Why object won't stop moving in Zelle graphics? - python

from graphics import *
win = GraphWin("Circle Race", 500, 500)
#red circle position
RcenterX = 50
RcenterY = 100
Rright = RcenterX+25
Rleft = RcenterY
# The Red circle
cr = Circle(Point(RcenterX,RcenterY), 25)
if RcenterX<=400:
cr.move(50 ,0)
elif RcenterX>300:
I'm trying to move the red circle 50 pixels after each click, and stop when the right edge of the circle reaches 400.
But it keeps moving after it reaches 400?
How can I make it stop at 400?

Two basic changes: your if statement needs to be a while loop; you need to recalculate RcenterX, either by updating it yourself or interrogating your circle object:
from graphics import *
win = GraphWin("Circle Race", 500, 500)
# red circle position
RcenterX, RcenterY = 50, 100
Rradius = 25
# The Red circle
cr = Circle(Point(RcenterX, RcenterY), Rradius)
while cr.getCenter().getX() + Rradius/2 < 400: # right edge stops at 400
cr.move(50, 0)


Trying to move the traffic light in a loop when clicking the mouse with Zelle graphics module

from graphics import *
def trafficlight():
win = GraphWin()
box = Rectangle(Point(75, 25), Point(125, 175))
yellow = Circle(Point(100,100), 25)
red = Circle(Point(100,50), 25)
green = Circle(Point(100,150), 25)
My code runs but the only problem is I can't get the function to loop, it stops after it jumps to red but it needs jump to green and then yellow and then red in a loop. I have tried using the function win.mianloop() but that also does not work. I wanted to use a while loop but I don't know how to go and do that, any suggestions?
Just put a loop in your function:
from graphics import *
def trafficlight():
win = GraphWin()
box = Rectangle(Point(75, 25), Point(125, 175))
yellow = Circle(Point(100,100), 25)
red = Circle(Point(100,50), 25)
green = Circle(Point(100,150), 25)
while True: # Loop forever.

