import random
control = True
main = True
count = 0
user = input("Would you like to play Guess The Number?")
if (user == "yes"):
while (control == True):
randgen = random.randrange(0, 100)
print("Guess a random number")
while main == True:
number = int(input())
if (number == randgen):
print("Great Job you guessed the correct number")
print("You have tried ", count, "time(s)")
main = False
control = False
if (number < randgen):
count += 1
print("Your number is smaller than the random number")
print("You are at ", count, "trie(s)")
main = True
if (number > randgen):
count += 1
print("Your number is larger than the random number")
print("You are at ", count, "trie(s)")
main = True
again = int(input("Would you like to play again?1 for yes and 2 for no."))
if (again == 1):
control = True
user = ("yes")
if (again == 2):
control = False
print ("Ok bye bye")
##user ("no")
if (user == "no"):
print ("OK then Bye")
This Code works except for the part that when I want to play again it does not work. I have a coding background in java that's why I know some code but I made the guess the number game in java and I cannot figure out whats wrong with my python version(posted above).
Please make these changes:
if (again == 1):
control = True
user = ("yes")
enter image description herei want to find out how
i can take in user’s inputs on the number of times user wishes to run/play, and execute accordingly. and also how can i provide user with an option on the game/run mode
allow the user to choose the complexity level of a game?
include a scoreboard that shows the top 5 players/scores.
[enter image description here](https://i.stack.enter image description
from IPython.display import clear_output
import random
#Input for the word by game master
user = input("Please enter your name:")
print("Hi " + user + " good luck ")
no_of_time = input("How many times do you want to play: ")
answer_word = list(str.lower(input("input enter your word: "))) #
win = False
#defining function
def guesscheck(guess,answer,guess_no):
if len(guess)==1:
if guess in answer:
print("Correct, ",guess," is a right letter")
return True
print("Incorrect, ",guess, " is a not a correct letter. That was your chance number ",guess_no)
return False
print("Enter only one letter")
#Storing the number of characters in different variable
for each in answer_word:
answer_display += ["*"]
#initializing number of allowable guesses
guess_no = 1
while guess_no<5:
#Player input for guess letter
guess_letter=str.lower(input('Enter your guess letter: '))
#Calling a sub function to check if correct letter was guessed
#Conditional: if incorrect letter
if guess_check == False:
guess_no +=1
#Conditional: if correct letter
elif guess_check == True:
num = [i for i, x in enumerate(answer_word) if x == guess_letter] #
for all in num:
#Conditional: if no remaining unknown letter then win screen
if answer_display.count('*')==0:
win = True
if win:
print("You won!")
print("The correct answer was: ", answer_word)
print("You lost!")
To install random_words package in jupyter notebook.
run this command in code shell.
!pip install random_word
import package. from random_word import RandomWords
r = RandomWords()
Code snippet:
import random
from random_word import RandomWords
# Input for the word by game master
user = input("Please enter your name:")
print("Hi " + user + " good luck ")
while True:
no_of_time = int(input("How many times do you want to play: "))
played_time = no_of_time
except ValueError:
print("Please enter a number. specify in number how many time you want to play.")
scorecard = 0
# defining function
def guesscheck(guess, answer, guess_no):
if len(guess) == 1:
if guess in answer:
print("Correct, ", guess, " is a right letter")
return True
print("Incorrect, ", guess, " is a not a correct letter. That was your chance number ", guess_no)
return False
print("Enter only one letter")
while no_of_time:
while True:
difficulty_level = int(input(
"Enter the difficulty you want to play: press [1] for easy, press [2] for medium, press [3] for hard, press [4] for manually word"))
if difficulty_level in [1, 2, 3, 4]:
print("Enter number 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 not other than that!!")
except ValueError:
print("Please enter difficulty level specific.")
answer_word = ""
if difficulty_level == 1:
while len(answer_word)!=5:
answer_word = r.get_random_word()
elif difficulty_level == 2:
while len(answer_word)!=6:
answer_word = r.get_random_word()
elif difficulty_level == 3:
while len(answer_word)!=10:
answer_word = r.get_random_word()
answer_word=input("Enter manually what word you wanted to set..!")
win = False
# Storing the number of characters in different variable
answer_display = []
for each in answer_word:
answer_display += ["*"]
# initializing number of allowable guesses
guess_no = 1
while guess_no <= 5: # User chances given 5
# Player input for guess letter
guess_letter = str.lower(input('Enter your guess letter: '))
# Calling a sub function to check if correct letter was guessed
guess_check = guesscheck(guess_letter, answer_word, guess_no)
# Conditional: if incorrect letter
if guess_check == False:
guess_no += 1
# Conditional: if correct letter
elif guess_check == True:
num = [i for i, x in enumerate(answer_word) if
x == guess_letter] #
for all in num:
answer_display[all] = guess_letter
# Conditional: if no remaining unknown letter then win screen
if answer_display.count('*') == 0:
win = True
if win:
print("You won!")
scorecard += 1
print("The correct answer was: ", answer_word)
print("You lost!")
no_of_time -= 1
print("You played " + str(played_time) + ":")
print("Won: " + str(scorecard) + " Guessed correctly!!")
print("Lose: " + str(played_time - scorecard) + "not Guessed correctly!!")
don't know why specific length is not working in random_word hence included while statement.. this code snippet is working you can go through this..!
