#app.route("/callback", methods=['POST'])
def callback():
signature = request.headers['X-Line-Signature']
body = request.get_data(as_text=True)
app.logger.info("Request body: " + body)
handler.handle(body, signature)
except InvalidSignatureError:
return 'ok'
def over_time(count):
scope = ["https://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds"]
creds = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name('auth.json', scope)
client = gspread.authorize(creds)
sheet = client.open('test').sheet1
content = sheet.cell(1,count).value
return content
#extract the questions from here
def write_in(answers):
scope = ["https://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds"]
creds = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name('auth.json', scope)
client = gspread.authorize(creds)
sheet = client.open('test').sheet1
sheet.insert_row(answers, 2)
# write users' answers into the sheet
#handler.add(MessageEvent, message=TextMessage)
def handle_message(event):
global users
print("event.reply_token:", event.reply_token)
print("event.message.text:", event.message.text)
user_id = json.loads(str(event.source))['userId']
user_data ={}
location =0
count =0
answers =[]
for user in users:
if user_id==user['user_id']:
user_data =user
count =user_data['count']
location = [i for i, t in enumerate(users) if t['user_id'] == user_id][0]
answers = user_data['answers']
if user_data=={}:
user_data = {"user_id": user_id, "count": 0, "answers":[]}
if event.message.text == "a":
content = over_time(count)
users[location]['count'] = 1
return 0
if event.message.text == "b":
buttons_template = TemplateSendMessage(
alt_text='b template',
text='please choose',
line_bot_api.reply_message(event.reply_token, buttons_template)
return 0
if event.message.text != "a" and event.message.text != "b":
count += 1
if count>3:
users[location]['count'] = 0
users[location]['answers'] = []
return 0 #
content = over_time(count)
users[location]['count'] = count
I actually know how to write them into google sheet. It's just when I tried to interact with users, sometimes it's acting weird. Everytime when a user finished answering the question, we will write its answer to the google sheet then set in blank again so the user can use it next time and fill a new answer. But I got error since some times line-bot would ask me Q1 twice or Q2 twice and didn't successfully write into google sheet. I think the error is mainly in the last part when count>3, I need to stop the whole process and not let it continue.
Steps when you use the line-bot:
write b -> press button a in the form -> Q1 -> A1 -> Q2 -> A2 -> Q3 -> A3 -> if count>3 -> answer=[A1,A2,A3] write into Google sheet -> Set the user data blank ->stop (then user can use it again)
I created member interface in Python. How can I connect this code to SQL server or do you have both SQL and Python code running dynamically?
ad = {'Ali':'Rıza'}
def kayit(gelen_ad,gelen_soyad):
ad[gelen_ad] = gelen_soyad
print((""""Adınız {} Soyadınız {} olarak kayıt oldunuz.
sor = input("Giriş yapmak istermisiniz? y/n >>>")
if sor=='y':
def giris_kontrol(gelenad,gelensoyad):
s_d = False
for i in ad:
ad_g = i
soyad_g = ad[i]
if gelensoyad==soyad_g and gelenad==ad_g:
Giriş başarılı oturum açıldı
Hoşgeldiniz {} {} Bey
s_d= True
if s_d==False:
print("""Hesap bulunamadı,Kayıt olmak istermisiniz?
sor = input(">>>")
if sor == 'y':
ad_Sor = input("""
soyad_Sor = input("""
def kullanici():
ad = input('Adınız >>>')
soyad = input('Soyadınız >>>')
I created an interface to become a member and login. It did, but I can't provide SQL connection.
I'm trying to call my Google Cloud Function via HTTP to get a response back in my browser. I expect a list of text, but am getting Error: could not handle the request.
