Make a command-line-based application with python argparse only - python

I would want to make a command-line-based application using python and argparse library. But I am having some challenges with this library, This is the command looks like (the usage):
prog (foo|bar) [-v] (-h "key:value")* [-d inline-data] [-f file] URL
This is the prog help output:
> prog help
prog is a simple application
prog command [arguments]
The commands are:
foo executes FOO
bar executes BAR
help prints this screen.
Use "prog help [command]" for more information about a command.
My challenge is in this part. I want to give separate help description when we execute the following commands:
prog help foo
prog help bar
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='',description='some help', add_help=False)
#I turned off the default help, and defined -h separately.
parser.add_argument('-h', '--header', metavar='', help='headerHelpString')
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(help='help sub-command')
subparserHelp = subparsers.add_parser('help', help='some help')
subparserFooBar = subparserHelp.add_argument('method', choices=['foo', 'bar'])
group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
group.add_argument('-q', '--quiet', action='store_true', help='print quiet')
group.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help='print verbose')
args = parser.parse_args()

Without arguments, I get an error - it requires the subparsers command, 'help'. As defined there are a couple of flagged arguments for the toplevel. Arguments for the subparser are not displayed in the usage (or full help if it was enabled).
1327:~/mypy$ python
usage: [-h] [-q | -v] {help} ... error: too few arguments
In Py3 subparsers are 'optional', showing what would be set:
1328:~/mypy$ python3
Namespace(header=None, quiet=False, verbose=False)
With the 'help' subparser, usage includes '[-h]', but this is the default help. The subparsers doesn't inherit the add_help parameter; you have to set that explicitly.
1328:~/mypy$ python3 help
usage: help [-h] {foo,bar} help: error: the following arguments are required: method
Taking advantage of that -h, I get the same usage with a fuller help.
1329:~/mypy$ python3 help -h
usage: help [-h] {foo,bar}
positional arguments:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
And if I also define the required 'foo/bar' it parses fine.
1329:~/mypy$ python3 help foo
Namespace(header=None, method='foo', quiet=False, verbose=False)
If I add
I get the added output:
usage: [-h] [-q | -v] {help} ...
some help
positional arguments:
{help} help sub-command
help some help
optional arguments:
-h , --header headerHelpString
-q, --quiet print quiet
-v, --verbose print verbose
usage: help [-h] {foo,bar}
positional arguments:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
If I add a dest parameter
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest='cmd', help='help sub-command')
And make the prints conditional
if args.cmd == 'help':
No display of help (in py3) or error as above (py2)
1340:~/mypy$ python3
Namespace(cmd=None, header=None, quiet=False, verbose=False)
display of helps:
1341:~/mypy$ python3 help foo
Namespace(cmd='help', header=None, method='foo', quiet=False, verbose=False)
If you turn off the -h help, then you have to somehow capture the 'help' string, and act on it with your own help or the print_help method. You can also define another flagged argument and give it an action='help' parameter.
Do you really need to turn turn off the default add_help. Isn't it simpler to use the default help approach? It's probably more familiar to your users.


argparse sub-commands and groups: Setting help-dialog in sub-command on its own group without being hidden in top-level help-dialog

