Adding hierarchical encoding to a pointer-generator Text-Summarization model - python

I'm working on text summarization, starting with the pointer-generator network described in the paper:, with a code release at:
I want to add hierarchical encoding to this network to be able to handle larger input documents for summarization. Right now, input documents are truncated at a length of 400 words because LSTMs have a keeping memory over very long inputs. We want to reweight the attention distribution considering sentence input.
The reweighting I am considering is from the paper: where the final distribution is
where "P_a^w(j) is the word-level attention weight at jth position of the source document, and s(j) is the ID of the sentence at jth word position, P_a^s(l)is the sentence-level attention weight for the lth sentence in the source, Nd is the number of words in the source document, and P_a(j) is the re-scaled attention at the jth word position"
The Pointer-Generator attention is calculated as
softmax(e^t_ j)
So I think I need to make another Pt-gen attention LSTM, feed the outputs through the same attention calculation with softmax as the words, and then at the end reweight as described in equation 1.
I have added a new bidirectionalLSTM under def _add_encoder. I am wondering how I should handle input into the sentence LSTM. The model needs to have some kind of indication of the position of the sentence and the words in it. How should I structure the sentences to be processed by the sentence LSTM?
def _add_encoder(self, encoder_inputs, seq_len):
"""Add a single-layer bidirectional LSTM encoder to the graph.
encoder_inputs: A tensor of shape [batch_size, <=max_enc_steps, emb_size].
seq_len: Lengths of encoder_inputs (before padding). A tensor of shape [batch_size].
A tensor of shape [batch_size, <=max_enc_steps, 2*hidden_dim]. It's 2*hidden_dim because it's the concatenation of the forwards and backwards states.
fw_state, bw_state:
Each are LSTMStateTuples of shape ([batch_size,hidden_dim],[batch_size,hidden_dim])
with tf.variable_scope('encoder'):
cell_fw = tf.contrib.rnn.LSTMCell(self._hps.hidden_dim, initializer=self.rand_unif_init, state_is_tuple=True)
cell_bw = tf.contrib.rnn.LSTMCell(self._hps.hidden_dim, initializer=self.rand_unif_init, state_is_tuple=True)
(encoder_outputs, (fw_st, bw_st)) = tf.nn.bidirectional_dynamic_rnn(cell_fw, cell_bw, encoder_inputs, dtype=tf.float32, sequence_length=seq_len, swap_memory=True)
encoder_outputs = tf.concat(axis=2, values=encoder_outputs) # concatenate the forwards and backwards states
sentence_encoder_inputs = ???
sentence_lens = len(sentences_encoder_inputs)
### NEW CODE ###
sentence_cell_fw = tf.contrib.rnn.LSTMCell(self._hps.hidden_dim, initializer=self.rand_unif_init, state_is_tuple=True)
sentence_cell_bw = tf.contrib.rnn.LSTMCell(self._hps.hidden_dim, initializer=self.rand_unif_init, state_is_tuple=True)
(sentence_encoder_outputs, (fw_st, bw_st)) = tf.nn.bidirectional_dynamic_rnn(cell_fw, cell_bw, sentence_encoder_inputs, dtype=tf.float32, sequence_length=sentence_lens, swap_memory=True)
sentence_encoder_outputs = tf.concat(axis=2, values=sentence_encoder_outputs) # concatenate the forwards and backwards states
return encoder_outputs, sentence_encoder_outputs, fw_st, bw_st


LSTM Model Implementation

class LSTM(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, input_size=1, output_size=1, hidden_size=100, num_layers=16):
self.hidden_size = hidden_size
self.lstm = nn.LSTM(input_size, hidden_size, num_layers)
self.linear = nn.Linear(hidden_size, output_size)
self.num_layers = num_layers
self.hidden_cell = (torch.zeros(self.num_layers,12 ,self.hidden_size).to(device),
torch.zeros(self.num_layers,12 ,self.hidden_size).to(device))
def forward(self, input_seq):
#lstm_out, self.hidden_cell = self.lstm(input_seq.view(len(input_seq) ,1, -1), self.hidden_cell)
lstm_out, self.hidden_cell = self.lstm(input_seq, self.hidden_cell)
predictions = self.linear(lstm_out[:,-1,:])
return predictions
This is my LSTM model, Input is a 4 dimension vector. Batch size is 16 and time stamp is 12. I want to find 13th vector with using 12 sequence vector. My LSTM block have [16,12,48] output. I did not understand why i have choose the last one:
From how it looks, your problem is like a text (i.e., sequence) classification problem, with output_size being the number of classes that you want to assign text to. By choosing lstm_out[:,-1,:], you actually intend to predict the label associated with the input text only using the last hidden state of your LSTM network, which totally makes sense. This is what people commonly do for text classification problems. Your linear layer, thereafter, will output logits for each class, and then you can use nn.Softmax() to get the probabilities of those.
The last hidden state of the LSTM network is the propagation of all previous hidden states of the LSTM, meaning that it has the aggregated information of previous input states that it has encoded (let's consider that you're using uni-directional LSTM as in your example). So for classifying an input text, you will have to do the classification based on the overall information of all tokens within the input text (which is encoded in the last hidden state of your LSTM). That is why you feed only the last hidden state to the linear layer that is upon your LSTM network.
Note: If you intended to do sequence-tagging (such as Named-entity recognition), then you would use all the hidden state outputs from your LSTM network. In such tasks, you would actually need information about a specific token within the input.

