Python 3 regular expression for $ but not $$ in a string - python

I need to match one of the following anywhere in a string:
but not:
my python 3 regex is:
pattern = **r"[^\$|/^]**\$\{(?P<section>[a-zA-Z]+?\:)?(?P<key>[a-zA-Z]+?)(?P<value>\[[0-9]+\])?\}"
What I'm looking for, is the proper way to say not $ or beginning of a string. The block r"[^\$|/^]" will properly detect all cases but will fail if my string starts at the first character.
I trie, without success:
Any suggestion?

Use a negative lookbehind:
and then follow it by the thing you actually want to match. This will ensure that the thing you actually want to match is not preceded by a $ (i.e. not preceded by a match for \$):
^ ^
| |
| +--- The dollar sign you actually want to match
+--- The possible second preceding dollar sign you want to exclude
Matches if the current position in the string is not preceded
by a match for .... This is called a negative lookbehind assertion.
Similar to positive lookbehind assertions, the contained pattern must
only match strings of some fixed length and shouldn’t contain group
references. Patterns which start with negative lookbehind assertions
may match at the beginning of the string being searched.

You can use a negative lookbehind (?<!\$) to say "not preceded by $":
I have simplified the part between the brackets a bit to focus on the "one and only one $ part".
Here is a regex101 link.

Thank you Amber for the ideas. I followed the same train of thought you suggest using negative look ahead. I tried them all with The only one that succeed almost perfectly is:
I still had to add a check to remove the last non-dollar character. at the end of the sample below. For history I kept a few of the iterations I made since I posted this question:
# keep tokens ${[section:][key][\[index\]]}and skip false ones
# pattern = r"\$\{((?P<section>.+?)\:)?(?P<key>.+?)(\[(?P<index>\d+?)\])+?\}"
# pattern = r'\$\{((?P<section>\S+?)\:)??(?P<key>\S+?)(\[(?P<index>\d+?)\])?\}'
# pattern = r'\$\{((?P<section>[a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+?)\:)??(?P<key>[a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+?)(\[(?P<index>[0-9]+?)\])??\}'
pattern = r'(?:^|[^\$])\${(?:(?P<section>[a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+?)\:)??(?P<key>[a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+?)(?:\[(?P<index>[0-9]+?)\])??\}'
analyser = re.compile(pattern)
mo =, 0)
log.debug(f'got match object: {mo}')
while not mo is None:
log.debug(f'in while loop, level={level}')
if level > MAX_LEVEL:
raise RecursionError(f"to many recursive call to _substiture_text() while processing '{value}'.")
level +=1
start = mo.start()
end = mo.end()
# re also captured the first non $ sign symbol
if value[start] != '$':
start += 1


Using Regex to move some letter of a string to a new location in the same string in a Series of strings in python

I have a list of 4000 strings. The naming convention needs to be changed for each string and I do not want to go through and edit each one individually.
The list looks like this:
data = list()
data = ['V2-FG2110-EMA-COMPRESSION',
I need all each 'SA' 'UMA' and 'EMA' to be moved to before the -FG.
Desired output is:
The V2-FG2 does not change throughout the list so I have started there and I tried re.sub and but I am pretty new to python so I have gotten a mess of different results. Any help is appreciated.
You can rearrange the strings.
new_list = []
for word in data:
arr = word.split('-')
new_word = '%s-%s-%s-%s'% (arr[0], arr[2], arr[1], arr[3])
You can replace matches of the following regular expression with the contents of capture group 1:
The regular expression can be broken down as follows.
(?<=^[A-Z]\d) # current string position must be preceded by a capital
# letter followed by a digit at the start of the string
(?= # begin a positive lookahead
.* # match >= 0 chars other than a line terminator
(-(?:EMA|SA|UMA)) # match a hyphen followed by one of the three strings
# and save to capture group 1
(?=-) # the next char must be a hyphen
) # end positive lookahead
| # or
-(?:EMA|SA|UMA) # match a hyphen followed by one of the three strings
(?=-) # the next character must be a hyphen
(?=-) is a positive lookahead.
Evidently this may not work for versions of Python prior to 3.5, because the match in the second part of the alternation does not assign a value to capture group 1: "Before Python 3.5, backreferences to failed capture groups in Python re.sub were not populated with an empty string.. This quote is from
#WiktorStribiżew 's answer at the link. For what it's worth I confirmed that Ruby has the same behaviour ("V2-FG2110-EMA-COMPRESSION".gsub(rgx,'\1') #=> "V2-EMA-FG2110-COMPRESSION").
One could of course instead replace matches of (?<=^[A-Z]\d)(-[A-Z]{2}\d{4})(-(?:EMA|SA|UMA))(?=-)) with $2 + $1. That's probably more sensible even if it's less interesting.

