Python Class Instance member variable isn't being updated inside thread - python

Currently creating separate instances of my class, Example, then creating a thread for each instance and utilizing the Class's execute_thread function as the thread function target. The thread function continues running as long as the member variable exit_signal is not updated to True. Once control, shift, and 2 are pressed on the keyboard, the member variable isn't updated from within the thread instance.
The problem is the thread function isn't recognizing any change to the member variable, why isn't it detecting the change, is the while loop preventing it from doing so?
import keyboard
import multiprocessing
import time
class Example:
m_exit_signal = False
def __init__(self):
keyboard.add_hotkey('control, shift, 2', lambda: self.exit_signaled())
def execute_example_thread(self):
exit_status = self.m_exit_signal
# THREAD continues till exit is called! -
while exit_status == False:
exit_status = self.m_exit_signal
def exit_signaled(self):
self.m_exit_signal = True
print("Status {0}".format(self.m_exit_signal))
example_objects = []
example_threads = []
for value in example_objects:
example_threads.append(multiprocessing.Process(target=value.execute_example_thread, args=()))

Multiprocessing forks your code so that it runs in a separate process. In the code above the keyboard callback is calling the method in the instances present in the parent process. The loop (and a copy of the class instance) is actually running in a forked version in a child process. In order to signal the child, you need to share a variable between them and use it to pass data back and forth. Try the code below.
import keyboard
import multiprocessing as mp
import time
class Example(object):
def __init__(self, hot_key): = mp.Value('I', 1)
keyboard.add_hotkey('control, shift, %d' % hot_key, self.exit_signaled)
print("Initialized {}".format(mp.current_process().name))
def execute(self):
print("Running {}".format(mp.current_process().name))
print("{} stopping".format(mp.current_process().name))
def exit_signaled(self):
print("exit signaled from {}".format(mp.current_process().name)) = 0
p1 = mp.Process(target=Example(1).execute)
p2 = mp.Process(target=Example(2).execute)
Here the parent and the child of each instance share an = mp.Value To share data, you need to use one of these, not just any python variable.


Stopping eval code dinamically on event fired [duplicate]