What are the input and the output of the Transformer?

I have questions about google implementation of the Transformer here.
In train_step(input, tar) function: the inp dimension is a 256*40 tensor and the transformer returns a 256*39*8089 tensor. Is each row in inp a sentence? I expected Transformer to take a batch of sentences (a batch_size of 2D matrix in which each row is a word) and calculate attention weights and outputs at once and then pass them to decoder (see here. ). However, I cannot see that being implemented in the code.
In train_step(input, tar) function: the "predictions" is a 256*39*8089 tensor. Is it [batch size, max number of words in a sentence, target vocab size]? How does loss_function calculate loss while this format is different from ```tar_real`` which is [256 * 39]?
In def evaluate(inp_sentence): Why in each iteration it sends the Transformer the entire encoder input? What I expect is that the encoder calculates attention weights and output once and then inside the for loop we send the output of the attentions and the predictions so far.
Thank you

Keras Bidirectional LSTM - Layer grouping

While working to implement a paper (Dialogue Act Sequence Labeling using Hierarchical encoder with CRF) using Keras, I need to implement a specific Bidirectional LSTM architecture.
I have to train the network on the concept of a Conversation. Conversations are composed of Utterances, and Utterances are composed of Words. Words are N-dimensional vectors. The model represented in the paper first reduces each Utterance to a single M-dimensional vector. To achieve this, it uses a Bidirectional LSTM layer. Let's call this layer A.
(For simplicity, let's assume that each Utterance has a length of |U| and each Conversation has a length of |C|)
Each Utterance is input to a Bi-LSTM layer with U timesteps, and the output of the last timestep is taken. The input size is (|U|, N), and the output size is (1, M).
This Bi-LSTM layer should be applied separately/simultaneously to each Utterance in the Conversation. Note that, since the network takes as input the entire Conversation, the dimensions for a single input to the network would be (|C|, |U|, N).
As the paper describes, I intend to feed each utterance (i.e. each (|U|, N)) of that input and feed it to a Bi-LSTM layer with |U| units. As there are |C| Utterances in a Conversation, this implies that there should be a total of |C| x |U| Bi-LSTM units, grouped into |C| different partitions for each Utterance. There should be no connection between the |C| groups of units. Once processed, the output of each of those C groups of Bidirectional LSTM units will then be fed into another Bi-LSTM layer, say B.
How is it possible to feed specific portions of the input only to specific portions of the layer A, and make sure that they are not interconnected? (i.e. the portion of Bi-LSTM units used for an Utterance should not be connected to the Bi-LSTM units used for another Utterance)
Is it possible to achieve this through keras.models.Sequential, or is there a specific way to achieve this using Functional API?
Here is what I have tried so far:
# ...
model = Sequential()
model.add(Bidirectional(LSTM(C * U), input_shape = (C, U, N),
model.add(Bidirectional(LSTM(n, return_sequences = True), merge_mode='concat'))
# ...
model.compile(loss = loss_function,
optimizer = optimizer,
However, this code is currently receiving the following error:
ValueError: Input 0 is incompatible with layer bidirectional_1: expected ndim=3, found ndim=4
More importantly, the code above obviously does not do the grouping I mentioned. I am looking for a way to enhance the model as I described above.
Finally, below is the figure of the model I described above. It may possibly help clarify some of the written content narrated above. The layer tagged as "Utterance layer" is what I called the layer A. As you can see in the figure, each utterance u_i in the figure is composed of words w_j, which are N-dimensional vectors. (You may omit the embedding layer for the purposes of this question) Assuming, for simplicity, that each u_i has equal number of Words, then each group of Bidirectional LSTM nodes in the Utterance Layer will have an input size of (|U|, N). Yet, since there are |C| such utterances u_i in a Conversation, the dimensions of the entire input will be (|C|, |U|, N).
I'll create a net for what I see in the picture. For now I'm ignoring the "units" part I mentioned in my comment to your question.
This model does exactly what is shown in the picture. All utterances are completely separate from start to end.
model = Sequential()
#You have an extra time dimension that should be kept as is
#So we add a TimeDistributed` wrapper to the first layers
model.add(TimeDistributed(Embedding(dictionaryLength,N), input_shape=(C,U)))
#This is the utterance layer. It works in "word steps", keeping "utterance steps" untouched
model.add(TimeDistributed(Bidirectional(LSTM(M//2, return_sequences=False))))
#Is the pooling really demanded by the article?
#Or was it an attempt to remove one of the time dimensions?
#Not adding it here because I used `return_sequences=False`
model.add(Dense(anotherSize)) #is this a CRF layer???
Notice that in every Bidirectional layer, I divided the output size by two, so it's important that M and someSize are even numbers.