Regex - How do i find this specific slice of string inside a bigger whole string

following my previous question (How do i find multiple occurences of this specific string and split them into a list?), I'm now going to ask something more since the rule has been changed.
Here's the string, and the bold words are the ones that I want to extract.
text|p1_1_1120170AS074192161A0Z20|C M E -
Module 3KW|#|text|p1_4_1120170AS074192161A0Z20|Shuangdeng
Here's my current regex:
After trying it out in, I found the result instead :
text|p1_1_1120170AS074192161A0Z20|C M E -
Module 3KW|#|text|p1_4_1120170AS074192161A0Z20|Shuangdeng
The question remains: "Why don't just return the first matched occurrence ?".
Let's consider that if the value between the first "bar section" is empty, then it'll return the value of the next bar section.
Example :
text|p1_1_1120170AS074192161A0Z20||#|text|p1_2_1120170AS074192161A0Z20|Huawei|#|text . . .
And I don't want that. Let it be just return nothing instead (nothing match).
What's the correct regex to acquire such a match?
Thank you :).
This data looks more structured than you are giving it credit for. A regular expression is great for e.g. extracting email addresses from unstructured text, but this data seems delimited in a straightforward manner.
If there is structure it will be simpler, faster, and more reliable to just split on | and perhaps #:
text = 'text|p1_1_1120170AS074192161A0Z20|C M E - Rectifier|#|text|p1_2_1120170AS074192161A0Z20|Huawei|#|text|p1_3_1120170AS074192161A0Z20|Rectifier Module 3KW|#|text|p1_4_11201...'
lines = text.split('|#|')
words = [line.split('|')[-1] for line in lines]
doc='text|p1_1_1120170AS074192161A0Z20|C M E - Rectifier|#|text|p1_2_1120170AS074192161A0Z20|Huawei|#|text|...'
re.findall('[^|]+(?=\|\#\|)', doc)
In the re expression:
[^|]+finds chunks of text not containing the separator
(?=...) is a "lookahead assertion" (match the text but do not include in result)
About the pattern you tried
This part of the pattern [^|]+ states to match any char other than |
Then (?=\|\#\|.*|$) asserts using a positive lookahead what is on the right is |#|.* or the end of the string.
The positive lookbehind (?<=p1\_1\_.*) asserts what is on the left is p1_1_ followed by any char except a newline using a quantifier in the lookbehind.
As the pattern is not anchored, you will get all the matches for this logic because the p1_1_ assertion is true as it precedes all the|#| parts
Note that using the quantifier in the lookbehind will require the pypi regex module.
If you want the first match using a quantifier in the positive lookbehind you could for example use an anchor in combination with a negative lookahead to not cross the |#| or match || in case it is empty:
Python demo
You could use your original pattern using getting the first match.
Note that you don't have to escape the underscore in your original pattern and you can omit .* from the positive lookahead
Python demo
But to get the first match you don't have to use a positive lookbehind. You could also use an anchor, match and capturing group.
^ Start of string
.*? Match any char except a newline
p1_1_ Match literally
(?: Non capturing group
(?!\|#\|).|\|{2} If what is on the right is not |#| match any char, or match 2 times ||
)* Close non capturing group and repeat 0+ times
\| Match |
( Capture group 1 (This will contain your value
[^|]+ Match 1+ times any char except |
) Close group
(?:\|#\||$) Match either |#|
Regex demo

How to group inside "or" matching in a regex?

I have two kinds of documents to parse:
1545994641 INFO: ...
I want to extract the timestamp 1545994641 from each of them.
So, I decided to write a regex to match both cases:
In the 1st kind of document, it matches the timestamp and groups it, using the first expression in the "or" above (\d{10}\s):
>>> regex = re.compile("(\d{10}\s|\"\d{10}\")")
>>> msg="1545994641 INFO: ..."
'1545994641 '
(So far so good.)
However, in the 2nd kind, using the second expression in the "or" (\"\d{10}\") it matches the timestamp and quotation marks, grouping them. But I just want the timestamp, not the "":
>>> regex = re.compile("(\d{10}\s|\"\d{10}\")")
>>> msg='{"deliveryDate":"1545994641","error"..."}'
What I tried:
I decided to use a non-capturing group for the quotation marks:
but it doesn't work as the outer group catches them.
I also removed the outer group, but the result is the same.
Unwanted ways to solve:
I can surpass this by creating a group for each expression in the or,
but I just want it to output a single group (to abstract the code
from the regex).
I could also use a 2nd step of regex to capture the timestamp from
the group that has the quotation marks, but again that would break
the code abstraction.
I could omit the "" in the regex but that would match a timestamp in the middle of the message , as I want it to be objective to capture the timestamp as a value of a key or in the beginning of the document, followed by a space.
Is there a way I can match both cases above but, in the case it matches the second case, return only the timestamp? Or is it impossible?
As noticed by #Amit Bhardwaj, the first case also returns a space after the timestamp. It's another problem (I didn't figure out) with the same solution, probably!
You may use lookarounds if your code can only access the whole match:
See the regex demo.
In Python, declare it as
rx = r'^\d{10}(?=\s)|(?<=")\d{10}(?=")'
Pattern details
^ - string start
\d{10} - ten digits
(?=\s) - a positive lookahead that requires a whitespace char immediately to the right of the current location
| - or
(?<=") - a " char
\d{10} - ten digits
(?=") - a positive lookahead that requires a double quotation mark immediately to the right of the current location.
You could use lookarounds, but I think this solution is simpler, if you can just get the group:
Considering if there is a first " there must be a ", try this:
To also remove the trailing space in the end, use a lookahead too:

How to search for at least one of two groups in Python Regex, when also looking for a third group that is a must?