I am making a program that generates a random number and asks you to guess the number out of the range 1-100. Once you put in a number, it will generate a response based on the number. In this case, it is Too high, Too low, Correct, or Quit too soon if the input is 0, which ends the program(simplified, but basically the same thing).
It counts the number of attempts based on how many times you had to do the input function, and it uses a while loop to keep asking for the number until you get it correct. The problem that I am facing is that I have to make it break out of the while loop once the guess is either equal to the random number or 0. This normally isn't an issue, because you could use sys.exit() or some other function, but according to the instructions I can't use break, quit, exit, sys.exit, or continue. The problem is most of the solutions I've found for breaking the while loop implement break, sys.exit, or something similar and I can't use those. I used sys.exit() as a placeholder, though, so that it would run the rest of the code, but now I need to figure out a way to break the loop without using it. This is my code:
import random
import sys
def main():
global attempts
attempts = 0
def guess(attempts):
number = random.randint(1,100)
guess = int(input("Enter a number between 1 and 100, or 0 to quit: "))
while guess != 0:
if guess != number:
if guess < number:
print("Too low, try again")
attempts += 1
guess = int(input("Enter a number between 1 and 100, or 0 to quit: "))
elif guess > number:
print("Too high, try again")
attempts += 1
guess = int(input("Enter a number between 1 and 100, or 0 to quit: "))
print("Congratulations! You guessed the right number!")
print("There were", attempts,"attempts")
#Ask if they want to play again
sys.exit()#<---- using sys.exit as a placeholder currently
print("You quit too early")
print("The number was ",number,sep='')
#Ask if they want to play again
sys.exit()#<----- using sys.exit as a placeholder currently
def keep_playing(attempts):
keep_playing = 'y'
if keep_playing == 'y' or keep_playing == 'n':
if keep_playing == 'y':
keep_playing = input("Another game (y to continue)? ")
elif keep_playing == 'n':
print("You quit too early")
print("Number of attempts", attempts)
If anyone has any suggestions or solutions for how to fix this, please let me know.
Try to implement this solution to your code:
is_playing = True
while is_playing:
if guess == 0:
is_playing = False
your code...
if guess == number:
is_playing = False
your code...
your code...
Does not use any break etc. and It does breaks out of your loop as the loop will continue only while is_playing is True. This way you will break out of the loop when the guess is 0 (your simple exit way) or when the number is guessed correctly. Hope that helps.
I am not a fan of global variables but here it's your code with my solution implemented:
import random
def main() -> None:
attempts = 0
global is_playing
is_playing = True
while is_playing:
def guess(attempts: int) -> None:
number = random.randint(1,100)
is_guessing = True
while is_guessing:
attempts += 1
guess = int(input("Enter a number between 1 and 100, or 0 to quit: "))
if guess == 0:
is_guessing = False
print("\nYou quit too early.")
print("The number was ", number,sep='')
if guess == number:
is_guessing = False
print("\nCongratulations! You guessed the right number!")
print("There were", attempts, "attempts")
if guess < number:
print("Too low, try again.")
elif guess > number:
print("Too high, try again.")
def keep_playing() -> None:
keep_playing = input('Do you want to play again? Y/N ')
if keep_playing.lower() == 'n':
global is_playing
is_playing = False
"There were", attempts, "attempts"
do: f'There were {attempts} attempts.'
So this is my random number guessing program I made. It asks the user to input two numbers as the bound, one high and one low, then the program will choose a number between those two. The user then has to try and guess the number chosen by the program. 1) How do I get it to ask the user if they would like to play again and upon inputting 'yes' the program starts over, and inputting 'no' the program ends? 2) How do I create an error trap that tells the user "Hey you didn't enter a number!" and ends the program?
def main(): # Main Module
print("Game Over.")
def introduction():
print("Let's play the 'COLD, COLD, HOT!' game.")
print("Here's how it works. You're going to choose two numbers: one small, one big. Once you do that, I'll choose a random number in between those two.")
print("The goal of this game is to guess the number I'm thinking of. If you guess right, then you're HOT ON THE MONEY. If you keep guessing wrong, than you're ICE COLD. Ready? Then let's play!")
