Paramiko Server: Signalling the client that stdout is closed - python

Trying to implement a test server in paramiko without having to modify the client for testing,
I have stumbled across the problem how to close the stdout stream, making `´ not hang forever without going too low-level on the client's side. So far I have been able to communicate the completed command (simple text output to stdout) execution by:
class FakeCluster(paramiko.server.ServerInterface):
def check_channel_exec_request(self,channel,command):
writemessage = channel.makefile("w")
writemessage.write("SOME COMMAND SUBMITTED")
return True
but I have not found a method to avoid the middle two lines in
_,stdout,_ = ssh.exec_command("<FILEPATH>")
which is already a good workaround not having to call channel.exec_command diretly (found here).
Not closing the stdoutstream, my output will not print and the underlying transport on the server also remains active forever.
Closing the channel with does not really have an effect and alternatively using os.close(writemessage.fileno()) (Difference explained here) does not work because the object used for the I/O streams "has no attribute 'fileno'". (Detailed explanation found here.)
Also, closing the channel directly on the server side throws a SSHException for the client..
Solutions proposed here do always modify the client side but I know from using my client script on the actual server that it must be possible without these additional lines!

In check_channel_exec_request, close the channel on server side once exit status is sent, per protocol specification which states that a channel is active per lifetime of command executed and is closed there after.
This causes channel.eof() to be True on client side, indicating command has finished and reading from channel no longer hangs.
def check_channel_exec_request(self,channel,command):
writemessage = channel.makefile("w")
writemessage.write("SOME COMMAND SUBMITTED")
return True
See this embedded server for integration testing based on paramiko that has been around for some years for reference - it implements exec requests among others. Speaking from experience, I would recommend instead using an embedded OpenSSH based server, an example of which can also be found on the same repository. Paramiko code is not particularly bug-free.

I've experienced a problem that manifested in a similar manner to this. Our issue was that we were closing the whole session as soon as we exited this. Apparently our client (libssh2) didn't like that. So we just keep trying to accept a new channel each time we close one until the transport.is_active() is False.


Telemetry data through python socket, without stopping execution of the program

I'm building photovoltaic motorized solar trackers. They're controlled by Raspberry Pi's running python script. RPI's are connected to my public openVPN server for remote control and continuous software development. That's working fine. Recently a passionate customer asked me for some sort of telemetry data for his tracker - let's say, it's current orientation, measured wind speed etc.. By being new to python, I'm really struggling with this part.
I've decided to use socket approach from guides like this. Python script listens on a socket, and my openVPN server, which is also web server, connects to it using PHP fsockopen. Python sends telemetry data, PHP makes it user friendly and displays it on the web. Everything so far works, however I don't know how to design my python script around it.
The problem is, that my script has to run continuously, and socket.accept() halts it's execution, waiting for a connection. Didn't find any obvious solution on the web. Would multi-threading work for this? Sounds a bit like overkill.
Is there a way to run socket listening asynchronously? Like, for example, pigpio callback's which I'm using abundantly?
Or alternatively, is there a better way to accomplish my goal?
I tried with remote accessing status file that my script is maintaining, but that proved to be extremely involved with setup and prone to errors when the file was being written.
I also tried running the second script. Problem is, then I have no access to relevant data, or I need to read beforementioned status file, and that leads to the same problems as above.
Relevant bit of code is literally only this:
# Main loop
while True:
# Telemetry
conn, addr = S.accept()
Best regards.
For a simple case like this I would probably just wrap the socket code into a separate thread.
With multithreading in python, the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) means that only one thread executes at a time, so you don't really need to add any further locks to the data if you're just reading the values, and don't care if it's also being updated at the same time.
Your code would essentially read something like:
from threading import Thread
def handle_telemetry_requests():
# Main loop
while True:
# Telemetry
conn, addr = S.accept()
# Error handling here (this will cause thread to exit if any error occurs)
socket_thread = Thread(target=handle_telemetry_requests)
socket_thread.daemon = True
Setting the daemon flag means that when the main application ends, the thread will also be terminated.
Python does provide the asyncio module - which may provide the callbacks you're looking for (though I don't have any experience with this).
Other options are to run a flask server in the python apps which will handle the sockets for you and you can just code the endpoints to request the data. Or think about using an MQTT broker - the current data can be written to that - and other apps can subscribe to updates.