Here's our code in the main.py source:
import openai
def gptinput(number,question,q_fc='q'):
#user_information = firebase.FirebaseReader()
openai.api_key = "___"
quest = "create '"+str(number)+ "' questions related to '"+question+"' with 4 options and print answer as ('ANSWER') and seperate each question with '/////'"
# Generate text using GPT-3
output_lis = []
response = openai.Completion.create(
prompt= quest,
# Extract the generated text
generated_text = response["choices"][0]["text"]
ans = generated_text.split("/////")
for i in ans:
q = i.split('?')
options= q[1][0:q[1].find("ANSWER")]
answer = q[1][q[1].find("ANSWER")+6:]
answer = answer.strip()
option_lis = options.split('\n')
ques = q[0].strip()
option_lis = [s for s in option_lis if (s!='' or s!="")]
option_lis1 = [s for s in option_lis if (s!="\n" )]
return output_lis[0:number]
So here is what I am trying to do I am trying to get my Twitter bot to give maths answers to users using WolframAlpha API
here is what problem I am facing
as people will mention my Twitter username to active the bot example: #twitterusername 2+2
the WolframAlpha will take it as the whole input #twitterusername 2+2 which will give me the error I want it to ignore the username
here is my code
def respondToTweet(file='tweet_ID.txt'):
last_id = get_last_tweet(file)
mentions = api.mentions_timeline(last_id, tweet_mode='extended')
if len(mentions) == 0:
new_id = 0
logger.info("someone mentioned me...")
for mention in reversed(mentions):
logger.info(str(mention.id) + '-' + mention.full_text)
new_id = mention.id
status = api.get_status(mention.id)
if '#Saketltd01' in mention.full_text.lower():
logger.info("Responding back with QOD to -{}".format(mention.id))
client = wolframalpha.Client(app_id)
query = mention.full_text.lower()
rest = client.query(query)
answer = next(rest.results).text
media = api.media_upload("created_image.png")
logger.info("liking and replying to tweet")
api.update_status('#' + mention.user.screen_name, mention.id,
put_last_tweet(file, new_id)
def main():
When you take the whole input remember to strip it down by simply removing your username from the actual input string and then perform the mathematical operation on it:
myUsername = "#my_username"
equation = userInput.lstrip(myUsername)
perform_desired_operation_on(equation) // User defined function
Hello I am new one for python and telegram api so i have some questions. I am creating telegram bot(python telegram api) with users profile. I have created database(mysql.connector) and store there all users info after registration. Also i have created user class. When user types /start i am checking if it exists, if it is, i am filling this class. Then i use this class to show some profile information(photo, name, age, etc.) if users click on button(my profile). So the problem is when i have 2-users at the same time. First typed "/start" and logged in, wanna watch self profile, everything fine. But when second user do the same, i got that the first users when clicked on (my profile), he or she got the last one profile who typed "/start" loaded for both users. How to fix this? Solution to check and load data all the time sounds not good, i'd like to do smth with "class Users", but i don't know to make it uniq for each users session. Any solutions? If it's needed i can give more code, just ask.
class Users:
def __init__(self, id=0, name='', age=0, gender='', balance=0, telegram_id=0, photo='', sallarytext=0, sallaryvideo=0, videocall=0):
self.id = id
self.name = name
self.age = age
self.gender = gender
self.balance = balance
self.telegram_id = telegram_id
self.photo = photo
self.sallarytext = sallarytext
self.sallaryvideo = sallaryvideo
self.videocall = videocall
user = Users()
def check_auth(connection, telegram_id):
cursor = connection.cursor()
result = None
cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM users WHERE telegram_id = '%s'" % telegram_id)
result = cursor.fetchall()
data = []
if result:
for row in result:
user.id = row[0]
user.name = row[1]
user.age = row[2]
user.gender = row[3]
user.telegram_id = row[4]
user.balance = row[5]
data = [user.name]
if user.gender == 'Female':
cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM photos WHERE users_id = '%s'" % user.id)
result2 = cursor.fetchall()
for row in result2:
user.photo = row[1]
user.sallarytext = row[2]
user.sallaryvideo = row[3]
user.videocall = row[4]
return data
except Error as e:
print(f"The error '{e}' occurred")
def check_reg(message):
if message.chat.type == 'private':
telegram_id = message.from_user.id
# create_db_users(connection)
# create_db_photos(connection)
# create_db_chats(connection)
data_user = check_auth(connection, telegram_id)
if not data_user:
new_user(message) # user registration
if user.gender == 'Male':
default_user_keybord(message) # show user keybord
elif user.gender == 'Female':
def show_profile(message): # funtion show profile when user click on "My profile" button
profile_text = "Profile\n\nYour name: " + user.name + "\nYour age: " + str(
menu_keybord = types.ReplyKeyboardMarkup(row_width=2, resize_keyboard=True)
button_name_age = types.KeyboardButton(text="🗣 Change name/age")
button_back = types.KeyboardButton(text="◀️ Return")
menu_keybord.add(button_name_age, button_back)
bot.send_message(message.chat.id, profile_text, reply_markup=menu_keybord)
Could you tell me what telegram api package you are using exactly?
