Pandas Chunksize iterator - python

I have a 1GB, 70M row file which anytime I load it all it runs out of memory. I have read in 1000 rows and been able to prototype what I'd like it to do.
My problem is not knowing how to get the next 1000 rows and apply my logic and then continue to run through my file until it finishes the last rows. I've read about chunksizing, although I can't figure out how to continue the iteration of the chunksizing.
Ideally, it would flow like such:
1)read in first 1000 rows
2)filter data based on criteria
3)write to csv
4)repeat until no more rows
Here's what i have so far:
import pandas as pd
data=pd.read_table('datafile.txt',sep='\t',chunksize=1000, iterator=True)
with open('data.csv', 'a') as f:
data.to_csv(f,sep = ',', index=False, header=False)

You have some problems with your logic, we want to loop over each chunk in the data, not the data itself.
The 'chunksize' argument gives us a 'textreader object' that we can iterate over.
import pandas as pd
for chunk in data:
chunk = chunk[chunk['visits']>10]
chunk.to_csv('data.csv', index = False, header = False)
You will need to think about how to handle your header!

When you pass a chunksize or iterator=True, pd.read_table returns a TextFileReader that you can iterate over or call get_chunk on. So you need to iterate or call get_chunk on data.
So proper handling of your entire file might look something like
import pandas as pd
data = pd.read_table('datafile.txt',sep='\t',chunksize=1000, iterator=True)
with open('data.csv', 'a') as f:
for chunk in data:
chunk[chunk.visits > 10].to_csv(f, sep=',', index=False, header=False)


How to improve the speed of reading multiple csv files in python

It's my first time creating a code for processing files with a lot of data, so I am kinda stuck here.
What I'm trying to do is to read a list of path, listing all of the csv files that need to be read, retrieve the HEAD and TAIL from each files and put it inside a list.
I have 621 csv files in total, with each files consisted of 5800 rows, and 251 columns
This is the data sample
TIME,INDEX,FF-1(1A) ,FF-1(1B) ,FF-1(1C) ,FF-1(2A),FF-2(1A) ,FF-2(1B) ,FF-2(1C),FF-2(2A)
The problem is, while it took about 13 seconds to read all the files (still kinda slow honestly)
But when I add a single line of append code, the process took a lot of times to finish, about 4 minutes.
Below is the snipset of the code:
# CsvList: [File Path, Change Date, File size, File Name]
for x, file in enumerate(CsvList):
timeColumn = ['TIME']
df = dd.read_csv(file[0], sep =',', skiprows = 3, encoding= 'CP932', engine='python', usecols=timeColumn)
# The process became long when this code is added
startEndList.append(list(df.head(1)) + list(df.tail(1)))
Why that happened? I'm using dask.dataframe
Currently, your code isn't really leveraging Dask's parallelizing capabilities because:
df.head and df.tail calls will trigger a "compute" (i.e., convert your Dask DataFrame into a pandas DataFrame -- which is what we try to minimize in lazy evaluations with Dask), and
the for-loop is running sequentially because you're creating Dask DataFrames and converting them to pandas DataFrames, all inside the loop.
So, your current example is similar to just using pandas within the for-loop, but with the added Dask-to-pandas-conversion overhead.
Since you need to work on each of your files, I'd suggest checking out Dask Delayed, which might be more elegant+ueful here. The following (pseudo-code) will parallelize the pandas operation on each of your files:
import dask
import pandas as pd
for file in list_of_files:
df = dask.delayed(pd.read_csv)(file)
result.append(df.head(1) + df.tail(1))
The output of dask.visualize(*result) when I used 4 csv-files confirms parallelism:
If you really want to use Dask DataFrame here, you may try to:
read all files into a single Dask DataFrame,
make sure each Dask "partition" corresponds to one file,
use Dask Dataframe apply to get the head and tail values and append them to a new list
call compute on the new list
A first approach using only Python as starting point:
import pandas as pd
import io
def read_first_and_last_lines(filename):
with open(filename, 'rb') as fp:
# skip first 4 rows (headers)
[next(fp) for _ in range(4)]
# first line
first_line = fp.readline()
# start at -2x length of first line from the end of file * len(first_line), 2)
# last line
last_line = fp.readlines()[-1]
return first_line + last_line
data = []
for filename in pathlib.Path('data').glob('*.csv'):
buf = io.BytesIO()
df = pd.read_csv(buf, header=None, encoding='CP932')