Random Brick Color -> TypeError: 'pygame.Color' object is not callable

so this is my first time as a registered user here, so please bear with me if I was searching wrong,
but with the tags [python] or [pygame] I could not find an answer to this question of a random color.
So my problem is the following:
The Game
In this game I want the bricks to be random colors. To do so I made a function to generate a random color:
def brick_color():
color_var = random.randint(0,3)
if color_var == 0: #red
brick_color1 = pygame.Color(198,44,58)
elif color_var == 1:#blue
brick_color1 = pygame.Color(1,128,181)
elif color_var == 2:#yellow
brick_color1 = pygame.Color(255,211,92)
elif color_var == 3:#green
brick_color1 = pygame.Color(0,157,103)
return brick_color1
and implemented the function into this lines:
# brick init
brick = pygame.Surface([brick_width, brick_height]),brick_color # surface for a single brick
pygame.draw.rect(brick[0], brick[1], [0, 0, brick_width, brick_height])
bricks = [] # list of *coordinates* of the bricks
# initialize coordinates of bricks
for y in range(num_brick_rows):
brickY = (y * brick_row_height) + brick_offset_y
for x in range(num_bricks_in_row):
brickX = (x * brick_column_width) + brick_offset_x
color_of_brick = brick_color()
bricks.append((brickX, brickY),color_of_brick) # coordinates are in fact tuples (x,y)
But i keep getting this error:
File "C:\_____\unbenannt0.py", line 146, in <module>
color_of_brick = brick_color()
TypeError: 'pygame.Color' object is not callable
And this is the full code.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Thu Jul 2 09:33:50 2020
# example from the Sloan Kelly book
# very slightly modified
# imports (or makes usable) external packages that may be 3rd party (such as pygame)
import pygame, sys, random
# enable "short-hand" notation for imported stuff
from pygame import display
def draw_bricks():
for b in bricks:
windowSurfaceObj.blit(brick[0], b) # makes a copy of brick image acording to coordinates, where stuff is drawn!
def draw_bat():
windowSurfaceObj.blit(bat, batRect)
def draw_ball():
windowSurfaceObj.blit(ball, ballRect)
def brick_color():
color_var = random.randint(0,3)
if color_var == 0: #red
brick_color = pygame.Color(198,44,58)
elif color_var == 1:#blue
brick_color = pygame.Color(1,128,181)
elif color_var == 2:#yellow
brick_color = pygame.Color(255,211,92)
elif color_var == 3:#green
brick_color = pygame.Color(0,157,103)
return brick_color
fpsClock = pygame.time.Clock()
# new and improved:
# create surface object aka. the main window
inf = display.Info()
screen_width = inf.current_w - 200 # make window sizea little bit smaller than actual screen
screen_height = inf.current_h - 200
# windowSurfaceObj = display.set_mode(size=(screen_width, screen_height), flags=pygame.FULLSCREEN) # initialize window
windowSurfaceObj = display.set_mode(size=(screen_width, screen_height)) # initialize window
display.set_caption('New and improved Bricks'); # set window title
# brick layout
brick_width = 50
brick_height = 20
num_bricks_in_row = 7
num_brick_rows = 5
brick_row_height = 2 * brick_height
brick_offset_y = 100
brick_column_width = 2 * brick_width
brick_offset_x = int(screen_width/2 - brick_column_width*num_bricks_in_row/2) # place it in the middle of the screen
brick_color = brick_color()
# ball related stuff
ball_radius = int(screen_height/200)
# more game constants!
fps = 60 # desired frames per second
background_colour = pygame.Color(0, 0, 0) # background is black
# used variables for bat dimensions
bat_width = 100
bat_height = 10
# ball related stuff
ball_start_x = 24 # somehwere near the left of the window
ball_start_y = 200 # initial ball position when new ball is released
ball_speed = int(fps*0.15) # speed of ball in pixel per frame! use fps var. here to make real ball speed independent of frame rate
# bat init
# replace bat with crude hand drawn one
batcolor = pygame.Color(0, 0, 255) # bat color: blue!
bat = pygame.Surface([bat_width, bat_height]) # this Surface is for drawing the bat upon
pygame.draw.rect(bat, batcolor, [0, 0, bat_width, bat_height]) # draw bat. It's a simple rectangle.
bat = bat.convert_alpha() # deal with transparency
# place the bat somewhere near the bottom of the screen/window
player_start_x = 0 # initial position is on left
player_start_y = screen_height - 6 * bat_height # this is used as Y coordinate for bat, near the bottom of the screen
batRect = bat.get_rect() # rectangle around bat, used to move it around later
mousex = player_start_x
mousey = player_start_y # mousex and mousey later used for moving the bat around, not actual mouse coordinates at this point
# ball init
ball_color = pygame.Color(255, 255, 255) # white
ball = pygame.Surface([ball_radius*2, ball_radius*2]) # Surface for drawing the ball upon
pygame.draw.circle(ball, ball_color, (ball_radius, ball_radius), ball_radius) # draw circle on ball surface
ballRect = ball.get_rect() # rectangle around ball, use to move it around later
ballServed = False
bx = ball_start_x # bx is actual ball postion
by = ball_start_y # by is actual (current) ball position
sx = ball_speed # current ball speed in horizontal direction
sy = ball_speed # current ball speed vertical
ballRect.topleft = (bx, by) # move ball rectangle to initial position
# brick init
brick = pygame.Surface([brick_width, brick_height]),brick_color # surface for a single brick
pygame.draw.rect(brick[0], brick[1], [0, 0, brick_width, brick_height])
bricks = [] # list of *coordinates* of the bricks
# initialize coordinates of bricks
for y in range(num_brick_rows):
brickY = (y * brick_row_height) + brick_offset_y
for x in range(num_bricks_in_row):
brickX = (x * brick_column_width) + brick_offset_x
color_of_brick = brick_color()
bricks.append((brickX, brickY),color_of_brick) # coordinates are in fact tuples (x,y)
while True: # main loop, run once per frame (i.e. fps times per second)
windowSurfaceObj.fill(background_colour) # clear the screen
# brick draw
# for b in bricks: # remember: bricks is a list of brick coordinates, not surfaces
# windowSurfaceObj.blit(brick, b) # make copy of brick image and place it on screen, b = brick coordinates
# bat and ball draw, rectangles around bat and ball are used for positioning
# windowSurfaceObj.blit(bat, batRect) # copy surface with image of bat to screen
# windowSurfaceObj.blit(ball, ballRect) # same for ball
# main event loop
# process user interaction
for event in pygame.event.get():
# quit the game if window is closed or escape key is pressed
if event.type == QUIT or (event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_ESCAPE):
elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP and not ballServed:
ballServed = True # start game, when mouse is clicked
elif event.type == MOUSEMOTION: # mouse has moved
mousex, mousey = event.pos # set mouse coordinate variables to actual mouse coordinates
if mousex < screen_width - bat_width:
if mousex < 0: # may occur in full screen / large window mode
batRect.topleft = (0, player_start_y)
batRect.topleft = (mousex, player_start_y)
batRect.topleft = (screen_width - bat_width, player_start_y)
# main game logic
if ballServed: # if game is in progress
ballRect.topleft = (bx, by) # position the ball using its rectangle
bx += sx # sx = speed of the ball in X direction
by += sy # sy = speed of the ball in Y direction
if (by >= screen_height): # ball below bottom of screen
ballServed = False # game not in progess, ball lost!
bx, by = (ball_start_x, ball_start_y) # ball is reset to start position
ballRect.topleft = (bx, by) # move the rectangle around ball to correct position
if by <= 0: # ball hits top
by = 0
sy *= -1 # reflect
if bx <= 0: # ball hits left side of window
bx = 0
sx *= -1 # reflect
if bx >= screen_width - ball_radius*2: # ball hits right side of window
bx = screen_width - ball_radius*2
sx *= -1 # reflection
# collision detection
brickForRemoval = None
for b in bricks: # remember: bricks is list of coordinates of bricks; iterating all bricks and check each one for collision
briX, briY = b # tuple unwrapping: x and y coordinates of top left of brick
if bx + ball_radius*2 >= briX and bx <= briX + brick_width: # is x coordinate of ball inside brick (or touching brick)
if (by + ball_radius*2 >= briY and by <= briY + brick_height): # same for y coordinate
brickForRemoval = b # brick was hit and is scheduled for removal
if bx <= briX + ball_radius*2: # ball hit brick from left
sx *= -1 # reflect
elif bx >= briX + brick_width - ball_radius*2: # ball hit brick from right
sx *= -1 # reflect
if by <= briY + ball_radius * 2: # ball hit brick from top
sy *= -1 # reflect
elif by >= briY + brick_height - ball_radius*2: # ball hit brick from below
sy *= -1 # reflect
break # ball hit a brick and cannot hit another one at the same time
if brickForRemoval != None: # if a brick is scheduled for removal…
bricks.remove(brickForRemoval) # … remove it!
# collision check: does bat hit ball?
if (bx >= mousex and bx <= mousex + bat_width): # using bat_width variable
if(by >= player_start_y - bat_height and by <= player_start_y):
sy *= -1 # reflect
pygame.display.update() # show updated screen
fpsClock.tick(fps) # limit fps
Any help is highly appreciated!
As per #jasonharper's comment, when you assign a value to a variable name that is the same as the function name, that name becomes "re-assigned", in this case - making the function no longer accessible.
Using any other variable name inside your function would fix it:
def brick_color():
color_var = random.randint(0,3)
if color_var == 0: #red
new_color = pygame.Color(198,44,58)
elif color_var == 1:#blue
new_color = pygame.Color(1,128,181)
elif color_var == 2:#yellow
new_color = pygame.Color(255,211,92)
elif color_var == 3:#green
new_color = pygame.Color(0,157,103)
return new_color
Your function could also use a python list to be a bit more flexible and compact:
def getRandomColor():
# red blue yellow green
color_list = [ (198,44,58), (1,128,181), (255,211,92), (0,157,103) ]
random_choice = random.randrange( len( color_list ) )
return color_list[ random_choice ]
This form is more flexible because you can easily add more colours by appending them to the list (no more to do).

