Python - Comparing each item in array into another ( Dynamo ) - python

I'm new to programming and only started writing my first lines of code last week.
I'm writing a script in a program called dynamo, this is to be used in my project. After some research, it appears like I need to use python.
What I need to script to do is look at a bunch of lines ( In a program called Revit), pick up the geometry of this line and then detect if any other line has a start point or end point that is in contact with that geometry. I then want to Split that line at that point, this can be done byCurve.SplitByPoints but I need some kind of way to compare ALL lines to ALL start/end points then the output be in a way that the output can be used to split the curve by the point. I can have the line and the point in which to cut in.
I tried to explain that the best I could...
code :
import clr
from Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry import *
dataEnteringNode = IN
Line = IN[0] #Line
LPS = IN[1] # Line Point Start
LPE = IN[2] # Line Point End
LPC = IN[3] # Line Point Combined // Maybe not needed
T = 100 # Tolerance of Intersection
INT1 = [] # Blank Variable for First Loop Results
INT2 = [] # Blank Variable for First Loop Results
result1 = [] # Blank Variable for Second Loop Results
result2 =[] # Blank Variable for Second Loop Results
for i in range (0,len(LPS)):
distance = Curve.DistanceTo(LPS[i],Line[i])
for i in range (0,len(LPE)):
distance = Curve.DistanceTo(LPE[i],Line[i])
for i in range (0,len(INT1)):
if INT1 > T:
for i in range (0,len(INT2)):
if INT2 > T:
Assign your output to the OUT variable.
OUT = result1, result2
Sorry, I knew explaining this would be tricky for me.
I'll attempt to simplify it.
I want something like:
if curve intersect with StartPoint or EndPoint
Curve.split points(Curve,Intersecting_Point)
So im hoping something similar will have it so, when a start or end point intersects a curve, the curve will be split into 2 curves at that point.
So I want to above for to work on a range of lines. I drew a diagram and attempted to upload, but for some reason, it now says I need 10 rep to post an image. meaning I cant upload a new diagram and had to remove the ones I had in?
Thanks for the help! I'm sorry for my explaination skills


How to put elements from a file into a 3D List? Python

I am trying to figure out how to get elements from a file into a 3D list.
For example, if my people.txt file looked like:
3 4
But I ONLY want SallyLee etc in the 3D list without the top numbers.
So far I have coded:
def main():
list = []
peopleFile = open("people.txt")
peopleRead = peopleFile.readlines()
for lines in peopleRead:
This then prints it WITH the numbers, and not in a 3D list.
An example of what I am trying to do is:
where every third person is "grouped" together.
I am not expecting anyone to code anything for me!
I just hope that someone can lead me into the right direction.
Thank you
First of all, if all you're looking for is strings (not numbers) you can start your for loop off with a condition to pass any element that has numbers. You can do this with the try:/except:.
Next you can use the parameters of the range function to make a list of the indices in which you're interested in. If you want to group by threes, you can have range make a list of the multiples of three (0,3,6,9,...)
Here's my code:
file = open('text.txt','r')
i = 0
names = []
for line in file:
line.split() #This will split each line into a list
try: #This will try to convert the first element of that list into an integer
if int(line[0]): #If it fails it will go to the next line
if not line.strip(): #This will skip empty lines
names.append(line.strip()) #First let's put all of the names into a list
names = [names[i:i+3] for i in range(0,len(names)-1,3)]
print names
[['SallyLee', 'MallieKim', 'KateBrown'], ['JohnDoe', 'TreyGreen', 'SarahKind']]

If-statement seemingly ignored by Write operation

What I am trying to do here is write the latitude and longitude of the sighting of a pokemon to a text file if it doesn't already exist. Since I am using an infinite loop, I added an if-state that prevents an already existent pair of coordinates to be added.
Note that I also have a list Coordinates that stores the same information. The list works as no repeats are added.(By checking) However, the text file has the same coordinates appended over and over again even though it theoretically shouldn't as it is contained within the same if-block as the list.
import requests
pokemon_url = ''
while True:
response = requests.get(pokemon_url)
pokemon = response.json()[0:]
Sighting = 0
Coordinates = [None] * 100
for num in range(len(pokemon)):
if pokemon[num]['pokemon_name'] == 'Aerodactyl':
Lat = pokemon[num]['latitude']
Long = pokemon[num]['longitude']
if (Lat, Long) not in Coordinates:
Coordinates[Sighting] = (Lat, Long)
file = open("aerodactyl.txt", "a")
file.write(str(Lat) + "," + str(Long) + "\n")
Sighting += 1
For clarity purposes, this is the output
You need to put your Sighting and Coordinates variables outside of the while loop if you do not want them to reset on every iteration.
However, there are a lot more things wrong with the code. Without trying it, here's what I spot:
You have no exit condition for the while loop. Please don't do this to the poor website. You'll essentially be spamming requests.
file.close should be file.close(), but overall you should only need to open the file once, not on every single iteration of the loop. Open it once, and close once you're done (assuming you will add an exit condition).
Slicing from 0 (response.json()[0:]) is unnecessary. By default the list starts at index 0. This may be a convoluted way to get a new list, but that seems unnecessary here.
Coordinates should not be a hard-coded list of 100 Nones. Just use a set to track existing coordinates.
Get rid of Sighting altogether. It doesn't make sense if you're re-issuing the request over and over again. If you want to iterate through the pokémon from one response, use enumerate if you need the index.
It's generally good practice to use snake case for Python variables.
Try this:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import urllib2
import json
pokemon_url = ''
pokemon = urllib2.urlopen(pokemon_url)
pokeset = json.load(pokemon)
Coordinates = [None] * 100
for num in range(len(pokeset)):
if pokeset[num]['pokemon_name'] == 'Aerodactyl':
Lat = pokeset[num]['latitude']
Long = pokeset[num]['longitude']
if (Lat, Long) not in Coordinates:
Coordinates.append((Lat, Long))
file = open("aerodactyl.txt", "a")
file.write(str(Lat) + "," + str(Long) + "\n")

