Corresponding values of a parameter in Python - python

I am working in SageMath (Python-based), I am quite new to programming and I have the following question. In my computations I have a quadratic form: x^TAx = b , where the matrix A is defined already as a symmetric matrix, and x is defined as
import itertools
X = itertools.product([0,1], repeat = n)
for x in X:
x = vector(x)
print x
as all combination of [0,1] repeated n times. I got a set of values for b the following way:
import itertools
X = itertools.product([0,1], repeat = n)
results = []
for x in X:
x = vector(x)
x = x.row()
v = x.transpose()
b = x * A * v
results.append(b[0, 0])
And then I defined:
U = set(results)
U1 = sorted(U)
A = []
for i in U1:
U2 = round(i, 2)
So I have a sorted set to get a few minimal values of my results. I need to extract minimal values from the set and identify what particular x is corresponding to each value of b. I heard that I can use dictionary method and define preimages in there, but I am really struggling to define my dictionary as {key: value}. Could someone help me please, solve the problem or give me the idea of what direction should I think in? Thank you.


ORTools CP-SAT Solver. Constraint to require two lists of variables to be drawn from the same set of integers

I have two lists of variables M and T. I would like to create a constraint where the set of unique values between M and T are identical.
From the solution variables I would like:
set(T) == set(M) -> True
So far, I have tried creating a matrix of the differences between each element of M and T
diffs = M[:, None] - T
Then building a constraint that the product of each element in individual row and every individual column of diffs is 0. This should ensure that each element of M has an element in T that it is equal to and vice versa.
for m in range(num_groups):
model.AddMultiplicationEquality(0, diffs[m, :])
for t in range(num_groups):
model.AddMultiplicationEquality(0, diffs[:, t])
Upon solving this model with no objective or other constraints I receive an invalid status. I am new to ORTools.
Full Program
from ortools.sat.python import cp_model
import numpy as np
model = cp_model.CpModel()
num_groups = 4
M = []
for m in range(num_groups):
M.append(model.NewIntVar(lb=0, ub=num_groups, name=f'M_{m}'))
T = []
for t in range(num_groups):
T.append(model.NewIntVar(lb=0, ub=num_groups, name=f'T_{t}'))
M = np.array(M)
T = np.array(T)
diffs = M[:, None] - T
for m in range(num_groups):
model.AddMultiplicationEquality(0, diffs[m, :])
for tt in range(num_groups):
model.AddMultiplicationEquality(0, diffs[:, tt])
solver = cp_model.CpSolver()
status = solver.Solve(model)
This is catastrophic. Multiplications are very slow.
just create one Boolean variable per value, one Boolean variable per value and per variable.
Now, you want to link everything together.
for a variable x in either set and a value v:
assign = {}
assign[x, v] = model.NewBoolVar(f'assign_{x}_{v}')
model.Add(x == v).OnlyEnforceIf(assign[x, v])
model.Add(x != v).OnlyEnforceIf(assign[x, v].Not())
for a value v:
appears = {}
appears[v] = model.NewBoolVar(f'appears_{v}')
# If v does not appear, no variable can be assigned its value.
for x in T U M:
model.AddImplication(appears[v].Not(), assign[x, v].Not())
# If v appears, at least one variable in both T and M must be assigned to v.
model.AddBoolOr(assign[x, v] for x in T).OnlyEnforceIf(appears[v])
model.AddBoolOr(assign[x, v] for x in M).OnlyEnforceIf(appears[v])

Extracting total value of a tuple

I'm very new to Python, so please forgive my ignorance. I'm trying to calculate the total number of energy units in a system. For example, the Omega here will output both (0,0,0,1) and (2,2,2,1) along with a whole lot of other tuples. I want to extract from Omega how many tuples have a total value of 1 (like the first example) and how many have a total value of 7 (like the second example). How do I achieve this?
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from itertools import product
N = 4 ##The number of Oscillators
q = range(3) ## Range of number of possible energy units per oscillator
Omega = product(q, repeat = N)
print(list(product(q, repeat = N)))
try this:
Omega = product(q, repeat = N)
l = list(product(q, repeat = N))
l1 = [i for i in l if sum(i)==1]
l2 = [i for i in l if sum(i)==7]
I believe you can use sum() on tuples as well as lists of integers/numbers.
Now you say omega is a list of tuples, is that correct? Something like
Omega = [(0,0,0,1), (2,2,2,1), ...)]
In that case I think you can do
sums_to_1 = [int_tuple for int_tuple in omega if sum(int_tuple) == 1]
If you want to have some default value for the tuples that don't sum to one you can put the if statement in the list comprehension in the beginning and do
sums_to_1 = [int_tuple if sum(int_tuple) == 1 else 'SomeDefaultValue' for int_tuple in omega]