What's the proper way to tell a looping thread to stop looping?
I have a fairly simple program that pings a specified host in a separate threading.Thread class. In this class it sleeps 60 seconds, the runs again until the application quits.
I'd like to implement a 'Stop' button in my wx.Frame to ask the looping thread to stop. It doesn't need to end the thread right away, it can just stop looping once it wakes up.
Here is my threading class (note: I haven't implemented looping yet, but it would likely fall under the run method in PingAssets)
class PingAssets(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, threadNum, asset, window):
self.threadNum = threadNum
self.window = window
self.asset = asset
def run(self):
config = controller.getConfig()
fmt = config['timefmt']
start_time =
if onlinecheck.check_status(self.asset):
status = "online"
status = "offline"
except socket.gaierror:
status = "an invalid asset tag."
msg =("{}: {} is {}. \n".format(start_time, self.asset, status))
wx.CallAfter(self.window.Logger, msg)
And in my wxPyhton Frame I have this function called from a Start button:
def CheckAsset(self, asset):
self.count += 1
thread = PingAssets(self.count, asset, self)
Threaded stoppable function
Instead of subclassing threading.Thread, one can modify the function to allow
stopping by a flag.
We need an object, accessible to running function, to which we set the flag to stop running.
We can use threading.currentThread() object.
import threading
import time
def doit(arg):
t = threading.currentThread()
while getattr(t, "do_run", True):
print ("working on %s" % arg)
print("Stopping as you wish.")
def main():
t = threading.Thread(target=doit, args=("task",))
t.do_run = False
if __name__ == "__main__":
The trick is, that the running thread can have attached additional properties. The solution builds
on assumptions:
the thread has a property "do_run" with default value True
driving parent process can assign to started thread the property "do_run" to False.
Running the code, we get following output:
$ python
working on task
working on task
working on task
working on task
working on task
Stopping as you wish.
Pill to kill - using Event
Other alternative is to use threading.Event as function argument. It is by
default False, but external process can "set it" (to True) and function can
learn about it using wait(timeout) function.
We can wait with zero timeout, but we can also use it as the sleeping timer (used below).
def doit(stop_event, arg):
while not stop_event.wait(1):
print ("working on %s" % arg)
print("Stopping as you wish.")
def main():
pill2kill = threading.Event()
t = threading.Thread(target=doit, args=(pill2kill, "task"))
Edit: I tried this in Python 3.6. stop_event.wait() blocks the event (and so the while loop) until release. It does not return a boolean value. Using stop_event.is_set() works instead.
Stopping multiple threads with one pill
Advantage of pill to kill is better seen, if we have to stop multiple threads
at once, as one pill will work for all.
The doit will not change at all, only the main handles the threads a bit differently.
def main():
pill2kill = threading.Event()
tasks = ["task ONE", "task TWO", "task THREE"]
def thread_gen(pill2kill, tasks):
for task in tasks:
t = threading.Thread(target=doit, args=(pill2kill, task))
yield t
threads = list(thread_gen(pill2kill, tasks))
for thread in threads:
for thread in threads:
This has been asked before on Stack. See the following links:
Is there any way to kill a Thread in Python?
Stopping a thread after a certain amount of time
Basically you just need to set up the thread with a stop function that sets a sentinel value that the thread will check. In your case, you'll have the something in your loop check the sentinel value to see if it's changed and if it has, the loop can break and the thread can die.
I read the other questions on Stack but I was still a little confused on communicating across classes. Here is how I approached it:
I use a list to hold all my threads in the __init__ method of my wxFrame class: self.threads = []
As recommended in How to stop a looping thread in Python? I use a signal in my thread class which is set to True when initializing the threading class.
class PingAssets(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, threadNum, asset, window):
self.threadNum = threadNum
self.window = window
self.asset = asset
self.signal = True
def run(self):
while self.signal:
and I can stop these threads by iterating over my threads:
def OnStop(self, e):
for t in self.threads:
t.signal = False
I had a different approach. I've sub-classed a Thread class and in the constructor I've created an Event object. Then I've written custom join() method, which first sets this event and then calls a parent's version of itself.
Here is my class, I'm using for serial port communication in wxPython app:
import wx, threading, serial, Events, Queue
class PumpThread(threading.Thread):
def __init__ (self, port, queue, parent):
super(PumpThread, self).__init__()
self.port = port
self.queue = queue
self.parent = parent
self.serial = serial.Serial()
self.serial.port = self.port
self.serial.timeout = 0.5
self.serial.baudrate = 9600
self.serial.parity = 'N'
self.stopRequest = threading.Event()
def run (self):
except Exception, ex:
print ("[ERROR]\tUnable to open port {}".format(self.port))
print ("[ERROR]\t{}\n\n{}".format(ex.message, ex.traceback))
print ("[INFO]\tListening port {}".format(self.port))
while not self.stopRequest.isSet():
msg = ''
if not self.queue.empty():
command = self.queue.get()
except Queue.Empty:
while self.serial.inWaiting():
char =
if '\r' in char and len(msg) > 1:
char = ''
#~ print('[DATA]\t{}'.format(msg))
event = Events.PumpDataEvent(Events.SERIALRX, wx.ID_ANY, msg)
wx.PostEvent(self.parent, event)
msg = ''
msg += char
def join (self, timeout=None):
super(PumpThread, self).join(timeout)
def SetPort (self, serial):
self.serial = serial
def Write (self, msg):
if self.serial.is_open:
print("[ERROR]\tPort {} is not open!".format(self.port))
def Stop(self):
if self.isAlive():
The Queue is used for sending messages to the port and main loop takes responses back. I've used no serial.readline() method, because of different end-line char, and I have found the usage of io classes to be too much fuss.
Depends on what you run in that thread.
If that's your code, then you can implement a stop condition (see other answers).
However, if what you want is to run someone else's code, then you should fork and start a process. Like this:
import multiprocessing
proc = multiprocessing.Process(target=your_proc_function, args=())
now, whenever you want to stop that process, send it a SIGTERM like this:
And it's not slow: fractions of a second.
Enjoy :)
My solution is:
import threading, time
def a():
t = threading.currentThread()
while getattr(t, "do_run", True):
print('Do something')
def getThreadByName(name):
threads = threading.enumerate() #Threads list
for thread in threads:
if == name:
return thread
threading.Thread(target=a, name='228').start() #Init thread
t = getThreadByName('228') #Get thread by name
t.do_run = False #Signal to stop thread
I find it useful to have a class, derived from threading.Thread, to encapsulate my thread functionality. You simply provide your own main loop in an overridden version of run() in this class. Calling start() arranges for the object’s run() method to be invoked in a separate thread.
Inside the main loop, periodically check whether a threading.Event has been set. Such an event is thread-safe.
Inside this class, you have your own join() method that sets the stop event object before calling the join() method of the base class. It can optionally take a time value to pass to the base class's join() method to ensure your thread is terminated in a short amount of time.
import threading
import time
class MyThread(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, sleep_time=0.1):
self._stop_event = threading.Event()
self._sleep_time = sleep_time
"""call base class constructor"""
def run(self):
"""main control loop"""
while not self._stop_event.isSet():
#do work
def join(self, timeout=None):
"""set stop event and join within a given time period"""
if __name__ == "__main__":
t = MyThread()
t.join(1) #wait 1s max
Having a small sleep inside the main loop before checking the threading.Event is less CPU intensive than looping continuously. You can have a default sleep time (e.g. 0.1s), but you can also pass the value in the constructor.
Sometimes you don't have control over the running target. In those cases you can use signal.pthread_kill to send a stop signal.
from signal import pthread_kill, SIGTSTP
from threading import Thread
from itertools import count
from time import sleep
def target():
for num in count():
thread = Thread(target=target)
pthread_kill(thread.ident, SIGTSTP)
[14]+ Stopped