Close window when graphics.py object has reached the edge of window

Referring to John Zelle's graphics.py, I want the GraphWin to close right after the Circle object has reached the edge of the window and is out of sight.
Following code creates a circle and moves it:
win = GraphWin("My Circle", 100, 100)
c = Circle(Point(50,50), 10)
for i in range(40):
c.move(30, 0) #speed=30
#c should move until the end of the windows(100),
win.close() # then windows of title "My Circle" should close immediately
Is there any way to do this instead of using range and counting its exact number of 'steps'?
Compare the x position of the left side of the circle against the right side of the window:
from graphics import *
WIDTH, HEIGHT = 300, 300
SPEED = 30
win = GraphWin("My Circle", WIDTH, HEIGHT)
c = Circle(Point(50, 50), RADIUS)
while c.getCenter().x - RADIUS < WIDTH:
c.move(SPEED, 0)
win.close() # then windows of title "My Circle" should close immediately
In a speedier loop, we might move RADIUS to the other side of the equation and make a new constant of WIDTH + RADIUS.
If it was an Image object, how would you suggest to get the leftmost
position of the object to compare it to the width of the window?
An Image object would work similarly, using it's anchor, instead of center, and using its width instead of its radius:
from graphics import *
WIDTH, HEIGHT = 300, 300
SPEED = 30
win = GraphWin("My Image", WIDTH, HEIGHT)
image = Image(Point(50, 50), "file.gif")
image_half_width = image.getWidth() / 2
while image.getAnchor().x - image_half_width < WIDTH:
image.move(SPEED, 0)
win.close() # the window of title "My Image" should close immediately