I'm trying to achieve a program that makes both use of sub-commands (e.g.: program sub-command [options]) and groups (which makes for a fancy help dialog).
I have achieved this goal with one minor exception: In order to get the help dialog in its own group I must add the flag add_help=False when creating the sub-command parser, which removes the help message when running the top-level help dialog (e.g.: program -h).
Here's the code I've developed:
# imports
import argparse
# create the top-level parser
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog="example", add_help=False, epilog="A very cool program")
# add top-level groups
toplevel = parser.add_argument_group("Global arguments")
toplevel.add_argument("-g", "--global", action="store_true", help="A global argument.")
help = parser.add_argument_group("Help dialog")
help.add_argument("-h", "--help", action="help", default=argparse.SUPPRESS, help="Show this help message and exit.")
# create subparser
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title="Available subcommands", dest="subcommand")
# create the parser for the "a" subcommand
parser_a = subparsers.add_parser("a", add_help=False)
# add groups for subcommand "a"
required_a = parser_a.add_argument_group("Required arguments")
required_a.add_argument("--bar", type=int, help="Flag bar help", required=True)
help_a = parser_a.add_argument_group("Help dialog")
help_a.add_argument("-h", "--help", action="help", default=argparse.SUPPRESS, help="Show this help message and exit.")
# create the parser for the "b" command
parser_b = subparsers.add_parser("b", add_help=False)
# add groups for subcommand "b"
required_b = parser_b.add_argument_group("Required arguments")
required_b.add_argument("--baz", help="Flag baz help", required=True)
optional_b = parser_b.add_argument_group("Optional arguments")
optional_b.add_argument("--tas", help="Flag tas help")
help_b = parser_b.add_argument_group("Help dialog")
help_b.add_argument("-h", "--help", action="help", default=argparse.SUPPRESS, help="Show this help message and exit.")
# parse arguments
args = parser.parse_args()
# provide args to main
The top-level help is as follows:
$ example -h
usage: example [-g] [-h] {a,b} ...
Global arguments:
-g, --global A global argument.
Help dialog:
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
Available sub-commands:
A very cool program
Which as you can see doesn't show the help message on the sub-commands.
To have them show up I would have to get rid of add_help=False when creating parser_a and parser_b but then, as expected, it would raise an issue when I would define my own help flag.
Essentially I would like to have the best of both worlds, where my main dialog would be:
$ example -h
usage: example [-g] [-h] {a,b} ...
Global arguments:
-g, --global A global argument.
Help dialog:
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
Available sub-commands:
a Help for sub-command a.
b Help for sub-command b.
A very cool program
And the sub-commands would be:
$ example a -h
usage: example a --bar BAR [-h]
Required arguments:
--bar BAR Flag bar help
Help dialog:
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
After going through the argparse source code, would the option conflict_handler be a possible solution? Would it be possible to tell it to ignore the original help dialog, which shows under positional arguments which I do not want, and have it instead showing in my own group but without disabling it completely?
TL;DR: Looking for modifications required to my Python script such that argparse outputs the two previous code blocks.
Note: The reason why "help-dialog" is written in the title is because stack overflow does not allow me to write the world "help" on the title, regardless of where it is written in the sentence.
Your code produces:
1138:~/mypy$ python3 -h
usage: example [-g] [-h] {a,b} ...
Global arguments:
-g, --global A global argument.
Help dialog:
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
Available subcommands:
A very cool program
1140:~/mypy$ python3 a -h
usage: example a --bar BAR [-h]
Required arguments:
--bar BAR Flag bar help
Help dialog:
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
With the conventional help
1140:~/mypy$ python3 -h
usage: example [-h] [-g] {a,b} ...
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Global arguments:
-g, --global A global argument.
Available subcommands:
A very cool program
1142:~/mypy$ python3 a -h
usage: example a [-h] --bar BAR
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Required arguments:
--bar BAR Flag bar help
The only differences I see are "Help dialog" group instead of "optional arguments", and the place of the [-h] in the usage.
To get 'help' for the subcommands:
1155:~/mypy$ python3 -h
usage: example [-h] [-g] {a,b} ...
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Global arguments:
-g, --global A global argument.
Available subcommands:
a help for subcommand a
b help for subcommand b
A very cool program
parser_a = subparsers.add_parser("a", help='help for subcommand a')
That works with your help-group as well.
The add_parser method handles the "help" keyword in a special way. "add_help" is passed on the ArgumentParser creation function. They have to very different functions.
def add_parser(self, name, **kwargs):
# set prog from the existing prefix
if kwargs.get('prog') is None:
kwargs['prog'] = '%s %s' % (self._prog_prefix, name)
aliases = kwargs.pop('aliases', ())
# create a pseudo-action to hold the choice help
if 'help' in kwargs:
help = kwargs.pop('help')
choice_action = self._ChoicesPseudoAction(name, aliases, help)
# create the parser and add it to the map
parser = self._parser_class(**kwargs)
self._name_parser_map[name] = parser
# make parser available under aliases also
for alias in aliases:
self._name_parser_map[alias] = parser
return parser

Python argparse - print help for subparsers? [duplicate]