Grouping pairs of combination data based on given condition

Suppose I have a huge array of data and sample of them are :
x= [ 511.31, 512.24, 571.77, 588.35, 657.08, 665.49, -1043.45, -1036.56,-969.39, -955.33]
I used the following code to generate all possible pairs
Pairs=[(x[i],x[j]) for i in range(len(x)) for j in range(i+1, len(x))]
Which gave me all possible pairs. Now, I would like to group these pairs if they are within threshold values of -25 or +25 and label them accordingly.
Any idea or advice on how to do this? Thanks in advance
If I understood correctly your problem, the code below should do the trick. The idea is to generate a dictionary whose keys are the mean value, and just keep appending data onto it:
import numpy as np #I use numpy for the mean.
#Your threshold
threshold = 25
#A dictionary will hold the relevant pairs
mylist = {}
for i in Pairs:
#Check for the threshold and discard otherwise
diff = abs(i[1]-i[0])
if(diff < threshold):
#Name of the entry in the dictionary
entry = str('%d'%int(np.mean(i)))
#If the entry already exists, append. Otherwise, create a container list
if(entry in mylist):
mylist[entry] = [i]
which results in the following output:
{'-1040': [(-1043.45, -1036.56)],
'-962': [(-969.39, -955.33)],
'511': [(511.1, 511.31),
(511.1, 512.24),
(511.1, 512.35),
(511.31, 512.24),
(511.31, 512.35)],
'512': [(511.1, 513.35),
(511.31, 513.35),
(512.24, 512.35),
(512.24, 513.35),
(512.35, 513.35)],
'580': [(571.77, 588.35)],
'661': [(657.08, 665.49)]}
This should be a fast way to do that:
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist
# Input data
x = np.array([511.31, 512.24, 571.77, 588.35, 657.08,
665.49, -1043.45, -1036.56,-969.39, -955.33])
thres = 25.0
# Compute pairwise distances
# default distance metric is'euclidean' which
# would be equivalent but more expensive to compute
d = pdist(x[:, np.newaxis], 'cityblock')
# Find distances within threshold
d_idx = np.where(d <= thres)[0]
# Convert "condensed" distance indices to pair of indices
r = np.arange(len(x))
c = np.zeros_like(r, dtype=np.int32)
np.cumsum(r[:0:-1], out=c[1:])
i = np.searchsorted(c[1:], d_idx, side='right')
j = d_idx - c[i] + r[i] + 1
# Get pairs of values
v_i = x[i]
v_j = x[j]
# Find means
m = np.round((v_i + v_j) / 2).astype(np.int32)
# Print result
for idx in range(len(m)):
print(f'{m[idx]}: ({v_i[idx]}, {v_j[idx]})')
512: (511.31, 512.24)
580: (571.77, 588.35)
661: (657.08, 665.49)
-1040: (-1043.45, -1036.56)
-962: (-969.39, -955.33)

How to check if 2 different values are from the same list and obtaining the list name

** I modified the entire question **
I have an example list specified below and i want to find if 2 values are from the same list and i wanna know which list both the value comes from.
list1 = ['a','b','c','d','e']
list2 = ['f','g','h','i','j']
c = 'b'
d = 'e'
i used for loop to check whether the values exist in the list however not sure how to obtain which list the value actually is from.
for x,y in zip(list1,list2):
if c and d in x or y:
Please advise if there is any work around.
First u might want to inspect the distribution of values and sizes where you can improve the result with the least effort like this:
df_inspect = df.copy()
df_inspect["size.value"] = ["size.value"].map(lambda x: ''.join(y.upper() for y in x if x.isalpha() if y != ' '))
df_inspect = df_inspect.groupby(["size.value"]).count().sort_values(ascending=False)
Then create a solution for the most occuring size category, here "Wide"
long = "adasda, 9.5 W US"
short = "9.5 Wide"
def get_intersection(s1, s2):
res = ''
l_s1 = len(s1)
for i in range(l_s1):
for j in range(i + 1, l_s1):
t = s1[i:j]
if t in s2 and len(t) > len(res):
res = t
return res
print(len(get_intersection(long, short)) / len(short) >= 0.6)
Then apply the solution to the dataframe
df["defective_attributes"] = df.apply(lambda x: len(get_intersection(x["item_name.value"], x["size.value"])) / len(x["size.value"]) >= 0.6)
Basically, get_intersection search for the longest intersection between the itemname and the size. Then takes the length of the intersection and says, its not defective if at least 60% of the size_value are also in the item_name.

Multiplying two arrays in python with different lenghts

I want to know if it's possible to solve this problem. I have this values:
yf = (0.23561643, 0.312328767, 0.3506849315, 0.3890410958, 0.4273972602, 0.84931506)
z = (4.10592285e-05, 0.0012005020, 0.00345332906, 0.006367483, 0.0089151571, 0.01109750, 0.01718827)
I want to use this function (Discount factor) but it's not going to work because of the different lenghts between z and yf.
def f(x):
res = 1/( 1 + x * yf)
return res
output: ValueError: cannot evaluate a numeric op with unequal lengths
My question is that if it exists a way to solve this. The approximate output values are:
res = (0.99923, 0.99892, 0.99837, 0.99802, 0.99763, 0.99175)
Any help with this will be perfect and I want to thanks in advance to everyone who takes his/her time to read it or try to help.
Do you want array to broadcast to the whichever is the shorter? You can do this
def f(x):
leng = min(len(x), len(yf))
x = x[:leng]
new_yf = yf[:leng] # Don't want to modify global variable.
res = 1/( 1 + x * new_yf)
return res
and it should work.
Find the minimum length and iterate. Can also covert to numpy arrays and that would avoid a step of iteration
import numpy as np
yf = (0.23561643, 0.312328767, 0.3506849315, 0.3890410958, 0.4273972602, 0.84931506)
z = (4.10592285e-05, 0.0012005020, 0.00345332906, 0.006367483, 0.0089151571, 0.01109750, 0.01718827)
res = 1/( 1 + np.array(z[:x]) * np.array(yf[:x]))
using numpy.multiply
res = 1/( 1 + np.multiply(np.array(z[:x]),np.array(yf[:x])))