Graphics.py Bouncing Cube

I am trying to create a program that "bounces" a cube in a window up and down. Everything is created properly but the cube will not bounce.
The code is as follows:
from graphics import *
import time # Used for slowing animation if needed
def create_win():
win= GraphWin("Animation",500,500)
cornerB1= Point(235,235)
cornerB2= Point(265,265)
Bob= Rectangle(cornerB1, cornerB2)
def main():
cornerB1= Point(235,235)
cornerB2= Point(265,265)
Bob= Rectangle(cornerB1, cornerB2)
center= Rectangle.getCenter(Bob)
center_point= Point.getX(center)
for i in range(500):
if center_point<15:
dy= -dy
elif center_point>485:
dy= -dy
Any input would be greatly appreciated.
This seems to be too much code with too little planning. Specific issues: you create Bob twice, once in each function -- the blue Bob you see isn't the Bob you're moving; too many numbers -- figure out your base dimensions and calculate everything else from them; you extract the center outside the loop so it never changes -- do it inside the loop so it's changing as Bob moves.
Below is a rework of your code that bounces Bob up and down as intended:
from graphics import *
WIDTH, HEIGHT = 500, 500
def main():
win = GraphWin("Animation", WIDTH, HEIGHT)
# Create Bob in the middle of the window
cornerB1 = Point(WIDTH/2 + BOB_SIZE/2, HEIGHT/2 + BOB_SIZE/2)
cornerB2 = Point(WIDTH/2 - BOB_SIZE/2, HEIGHT/2 - BOB_SIZE/2)
Bob = Rectangle(cornerB1, cornerB2)
for _ in range(500):
Bob.move(0, dy)
center = Rectangle.getCenter(Bob)
centerY = Point.getY(center)
# If too close to edge, reverse direction
if centerY < BOB_SIZE/2 or centerY > HEIGHT - BOB_SIZE/2:
dy = -dy

Pygame Stop Light Event [duplicate]