I'm trying to use regex in order to find missused operators in my program.
Specifically I'm trying to find whether some operators (say %, $ and #) were used without digits flanking their both sides.
Here are some examples of missuse:
Is there a way to to that with a single
I know I can use + for at least one, or * for at least zero,
but looking at:
I would like to find cases where at least one of group(1) and group(3) exist,
since inserting % with digits on its both sides is a good use of the operator.
I know I could use:
match ='[^\d\.]+[#$%]', user_request)
if match:
return 'Illegal use of'
match ='[#$%][^\d\.]+', user_request)
if match:
return 'Illegal use of'
But I would prefer to do so with a single line.
And also - when I use [^\d.] does this include the beginning the end of the string? Or only different chars?
Thank you :)
You might use an alternation with a negative lookahead and a negative lookbehind to assert what is before and what is after is not a digit:
That will match:
(?<!\d) Negative lookbehind to check what is on the left is not a digit
[#$%] Character class, match one of #, $ or %
| Or
[#$%] Character class, match one of #, $ or %
(?!\d) Negative lookahead to check what is on the right is not a digit
For example:
match ='(?<!\d)[#$%]|[#$%](?!\d)', user_request)
if match:
return 'Illegal use of'
Regex demo | Python demo
[^\d.] Matches not a digit or a literal dot. The ^ inside a character class negates what it contains. But if it is the first character of the string that is not a digit or a dot then it will match.

Matching character "/" in a string

This is my first post and I am a newbie to Python. I am trying to get this to work.
string 1 = [1/0/1, 1/0/2]
string 2 = [1/1, 1/2]
Trying to check the string if I see two / then I just need to replace the 0 with 1 so it becomes 1/1/1 and 1/1/2.
If I don't have two / then I need to add one in along with a 1 and change it to the format 1/1/1 and 1/1/2 so string 2 becomes [1/1/1,1/1/2]
Ultimate goal is to get all strings match the pattern x/1/x. Thanks for all the Input on this.I tried this and it seems to work
for a in Port:
if'././', a):
z.append(a.replace('/0/','/1/') )
t1= a.split('/')
if len(t1)>1 :
t2= t1[0] + "/1/" + t1[1]
few lines are there to take care of some exceptions but seems to do the job.
The regex pattern for identifying a / is just \/
This could be solved rather simply using the built in string functions without having to add all of the overhead and additional computational time caused by using the RegEx engine.
For example:
# The string to test:
sTest = '1/0/2'
# Test the string:
if(sTest.count('/') == 2):
# There are two forward slashes in the string
# If the middle number is a 0, we'll replace it with a one:
sTest = sTest.replace('/0/', '/1/')
elif(sTest.count('/') == 1):
# One forward slash in string
# Insert a 1 between first portion and the last portion:
sTest = sTest.replace('/', '/1/')
print('Error: Test string is of an unknown format.')
# End If
If you really want to use RegEx, though, you could simply match the string against these two patterns: \d+/0/\d+ and \d+/\d+(?!/) If matching against the first pattern fails, then attempt to match against the second pattern. Then, you can use a either grouping, splitting, or simply calling .replace() (like I'm doing above) to format the string as you need.
EDIT: for clarification, I'll explain the two patterns:
Pattern 1: \d+/0/\d+ could essentially be read as "match any number (consisting of one (1) or more digits) followed by a forward slash, a zero (0), another forward slash and then followed by any number (consisting of one (1) or more digits).
Pattern 2: \d+/\d+(?!/) could be read as "match any number (consisting of one (1) or more digits) followed by a forward slash and any other number (consisting of one (1) or more digits) which is then NOT followed by another forward slash." The last part in this pattern could be a little confusing because it uses the negative lookahead abilities of the RegEx engine.
If you wanted to add stricter rules to these patterns to make sure there are not any leading or trailing non-digit characters, you could add ^ to the start of the patterns and $ to the end, to signify the start of the string and the end of the string respectively. This would also allow you to remove the lookahead expression from the second pattern ((?!/)). As such, you would end up with the following patterns: ^\d+/0/\d+$ and ^\d+/\d+$.
Click code generator on the left side. You get:
import re
p = re.compile(ur'\d/1/\d')
test_str = u"1/1/2", test_str)