The core of your problem, I think, is the use of a global variable user to store user data. It would be best practice to instantiate and return a new Users every time you call check_auth.
That being said,
in Python, if you want to update a global variable, say user, you have to use the statement global user before you do so;
consider using an ORM such as SQLAlchemy to spare you some headaches and code.
Let me know if that solved your issue.
I have fixed this by doing request to the database, getting data and pushing it to class, then closing connection with database and showing to user
I am new to google classroom api, just started a few days ago. I want to use batch request to make the code faster. My problem is that I don't know how to get the data back from the batch. I tried printing it in the console, but it returned null.
def get_all_courses(service):
nextpageToken = ""
list_id = []
while nextpageToken is not None:
result = service.courses().list(
result = result.execute()
lista_curs = result.get("courses")
for curs in lista_curs:
nextpageToken = result.get("nextPageToken")
print("Ther are :" + str(len(list_id)))
return list_id
This is the normal usual code. How can I pass the request to a batch and get the results back?
batch1 = service.new_batch_http_request()
result = service.courses().list(
batch1.execute()# how do I get back the result? do I have to call result.execute() again?
This is the code from the docs: https://developers.google.com/classroom/guides/batch
course_id = '123456'
student_emails = ['alice#example.edu', 'bob#example.edu']
def callback(request_id, response, exception):
if exception is not None:
print 'Error adding user "{0}" to the course course: {1}'.format(
request_id, exception)
print 'User "{0}" added as a student to the course.'.format(
batch = service.new_batch_http_request(callback=callback)
for student_email in student_emails:
student = {
'userId': student_email
request = service.courses().students().create(courseId=course_id,
batch.add(request, request_id=student_email)
batch.execute(http=http) # what is http? what can I pass there? what kind of object is that?
Thank you in advance
Did you get a response from this? How have you handled the next page tokens and added them to the batch call?
def makeRequestWithExponentialBackoff(analytics):
for n in range(0, 5):
response = service_two.courses().courseWork().studentSubmissions().list(pageToken=None, courseId=v['id'],
courseWorkId='-', pageSize=100000)
print(response.get("studentSubmissions", []))
return assignments.extend(response.get("nextPageToken", []))
time.sleep((2 ** n) + random.random())
print("There has been an error, the request never succeeded.")
def callback(request_id, response, exception):
if exception is not None:
print('Error getting assignments "{0}" for course: "{1}"'.format(request_id, exception))
assignments.extend(response.get("studentSubmissions", []))
nextPageToken = response.get("nextPageToken", None)
if nextPageToken:
iftoken(nextPageToken, request_id)
for k, v in filtered.iterrows():
if count % 1000 == 0:
submit = batch.execute(http=http)
batch_count += 1
batch_array.append({'batchSent {}'.format(v['id'])})
batch = None
batch = service_two.new_batch_http_request(callback=callback)
response = service_two.courses().courseWork().studentSubmissions().list(pageToken=None, courseId=v['id'],
courseWorkId='-', pageSize=100000)
batch.add(response, request_id=v['id'])
array.append({'email': v['primaryEmail'], 'count': count, 'classid': v['id']})
count = 1
elif count % 1000 != 0 and batch == None:
batch = service_two.new_batch_http_request(callback=callback)
response = service_two.courses().courseWork().studentSubmissions().list(pageToken=None, courseId=v['id'],
courseWorkId='-', pageSize=100000)
batch.add(response, request_id=v['id'])
array.append({'email': v['primaryEmail'], 'count': count, 'classid': v['id']})
count += 1
response = service_two.courses().courseWork().studentSubmissions().list(pageToken=None, courseId=v['id'],
courseWorkId='-', pageSize=100000)
batch.add(response, request_id=v['id'])
array.append({'email': v['primaryEmail'], 'count': count, 'classid': v['id']})
count += 1
where filtered is a dataframe of classroom Ids. However got an issue with the nextpagetokens and how to add these to the dataframe?