howto use pydev field __updated__? - python

I'd like to have some field, (a variable, or string, anything else), in my source code (a Python module), that keep track of last update in this module, when i save it after some modification.
This image shows it looks possible in preferences
Where do i put this __updated__="here some date" field ?
I've tried to put it as a global (module level) variable
I've tried to put in the module docstring (as #__updated__:'', #__updated__='', __updated__:'', __updated__='') and so on...
thank you

I've just tried adding:
__updated__ = "2010-10-10"
and saving the file updated the date after having the related setting enabled (note that the initial date format must already match it, as not all __updated__ = "something" will be replaced, only the ones that match yyyy-MM-dd).
So, my guess is that you didn't start with a valid date there...


Python Formatter Black - how to modify format of retrieving a dict value

I just set up my VS Code to use Black, the python formatter. The default format puts a dict key on a new line when referencing a value, like this,
I never write keys on a new line like that when referencing a dictionary. Instead, I would rather set it up on the same line, like so,
Is there a way to save specific modifications like this, or is black a take-what-you-get kind of extension? I haven't found anything in their docs or in a google search mentioning modifications
EDIT: Just checked and this is not due to black's default line length. The line of code I'm testing is not longer than default 88 chars.
No, you cannot configure how Black formats your code except for setting the line length. It intentionally doesn't have options to control formatting.
Black is the uncompromising Python code formatter. By using it, you agree to cede control over minutiae of hand-formatting. – PyPI

Python function not working with seemingly correct string path

I have the following code (it changes the string/filepath, replacing the numbers at the end of the filename + the file extension, and replaces that with "#.exr")
I was doing it this way because the name can be typed in all kinds of ways, for example:
r_frame.003.exr (but also)
import pyseq
import re
#create render sequence list
selected_file = 'H:/test/r_frame1.exr'
without_extention = selected_file.replace(".exr", "")
my_regex_pattern = r"\d+\b"
sequence_name_with_replaced_number = re.sub(my_regex_pattern, "#.exr" ,without_extention)
mijn_sequences = fileseq.findSequencesOnDisk(sequence_name_with_replaced_number)
If I print the "sequence_name_with_replaced_number" value, this results in the console in:
When I use that variable inside that function like this:
mijn_sequences = fileseq.findSequencesOnDisk(sequence_name_with_replaced_number)
Then it does not work.
But when I manually replace that last line into:
mijn_sequences = fileseq.findSequencesOnDisk('H:/test/r_frame#.exr')
Then it works fine. (it's the seems like same value/string)
But this is not an viable option, the whole point of the code if to have the computer do this for thousands of frames.
Anybody any idea what might be the cause of this?
After this I will do simple for loop going trough al the files in that sequence. The reason I'm doing this workflow is to delete the numbers before the .exr file extensions and replace them with # signs. (but ognoring all the bumbers that are not at the end of the filename, hence that regex above. Again, the "sequence_name_with_replaced_number" variable seems ok in the console. It spits out: 'H:/test/r_frame#.exr' (that's what I need it to be)
I fixed it. the problem as stated was correct, every time I did a cut and past from the variable value in the console and treated it as manual input it worked.
Then I did a len() of both values, and there was a difference by 2! What happend? The console added the ''
But in the generated variable it had those baked in as extra letters. i fixed it by adding cleaned_sequence = sequence_name_with_replaced_number[1:-1] so 'H:/test/r_frame1.exr' (as the console showed me) was not the same as 'H:/test/r_frame1.exr' (what I inserted manually, because I added these marks, in the console there are showed automatically)

How to call a file name when I want to use a small portion of the name?

I am trying for my code to pull a file when only a portion of the file name changes.
Example: I want to pull the file named JEFF_1234.csv where 1234 is an input from a GUI window.
The reason for the file name to have this structure is I want to have one main database that has multiple files for a specific part number. So if the user inputs a part number of 1234 and that will point to 4 files. JEFF_1234.csv, SAM_1234.csv, FRED_1234.csv and JACK_1234.csv.
What you need is a way to update a template with some dynamic value.
A neat way to do this is to define a template string using curly brackets as place-holders for the content that will be generated at runtime.
jefffile_template = "JEFF_{t}.csv"
Then, once you've assigned a value to the unknown pointer, you can convert your template into an appropriate string:
jeff_filename = jefffile_template.format(t="1234")
Which will store the value of JEFF_1234.csv into the variable jeff_filename for usage later in your program.
There are other similar ways of calling formatting functions, but using this by name style is my preferred method.
...and in case you're wondering, yes, this was still valid in 2.7.

How to put values from dictionary to variable

I try to get all values from section in my ini file (via configparser) as a variable:
hue310section = dict(parser.items('HUE_310'))
for keys, value in hue310section.items():
pairs = keys + ' = ' + value
it gave me partnewfilepath = http://some_site:PORT/about, but I don't know how to import this output as an python variable, that I can use partnewfilepath somewhere in my code. Of course one section will have more values than only one, and I want to change all that in variable. I trying to find solution but I think I miss something because my knowledge about python is not enough yet. I think I need to rebuilt my for statement but don't have a clue how to do it in this particular problem.
My config.ini file looks like:
partNewFilePath = ${common:domain}/about
otherValues = something
nextvalue = another something
I think I need to elaborate more about what I want to achieve. In other part of my code I check version of site I want to process. If the site has, let say version 3.10 I want to get all values from section HUE_310 from my ini file, and use them as python variable. Rest of my code use those variable and if the site version will change I can get values from other section from my ini file and get those values to python variable and use them. I assume that some variables will change from version to version and that's why I want to prepare my code to check this. Also it gives me some freedom to modify some variable if site will change.
I hope it is now more clear.
You don't need a new variable or a for loop, you already have hue310section dict.
You can just use
which will be equal to
Note that after hue310section = dict(parser.items('HUE_310'))
, otherValues and nextvalue keys will also be defined.
from configobj import ConfigObj
parser_data = ConfigObj(config_path)
current = parser_data['HUE_310'].get('partNewFilePath', '')
config_path is path to the file is the default value in case that particular key is not found.

gitpython to check for if there are any changes in files using PYTHON

I am experimenting with gitpython and I am new to it. I am trying to detect if there are any changes staged for commit.
Currently, I have a function that looks like this:
def commit(dir):
r = Repo(dir)
r.git.commit(m='commit all')
But this is just the code to commit the directory. I wanna do something like, if there are changes, then display some message, else, display another message.
Anybody have any idea how do I do it in python ?
You can check for all unstaged changes like this:
for x in r.index.diff("HEAD"):
# Just print
# Or for each entry you can find out information about it, e.g.
Basically you are comparing the staging area (i.e. index) to the active branch.
To get a definitive list of what's changed (but not yet staged):
# Gives a list of the differing objects
diff_list = repo.head.commit.diff()
for diff in diff_list:
print(diff.change_type) # Gives the change type. eg. 'A': added, 'M': modified etc.
# Returns true if it is a new file
# Print the old file path
# Print the new file path. If the filename (or path) was changed it will differ
# Too many options to show. This gives a comprehensive description of what is available
I found the diff object to be very useful and should give any info you require.
For staged items, use repo.index
From my testing, I found that the previous answer gave a diff output the wrong way round (ie. added files would show up as deleted).
The other option is repo.git.diff(...) which I found less useful as it gives long text strings for output rather than objects that can be easily parsed.