Pandas Processing Large CSV Data

I am processing a Large Data Set with at least 8GB in size using pandas.
I've encountered a problem in reading the whole set so I read the file chunk by chunk.
In my understanding, chunking the whole file will create many different dataframes. So using my existing routine, this only removes the duplicate values on that certain dataframe and not the duplicates on the whole file.
I need to remove the duplicates on this whole data set based on the ['Unique Keys'] column.
I tried to use the pd.concat but I also encountered a problem with the memory so I tried to write the file on a csv file and append all the results of the dataframes on it.
After running the code, the file doesn't reduce much so I think my assumption is right that the current routine is not removing all the duplicates based on the whole data set.
I'm a newbie in Python so it would really help if someone can point me in the right direction.
def removeduplicates(filename):
CHUNK_SIZE = 250000
df_iterator = pd.read_csv(filename, na_filter=False, chunksize=CHUNK_SIZE,
# new_df = pd.DataFrame()
for df in df_iterator:
df = df.dropna(subset=['Unique Keys'])
df = df.drop_duplicates(subset=['Unique Keys'], keep='first')
df.to_csv(join(file_path, output_name.replace(' Step-2', '') +
' Step-3.csv'), mode='w', index=False, encoding='utf8')
If you can fit in memory the set of unique keys:
def removeduplicates(filename):
CHUNK_SIZE = 250000
df_iterator = pd.read_csv(filename, na_filter=False,
# create a set of (unique) ids
all_ids = set()
for df in df_iterator:
df = df.dropna(subset=['Unique Keys'])
df = df.drop_duplicates(subset=['Unique Keys'], keep='first')
# Filter rows with key in all_ids
df = df.loc[~df['Unique Keys'].isin(all_ids)]
# Add new keys to the set
all_ids = all_ids.union(set(df['Unique Keys'].unique()))
Probably easier not doing it with pandas.
with open(input_csv_file) as fin:
with open(output_csv_file) as fout:
writer = csv.writer(fout)
seen_keys = set()
header = True
for row in csv.reader(fin):
if header:
header = False
key = tuple(row[i] for i in key_indices)
if not all(key): # skip if key is empty
if key not in seen_keys:
I think this is a clear example of when you should use Dask or Pyspark. Both allow you to read files that does not fit in your memory.
As an example with Dask you could do:
import dask.dataframe as dd
df = dd.read_csv(filename, na_filter=False)
df = df.dropna(subset=["Unique Keys"])
df = df.drop_duplicates(subset=["Unique Keys"])
df.to_csv(filename_out, index=False, encoding="utf8", single_file=True)

Operations on a very large csv with pandas

I have been using pandas on csv files to get some values out of them. My data looks like this:
"A",23.495,41.995,"this is a sentence with some words"
"B",52.243,0.118,"More text but contains WORD1"
"A",119.142,-58.289,"Also contains WORD1"
"B",423.2535,292.3958,"Doesn't contain anything of interest"
"C",12.413,18.494,"This string contains WORD2"
I have a simple script to read the csv and create the frequencies of WORD by group so the output is like:
group freqW1 freqW2
A 1 0
B 1 0
C 0 1
Then do some other operations on the values. The problem is now I have to deal with very large csv files (20+ GB) that can't be held in memory. I tried the chunksize=x option in pd.read_csv, but because 'TextFileReader' object is not subscriptable, I can't do the necessary operations on the chunks.
I suspect there is some easy way to iterate through the csv and do what I want.
My code is like this:
df = pd.read_csv("csvfile.txt", sep=",", header = None,names=
df1 = pd.concat([pd.Series(freq),word1,word2], axis=1)
outfile = open("csv_out.txt","w", encoding='utf-8')
df1.to_csv(outfile, sep=",")
You can specify a chunksize option in the read_csv call. See here for details
Alternatively you could use the Python csv library and create your own csv Reader or DictReader and then use that to read in data in whatever chunk size you choose.
Okay I misunderstood the chunk parameter. I solved it by doing this:
frame = pd.DataFrame()
chunks = pd.read_csv("csvfile.txt", sep=",", header = None,names=
for df in chunks:
df1 = pd.concat([pd.Series(freq),word1,word2], axis=1)
frame = frame.add(df1,fill_value=0)
outfile = open("csv_out.txt","w", encoding='utf-8')
frame.to_csv(outfile, sep=",")

Is there a size limit for Pandas read_table()?

Let's say I have a .dat file, filename.dat, and I wish to read this into a Pandas Dataframe:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_table('filename.dat')
Is there a size limit regarding this? I was hoping to save the columns of a dataframe individually for a file of size 1 TB. Is this possible?
To expand on the usage of chunksize mentioned in the comments, I'd do something like the following:
chunks = pd.read_table('filename.dat', chunksize=10**5)
fileout = 'filname_{}.dat'
for i, chunk in enumerate(chunks):
mode = 'w' if i == 0 else 'a'
header = i == 0
for col in chunk.columns:
chunk[col].to_csv(fileout.format(col), index=False, header=header, mode=mode)
You'll probably want to experiment with the chunksize parameter to see what's most efficient for your data.
The reason I'm using enumerate is to create a new file with a header when the first chunk is read in, and append without a header for subsequent chunks.

Find a string in a huge string file

I have to find a list of strings in a txt.file
The file has 200k+ lines
This is my code:
with open(txtfile, 'rU') as csvfile:
tp = pd.read_csv(csvfile, iterator=True, chunksize=6000, error_bad_lines=False,
header=None, skip_blank_lines=True, lineterminator="\n")
for chunk in tp:
if string_to_find in chunk:
print "hurrà"
The problem is that with this code only the first 9k lines are analyzed.
Do you really need to open the file first then use pandas? If it's an option you can just read with pandas then concatenate.
To do that just use read_csv, concat the files, then loop through them.
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('data.csv', iterator=True, chunksize=6000, error_bad_lines=False,
header=None, skip_blank_lines=True)
df = pd.concat(df)
# start the for loop
It depends on your for loop, pandas most likely will have a function that you won't need to loop as it's slower to process large data.