Python issue with replace statement?

I've been write this practice program for while now, the whole purpose of the code is to get user input and generate passwords, everything almost works, but the replace statements are driving me nuts. Maybe one of you smart programmers can help me, because I'm kinda new to this whole field of programming. The issue is that replace statement only seems to work with the first char in Strng, but not the others one. The other funcs blower the last run first and then the middle one runs.
def Manip(Strng):
#Strng = 'jayjay'
print (Strng.replace('j','h',1))
#Displays: 'hayjay'
print (Strng.replace('j','h',4))
#Displays: 'hayhay'
def Add_nums(Strng):
Total_per = str(Strng).count('%')
# Get The % Spots Position, So they only get replaced with numbers during permutation
currnt_Pos = 0
per = [] # % position per for percent
rGen = ''
for i in str(Strng):
if i == str('%'):
for num,pos in zip(str(self.ints),per):
rGen = Strng.replace(str(Strng[pos]),str(num),4);
return rGen
for pos in AlphaB: # DataBase Of The Positions Of Alphabets
for letter in self.alphas: #letters in The User Inputs
# Not Fully Formatted yet; you got something like Cat%%%, so you can use another function to change % to nums
# And use the permutations function to generate other passwrds and then
# continue to the rest of this for loop which will generate something like cat222 or cat333
Add_nums(GenPass) # The Function That will add numbers to the Cat%%%
print (rGen);exit()

