Loop through One2Many records Odoo 10 - python

I am trying to loop through my One2Many records to avoid duplication.
class sales_target(models.Model):
_name = 'sales.target'
_description = 'Sales Target'
name = fields.Char(string='Name',required=True)
from_date = fields.Date(string='From Date',required=True)
to_date = fields.Date(string='To Date',required=True)
sales_team = fields.Many2one('crm.team',required=True)
sales_record_ids = fields.One2many('sales.target.record','sales_target_rec_id',string='Sales Record')
def check_duplication(self,result):
count = 0
if self.sales_record_ids:
for record in self.sales_record_ids:
if result.id == record.sales_person_p_id:
count = 1
if count == 0:
def get_sales_person(self):
for res in self.sales_team.member_ids:
The other class is as:
class sales_target_record(models.Model):
_name = 'sales.target.record'
sales_target_rec_id = fields.Many2one("sales.target")
sales_person = fields.Char(string='Sales Person',readonly=True,required=True)
sales_person_p_id = fields.Char(compute='get_value',store=True)
def get_value(self):
res = self.env['res.partner'].search([('name','=',self.sales_person)])
self.sales_person_p_id = res[0].id
Now when I am hitting the button i still have duplicate records. However I tried to compare with name and things work good but I cannot compare with names since its not correct because names can be same but id cannot. That function was as:
def check_duplication(self,result):
count = 0
if self.sales_record_ids:
for record in self.sales_record_ids:
if result.name == record.sales_person:
count = 1
if count == 0:
Hope for guidance on this.

Can you try like this
def check_duplication(self,result):
if self.sales_record_ids:
for record in self.sales_record_ids:
if not result.name == record.sales_person:

Concluding from the fact that for name it works properly, something might be wrong with your if condition.
sales_person_p_id is of type char, however you seem to compare it with an integer: result.id.
Have you made sure that both objects in your if condition are of the same type?
Try to make sales_person_p_id an integer field (e.g. via sales_person_p_id = fields.Integer(compute='get_value',store=True) or do some kind of type casting before comparing the objects.


SQLAlchemy model hybrid property extract is not returning value but object

I have an SQLAlchemy model like the following.
class ElUsage(Base):
recid = Column(Integer(),primary_key=True)
date_of_usage = Column(DATE())
total_units = Column(Float(precision=5))
In this model, I am trying to include a hybrid property for finding the day number like the following.
def day_type(self):
is_week_day = 1
week_day = extract('isodow',self.date_of_usage)
return week_day
After the day number is acquired, I will apply the following rule:
if the day number is greater than 5, return one else 0.
As of now, it is returning an Extract object. Is there a way we can get value from the extract function? Value like 5 or 1 ?
DB is - PostgreSQL
Okay, I think I got this resolved. The missing piece was expression.
Here is the revised hybridproperty' and expression'
def day_type(self):
is_week_day = 1
week_day = self.usage_date.isocalendar()[2]
if week_day > 5:
is_week_day = 0
return week_day
def day_type(cls):
from sqlalchemy import true
return case([(sal.extract('isodow',cls.usage_date).__gt__(5), 1),],
else_ = 0)

get all from table django not only __str__(self)

class club(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=30)
city = models.CharField(max_length=30)
premiere_leauge = models.BooleanField(default=False)
def __str__(self):
return self.name
a = request.POST['club']
b = request.POST['city']
result = club.objects.all.get(name__exact=a, city__exact=b)
All is fine, however I believe result returns me:
def __str__(self):
return self.name
Whatsover, I would like an equivalent of 'SELECT * FROM APP_CLUB where name='something and city='something'; so i would be able to do further manipulation in django like:
if result[3] is True:
As suggested in the offical documentation:
It will return exactly the same as:
'SELECT * FROM APP_CLUB where name='something';
clubs = club.objects.filter(name__exact='something')
for club in clubs:
if club.premier_league:
If you want to get only one club, then do it like this:
club = club.objects.get(name='something')
premier_league_value_of_club = club.premier_league
Use filter instead of get.
results = club.objects.filter(name__exact=a, city__exact=b)
You can then iterate over it to access all the model attributes like below
for result in results:
print result.name, result.city, result.premier_league
Also, according to PEP-8, you should name your class name should ideally be titlecase Club instead of lowercase club.
You're nearly there, I think you're missing the filter function here. You can use it like this :
a = request.POST['club']
b = request.POST['city']
result = club.objects.filter(name__exact=a, city__exact=b)
It will return you a query set with the actual database entries.
The __str__(self) function is used in transforming your query set entry into a string, whether you string-cast it or print it.
Then about this :
if result[3] is True:
I don't get well what you mean about this, but if 3 is the id of the entry in the database, you then can do this :
if result.get(id=3).premiere_leauge:
But you might want to check if the entry with the id exists first to avoid errors :
if result.filter(id=3).exists() and result.get(id=3).premiere_leauge:
You should modify you query as shown below
result = club.objects.filter(name__exact=a, city__exact=b)
Good Luck !!