This question already exists:
Need Help Creating A Stop Light Event In Pygame (Python 3) [closed]
Closed 9 years ago.
I'm trying to create the last example in lab # 8 for the Program Arcade Games Book.
The last thing I'm trying to implement is a stoplight that changes colors based on three events and timers.
I understand that I have to use pygame.time.set_timer() at one point, but I haven't been exposed to event handling in Pygame yet. I don't know how I should go about making three separate events that would turn each corresponding traffic light its bright color.
This is what I have so far, and if you omit the line 258 to 266, the animation works using Pygame and Python 3 (I tried concatenating the "events" but its just not working obviously).
Here's a revised version where I tried to use timers to literally just change the color instead of making separate events but its not working in this case either ;(
import random
import math
# Requirements:
# Modify the prior Create-a-Picture lab, or start a new one.
# Animate the image. Try one or more of the following:
# Move an item across the screen.
# Move an item back and forth.
# Move up/down/diagonally.
# Move in circles.
# Have a person wave his/her arms.
# Create a stoplight that changes colors.
# import statement
import pygame
# Define colors:
BLACK = (0, 0, 0)
WHITE = (255, 255, 255)
RED = (255, 0, 0)
DULLRED = (153, 50, 51)
GREEN = (0, 255, 0)
DULLGREEN = (55, 154, 54)
BLUE = (0, 0, 255)
LIGHTBLUE = (103, 255, 246)
YELLOW = (252, 255, 31)
DULLYELLOW = (156, 157, 50)
# initialize pygame:
# screen:
size = (700, 500)
screen = pygame.display.set_mode(size)
# Set the caption:
pygame.display.set_caption("Chapter 8 Lab")
# Clock:
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
# FPS:
FPS = 60
# boolean variable for game:
done = False
# For loop for white circles:
whiteCircleList = []
for i in range(25):
x = random.randrange(0, 700)
y = random.randrange(0, 50)
# For Loop for Blue Circles:
blueCircleList = []
for i in range(100):
circleX = random.randrange(0, 500)
circleY = random.randrange(0, 700)
blueCircleList.append([circleX, circleY])
# Light Blue Circle For Loop:
lightBlueCircleList = []
for i in range(100):
circleX = random.randrange(0, 500)
circleY = random.randrange(0, 700)
lightBlueCircleList.append([circleX, circleY])
# Surfboard's Rectangle (x-pos, y-pos, x-length, y-length):
surfboardRect = pygame.Rect(325, 225, 50, 150)
boardY = 255.
rectYChange = -5
phase = 0
# Diagonal Rectangle in Top Left Corner:
topLeftDiagonalRect = pygame.Rect(0, 0, 10, 10)
# Diagonal Rectangle in Top Right Corner:
topRightDiagonalRect = pygame.Rect(500, 1, 10, 10)
# Diagonal Rectangle Vectors for Top Left Rectangle:
topLeftDiagonalRectXChange = 5
topLeftDiagonalRectYChange = 5
# Diagonal Rectangle Vectors for Top Right Rectangle:
topRightDiagonalRectXChange = -5
topRightDiagonalRectYChange = -5
# Angle for Hand Rotation
handAngle = 0
# Variable for Traffic Light Cover:
currentTopColor = DULLRED
currentMiddleColor = DULLYELLOW
currentBottomColor = GREEN
while not done:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
done = True
# Game Logic:
phase += 1
if phase > 180:
phase = phase * -1
# Save exact position as a float to avoid floating point errors:
boardY += math.cos(math.radians(phase))*2
surfboardRect.y = int(boardY)
# Clear the screen:
# Drawing Code:
# Falling Down circles:
for i in range(len(whiteCircleList)):
pygame.draw.circle(screen, WHITE, [whiteCircleList[i][0], whiteCircleList[i][1]], 3)
whiteCircleList[i][1] += 5
# If the rectangles have hit the bottom of the screen, make them appear 10 pixels above the top:
if whiteCircleList[i][1] > 450:
x = random.randrange(0, 700)
whiteCircleList[i][0] = x
y = random.randrange(-50, -10)
whiteCircleList[i][1] = y
# Red Falling Up Circles:
for i in range(len(blueCircleList)):
pygame.draw.circle(screen, BLUE, [blueCircleList[i][0], blueCircleList[i][1]], 5, 5)
blueCircleList[i][1] -= 5
if blueCircleList[i][1] < 50:
circleX = random.randrange(0,700)
circleY = random.randrange(400, 500)
blueCircleList[i][0] = circleX
blueCircleList[i][1] = circleY
# Light Blue Falling Up Circles:
for i in range(len(lightBlueCircleList)):
pygame.draw.circle(screen, LIGHTBLUE, [lightBlueCircleList[i][0], lightBlueCircleList[i][1]], 3, 3)
lightBlueCircleList[i][1] -= 5
if lightBlueCircleList[i][1] < 50:
circleX = random.randrange(0, 700)
circleY = random.randrange(400, 450)
lightBlueCircleList[i][0] = circleX
lightBlueCircleList[i][1] = circleY
# Revised Surfboard Rectangle Code:
pygame.draw.rect(screen, BLACK, surfboardRect, 0)
# Top Left Diagonal Rectangle Code:
pygame.draw.rect(screen, BLACK, topLeftDiagonalRect, 0)