Trialhandler and time measuring in psychopy

For a go-NoGo Task I want to organize pictures with the data.TrialHandler class from psychopy:
trials = data.TrialHandler(ImageList, nReps=1, method='random')
Now I want to code a loop in which psychopy is going into the dictionary, is presenting the first set of pictures (e.g. A_n) and afterwards is going to the second set until the sixth set. I tried the following:
import glob, os, random, sys, time
import numpy.random as rnd
from psychopy import visual, core, event, monitors, gui, logging, data
im_a = glob.glob('./a*') # upload pictures of the a-type, gives out a List of .jpg-files
im_n = glob.glob('./n*') # n-type
im_e = glob.glob('./e*') # e-type
# combining Lists of Pictures
A_n = im_a + im_n
N_a = im_n + im_a
A_e = im_a + im_e
E_a = im_e + im_a
E_n = im_e + im_n
N_e = im_n + im_e
# making a Dictionary of Pictures and Conditions
PicList = [A_n, N_a, A_e, E_a, E_n, N_e] # just the six Combinations
CondList = [im_a,im_n,im_a,im_e,im_e,im_n] # images that are in the GO-Condition
ImageList = []
for imagelist, condition in zip(PicList, CondList):
ImageList.append({'imagelist':imagelist,'condition':condition}) # to associate the picturelist with the GO Conditionlist
for the header I ask an extra question: Combining and associating multiple dictionaries
# Set Experiment
win = visual.Window(color='white',units='pix', fullscr=False)
fixCross=visual.TextStim(win,text='+',color='black',pos=(0.0,0.0), height=40)
corrFb = visual.TextStim(win,text='O',height=40,color='green',pos=[0,0])
incorrFb = visual.TextStim(win,text='X',height=40, color='red',pos=[0,0])
# Start Experiement
trials = data.TrialHandler(ImageList, nReps=1, method='random')
rt_clock = core.Clock()
bitmap = visual.ImageStim(win)
for liste in ImageList[0:5]: # to loop through all 6 conditions
keys = []
for i,Pictures in enumerate(liste): # to loop through all pictures in each condition
bitmap.setImage(Pictures) # attribute error occurs, not if I use Pictures[0][0], even though in this case every pictures is the same
resp = False
while rt_clock.getTime() < 2.0: # timelimit is defined 2 s
if not resp:
resp = event.getKeys(keyList=['space'])
rt = rt_clock.getTime()
if bool(resp) is (Pictures in CondList): # at this point python should have access to the Dictionary in which the associated GO Pictures are saved
accu=1 # doesn't work yet
trials.addData('rt_'+str(i), rt) # is working well when loop: if trial in trials: ...; in this case trialHAndler is not used, therefor trials.addData is not working
trials.addData('accu_'+str(i), accu)
There are a few problems in this code: first it only presents one pictuere for six times, but not six different pictures [1]
and secondly a totally different problem [2] ist the time measuring and the saving of the accuracy which the trialhandler is doing, but for each trial. So it adds up all the RT's for each trial. I want to get the RT's for each image. I tried a few things like an extra stimulus.trialhandler for the stimuli and an extraloop in the end which gives me the last RT but not each. --> is answered below!!!
for stimuli in stimulus: stimulus.addData('rt', rt)
I know these four questions are a lot for one question, but maybe somebody can give me some good ideas of how I can solve these... Thanks everybody!
The reason for your problem labelled [1] is that you set the image to PicList[0][0] which never changes. As Mike is suggesting above you need::
for i,thisPic in enumerate(PicList):
bitmap.setImage(thisPic) #not PicList[0][0]
But maybe you need to go back to basics so that you actually use the trial handler to handle your trials ;-)
Create a single list of dictionaries where one dictionary represents one trial, and then run through those in order (tell the TrialHandler to use the list 'sequential' rather than 'random'). So the loops that you're currently using should just be to create your list of condition dicts, not to run the trials. Then pass that one list to the trial handler::
trials = TrialHandler(trialTypes = myCondsListInOrder, nReps=1, method='sequential')
for thisTrial in trials:
pic = thisTrial['pic']
trials.addData('rt', rt)
Also, I would output your data not using the excel format, but the 'long wide' format::
best wishes,
(A) This isn't relevant to your question but will improve performance.
The line:
bitmap = visual.ImageStim(win)
Shouldn't occur within the loop. i.e. you should initialise each stimulus only once, then within a loop you just update that the properties of that stimulus, e.g. with bitmap.setImage(…). So shift this initialisation line to the top, where you create the TextStims.
(B) [deleted: I hadn't paid attention to the first code block.]
This line doesn't take any arguments. It should just be bitmap.draw(). And anyway, it isn't clear what 'pictures' refers to. Remember that Python is case sensitive. This isn't the same thing as 'Pictures' defined in the loop above. I'm guessing that you want to update what picture is being shown? In that case, then you need to be doing the bitmap.setImage(…) line within this loop, not above, where you will always be drawing a fixed picture as that is the only one that gets set on each trial.
(D) Re the RTs, you are saving this only once per trial (check the indentation). If you want to save one per image, you need to indent these lines again. Also, you only get one line per trial in the data output. If you want to record multiple RTs per trial, you will need to give them unique names, e.g. rt_1, rt_2, …, rt_6 so they each appear in a separate column. e.g. you could use an enumerator for this loop:
for i, picture in enumerate(Piclist)
# lots of code
# then save data:
trials.addData('rt_'+str(i), rt)

Python - How to track (add/remove) lots of class instances over mulitple iterations?

I am building a dynamic map of earthquakes, using the vtk library.
I've already made a static one, (see here: and here: so I know the basic idea works, but now I want to try and show the quakes over time.
I have some code examples that show me how to update the frame, and how to add / remove objects, but I'm stuck on figuring out how to spin up an instance, track it for a few periods, then remove it.
The basic add/ remove code looks like this:
for point_and_mag in pm.points_mag:
mag = point_and_mag[1]
point = point_and_mag[0]
if mag > 2:
pointCloud = VtkPointCloud(pm)
pointCloud.addPoint(point, math.log(mag)*10)
But of course, this only allows one object at a time (an instance of pointCloud.vtkActor via renderer.AddActor(pointCloud.vtkActor) waits a while, then removes it with renderer.RemoveActor(pointCloud.vtkActor)
How can I add a number of actors (I'm going to use 10 min interval, and there was as many as 5 quakes in that time), tag it with a counter, increment the counter at every loop iteration, and when it reaches 5 iterations, remove the actor?
There is some more context to this question here: Python/vtk - set each point size individually in a vtkPolyData object?
A possible(untested) solution might be:
from collections import deque
# The number 5 indicates for how many iterations the actors should be rendered.
rendered_actors = deque([None] * 5, maxlen=5)
for point_and_mag in pm.points_mag:
if rendered_actors[-1] is not None:
mag = point_and_mag[1]
point = point_and_mag[0]
if mag > 2:
pointCloud = VtkPointCloud(pm)
pointCloud.addPoint(point, math.log(mag)*10)
This code creates a deque(which is a double-linked list) of length 5. The actors are inserted at the left of this deque and at each iteration the rightmost value, if it is an "actor", it is removed from the scene and the scene is re-rendered.
Note that I don't have vtk so I cannot test this code.
A small style note: this is really unpythonic code-style:
for point_and_mag in pm.points_mag:
mag = point_and_mag[1]
point = point_and_mag[0]
Use tuple-unpacking:
for point, mag in pm.points_mag:
# ...
if mag > 2:
# ...
