Subversion Hook Script WIndows, Python, pysvn - python

I'm trying to create a hook script for subversion on windows, I have a bat file that calls my python script but getting the log/comments seems to be beyond me.
I have pysvn installed and can get the transaction like this:
repos_path = sys.argv[1]
transaction_name = sys.argv[2]
transaction = pysvn.Transaction( repos_path, transaction_name)
I can also list what has changed:
What I cannot figure out is how to get the log/comment for the transaction. I realize that in pysvn there is a command similar to:
But cannot for the life of me get it to return anything. I assume propname should be "svn:log", for path I have tried the fiel name, the repo path, null but all get are errors.
AT the end of the day I need to validate the comment, there will be matching against external data that will evolve, hence why I want to do it in python rather than the bat file, plus it may move to a linux server later.
AM I missing something obvious? How do I get the log/comment as a string?
Thanks, Chris.

After a great deal of trial and error and better searching after a day of frustration I found that I need to use the revision property, not a straight property, for a given transaction this will return the user submitted comment:
There are other useful properties, this will return a list of all revision properties:
for example:
{'svn:log': 'qqqqqqq', 'svn:txn-client-compat-version': '1.9.7', 'svn:txn-user-agent': 'SVN/1.9.7 (x64-microsoft-windows) TortoiseSVN-', 'svn:author': 'harry', 'svn:date': '2017-12-14T16:13:52.361605Z'}


How do I import in django_cities_light?

I noticed I could not find Newport, Oregon in my django_cities_light django application. It is a small city with population slightly above 10k, so I downloaded which contains cities with a population higher than 1k. I unzipped this file and started searching for Newport's id and indeed it is there:
5742750 Newport Newport N'juport,Newport (Oregon),Njuport,ONP,nyupoteu,nyupoto,nywbwrt,nywpwrt awrgn,Њупорт,Ньюпорт,Нюпорт,نيوبورت,نیوپورت، اورگن,نیوپورٹ، اوریگون,ニューポート,뉴포트 44.63678 -124.05345 P PPLA2 US OR ...
Now, I have in my myapp/settings/ the following:
CITIES_LIGHT_CITY_SOURCES = [''] # <-- this added as part of this task
I added CITIES_LIGHT_CITY_SOURCES following this post and the information here.
I then tried to import from using the following command, which I understand downloads the cities1000 file specified in myapp.settings.development:
python cities_light --settings=myapp.settings.development --force-all --progress
Newport, Oregon, with id 5742750 is not found in my database. I also cannot see from the command that my settings file is used and that the value of CITIES_LIGHT_CITY_SOURCES is overridden properly.
Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong and how to properly add from the source files? Thx!
EDIT: I added DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE explicity as an env var, went into the cities_light directory in my virtual environment and added a print that checks the value of DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE. It points to my settings file. I also added a print that prints the value of CITIES_LIGHT_CITY_SOURCES and it works. I also went into the cities_light/data and saw that both and cities1000.txt were there. I deleted them, ran the command again, and they were there again. Still no success in having Newport, Oregon in my database.
EDIT2: It seems that I either was doing something wrong (likely) or there is a bug in cities_light (less likely). If I started with a database previously populated, lets say with, and then try to populate it like I have tried before, it wont work. If I start from a completely empty database, and then run as I mentioned, it works. One thing I did notice is that I made a script to manually insert the cities of cities1000.txt. The insert for Newport worked successfully, so I then went to check the database and now ALL the cities were there. I am not sure how this happened, maybe they had been there for a while and I just missed it.
EDIT 3: Important to not confuse id and geoname_id.

How to write OS X Finder Comments from python?

I'm working on a python script that creates numerous images files based on a variety of inputs in OS X Yosemite. I am trying to write the inputs used to create each file as 'Finder comments' as each file is created so that IF the the output is visually interesting I can look at the specific input values that generated the file. I've verified that this can be done easily with apple script.
tell application "Finder" to set comment of (POSIX file "/Users/mgarito/Desktop/Random_Pixel_Color/2015-01-03_14.04.21.png" as alias) to {Val1, Val2, Val3} as Unicode text
Afterward, upon selecting the file and showing its info (cmd+i) the Finder comments clearly display the expected text 'Val1, Val2, Val2'.
This is further confirmed by running mdls [File/Path/Name] before and after the applescript is used which clearly shows the expected text has been properly added.
The problem is I can't figure out how to incorporate this into my python script to save myself.
Im under the impression the solution should* be something to the effect of:
VarList = [Var1, Var2, Var3]
Fiele = [File/Path/Name]
file.os.system.add(kMDItemFinderComment, VarList)
As a side note I've also look at xattr -w [Attribute_Name] [Attribute_Value] [File/Path/Name] but found that though this will store the attribute, it is not stored in the desired location. Instead it ends up in an affiliated pList which is not what I'm after.
Here is my way to do that.
First you need to install applescript package using pip install applescript command.
Here is a function to add comments to a file:
def set_comment(file_path, comment_text):
import applescript"Finder", f'set comment of (POSIX file "{file_path}" as alias) to "{comment_text}" as Unicode text')
and then I'm just using it like this:
set_comment('/Users/UserAccountName/Pictures/IMG_6860.MOV', 'my comment')
After more digging, I was able to locate a python applescript bundle:
This got me to a workable answer, though I'd still prefer to do this natively in python if anyone has a better option?
import applescript
NewFile = '[File/Path/Name]' <br>
Comment = "Almost there.."
AddComment = applescript.AppleScript('''
on run {arg1, arg2}
tell application "Finder" to set comment of (POSIX file arg1 as alias) to arg2 as Unicode text
end run
print(, Comment))
This is the function to get comment of a file.
def get_comment(file_path):
import applescript
return"Finder", f'get comment of (POSIX file "{file_path}" as alias)').out
print(get_comment('Your Path'))
Another approach is to use appscript, a high-level Apple event bridge that is sadly no longer officially supported but still works (and saw an updated release in Jan. 2021). Here is an example of reading and setting the comment on a file:
import appscript
import mactypes
# Get a handle on the Finder.
finder ='Finder')
# Tell Finder to select the file.
file = finder.items[mactypes.Alias("/path/to/a/file")]
# Print the current comment
comment = file.comment()
print("Current comment: " + comment)
# Set a new comment.
file.comment.set("New comment")
# Print the current comment again to verify.
comment = file.comment()
print("Current comment: " + comment)
Despite that the author of appscript recommends against using it in new projects, I used it recently to create a command-line utility called Urial for the specialized purpose of writing and updating URIs in Finder comments. Perhaps its code can serve as an an additional example of using appscript to manipulate Finder comments.

Python 3 FTPLIB, NoneType Errors, and Uploads/Downloads

In my script I want to be able, in the end, to be able to download all files in a directory and all sub-directories... So I am trying FTPLIB. I'm trying to call dir of my ftp server and put it into a variable, but I get NONETYPE?! I can connect to the server and when I call directory = session.dir() It displays a kind of matrix style output in the console with files, read/write perms, dates, etc.... But when I then try to print Directory all I seem to get is "None". My initial idea was to for each item in the directory download them to my computer, but I can't seem to get a list of the directory!
directory = session.dir()
Sorry for the long and probably trivial explanation, but I have become a little bit too frustrated.
Any help would be very much appreciated!
First, read this.
Then, try this:
directory = session.nlst()
You don't need to do print(str(...)). The print function gets the string representation for you.
In the official docs, the very first example shows how to do what you need: use .retrlines('LIST') to read the output of LIST command.
Another way is to use .nlst().

Checking folder/file ntfs permissions using python

As the question title might suggest, I would very much like to know of the way to check the ntfs permissions of the given file or folder (hint: those are the ones you see in the "security" tab). Basically, what I need is to take a path to a file or directory (on a local machine, or, preferrably, on a share on a remote machine) and get the list of users/groups and the corresponding permissions for this file/folder. Ultimately, the application is going to traverse a directory tree, reading permissions for each object and processing them accordingly.
Now, I can think of a number of ways to do that:
parse cacls.exe output -- easily done, BUT, unless im missing something, cacls.exe only gives the permissions in the form of R|W|C|F (read/write/change/full), which is insufficient (I need to get the permissions like "List folder contents", extended permissions too)
xcacls.exe or xcacls.vbs output -- yes, they give me all the permissions I need, but they work dreadfully slow, it takes xcacls.vbs about ONE SECOND to get permissions on a local system file. Such speed is unacceptable
win32security (it wraps around winapi, right?) -- I am sure it can be handled like this, but I'd rather not reinvent the wheel
Is there anything else I am missing here?
Unless you fancy rolling your own, win32security is the way to go. There's the beginnings of an example here:
If you want to live slightly dangerously (!) my in-progress winsys package is designed to do exactly what you're after. You can get an MSI of the dev version here:
or you can just checkout the svn trunk:
svn co winsys
To do what you describe (guessing slightly at the exact requirements) you could do this:
import codecs
from winsys import fs
base = "c:/temp"
with ("permissions.log", "wb", encoding="utf8") as log:
for f in fs.flat (base):
log.write ("\n" + f.filepath.relative_to (base) + "\n")
for ace in ().dacl:
access_flags = fs.FILE_ACCESS.names_from_value (ace.access)
log.write (u" %s => %s\n" % (ace.trustee, ", ".join (access_flags)))

