I am trying to create a 2D log chromaticity plot in python with OpenCV. The same question was asked here
How to compute 2D log-chromaticity?
but it was never answered.
(ASIDE: A guess was made that the axes must be log instead of linear, but this is incorrect as the paper uses negative coordinates, and log axes cannot be negative. Also, I was desparate and tried plt.xscale('log') and plt.yscale('log'), but it didn't work).
This work is based off this paper:
(I re-mention it below)
My Code:
import numpy as np
import cv2
import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
root = r'.\path\to\root'
root = r'my_img.jpg'
if __name__ == '__main__':
img = cv2.imread(os.path.join(root, fl))
cv2.imshow('Original', img)
b, g, r = cv2.split(img)
img_sum = np.sum(img, axis = 2) # NOTE: This dtype will be uint32.
# Each channel can be up to
# 255 (dtype = uint8), but
# since uint8 can only go up
# to 255, sum naturally uint32
# "Normalized" channels
# NOTE: np.ma is the masked array library. It automatically masks
# inf and nan answers from result
n_r = np.ma.divide(1.*r, g)
n_b = np.ma.divide(1.*b, g)
log_rg = np.ma.log( n_r )
log_bg = np.ma.log( n_b )
plt.scatter(l_rg, l_bg, s = 2)
plt.title('2D Log Chromaticity')
Color Checker Chart
My Log Chromaticity Plot
Expected Result:
Finlayson Log Chromaticity Plot
The expected result was taken from this paper ("Intrinsic Images by Entropy Minimization", by: Finlayson, G., et. al.):
(Paper also mentioned above)
Can you help me please?!
This is the closest I can figure. Reading through this:
I came across the sentence:
"Fig. 2(a) shows log-chromaticities for the 24 surfaces of a Macbeth ColorChecker Chart, (the six neutral patches all belong to the same
cluster). If we now vary the lighting and plot median values
for each patch, we see the curves in Fig. 2(b)."
If you look closely at the log-chromaticity plot, you see 19 blobs, corresponding to each of the 18 colors in the Macbeth chart, plus the sum of all the 6 grayscale targets in the bottom row:
Explanation of Log Chromaticities
With 1 picture, we can only get 1 point of each blob: We take the median value inside each target and plot it. To get plot from the paper, we would have to create multiple images with different lighting. We might be able to do this by varying the temperature of the image in an image editor.
For now, I just looked at the color patches in the original image and plotted the points:
The graph dots are not all in the same place as the paper, but I figure it's fairly close. Would someone please check my work to see if this makes sense?
What are the ways to count and extract all subimages given a master image?
Sample 1
Output should be 8 subgraphs.
Sample 2
Output should have 6 subgraphs.
Note: These image samples are taken from internet. Images can be of random dimensions.
Is there a way to draw lines of separation in these image and then split based on those details ?
e.g :
I don't think, there'll be a general solution to extract all single figures properly from arbitrary tables of figures (as shown in the two examples) – at least using some kind of "simple" image-processing techniques.
For "perfect" tables with constant grid layout and constant colour space between single figures (as shown in the two examples), the following approach might be an idea:
Calculate the mean standard deviation in x and y direction, and threshold using some custom parameter. The mean standard deviation within the constant colour spaces should be near zero. A custom parameter will be needed here, since there'll be artifacts, e.g. from JPG compression, which effects might be more or less severe.
Do some binary closing on the mean standard deviations using custom parameters. There might be small constant colour spaces around captions or similar, cf. the second example. Again, custom parameters will be needed here, too.
From the resulting binary "signal", we can extract the start and stop positions for each subimage, thus the subimage itself by slicing from the original image. Attention: That works only, if the tables show a constant grid layout!
That'd be some code for the described approach:
import cv2
import numpy as np
from skimage.morphology import binary_closing
def extract_from_table(image, std_thr, kernel_x, kernel_y):
# Threshold on mean standard deviation in x and y direction
std_x = np.mean(np.std(image, axis=1), axis=1) > std_thr
std_y = np.mean(np.std(image, axis=0), axis=1) > std_thr
# Binary closing to close small whitespaces, e.g. around captions
std_xx = binary_closing(std_x, np.ones(kernel_x))
std_yy = binary_closing(std_y, np.ones(kernel_y))
# Find start and stop positions of each subimage
start_y = np.where(np.diff(np.int8(std_xx)) == 1)[0]
stop_y = np.where(np.diff(np.int8(std_xx)) == -1)[0]
start_x = np.where(np.diff(np.int8(std_yy)) == 1)[0]
stop_x = np.where(np.diff(np.int8(std_yy)) == -1)[0]
# Extract subimages
return [image[y1:y2, x1:x2, :]
for y1, y2 in zip(start_y, stop_y)
for x1, x2 in zip(start_x, stop_x)]
for file in (['image1.jpg', 'image2.png']):
img = cv2.imread(file)
cv2.imshow('image', img)
subimages = extract_from_table(img, 5, 21, 11)
print('{} subimages found.'.format(len(subimages)))
for i in subimages:
cv2.imshow('subimage', i)
The print output is:
8 subimages found.