Passing arguments to a running python script

I have a script running on my raspberry, these script is started from a command from an php page. I’ve multiple if stetements, now I would like to pass new arguments to the script whithout stopping it. I found lots of information by passing arguments to the python script, but not if its possible while the svpcript is already running to pass new arguments. Thanks in advance!
The best option for me is to use a configuration file input for your script.
Some simple yaml will do. Then in a separate thread you must observe the hash of the file, if it gets changed that
means somebody has updated your file and you must re/adjust your inputs.
Basically you have that constant observer running all the time.
You need some sort of IPC mechanism really. As you are executing/updating the script from a PHP application, I'd suggest you'll look into something like ZeroMQ which supports both Python and PHP, and will allow you to do a quick and dirty Pub/Sub implementation.
The basic idea is, treat your python script as a subscriber to messages coming from the PHP application which publishes them as and when needed. To achieve this, you'll want to start your python "script" once and leave it running in the background, listening for messages on ZeroMQ. Something like this should get you going
import zmq
context = zmq.Context()
socket = context.socket(zmq.REP)
while True:
# Wait for next message from from your PHP application
message = socket.recv()
print("Recieved a message: %s" % message)
# Here you should do the work you need to do in your script
# Once you are done, tell the PHP application you are done
socket.send(b"Done and dusted")
Then, in your PHP application, you can use something like the following to send a message to your Python service
$context = new ZMQContext();
// Socket to talk to server
$requester = new ZMQSocket($context, ZMQ::SOCKET_REQ);
$reply = $requester->recv();
Note, I found the above examples using a quick google search (and amended slightly for educational purposes), but they aren't tested, and purely meant to get you started. For more information, visit ZeroMQ and php-zmq
Have fun.

Window socket programming with Python

I'm trying to implement Window socket using Python.
Mostly, everything has been so far solved using ctypes.windll.ws2_32 and pywin32 lib.
However, I haven't been able to find out how to translate the following C++ codes into Python and I wonder if anyone is kind enough to help:
__in HWND hwnd,
__in UINT uMsg,
__in WPARAM wParam,
__in LPARAM lParam
switch(uMsg) {
case WM_SOCKET: {# this is basically an int constant
//accepting new conn
case FD_READ:
//receiving data
In the above code, I couldn't find Python's equivalent for WSAGETSELECTEVENT.
For the FD_ACCEPT, FD_READ, I could find them inside win32file package (of pywin32 lib)
Lastly, the reason why I'm trying to implement this Window socket programming is that the C++ version of the window socket server (above) is non-blocking for an application of mine but Python's built-in is blocking. So I'm trying to see if I can port the C++ version to Python and see if it works.
I would like to clarify that the socket server works as a 'plug in' to an existing C++ program, which doesn't support threading.
The socket server needs to wait (indefinitely) for clients to connect so it needs to continuously listen.
So using a normal Python socket or would entail a while loop (or otherwise how can it acts as a server continuously listening for events? Please correct me I'm wrong), which would block the main program.
Somehow, using the Window Socket server callback above, the main program is not blocked. And this is the main reason while I'm trying to port it to Python.
The socket server is preferably in Python because many related libs the server needs are written in Python.
Thanks a lot.
Have a look at the socket module instead. It already contains all the code you need to work with sockets without using the win32 API.
[EDIT] You can write multi threaded code that can handle several connections. Just accept the connection and then start a new thread, give it the connection and let it read the data in a while 1: data = conn.recv(1024) ... kind of loop.
That said, Python also has a module for just that: SocketServer
[EDIT2] You say
the socket server works as a 'plug in' to an existing program, which doesn't support threading.
It's a bit hard to help with so little information but think about it this way:
You can run the socket server loop in a new thread. This code is isolated from the rest of your app, so it doesn't matter whether the other code uses/supports threads. This solves your "endless loop" problem.
Now this socket server loop will get connections from clients. My guess is that the clients will call methods from the rest of the app and here, things get hairy.
You need a way to synchronize these calls. In other places (like all UI frameworks), there is a single thread which runs any UI calls (drawing something, creating the UI, responding to user input).
But if I understand you correctly, then you can in fact modify the "main loop" of the existing app and let it do more things (like listening to new connections). If you can do this, then there is a way out:
Create a new thread for the socket server as described above. When the server gets a connection, spawn a new thread that talks to the client. When the client sends commands, create "work objects" (see command pattern) and put them into a queue.
In the main loop, you can look into the queue. If something is in there, pop the work objects and call it's run() method.
You don't need or want to port this code. This code is specific to how the WIN32 API notifies native code that a socket operation has completed. It doesn't apply in Python.
The equivalent in python would be, roughly, to paste the "accepting new conn" code in wherever your python code accepts a new connection. And paste the "receiving data" code wherever your python code receives data.
You can also use select, just keep in mind that the semantics are a bit of the reverse of async sockets. With async sockets, you start an operation whenever you want and you get a callback when it completes. With 'select', it tell you when to perform an operation such that it completes immediately.