How does one add a svn repository build number to Python code?

EDIT: This question duplicates How to access the current Subversion build number? (Thanks for the heads up, Charles!)
Hi there,
This question is similar to Getting the subversion repository number into code
The differences being:
I would like to add the revision number to Python
I want the revision of the repository (not the checked out file)
I.e. I would like to extract the Revision number from the return from 'svn info', likeso:
$ svn info
Path: .
URL: svn://localhost/B/trunk
Repository Root: svn://localhost/B
Revision: 375
Node Kind: directory
Schedule: normal
Last Changed Author: bmh
Last Changed Rev: 375
Last Changed Date: 2008-10-27 12:09:00 -0400 (Mon, 27 Oct 2008)
I want a variable with 375 (the Revision). It's easy enough with put $Rev$ into a variable to keep track of changes on a file. However, I would like to keep track of the repository's version, and I understand (and it seems based on my tests) that $Rev$ only updates when the file changes.
My initial thoughts turn to using the svn/libsvn module built in to Python, though I can't find any documentation on or examples of how to use them.
Alternatively, I've thought calling 'svn info' and regex'ing the code out, though that seems rather brutal. :)
Help would be most appreciated.
Thanks & Cheers.
There is a command called svnversion which comes with subversion and is meant to solve exactly that kind of problem.
Stolen directly from django:
def get_svn_revision(path=None):
rev = None
if path is None:
path = MODULE.__path__[0]
entries_path = '%s/.svn/entries' % path
if os.path.exists(entries_path):
entries = open(entries_path, 'r').read()
# Versions >= 7 of the entries file are flat text. The first line is
# the version number. The next set of digits after 'dir' is the revision.
if re.match('(\d+)', entries):
rev_match ='\d+\s+dir\s+(\d+)', entries)
if rev_match:
rev = rev_match.groups()[0]
# Older XML versions of the file specify revision as an attribute of
# the first entries node.
from xml.dom import minidom
dom = minidom.parse(entries_path)
rev = dom.getElementsByTagName('entry')[0].getAttribute('revision')
if rev:
return u'SVN-%s' % rev
return u'SVN-unknown'
Adapt as appropriate. YOu might want to change MODULE for the name of one of your codemodules.
This code has the advantage of working even if the destination system does not have subversion installed.
Python has direct bindings to libsvn, so you don't need to invoke the command line client at all. See this blog post for more details.
EDIT: You can basically do something like this:
from svn import fs, repos, core
repository =
fs_ptr = repos.fs(repository)
youngest_revision_number = fs.youngest_rev(fs_ptr)
I use a technique very similar to this in order to show the current subversion revision number in my shell:
svnRev=$(echo "$(svn info)" | grep "^Revision" | awk -F": " '{print $2};')
echo $svnRev
It works very well for me.
Why do you want the python files to change every time the version number of the entire repository is incremented? This will make doing things like doing a diff between two files annoying if one is from the repo, and the other is from a tarball..
If you want to have a variable in one source file that can be set to the current working copy revision, and does not replay on subversion and a working copy being actually available at the time you run your program, then SubWCRev my be your solution.
There also seems to be a linux port called SVNWCRev
Both perform substitution of $WCREV$ with the highest commit level of the working copy. Other information may also be provided.
Based on CesarB's response and the link Charles provided, I've done the following:
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
_p = Popen(["svnversion", "."], stdout=PIPE)
REVISION= _p.communicate()[0]
_p = None # otherwise we get a wild exception when Django auto-reloads
except Exception, e:
print "Could not get revision number: ", e
Golly Python is cool. :)
