Different model performance evaluations by statsmodels and scikit-learn - python

I am trying to fit a multivariable linear regression on a dataset to find out how well the model explains the data. My predictors have 120 dimensions and I have 177 samples:
X.shape=(177,120), y.shape=(177,)
Using statsmodels, I get a very good R-squared of 0.76 with a Prob(F-statistic) of 0.06 which trends towards significance and indicates a good model for the data.
When I use scikit-learn's linear regression and try to compute 5-fold cross validation r2 score, I get an average r2 score of -5.06 which shows very poor generalization performance.
The two models should be exactly the same as their train r2 score is. So why the performance evaluations from these libraries are too different? Which one should I use? Greatly appreciate your comments on this.
Here is my code for your reference:
# using statsmodel:
import statsmodels.api as sm
X = sm.add_constant(X)
est = sm.OLS(y, X)
est2 = est.fit()
# using scikitlearn:
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
lin_reg = LinearRegression()
lin_reg.fit(X, y)
print 'train r2 score:',lin_reg.score(X, y)
cv_results = cross_val_score(lin_reg, X, y, cv = 5, scoring = 'r2')
msg = "%s: %f (%f)" % ('r2 score', cv_results.mean(),cv_results.std())

The difference in rsquared because of the difference between training sample and left out cross-validation sample.
You are most likely strongly overfitting with 121 regressors including constant and only 177 observations without regularization or variable selection.
Statsmodels only reports rsquared, R2, for the training sample, there is no cross-validation. Scikit-learn needs to reduce the training sample size for cross-validation which makes overfitting even worse.
A low cross-validation score as reported by scikit-learn, then means that the overfitted estimates do not generalize to the left out data, and is matching idiosyncratic features of the training sample.


Cross validation and logistic regression

I am analyzing a dataset from kaggle and want to apply a logistic regression model to predict something. This is the data: https://www.kaggle.com/code/mohamedadelhosny/stroke-prediction-data-analysis-challenge/data
I split the data into train and test, and want to use cross validation to inssure highest accuracy possible. I did some pre-processing and used the dummy function over catigorical features, got to a certain point in the code, and and I don't know how to proceed. I cant figure out how to use the results of the cross validation, it's not so straight forward.
This is what I got so far:
from numpy import mean
from numpy import std
from sklearn.datasets import make_classification
from sklearn.model_selection import KFold
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
X = data_Enco.iloc[:, data_Enco.columns != 'stroke'].values # features
Y = data_Enco.iloc[:, 6] # labels
X_train, X_test, Y_train, Y_test = train_test_split(X, Y, test_size=0.20)
scaler = MinMaxScaler()
scaled_X_train = scaler.fit_transform(X_train)
scaled_X_test = scaler.transform(X_test)
# prepare the cross-validation procedure
cv = KFold(n_splits=10, random_state=1, shuffle=True)
logisticModel = LogisticRegression(class_weight='balanced')
# evaluate model
scores = cross_val_score(logisticModel, scaled_X_train, Y_train, scoring='accuracy', cv=cv)
print('average score = ', np.mean(scores))
print('std of scores = ', np.std(scores))
average score = 0.7483538453549359
std of scores = 0.0190400919099899
So far so good.. I got the results of the model for each 10 splits. But now what? how do I build a confusion matrix? how do I calculate the recall, precesion..? I have the right code without performing cross validation, I just dont know how to adapt it.. how do I use the scores of the cross_val_score function ?
logisticModel = LogisticRegression(class_weight='balanced')
logisticModel.fit(scaled_X_train, Y_train) # Train the model
predictions_log = logisticModel.predict(scaled_X_test)
## Scoring the model
## Confusion Matrix
Y_pred = logisticModel.predict(scaled_X_test)
real_data = Y_test
print('Observe the difference between the real data and the data predicted by the knn classifier:\n')
print('Predictions: ',Y_pred,'\n\n')
print('Real Data:m', real_data,'\n')
cmtx = pd.DataFrame(
confusion_matrix(real_data, Y_pred, labels=[0, 1]),
index = ['real 0: ', 'real 1:'], columns = ['pred 0:', 'pred 1:']
print('Accuracy score is: ',accuracy_score(real_data, Y_pred))
print('Precision score is: ',precision_score(real_data, Y_pred))
print('Recall Score is: ',recall_score(real_data, Y_pred))
print('F1 Score is: ',f1_score(real_data, Y_pred))
The performance of a model on the training dataset is not a good estimator of the performance on new data because of overfitting.
Cross-validation is used to obtain an estimation of the performance of your model on new data, i.e. without overfitting. And you correctly applied it to compute the mean and variance of the accuracy of your model. This should be a much better approximation of the accuracy on your test dataset than the accuracy on your training dataset. And that is it.
However, cross-validation is usually used to do model selection. Say you have two logistic regression models that use different sets of independent variables. E.g., one is using only age and gender while the other one is using age, gender, and bmi. Or you want to compare logistic regression with an SVM model.
I.e. you have several possible models and you want to decide which one is best. Of course, you cannot just compare the training dataset accuracies of all the models because those are spoiled by overfitting. And if you use the performance on the test dataset for choosing the best model, the test dataset becomes part of the training, you will have leakage, and thus the performance on the test dataset cannot be used anymore for a final, untainted performance measure. That is why cross-validation is used which creates those splits that contain different versions of validation sets.
So the idea is to
apply cross-validation to each of your candidate models,
use the scores of those cross-validations to choose the best model,
retrain that best model on the complete training dataset to get a final version of your best model, and
to finally apply this final version to the test dataset to obtain some untainted evaluation.
But note, that those three steps are for model selection. However, you have only a single model, the logistic regression, so there is nothing to select from. If you fit your model, let's call it m(p) where p denotes the parameters, to e.g. five folds of CV, you get five different fitted versions m(p1), m(p2), ..., m(p5) of the same model.
So if you have only one model, you fit it to the complete training dataset, maybe use CV to have an additional estimate for the performance on new data, but that's it. But you have already done this. There is no "selection of best model", that is only for if you have several models as described above, like e.g. logistic regression and SVM.