small = int(input("Enter your smaller number: "))
large = int(input("Enter your bigger number: "))
return small, large
def game(answer):
c = int(input('Input the number of guesses you want: '))
counter = 1 # Set the value of the counter outside loop.
while counter <= c:
guess = int(input("Input your guess(number) and press the 'Enter' key: "))
if answer > guess:
print("Your guess is too small; you're ICE COLD!")
counter = counter + 1
elif answer < guess:
print("Your guess is too large; you're still ICE COLD!")
counter = counter + 1
elif answer == guess:
print("Your guess is just right; you're HOT ON THE MONEY!")
counter = c + 0.5
if (answer == guess) and (counter < c + 1):
print("You were burning hot this round!")
print("Wow, you were frozen solid this time around.", "The number I \
was thinking of was: " , answer)
def Mystery_Number(a,b):
import random
Mystery_Number = random.randint(a,b) # Random integer from Python
return Mystery_Number # This function returns a random number
A,B = introduction()
number = Mystery_Number(A,B) # Calling Mystery_Number
game(number) # Number is the argument for the game function
You'd first have to make game return something if they guess right:
def game(answer):
guess = int(input("Please put in your number, then press enter:\n"))
if answer > guess:
print("Too big")
return False
if answer < guess:
print("Too small")
return False
elif answer == guess:
print("Your guess is just right")
return True
Then, you'd update the 'main' function, so that it incorporates the new 'game' function:
def main():
c = int(input("How many guesses would you like?\n"))
for i in range(c):
answer = int(input("Your guess: "))
is_right = game(answer)
if is_right: break
if is_right: return True
else: return False
Then, you'd add a run_game function to run main more than once at a time:
def run_game():
not_done = False
while not_done:
again = input('If you would like to play again, please type any character')
not_done = bool(again)
Finally, for error catching, you'd do something like this:
x = int(input())
print('That was not a number')
import sys
from random import random
# This function handles the number guessing and number formatting
def run_game():
# rand is declared by grabbing a number between 0 and 1, multiplying it by 100, and rounds to nearest integer
rand = round(random() * 100, 0)
print("Guess the number [0 - 100]")
guesses = 0
while True:
# Assigns the 'answer' variable by grabbing user input from console
answer = input()
# Checks if the input from the console is a number, and if not, asks the user to enter a valid number
if answer.isdigit():
n = int(answer)
if n > int(rand):
print("Number is less than " + str(n))
guesses = guesses + 1
elif n < int(rand):
print("Number is greater than " + str(n))
guesses = guesses + 1
guesses = guesses + 1
print("It took you " + str(guesses) + " guesses to guess the right number!")
reply = play_again()
if reply is False:
print("Please enter a number")
def play_again():
while True:
reply = input("Play again? (y/n)\n")
if reply.lower() == "y":
return True
elif reply.lower() == "n":
return False
print("Enter 'y' or 'n'")
if __name__ == "__main__":
So when I run this program, it runs fine. Once guessing the number, I can type y or n to play again. If I have only played once, it works fine. But if I select y, and play again, entering n after playing the second game does nothing
Your main issue is that you're using recursion to start a new game, but after the recursive call returns (assuming it does), you just keep on going in the original game.
There are a few ways you could fix that. The simplest would be to change the code that handles checking the user's choice to play again so that it always breaks:
if reply:
A better approach would be to get rid of the recursion. There are a few ways you could do that. One simple idea is to simply reset the appropriate variables and keep right on going with your game loop when the user wants to play again:
reply = play_again()
if reply:
rand = round(random() * 100, 0)
print("Guess the number [0 - 100]")
guesses = 0
Another way to avoid recursion would be to add another loop. Here's one way you could do it with a separate function:
def run_game():
rand = round(random() * 100, 0)
print("Guess the number [0 - 100]")
guesses = 0
while True:
answer = input()
if answer.isdigit():
n = int(answer)
if n > int(rand):
print("Number is less than " + str(n))
guesses = guesses + 1
elif n < int(rand):
print("Number is greater than " + str(n))
guesses = guesses + 1
guesses = guesses + 1
print("It took you " + str(guesses) + " guesses to guess the right number!")
break # unconditionally break here!
def run_many_games():
again = True
while again:
again = play_again()
One thing you may note that I've changed in all of the code above is how I test if the return value from play_again is True or False. There's no need for an extra comparison step when you have a bool value already. Just do if reply (or if not reply if you're testing for False). You can also do this in a while loop condition, as I do with again in my last code block.