Run only one Instance of a Thread

I am pretty new to Python and have a question about threading.
I have one function that is called pretty often. This function starts another function in a new Thread.
def calledOften(id):
t = threading.Thread(target=doit, args=(id))
def doit(arg):
while true:
#Long running function that is using arg
When calledOften is called everytime a new Thread is created. My goal is to always terminate the last running thread --> At all times there should be only one running doit() Function.
What I tried:
How to stop a looping thread in Python?
def calledOften(id):
t = threading.Thread(target=doit, args=(id,))
t.do_run = False
This code (with a modified doit Function) worked for me to stop the thread after 5 seconds.
but i can not call t.do_run = False before I start the new thread... Thats pretty obvious because it is not defined...
Does somebody know how to stop the last running thread and start a new one?
Thank you ;)
I think you can decide when to terminate the execution of a thread from inside the thread by yourself. That should not be creating any problems for you. You can think of a Threading manager approach - something like below
import threading
class DoIt(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, id, stop_flag):
super().__init__() = id
self.stop_flag = stop_flag
def run(self):
while not self.stop_flag():
pass # do something
class CalledOftenManager:
__stop_run = False
__instance = None
def _stop_flag(self):
return CalledOftenManager.__stop_run
def calledOften(self, id):
if CalledOftenManager.__instance is not None:
CalledOftenManager.__stop_run = True
while CalledOftenManager.__instance.isAlive():
pass # wait for the thread to terminate
CalledOftenManager.__stop_run = False
CalledOftenManager.__instance = DoIt(id, CalledOftenManager._stop_flag)
# Call Manager always
Now, what I tried here is to make a controller for calling the thread DoIt. Its one approach to achieve what you need.