6 subimages found.
Also, each subimage is shown for visualization purposes.
For both images, the same parameters were suitable, but that's just some coincidence here!
System information
Platform: Windows-10-10.0.16299-SP0
Python: 3.9.1
NumPy: 1.20.1
OpenCV: 4.5.1
scikit-image: 0.18.1
I could only extract the sub-images using simple array slicing technique. I am not sure if this is what you are looking for. But if one knows the table columns and rows, I think you can extract the sub-images.
image = cv2.imread('table.jpg')
p = 2 #number of rows
q = 4 #number of columns
width, height, channels = image.shape
width_patch = width//p
height_patch = height//q
for i in range(0, width - width_patch, width_patch):
for j in range(0, height - height_patch, height_patch):
crop = image[i:i+width_patch, j:j+height_patch]
# cv2.imshow('crop', crop)
# cv2.waitKey(0)```
I have a script that plots out a heat map using matplotlib. Range of X-axis value = (-180 to +180) and Y-axis value =(0 to 180). The 2D heatmap colours areas in Rainbow according to the number of points occurring in a specified area in the x-y graph (defined by the 'bins' - see code below). In this case, x = values_Rot and y = values_Tilt (see below for code).
As of now, this script colours the 2D-heatmap on a log_base10 scale. However, the range of my data is small and I am thinking of changing the base from 10 to base 2.
Is there a way to colour the heatmap by changing the base from 10 to 2 in this code?
Also, I find that the image which has popped up after running this script clearly shows the heatmap. However, when I see the PNG image that has been saved, I see it is a blank image (pure white image) with nothing on it. Is there a way to save the figure - am I missing something while importing?
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
import numpy as np
values_Rot = []
values_Tilt = []
values_Psi = []
for line in data:
print ('This line didnt work, it may just be a blank space. The line is:' + line)
# Change the values here if you want to plot something else, such as psi.
# You can also change how the data is binned here.
plt.hist2d(values_Rot, values_Tilt, norm=mpl.colors.LogNorm(), bins=100,)
I am trying to cross-correlate two images, and thus locate the template image on the first image, by finding the maximum correlation value.
I drew an image with some random shapes (first image), and cut out one of these shapes (template). Now, when I use scipy's correlate2d, and locate point in the correlation with maximum values, several point appear. From my knowledge, shouldn't there only be one point where the overlap is at max?
The idea behind this exercise is to take some part of an image, and then correlate that to some previous images from a database. Then I should be able to locate this part on the older images based on the maximum value of correlation.
My code looks something like this:
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from PIL import Image
import scipy.signal as sp
img = Image.open('test.png').convert('L')
img = np.asarray(img)
temp = Image.open('test_temp.png').convert('L')
temp = np.asarray(temp)
corr = sp.correlate2d(img, temp, boundary='symm', mode='full')
plt.imshow(corr, cmap='hot')
coordin = np.where(corr == np.max(corr)) #Finds all coordinates where there is a maximum correlation
listOfCoordinates= list(zip(coordin[1], coordin[0]))
for i in range(len(listOfCoordinates)): #Plotting all those coordinates
plt.plot(listOfCoordinates[i][0], listOfCoordinates[i][1],'c*', markersize=5)
This yields the figure:
Cyan stars are points with max correlation value (255).
I expect there to be only one point in "corr" to have the max value of correlation, but several appear. I have tried to use different modes of correlating, but to no avail.
This is the test image I use when correlating.
This is the template, cut from the original image.
Can anyone give some insight to what I might be doing wrong here?
You are probably overflowing the numpy type uint8.
Try using:
img = np.asarray(img,dtype=np.float32)
temp = np.asarray(temp,dtype=np.float32)
img = img - img.mean()
temp = temp - temp.mean()
before computing the 2D cross-correlation corr should give you the expected result.
Cleaning up the code, for a full example:
from imageio import imread
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import scipy.signal as sp
import numpy as np
img = imread('https://i.stack.imgur.com/JL2LW.png', pilmode='L')
temp = imread('https://i.stack.imgur.com/UIUzJ.png', pilmode='L')
corr = sp.correlate2d(img - img.mean(),
temp - temp.mean(),
# coordinates where there is a maximum correlation
max_coords = np.where(corr == np.max(corr))
plt.plot(max_coords[1], max_coords[0],'c*', markersize=5)
plt.imshow(corr, cmap='hot')
The end goal is to take an image and slice it up into samples that I save. The problem is that my slices are randomly returning black/ incorrect patches. Bellow is a small sample program.
import scipy.ndimage as ndimage
import scipy.misc as misc
import numpy as np
image32 = misc.imread("work0.png")
patches = np.zeros((36, 8, 8))
for i in range(4):
for j in range(4):
patches[i*4 + j] = image32[i:i+8,j:j+8]
misc.imsave("{0}{1}.png".format(i,j), patches[i*4 + j])
An example of my image would be:
Patch of 0,0 of 8x8 patch yields:
Two things:
You are initializing your patch matrix to be the wrong data type. By default, numpy will make patches matrix a np.float64 type and if you use this with saving, you won't get the results you would expect. Specifically, if you consult Mr. F's answer, there is actually some scaling performed on floating-point images where the minimum and maximum values of the image get scaled to black and white respectively and so if you have an image that is completely uniform in background, both the minimum and maximum will be the same and will get visualized to black. As such, the best thing is to respect the original image's data type, namely setting the dtype of your patches matrix to np.uint8.
Judging from your for loop indexing, you want to extract out 8 x 8 patches that are non-overlapping. This means that if you have a 32 x 32 image with 8 x 8 patches, you have 16 patches in total arranged in a 4 x 4 grid.
Therefore, you need to change the patches statement so that it has 16 in the first dimension, not 36. In addition, you'll have to adjust the way you're indexing into your image to extract out the 8 x 8 patches because right now, the patches are overlapping. Specifically, you want to make the image patch indexing go from 8*i to 8*(i+1) for the rows and 8*j to 8*(j+1) for the columns. If you substitute sample values of i and j yourself, you'll see that we get unique 8 x 8 patches for each grid in your image.
With both of the above things I noted, the modified code should be:
import scipy.ndimage as ndimage
import scipy.misc as misc
import numpy as np
image32 = misc.imread('work0.png')
patches = np.zeros((16,8,8), dtype=np.uint8) # Change
for i in range(4):
for j in range(4):
patches[i*4 + j] = image32[8*i:8*(i+1),8*j:8*(j+1)] # Change
misc.imsave("{0}{1}.png".format(i,j), patches[i*4 + j])
When I do this and take a look at the output images, I get what I expect.
To be absolutely sure, let's plot the segments using matplotlib. You've conveniently saved all of the patches in patches so it shouldn't be a problem showing what we need. However, I'll place some code in comments so that you can read in the images that were saved from disk with your above code so you can verify that it still works, regardless of looking at patches or the images on disk:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
for i in range(4):
for j in range(4):
plt.subplot(4, 4, 4*i + j + 1)
img = patches[4*i + j]
# or you can do this:
# img = misc.imread('{0}{1}.png'.format(i,j))
img = np.dstack([img, img, img])
The weird thing about matplotlib.pyplot.imshow is that if you have an image that is single channel (such as your case) that has the same intensity all around, it gets visualized to black no matter what the colour map is, much like what we experienced with imsave. Therefore, I had to artificially make this a RGB image but with all of the channels to be the same so this gets visualized as grayscale before we show the image.
We get:
According to this answer the issue is that imsave normalizes the data so that the computed minimum is defined as black (and, if there is a distinct maximum, that is defined as white).
This led me to go digging as to why the suggested use of uint8 did work to create the desired output. As it turns out, in the source there is a function called bytescale that gets called internally.
Actually, imsave itself is a very thin wrapper around toimage followed by save (from the image object). Inside of toimage if mode is None (which it is by default), that's when bytescale gets invoked.
It turns out that bytescale has an if statement that checks for the uint8 data type, and if the data is in that format, it returns the data unaltered. But if not, then the data is scaled according to a max and min transformation (where 0 and 255 are the default low and high pixel values to compare to).
This is the full snippet of code linked above:
if data.dtype == uint8:
return data
if high < low:
raise ValueError("`high` should be larger than `low`.")
if cmin is None:
cmin = data.min()
if cmax is None:
cmax = data.max()
cscale = cmax - cmin
if cscale < 0:
raise ValueError("`cmax` should be larger than `cmin`.")
elif cscale == 0:
cscale = 1
scale = float(high - low) / cscale
bytedata = (data * 1.0 - cmin) * scale + 0.4999
bytedata[bytedata > high] = high
bytedata[bytedata < 0] = 0
return cast[uint8](bytedata) + cast[uint8](low)
For the blocks of your data that are all 255, cscale will be 0, which will be checked for and changed to 1. Then the line
bytedata = (data * 1.0 - cmin) * scale + 0.4999
will result in the whole image block having the float value of 0.4999, thus set explicitly to 0 in the next chunk of code (when casted to uint8 from float) as for example:
In [102]: np.cast[np.uint8](0.4999)
Out[102]: array(0, dtype=uint8)
You can see in the body of bytescale that there are only two possible ways to return: either your data is type uint8 and it's returned as-is, or else it goes through this kind of silly scaling process. So in the end, it is indeed correct, and good practice, to be using uint8 for the pieces of your code that specifically load from or save to an image format via these functions.
So this cascade of stuff is why you were getting all zeros in the outputted image file and why the other suggestion of using dtype=np.uint8 actually helps you. It's not because you need to avoid floating point data for images, just because of this bizarre convention to check and scale data on the part of imsave.
There are many questions over here which checks if two images are "nearly" similar or not.
My task is simple. With OpenCV, I want to find out if two images are 100% identical or not.
They will be of same size but can be saved with different filenames.
You can use a logical operator like xor operator. If you are using python you can use the following one-line function:
def is_similar(image1, image2):
return image1.shape == image2.shape and not(np.bitwise_xor(image1,image2).any())
where shape is the property that shows the size of matrix and bitwise_xor is as the name suggests. The C++ version can be made in a similar way!
Please see #berak code.
Notice: The Python code works for any depth images(1-D, 2-D, 3-D , ..), but the C++ version works just for 2-D images. It's easy to convert it to any depth images by yourself. I hope that gives you the insight! :)
Doc: bitwise_xor
EDIT: C++ was removed. Thanks to #Micka and # berak for their comments.
the sum of the differences should be 0 (for all channels):
bool equal(const Mat & a, const Mat & b)
if ( (a.rows != b.rows) || (a.cols != b.cols) )
return false;
Scalar s = sum( a - b );
return (s[0]==0) && (s[1]==0) && (s[2]==0);
import cv2
import numpy as np
a = cv2.imread("picture1.png")
b = cv2.imread("picture2.png")
difference = cv2.subtract(a, b)
result = not np.any(difference)
if result is True:
print("Pictures are the same")
print("Pictures are different")
If they are same files except being saved in different file-names, you can check whether their Checksums are identical or not.
Importing the packages we’ll need — matplotlib for plotting, NumPy for numerical processing, and cv2 for our OpenCV bindings. Structural Similarity Index method is already implemented for us by scikit-image, so we’ll just use their implementation
# import the necessary packages
from skimage.measure import structural_similarity as ssim
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import cv2
Then define the compare_images function which we’ll use to compare two images using both MSE and SSIM. The mse function takes three arguments: imageA and imageB, which are the two images we are going to compare, and then the title of our figure.
We then compute the MSE and SSIM between the two images.
We also simply display the MSE and SSIM associated with the two images we are comparing.
def mse(imageA, imageB):
# the 'Mean Squared Error' between the two images is the
# sum of the squared difference between the two images;
# NOTE: the two images must have the same dimension
err = np.sum((imageA.astype("float") - imageB.astype("float")) ** 2)
err /= float(imageA.shape[0] * imageA.shape[1])
# return the MSE, the lower the error, the more "similar"
# the two images are
return err
def compare_images(imageA, imageB, title):
# compute the mean squared error and structural similarity
# index for the images
m = mse(imageA, imageB)
s = ssim(imageA, imageB)
# setup the figure
fig = plt.figure(title)
plt.suptitle("MSE: %.2f, SSIM: %.2f" % (m, s))
# show first image
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 1)
plt.imshow(imageA, cmap = plt.cm.gray)
# show the second image
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 2)
plt.imshow(imageB, cmap = plt.cm.gray)
# show the images
Load images off disk using OpenCV. We’ll be using original image, contrast adjusted image, and our Photoshopped image
We then convert our images to grayscale
# load the images -- the original, the original + contrast,
# and the original + photoshop
original = cv2.imread("images/jp_gates_original.png")
contrast = cv2.imread("images/jp_gates_contrast.png")
shopped = cv2.imread("images/jp_gates_photoshopped.png")
# convert the images to grayscale
original = cv2.cvtColor(original, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
contrast = cv2.cvtColor(contrast, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
shopped = cv2.cvtColor(shopped, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
We will generate a matplotlib figure, loop over our images one-by-one, and add them to our plot. Our plot is then displayed to us.
Finally, we can compare our images together using the compare_images function.
# initialize the figure
fig = plt.figure("Images")
images = ("Original", original), ("Contrast", contrast), ("Photoshopped", shopped)
# loop over the images
for (i, (name, image)) in enumerate(images):
# show the image
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 3, i + 1)
plt.imshow(image, cmap = plt.cm.gray)
# show the figure
# compare the images
compare_images(original, original, "Original vs. Original")
compare_images(original, contrast, "Original vs. Contrast")
compare_images(original, shopped, "Original vs. Photoshopped")
Reference- https://www.pyimagesearch.com/2014/09/15/python-compare-two-images/
I have done this task.
Compare file sizes.
Compare exif data.
Compare first 'n' byte, where 'n' is 128 to 1024 or so.
Compare last 'n' bytes.
Compare middle 'n' bytes.
Compare checksum