Heres a good way to solve this problem. In your code you never actually exit the while loop because run game never exits, and there is no system variable returned to break it. Using sys.exit(0) also works, but its a bad habit to get into for these kinds of programs.
from random import random
# This function handles the number guessing and number formatting
def run_game():
# rand is declared by grabbing a number between 0 and 1, multiplying it by 100, and rounds to nearest integer
rand = round(random() * 100, 0)
print("Guess the number [0 - 100]")
guesses = 0
while True:
answer = input()
if type(answer) == int:
n = int(answer)
if n > int(rand):
print("Number is less than " + str(n))
guesses = guesses + 1
elif n < int(rand):
print("Number is greater than " + str(n))
guesses = guesses + 1
guesses = guesses + 1
print("It took you " + str(guesses) + " guesses to guess the right number!")
reply = play_again()
if reply:
print 'Thank you for playing'
def play_again():
while True:
reply = raw_input("Play again? (y/n)\n")
if reply.lower() == "y":
return True
elif reply.lower() == "n":
return False
print("Enter 'y' or 'n'")
if __name__ == "__main__":
The reason this is happening is because run_game ends up calling itself recursively. Instead of restarting the game when the user chooses to play again it effectively creates a new instance of the game. Then when the user chooses to stop playing it returns back to the old session instead of exiting the program.
You can even prove this to yourself by remembering the solution before choosing to play again, and then choosing not to play again after the second session. You'll then be playing the previous session again and entering the solution you remembered or wrote down.
Now you can solve this problem by using sys.exit() instead of break to force the program to close, but that doesn't seem like good practice. If somebody chooses to play again too many times they can cause the program to run out of stack space and crash. Instead it's probably better to move that check out of run_game like this
if __name__ == "__main__":
while True:
if not play_again():
And modify the else block in run_game to this
guesses = guesses + 1
print("It took you " + str(guesses) + " guesses to guess the right number!")
There's no point in returning True or False according to the user input, you can work from there directly.
import sys
from random import random
# This function handles the number guessing and number formatting
def run_game():
# rand is declared by grabbing a number between 0 and 1, multiplying it by 100, and rounds to nearest integer
rand = round(random() * 100, 0)
print("Guess the number [0 - 100]")
guesses = 0
while True:
# Assigns the 'answer' variable by grabbing user input from console
answer = input()
# Checks if the input from the console is a number, and if not, asks the user to enter a valid number
if answer.isdigit():
n = int(answer)
if n > int(rand):
print("Number is less than " + str(n))
guesses = guesses + 1
elif n < int(rand):
print("Number is greater than " + str(n))
guesses = guesses + 1
guesses = guesses + 1
print("It took you " + str(guesses) + " guesses to guess the right number!")
print("Please enter a number")
def play_again():
while True:
reply = input("Play again? (y/n)\n")
if reply.lower() == "y":
elif reply.lower() == "n":
print("Enter 'y' or 'n'")
if __name__ == "__main__":
This way the code is somewhat cleaner and fixes your problem. There's no point in passing "flags" around when you can do things directly.
Since your game is from 0 to 100 you should also verify if the user doesn't put a number that's bigger than 100, since lower than 0 doesn't pass the isdigit check.
I'm writing a simple warmer / colder number guessing game in Python.
I have it working but I have some duplicated code that causes a few problems and I am not sure how to fix it.
from __future__ import print_function
import random
secretAnswer = random.randint(1, 10)
gameOver = False
attempts = 0
currentGuess = int(input("Please enter a guess between 1 and 10: "))
originalGuess = currentGuess
while gameOver == False and attempts <= 6:
currentGuess = int(input("Please enter a guess between 1 and 10: "))
attempts += 1
originalDistance = abs(originalGuess - secretAnswer)
currentDistance = abs(currentGuess - secretAnswer)
if currentDistance < originalDistance and currentGuess != secretAnswer:
print("Getting warmer")
elif currentDistance > originalDistance:
print("Getting colder")
if currentDistance == originalDistance:
print("You were wrong, try again")
if currentGuess == secretAnswer or originalGuess == secretAnswer:
print("Congratulations! You are a winner!")
gameOver = True
if attempts >= 6 and currentGuess != secretAnswer:
print("You lose, you have ran out of attempts.")
gameOver = True
print("Secret Answer: ", secretAnswer)
print("Original Dist: ", originalDistance)
print("Current Dist: ", currentDistance)
It asks for input before I enter the loop, which is to allow me to set an original guess variable helping me to work out the distance from my secret answer.
However, because this requires input before the loop it voids any validation / logic I have there such as the if statements, then requires input directly after this guess, now inside the loop.
Is there a way for me to declare originalGuess inside the loop without it updating to the user input guess each iteration or vice versa without duplicating currentGuess?
There doesn't seem to be a need to ask the user before you enter the loop... You can just check if guesses = 1 for the first guess...
guesses = 0
while not gameOver:
guesses += 1
if guesses = 1 and userInput != correctAnswer:
print "try again!"
print "good job!, it took you {} guesses!".format(guesses)