How to structure an LSTM neural network for classification

I have data that has various conversations between two people. Each sentence has some type of classification. I am attempting to use an NLP net to classify each sentence of the conversation. I tried a convolution net and get decent results (not ground breaking tho). I figured that since this a back and forth conversation, and LSTM net may produce better results, because what was previously said may have a large impact on what follows.
If I follow the structure above, I would assume that I am doing a many-to-many. My data looks like.
X_train = [[sentence 1],
[sentence 2],
[sentence 3]]
Y_train = [[0],
Data has been processed using word2vec. I then design my network as follows..
model = Sequential()
I assume that this setup will feed one batch of sentences in at a time. However, if in, shuffle is not equal to false its receiving shuffled batches, so why is an LSTM net even useful in this case? From research on the subject, to achieve a many-to-many structure one would need to change the LSTM layer too
and the output layer would need to be...
When switching to this structure I get an error on the input size. I'm unsure of how to reformat the data to meet this requirement, and also how to edit the embedding layer to receive the new data format.
Any input would be greatly appreciated. Or if you have any suggestions on a better method, I am more than happy to hear them!
Your first attempt was good. The shuffling takes place between sentences, the only shuffle the training samples between them so that they don't always come in in the same order. The words inside sentences are not shuffled.
Or maybe I didn't understand the question correctly?
After a better understanding of the question, here is my proposition.
Data preparation : You slice your corpus in blocks of n sentences (they can overlap).
You should then have a shape like (number_blocks_of_sentences, n, number_of_words_per_sentence) so basically a list of 2D arrays which contain blocks of n sentences. n shouldn't be too big because LSTM can't handle huge number of elements in the sequence when training (vanishing gradient).
Your targets should be an array of shape (number_blocks_of_sentences, n, 1) so also a list of 2D arrays containing the class of each sentence in your block of sentences.
Model :
n_sentences = X_train.shape[1] # number of sentences in a sample (n)
n_words = X_train.shape[2] # number of words in a sentence
model = Sequential()
# Reshape the input because Embedding only accepts shape (batch_size, input_length) so we just transform list of sentences in huge list of words
model.add(Reshape((n_sentences * n_words,),input_shape = (n_sentences, n_words)))
# Embedding layer - output shape will be (batch_size, n_sentences * n_words, embedding_dim) so each sample in the batch is a big 2D array of words embedded
model.add(Embedding(len(vocabaulary), embedding_dim, input_length = n_sentences * n_words ))
# Recreate the sentence shaped array
model.add(Reshape((n_sentences, n_words, embedding_dim)))
# Encode each sentence - output shape is (batch_size, n_sentences, 88)
# Go over lines and output hidden layer which contains info about previous sentences - output shape is (batch_size, n_sentences, hidden_dim)
model.add(LSTM(hidden_dim, return_sequence=True))
# Predict output binary class - output shape is (batch_size, n_sentences, 1)
This should be a good start.
I hope this helps

Tensorflow: How to add bias to ouputs from RNN where the sequences have varying length

First let me explain the input and target values of the RNN. My dataset consists of sequences (e.g. 4, 7, 1, 23, 42, 69). The RNN is trained to predict the next value in each sequence. So all values except the last are input, and all values except the first are target values. Each value is represented as a 1-HOT vector.
I have a RNN in Tensorflow where the outputs from the RNN (tf.dynamic_rnn) are sent through a feedforward layer. The input sequences have varying length, so I use the sequence_length parameter to specify the length of each sequence in a batch. The output from the RNN layer is a Tensor of outputs for each timestep. Most sequences have the same length, but some are shorter. When shorter sequences are sent through, I get additional all-zero vectors (as a padding).
The problem is that I want to send the output from the RNN layer through a feedforward layer. If I add bias in this feedforward layer, then the additional all-zero vectors become non-zero. With no bias, only weights, this works fine, since the all-zero vectors are not affected by multiplication. So without bias, I can set the target vectors as all-zero as well and thus they will not affect the backward pass. But if bias is added, I don't know what to put in the padded/dummy target vectors.
So the network looks like this:
[INPUT (1-HOT vectors, one vector for each value in the sequence)]
[GRU layer (smaller size than the input layer)]
[Feedforward layer (outputs vectors of the same size as the input)]
And here is the code:
# [batch_size, max_sequence_length, size of 1-HOT vectors]
x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, max_length, n_classes])
y = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None, max_length, n_classes])
session_length = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None])
outputs, state = rnn.dynamic_rnn(
layer = {'weights':tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([n_hidden, n_classes])),
# Flatten to apply same weights to all timesteps
outputs = tf.reshape(outputs, [-1, n_hidden])
prediction = tf.matmul(output, layer['weights']) # + layer['bias']
error = tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(prediction,y)
You can add the bias, but mask out the non-relevant sequence elements from the loss function.
See an example from the im2txt project:
weights = tf.to_float(tf.reshape(self.input_mask, [-1])) # these are the masks
# Compute losses.
losses = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits, targets)
batch_loss = tf.div(tf.reduce_sum(tf.mul(losses, weights)),
name="batch_loss") # Here the irrelevant sequence elements are masked out
Also, for generating the mask see the function batch_with_dynamic_pad in the same project, under ops/inputs