# Add The Top Left Diagonal Rectangle Change Vectors
topLeftDiagonalRect.x += topLeftDiagonalRectXChange
topLeftDiagonalRect.y += topLeftDiagonalRectYChange
# Top and Bottom Screen Collision:
if topLeftDiagonalRect.y >= 500 or topLeftDiagonalRect.y <= 0:
topLeftDiagonalRectYChange = topLeftDiagonalRectYChange * -1
# Left and Right Screen Collision:
if topLeftDiagonalRect.x <= 0 or topLeftDiagonalRect.x >= 700:
topLeftDiagonalRectXChange = topLeftDiagonalRectXChange * -1
# Draw the top right rectangle:
pygame.draw.rect(screen, BLACK, topRightDiagonalRect, 0)
# Add the change vectors for the Top Right Rectangle:
topRightDiagonalRect.x += topRightDiagonalRectXChange
topRightDiagonalRect.y += topRightDiagonalRectYChange
# Top and Bottom Screen Collision:
if topRightDiagonalRect.y <= 0 or topRightDiagonalRect.y >= 500:
topRightDiagonalRectYChange = topRightDiagonalRectYChange * -1
# Left and Right Screen Collision:
if topRightDiagonalRect.x <= 0 or topRightDiagonalRect.x >= 700:
topRightDiagonalRectXChange = topRightDiagonalRectXChange * -1
# Person Waving His Arms:
# Head:
pygame.draw.circle(screen, WHITE, [575, 300], 15)
# Body:
pygame.draw.rect(screen, BLUE, [560, 315, 30, 60], 0)
# Left Rotating Hand:
# Left Hand's Original Dimensions:
# pygame.draw.line(screen, WHITE, [560, 315], [540, 295], 5)
# Original Hand's x position based on the rotating circle idea:
# handX = 40 * math.sin(handAngle) + 560
# Original Hand's y position based on the rotating circle idea:
# handY = 40 * math.cos(handAngle) + 315
handPosition = (40 * math.sin(handAngle) + 560, 40 * math.cos(handAngle) + 315)
pygame.draw.line(screen, WHITE, [560, 315], handPosition, 4)
# Increase the hand angle by 0.05 Radians:
handAngle = handAngle + 0.05
# Reset the angle after a full sweep:
pi = 3.141592653
if handAngle > 2 * pi:
handAngle = handAngle - 2*pi
# Right Immobile Hand:
pygame.draw.line(screen, WHITE, [590, 315], [590, 340], 4)
# Left Leg:
pygame.draw.rect(screen, WHITE, [560, 375, 10, 20], 0)
# Right Leg:
pygame.draw.rect(screen, WHITE, [580, 375, 10, 20], 0)
# Left Shoe Ellipse
# Ellipse Notes: ellipse(Surface, color, Rect, width=0) -> Rect
pygame.draw.ellipse(screen, BLACK, [550, 390, 20, 15], 0)
# Right Shoe Ellipse:
pygame.draw.ellipse(screen, BLACK, [580, 390, 20, 15], 0)
# Add in a changing traffic light
# Rectangle for Traffic Light:
pygame.draw.rect(screen, WHITE, [50, 350, 50, 100], 0)
# Traffic Light Post:
pygame.draw.rect(screen,BLACK, [65, 450, 20, 40], 0)
# Top light:
pygame.draw.circle(screen, currentTopColor, [75, 370], 12)
# Second light:
pygame.draw.circle(screen, currentMiddleColor, [75, 400], 12)
# Third light:
pygame.draw.circle(screen, currentBottomColor, [75, 430], 12)
# Three events must be cycled to change each of the traffic light colors
# from their dull versions to their fullest color forms
# The question is, can this be achieved through a timer?
# 60 frames per second is on the timer itself so every 180 frames would mean
# 3 seconds, or every 300 frames would mean 5 seconds
# DOCS on set timer: set_timer(eventid, milliseconds)
## turnRedLightOn = pygame.draw.circle(screen, RED, [75, 370], 12)
## + pygame.draw.circle(screen, DULLYELLOW, [75, 400], 12)
## + pygame.draw.circle(screen, DULLGREEN, [75, 430], 12)
# Turn the top light red and all other lights dull every three seconds
pygame.time.set_timer(currentTopColor = RED, 3000)
pygame.time.set_timer(currentMiddleColor = DULLYELLOW, 3000)
pygame.time.set_timer(currentBottomColor = DULLGREEN, 3000)
# Turn the middle light yellow and all other lights dull every six seconds
pygame.time.set_timer(currentTopColor = DULLRED, 6000)
pygame.time.set_timer(currentMiddleColor = YELLOW, 6000)
pygame.time.set_timer(currentBottomColor = DULLGREEN, 6000)
# Turn the bottom light green and all other lights dull every nine seconds
pygame.time.set_timer(currentTopColor = DULLRED, 9000)
pygame.time.set_timer(currentMiddleColor = DULLYELLOW, 9000)
pygame.time.set_timer(currentBottomColor = GREEN, 9000)
# Update the screen:
# Clock FPS:
# Quit after main game loop ends:
The set_timer shouldn't execute in every cycle of the main loop, you can call it outside and it will repeat itself every 3000ms.
# Current Light
light_on = 0 # 0-red 1-yellow 2-green
LIGHTS_EVENT = pygame.USERVENT + 0 # Event code for Lights change
pygame.time.set_timer(LIGHTS_EVENT, 3000)
while not done:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
done = True
if event.type == LIGHTS_EVENT:
light_on += 1
if light_on == 3:
light_on = 0
currentTopColor = DULLRED
currentMiddleColor = DULLYELLOW
currentBottomColor = DULLGREEN
if light_on == 0:
currentTopColor = RED
if light_on == 1:
currentMiddleColor = YELLOW
if light_on == 2:
currentBottomColor = GREEN
# Top light:
