function. For example: for a logistic regression problem with MSE as a loss function, gradient based optimizers will not converge.
Answer 3
How deep or wide your network should be is again fully dependent on which type of network you are using and what the problem is.
As you said you are using a sequential model using LSTM, to learn sequence on text. No doubt your choice of model is good for this problem you can also try 4-5 LSTMs.
Answer 4
If your gradients are going either 0 or infinite, it is called vanishing gradients or it simply means early convergence, try gradient clipping with proper learning rate and the first weight initialization technique.
I am sure this will definitely solve your problem.
Consider reducing your batch_size.
With large batch_size, it could be that your gradient at some point couldn't find any more variation in your data's stochasticity and for that reason it convergences earlier.