How to call a function inside a function ?Odoo9 Validation

I have a added a boolean field in product.pricelist.item
class product_pricelist_item(models.Model):
_inherit = 'product.pricelist.item'
myfield = fields.Boolean(string="CheckMark")
Now there are multiple lines in product.pricelist.item.
I want that the user is not allowed to make True multiple myfield one one field can be True at a time.
I tried doing this in product.pricelist.item by giving it a counter and passing the counter the number of myfields which are True.
But this is giving me error.
global name '_get_counter' is not defined
def _get_counter(self):
for r in self:
p= r.env['product.pricelist.item'].search_read([('myfield', '=', True)], ['myfield'])
counter = len(p)
return counter
def _check_myfield(self):
counter = _get_counter(self)
for r in self:
if counter > 1:
raise exceptions.ValidationError("Multiple myfield In a PriceList of a Product is not allowed.")
Now the second question is :-
When you create a pricelist-item and click save in pricelist then it does not reflect the data in the database. When you click the pricelist save it reflects the data...why is this so ?
With self we can call method of current class.
Try with following code:
Replace code
counter = _get_counter(self)
counter = self._get_counter()
The loop in _get_counter does not affect the result and the search did not depend on records so you can use:
def _get_counter(self):
pricelist_obj = self.env['product.pricelist.item']
counter = len(pricelist_obj.search_read([('myfield', '=', True)], ['myfield']))
return counter
def _check_myfield(self):
counter = self._get_counter()
if counter > 1:
raise exceptions.ValidationError("Multiple myfield In a PriceList of a Product is not allowed.")

Django-tables2: Provide a list of dictionary, how to generate a column for each dictionary entry

I know if we have a model class, we can make a generate table and use:
class Meta:
model = MyModel
To display every field.
Now say if I have a list of dictionaries, instead of model, is there a similar way to do so?
(Since there are so many different dictionaries, which might be dynamically created, I don't wanna create a customized one each time :-))
You can create your own class that inherits from Table and define the fields you want there.
class JsonTable(Table):
json_key_1 = Column()
json_key_2 = Column()
Also django tables2 have a fields attribute but you can't use it if your data is an array of dicts.
I've been doing this too, here's a rough sketch.
Piggy-backing on top of django_tables2 is miles ahead of rolling your own!
Plus, I hook up the results to jquery FooTable plugin.
import django_tables2 as tables
counter = 0
def generate(li_dict):
#unique classname.
global counter
counter += 1
table_classname = "MyTableClass%s" % (counter)
class Meta:
#ahhh... Bootstrap
attrs = {"class": "table table-striped"}
#generate a class dynamically
cls = type(table_classname,(tables.Table,),dict(Meta=Meta))
#grab the first dict's keys
li = li_dict[0].keys()
for colname in li:
column = tables.Column()
cls.base_columns[colname] = column
return cls
#now, to make use of it...
li_dict = [dict(a=11,b=12,c=13),dict(a=21,b=22,c=23)]
cls = generate(li_dict)
table = cls(li_dict)
# below didn't work, wanted a whole bunch of django setup done first.
# but I fairly confident it would...
print table.as_html()
>>>django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: {% querystring %} requires django.core.context_processors.request to be in your settings.TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS in order for the included template tags to function correctly.
#this did...
print "%s" % table
>>><django_tables2.tables.MyTableClass1 object at 0x1070e1090>
i am sorry for poor english :), but a think which can help, actually with this we can transforme a numpy (matrix) in a generic django table2. By the way, thanks Pyeret for your help.
def convert_array_list_dict(arr):
_list = []
for i in xrange(0, arr.shape[0]):
for i in xrange(0,len(_list)):
for key in _list[i].keys():
_list[i]["col_" + str(key)] = _list[i].pop(key)
return _list`
This function above convert numpy array to list of dict
counter = 0
def list_dict(dict_):
global counter
counter += 1
table_classname = "MyTableClass%s" % (counter)
class Meta:
attrs = {"class": "paleblue", 'width': '150%'}
cls = type(table_classname, (tables.Table,), dict(Meta=Meta))
list_ = dict_[0].keys()
for colname in list_:
column = tables.Column()
cls.base_columns[colname] = column
return cls
This code make a generic table...and
t = np.loadtxt(doc.document)
tab = convert_array_list_dict(t)
table = list_dict(tab)
table_content = table(tab)
RequestConfig(request, paginate={'per_page': 30}).configure(table_content)
return render(request,'app/snippets/upload_file.html',{'document':document,'table_content':table_content})
Above we can see how use all code...