Select method to execute inside thread before starting thread

I created a small flask app to download images and text from pages, this can take verly long time, so
I would like to execute my requests in parell. I create threaded tasks. I would like this tasks to be able to download text or images from sites. I keep my tasks in a list of workers.
However I would like to select a method which thread will execute and then start whole thread.
How can I pass my method to thread run method()? Will this be a sub daemon thread?
import threading
import time
workers = []
class SavePage:
def get_text(self):
print("Getting text")
def get_images(self):
print("Getting images")
class Task(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self):
self.save_page = SavePage()
def get_text_from_page(self):
def get_images_from_page(self):
if __name__ == '__main__':
task = Task()
task.get_images_from_page() # Why this executes, when I didn't put task.start() ?
# Moreover, is this really threaded? or just uses a method from class Task?
workers.append(task) # I want this list to be empty, after job is finished
print("".join(str(worker.is_alive()) for worker in workers)) #
task.get_images_from_page() # Why this executes, when I didn't put task.start() ?
# Moreover, is this really threaded? or just uses a method from class Task?
It's not threaded. It's just a normal method call in the main thread.
Thread.start is the method that will start function inside another thread.
You could set some state in __init__ to choose which function to execute:
class Task(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, action):
self.save_page = SavePage()
self.action = action
def get_text_from_page(self):
def get_images_from_page(self):
def run(self):
if self.action == "text":
elif self.action == "images":
Keep in mind that threads can be run in simpler way by passing target function:
def target_func():
save_page = SavePage()
t = threading.Thread(target=target_func)
# or in this simple case:
save_page = SavePage()
t = threading.Thread(target=save_page.get_images)

Interrupt function execution from another function in Python

I have a function a doing some tasks and another function b being a callback to some events. Whenever an event happens, function b is called and I would like to make it able to interrupt the execution of function a. Both functions are declared inside the same class.
Function a is not supposed to call function b. Function b is totally independent, it is a callback to an external event like "user face detected" coming from ROS: robot operating system.
what I need is basically something like Ctrl+C that can be called from within Python and which only aborts a targeted function and not the whole program.
Can this be done in Python?
It's generally recommended not to use exception calling for flow-control. Instead, look to python stdlib's threading.Event, even if you only plan on using a single thread (even the most basic Python program uses at least one thread).
This answer has a good explanation of how calling one function (function b) could interrupt another (function a).
Here's a few important parts, summarized from that other answer.
Set up your threading libraries:
from threading import Event
global exit
exit = Event()
This is a good replacement for time.sleep(60), as it can be interrupt:
This code will execute, until you change exit to "set":
while not exit.is_set():
This will cause exit.wait(60) to stop waiting, and exit.is_set() will return True:
This will enable execution again, and exit.is_set() will return False:
I would do the following:
define a custom exception
call the callback function within an appropriate try/catch block
if the callback function decides to break the execution, it will raise exception and the caller will catch it and handle it as needed.
Here's some pseudo-code:
class InterruptExecution (Exception):
def function_a():
while some_condition_is_true():
if callback_time():
except InterruptExecution:
def function_b():
if interruption_needed():
raise (InterruptExecution('Stop the damn thing'))
I had done using Threading.
import threading
class myThread (threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, threadID, name, counter):
self.threadID = threadID = name
self.counter = counter
def run(self):
# Get lock to synchronize threads
if == 'a':
function_a(, self.counter, 3)
if == 'b':
function_b(, self.counter, 3)
def function_a(threadName, delay, counter):
name = raw_input("Name")
print name
def function_b(threadName, delay, counter):
global thread1
thread1.shutdown = True
# Create new threads
thread1 = myThread(1, "a", 0)
thread2 = myThread(2, "b", 0)
# Start new Threads
function_a stopped executing when thread1 is stopped

How can I invoke a thread multiple times in Python?