How to calculate the RMSE on Ridge regression model

I have performed a ridge regression model on a data set
(link to the dataset: https://www.kaggle.com/c/house-prices-advanced-regression-techniques/data)
as below:
from sklearn.linear_model import Ridge
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
y = train['SalePrice']
X = train.drop("SalePrice", axis = 1)
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X,y,test_size=0.30)
ridge = Ridge(alpha=0.1, normalize=True)
pred = ridge.predict(X_test)
I calculated the MSE using the metrics library from sklearn as
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
mean = mean_squared_error(y_test, pred)
rmse = np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(y_test,pred)
I am getting a very large value of MSE = 554084039.54321 and RMSE = 21821.8, I am trying to understand if my implementation is correct.
RMSE implementation
Your RMSE implementation is correct which is easily verifiable when you take the sqaure root of sklearn's mean_squared_error.
I think you are missing a closing parentheses though, here to be exact:
rmse = np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(y_test,pred)) # the last one was missing
High error problem
Your MSE is high due to model not being able to model relationships between your variables and target very well. Bear in mind each error is taken to the power of 2, so being 1000 off in price sky-rockets the value to 1000000.
You may want to modify the price with natural logarithm (numpy.log) and transform it to log-scale, it is a common practice especially for this problem (I assume you are doing House Prices: Advanced Regression Techniques), see available kernels for guidance. With this approach, you will not get such big values.
Last but not least, check Mean Absolute Error in order to see your predictions are not as terrible as they seem.

R^2 negative using sklearn and 0.92 using statsmodels

I am so confused. I am comparing lasso and linear regression on a model that predicts housing prices. I don't understand how when I run a linear model in sklearn I get a negative for R^2 yet when I run it in lasso I get a reasonable R^2. I know that you can get a negative R^2 if linear regression is a poor fit for your model so I decided to check it using OLS in statsmodels where I also get a high R^2. I am just confused how this possible and what is going on? Is it due to multicollinearity?
Also, yes I know that I can use grid search cv to find alpha for lasso but my professor wanted us to try it this way in order to get practice coding. I am a math major and this is for a statistics course.
# Linear regression in sklearn
X = df.drop('SalePrice',axis=1)
y = df['SalePrice']
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.3, random_state=60)
lm = LinearRegression()
lm.fit(X_train, y_train)
predictions_linear = lm.predict(X_test)
print('\nR^2 of linear model is {:.5f}\n'.format(metrics.r2_score(y_test, predictions_linear)))
>>>>R^2 of linear model is -213279628873266528256.00000
# Lasso in sklearn
r2_alpha_lasso = [None]*200
for num in np.logspace(-4,1,len(r2_alpha_lasso)):
lasso = linear_model.Lasso(alpha=num, random_state=50)
lasso.fit(X_train, y_train)
predictions_lasso = lasso.predict(X_test)
r2 = metrics.r2_score(y_test, predictions_lasso)
r2_alpha_lasso[i] = [num, r2]
r2_maximized_lasso = sorted(r2_alpha_lasso, key=itemgetter(1))[-1]
print("\nR^2 maximized where:\n Alpha: {:.5f}\n R^2: {:.5f}\n".format(r2_maximized_lasso[0], r2_maximized_lasso[1]))
>>>>R^2 maximized where:
Alpha: 0.00120
R^2: 0.90498
# OLS in statsmodels
df['Constant'] = 1
X = df.drop('SalePrice',axis=1)
y = df['SalePrice']
mod = sm.OLS(endog=y, exog=X, data=df)
res = mod.fit()
print(res.summary()) # only printed the relevant results, not the entire table
>>>>R-squared: 0.921
Adj. R-squared: 0.908
[2] The smallest eigenvalue is 1.26e-29. This might indicate that there are
strong multicollinearity problems or that the design matrix is singular.