How do I assign a variable to an object name?

Tried the following, where "objectname" contains a string name, to be assigned on creation of an object.
for record in result:
objectname = 'Customer' + str(record[0])
print objectname
customername = str(record[1])
objectname = Customer(customername)
Where Customer is a class.
In my test, this loop runs twice printing "objectname" as Customer1 and Customer2, yet creates 2 objects, but the objects are called "objectname" (it overwrites each loop), opposed to the 2 unique objects Customer1 or Customer2.
Its simply not assigning strings(customer1,2) inside the variable, but purely the variables name.
I've tried assigning strings to the object name, but that gives a syntax error
Surely this must be done all the time, thanks for your help in advance.
Instead of using a new variable for each customer you could store your object in a Python dictionary:
d = dict()
for record in result:
objectname = 'Customer' + str(record[0])
customername = str(record[1])
d[objectname] = Customer(customername)
print d
An example of objects stored in dictionaries
I just could'nt help my self writting some code (more than I set out to do). It's like addictive. Anyway, I would'nt use objects for this kind of work. I probably would use a sqlite database (could be saved in memory if you want). But this piece of code show you (hopefully) how you can use dictionaries to save objects with customer data in:
# Initiate customer dictionary
customers = dict()
class Customer:
def __init__(self, fname, lname):
self.fname = fname
self.lname = lname
self.address = None
self.zip = None
self.state = None
self.city = None
self.phone = None
def add_address(self, address, zp, state, city):
self.address = address
self.zip = zp
self.state = state
self.city = city
def add_phone(self, number):
self.phone = number
# Observe that these functions are not belonging to the class.
def _print_layout(object):
print object.fname, object.lname
print '==========================='
print 'ADDRESS:'
print object.address
print object.zip
print object.state
print object.city
print '\nPHONE:'
print object.phone
print '\n'
def print_customer(customer_name):
def print_customers():
for customer_name in customers.iterkeys():
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Add some customers to dictionary:
customers['Steve'] = Customer('Steve', 'Jobs')
customers['Niclas'] = Customer('Niclas', 'Nilsson')
# Add some more data
customers['Niclas'].add_address('Some road', '12312', 'WeDon\'tHaveStates', 'Hultsfred')
customers['Steve'].add_phone('123-543 234')
# Search one customer and print him
print 'Here are one customer searched:'
print 'ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo'
# Print all the customers nicely
print '\n\nHere are all customers'
print 'oooooooooooooooooooooo'
It is generally not that useful to have dynamically generated variable names. I would definitely suggest something like Niclas' answer instead, but if you know this is what you want here is how you can do it:
for record in result:
objectname = 'Customer' + str(record[0])
print objectname
customername = str(record[1])
exec '%s = Customer(%r)' % (customername, customername)
This will result in the variables Customer1 and Customer2 being added to the innermost scope, exactly like if you had executed the following lines:
Customer1 = Customer('Customer1')
Customer2 = Customer('Customer2')
When doing it this way you need to make sure that customername is a valid Python identifier.
What you need is a dictionary:
customers = {}
for record in result:
objectname = 'Customer' + str(record[0])
customers[customername] = Customer(str(record[1])) #assignment to dictionary