I'm sorry if it is a stupid question. I am trying to use a number of classes of multi-threading to finish different jobs, which involves invoking these multi-threadings at different times for many times. But I am not sure which method to use. The code looks like this:
class workers1(Thread):
def __init__(self):
def run(self):
do some stuff
class workers2(Thread):
def __init__(self):
def run(self):
do some stuff
class workers3(Thread):
def __init__(self):
def run(self):
do some stuff
WorkerList1=[workers1(i) for i in range(X)]
WorkerList2=[workers2(i) for i in range(XX)]
WorkerList2=[workers3(i) for i in range(XXX)]
while True:
for thread in WorkerList1: (start? join? or?)
for thread in WorkerList2: (start? join? or?)
for thread in WorkerList3: (start? join? or?)
do sth .
I am trying to have all the threads in all the WorkerList to start functioning at the same time, or at least start around the same time. After sometime once they were all terminated, I would like to invoke all the threads again.
If there were no loop, I can just use .start; but since I can only start a thread once, start apparently does not fit here. If I use run, it seems that all the threads start sequentially, not only the threads in the same list, but also threads from different lists.
Can anyone please help?
there are a lot of misconceptions here:
you can only start a specific instance of a thread once. but in your case, the for loop is looping over different instances of a thread, each instance being assigned to the variable thread in the loop, so there is no problem at all in calling the start() method over each thread. (you can think of it as if the variable thread is an alias of the Thread() object instantiated in your list)
run() is not the same as join(): calling run() performs as if you were programming sequentially. the run() method does not start a new thread, it simply execute the statements in in the method, as for any other function call.
join() does not start executing anything: it only waits for a thread to finish. in order for join() to work properly for a thread, you have to call start() on this thread first.
additionally, you should note that you cannot restart a thread once it has finished execution: you have to recreate the thread object for it to be started again. one workaround to get this working is to call Thread.__init__() at the end of the run() method. however, i would not recommend doing this since this will disallow the use of the join() method to detect the end of execution of the thread.
If you would call thread.start() in the loops, you would actually start every thread only once, because all the entries in your list are distinct thread objects (it does not matter they belong to the same class). You should never call the run() method of a thread directly -- it is meant to be called by the start() method. Calling it directly would not call it in a separate thread.
The code below creates a class that is just a thread but the start and calls the initialization of the Thread class again so that the thread doesn't know it has been called.
from threading import Thread
class MTThread(Thread):
def __init__(self, name = "", target = None):
self.mt_name = name
self.mt_target = target
Thread.__init__(self, name = name, target = target)
def start(self):
Thread.__init__(self, name = self.mt_name, target = self.mt_target)
def run(self):
Thread.__init__(self, name = self.mt_name, target = self.mt_target)
def code():
#Some code
thread = MTThread(name = "SomeThread", target = code)
I had this same dilemma and came up with this solution which has worked perfectly for me. It also allows a thread-killing decorator to be used efficiently.
The key feature is the use of a thread refresher which is instantiated and .started in main. This thread-refreshing thread will run a function that instantiates and starts all other (real, task-performing) threads. Decorating the thread-refreshing function with a thread-killer allows you to kill all threads when a certain condition is met, such as main terminating.
#ThreadKiller(arg) #qu'est-ce que c'est
def RefreshThreads():
threadTask1 = threading.Thread(name = "Task1", target = Task1, args = (anyArguments))
threadTask2 = threading.Thread(name = "Task2", target = Task2, args = (anyArguments))
while True:
#do stuff
threadRefreshThreads = threading.Thread(name = "RefreshThreads", target = RefreshThreads, args = ())
from threading import Thread
from time import sleep
def runA():
while a==1:
if __name__ == "__main__":
t1 = Thread(target = runA)
print(" now def runA stops")
print("and now def runA continue")
t1 = Thread(target = runA)