Interpreting sklearns' GridSearchCV best score

I would like to know the difference between the score returned by GridSearchCV and the R2 metric calculated as below. In other cases I receive the grid search score highly negative (same applies for cross_val_score) and I would be grateful for explaining what it is.
from sklearn import datasets
from sklearn.model_selection import (cross_val_score, GridSearchCV)
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeRegressor
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, r2_score
from sklearn import tree
diabetes = datasets.load_diabetes()
X = diabetes.data[:150]
y = diabetes.target[:150]
X = pd.DataFrame(X)
parameters = {'splitter':('best','random'),
regressor = GridSearchCV(DecisionTreeRegressor(), parameters, scoring = 'r2', cv = 5)
regressor.fit(X, y)
print('Best score: ', regressor.best_score_)
best = regressor.best_estimator_
print('R2: ', r2_score(y_pred = best.predict(X), y_true = y))
The regressor.best_score_ is the average of r2 scores on left-out test folds for the best parameter combination.
In your example, the cv=5, so the data will be split into train and test folds 5 times. The model will be fitted on train and scored on test. These 5 test scores are averaged to get the score. Please see documentation:
"best_score_: Mean cross-validated score of the best_estimator"
The above process repeats for all parameter combinations. And the best average score from it is assigned to the best_score_.
You can look at my other answer for complete working of GridSearchCV
After finding the best parameters, the model is trained on full data.
r2_score(y_pred = best.predict(X), y_true = y)
is on the same data as the model is trained on, so in most cases, it will be higher.
The question linked by #Davide in the comments has answers why you get a positive R2 score - your model performs better than a constant prediction. At the same time you can get negative values in other situation, if your models there perform bad.
the reason for the difference in values is that regressor.best_score_ is evaluated on a particular fold out of the 5-fold split that you do, whereas r2_score(y_pred = best.predict(X), y_true = y) evaluates the same model (regressor.best_estimator_) but on the full sample (including the (5-1)-fold sub-set that was used to train that estimator)

RFECV does not return same features for same data

I have a dataframe X which is comprised of 60 features and ~ 450k outcomes. My response variable y is categorical (survival, no survival).
I would like to use RFECV to reduce the number of significant features for my estimator (right now, logistic regression) on Xtrain, which I would like to score of accuracy under an ROC Curve. "Features Selected" is a list of all features.
from sklearn.cross_validation import StratifiedKFold
from sklearn.feature_selection import RFECV
import sklearn.linear_model as lm
# Create train and test datasets to evaluate each model
Xtrain, Xtest, ytrain, ytest = train_test_split(X,y,train_size = 0.70)
# Use RFECV to reduce features
# Create a logistic regression estimator
logreg = lm.LogisticRegression()
# Use RFECV to pick best features, using Stratified Kfold
rfecv = RFECV(estimator=logreg, cv=StratifiedKFold(ytrain, 10), scoring='roc_auc')
# Fit the features to the response variable
X_new = rfecv.fit_transform(Xtrain[features_selected], ytrain)
I have a few questions:
a) X_new returns different features when run on separate occasions (one time it returned 5 features, another run it returned 9. One is not a subset of the other). Why would this be?
b) Does this imply an unstable solution? While using the same seed for StratifiedKFold should solve this problem, does this mean I need to reconsider the approach in totality?
c) IN general, how do I approach tuning? e.g., features are selected BEFORE tuning in my current implementation. Would tuning affect the significance of certain features? Or should I tune simultaneously?
In k-fold cross-validation, the original sample is randomly partitioned into k equal size sub-samples. Therefore, it's not surprising to get different results every time you execute the algorithm. Source
There is an approach, so-called Pearson's correlation coefficient. By using this method, you can calculate the a correlation coefficient between each two features, and aim for removing features with a high correlation. This method could be considered as a stable solution to such a problem. Source