How to get around the need for multiple reactors in twisted

I am running a Qt application on Linux using the qt4reactor
The application sends and receives bytes on the serial port.
This works very well on Linux with the QtReactor
However when I port the application to windows then I have a problem.
On windows I use the SerialPort class from _win32SerialPort.
The doc string in _win32SerialPort is quite clear:
Requires PySerial and win32all, and needs to be used with win32eventreactor.
I assume the need to use win32eventreactor is because the addReader, addWriter methods are written for windows.
When the QtReactor is used, as soon as loseConnection is called on the transport, this calls loseConnection in twisted.internet.abstract which eventually calls the qt4reactor addWriter method (to flush the output).
This then creates a qt4reactor.TwistedSocketNotifier which tries to get a file descriptor number for select(). The abstract.fileno method is not overwritten by _win32SerialPort, so -1 is always returned and I get a
QSocketNotifier: Invalid Socket specified
I've seen many posts about multiple reactors not allowed in twisted, however I think I am correct here to assume that I need QtReactor for the Qt application and the win32eventreactor for the windows serial port.
Or is there some other workaround I can use ?
NOTE 1: when using QtReactor on windows, the serial ports work fine i.e. they can send and receive data. It is only when I close the application that I get "Invalid Socket specified"
Note 2: Now I found a workaround. I use the QtReactor, but when closing my application I do
where serial is an instance of _win32serialport.SerialPort
This way abstract.loseConnection is never called which means that QtReactor addWriter is never called to flush the output. I suspect though that the best solution involves calling loseConnection and getting the output flushed properly.
I recently added serial port supported to selectreactor, iocpreactor, and gtkreactor on Windows. This approach can be extended to support them in the Qt reactor as well, I expect.
Call the Qt message checking/handling functions in the idle event of the Win32 reactor.

Best approach to a command line proxy?

I'd like to write a simple command line proxy in Python to sit between a Telnet/SSH connection and a local serial interface. The application should simply bridge I/O between the two, but filter out certain unallowed strings (matched by regular expressions). (This for a router/switch lab in which the user is given remote serial access to the boxes.)
Basically, a client established a Telnet or SSH connection to the daemon. The daemon passes the client's input out (for example) /dev/ttyS0, and passes input from ttyS0 back out to the client. However, I want to be able to blacklist certain strings coming from the client. For instance, the command 'delete foo' should not be allowed.
I'm not sure how best to approach this. Communication must be asynchronous; I can't simply wait for a carriage return to allow the buffer to be fed out the serial interface. Matching regular expressions against the stream seems tricky too, as all of the following must be intercepted:
delete foo(enter)
del foo(enter)
el foo(ctrl+a)d(enter)
dl(left)e(right) foo(enter)
...and so forth. The only solid delimiter is the CR/LF.
I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction. I've been looking through Python modules but so far haven't come up with anything.
Python is not my primary language, so I'll leave that part of the answer for others. I do alot of security work, though, and I would urge a "white list" approach, not a "black list" approach. In other words, pick a set of safe commands and forbid all others. This is much much easier than trying to think of all the malicious possibilities and guarding against all of them.
As all the examples you show finish with (enter), why is it that...:
Communication must be asynchronous; I
can't simply wait for a carriage
return to allow the buffer to be fed
out the serial interface
if you can collect incoming data until the "enter", and apply the "edit" requests (such as the ctrl-a, left, right in your examples) to the data you're collecting, then you're left with the "completed command about to be sent" in memory where it can be matched and rejected or sent on.
If you must do it character by character, .read(1) on the (unbuffered) input will allow you to, but the vetting becomes potentially more problematic; again you can keep an in-memory image of the edited command that you've sent so far (as you apply the edit requests even while sending them), but what happens when the "enter" arrives and your vetting shows you that the command thus composed must NOT be allowed -- can you e.g. send a number of "delete"s to the device to wipe away said command? Or is there a single "toss the complete line" edit request that would serve?
If you must send every character as you receive it (not allowed to accumulate them until decision point) AND there is no way to delete/erase characters already sent, then the task appears to be impossible (though I don't understand the "can't wait for the enter" condition AT ALL, so maybe there's hope).
After thinking about this for a while, it doesn't seem like there's any practical, reliable method to filter on client input. I'm going to attempt this from another angle: if I can identify persistent patterns in warning messages coming from the serial devices (e.g. confirmation prompts) I may be able to abort reliably. Thanks anyway for the input!
Fabric is doing a similar thing.
For SSH api you should check paramiko.