If I create a subparser with a specific help string, this string is not displayed when the user runs myprog command --help:
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(help="sub-command help")
parser_command = subparsers.add_parser("command", help="Issue a command")
The top-level help shows this command subcommand with the description "Issue a command" alongside:
$ python --help
usage: [-h] {command} ...
positional arguments:
{command} sub-command help
command Issue a command
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
However the subcommand's help doesn't show this description:
$ python command --help
usage: command [-h]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
What I would expect is for the subcommand's help to print out what the subcommand is actually for. I.e. I expected to see the text "Issue a command" somewhere in the output to python command --help.
Is there a way to include this text in the subcommand's help output? Is there another subparser attribute that can be used to provide a description of the subcommand?
The add_parser method accepts (most) of the parameters that a ArgumentParser constructor does.
It's easy to overlook this sentence in the add_subparsers paragraph:
This object has a single method, add_parser(), which takes a command name and any ArgumentParser constructor arguments, and returns an ArgumentParser object that can be modified as usual.
In [93]: parser=argparse.ArgumentParser()
In [94]: sp = parser.add_subparsers(dest='cmd',description='subparses description')
In [95]: p1 = sp.add_parser('foo',help='foo help', description='subparser description')
In [96]: p1.add_argument('--bar');
help for the main parser:
In [97]: parser.parse_args('-h'.split())
usage: ipython3 [-h] {foo} ...
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
subparses description
foo foo help
help for the subparser:
In [98]: parser.parse_args('foo -h'.split())
usage: ipython3 foo [-h] [--bar BAR]
subparser description
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--bar BAR

Python Argparse - How can I add text to the default help message?

I'm using python's argparse to handle parsing of arguments.
I get a default help message structured like so:
usage: ProgramName [-h] ...
positional arguments:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
What I want is to add an entire new section to this message, for example:
usage: ProgramName [-h] ...
positional arguments:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
additional information:
This will show additional information relevant to the user.
Is there a way to achieve this behavior?
A solution that is supported by both python 2.7 and 3.x is preferred.
I would also rather have a solution that will add the new section / sections at the bottom of the help message.
You can quite do it using epilog.
Here is an example below:
import argparse
import textwrap
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
additional information:
I have indented it
exactly the way
I want it
parser.add_argument('--foo', nargs='?', help='foo help')
parser.add_argument('bar', nargs='+', help='bar help')
Result :
usage: ProgramName [-h] [--foo [FOO]] bar [bar ...]
positional arguments:
bar bar help
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--foo [FOO] foo help
additional information:
I have indented it
exactly the way
I want it
There are multiple ways in which you can add a description to your command.
The recommended way is to add a module documentation at the top of your source code file as in:
""" This is the description, it will be accessible within the variable
And then:
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
To add text below the parameter description, use epilog, as shown in the following example taken from the documentation:
>>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='A foo that bars',
epilog="And that's how you'd foo a bar")
>>> parser.print_help()
usage: [-h]
A foo that bars
optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit
And that's how you'd foo a bar
Refer to the documentation (linked above) for more information.

Print program usage example with argparse module

I am trying to learn how to use python's argparse module. Currently my python script is:
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='My first argparse attempt',
parser.add_argument("-q", action ="store", dest='argument',
help="First argument")
output = parser.parse_args()
And it gives the output as :
usage: [-h] [-q ARGUMENT]
My first argparse attempt
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-q ARGUMENT First argument
Now, lets suppose I want my -h or --help argument to print a usage example also. Like,
Usage: python -q "First Argument for"
My purpose is to print the above usage example along with the default content of -h argument so that the user can get a basic idea of how to use the python script.
So, is this functionality inbuilt in the argparse module. If no than what is the correct way to approach this problem.
Use parser.epilog to display something after the generated -h text.
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='My first argparse attempt',
epilog='Example of use')
output = parser.parse_args()
My first argparse attempt
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Example of use

Only one command line option with argparse

I'm trying to create a CLI with the argparse module but I'd like to have different commands with different argument requirements, I tried this:
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('foo', help='foo help')
parser.add_argument('test', nargs=1, help='test help')
args = parser.parse_args()
what I'd like is to be able to run python foo and python test somearg
but when I run python foo I get error: too few arguments. Is there a way that the commands could behave like git status, git commit or pip install? or is there a better way to create a CLI in python?
#crodjer is correct;
to provide an example:
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title='subcommands',
description='valid subcommands',
help='additional help')
foo_parser = subparsers.add_parser('foo', help='foo help')
bar_parser = subparsers.add_parser('bar', help='bar help')
args = parser.parse_args()
Test of different args per subparser:
$ python bar somearg
$ python foo
$ python foo somearg
usage: foo [-h] foo: error: unrecognized arguments: somearg
Help output:
$ python foo -h
usage: foo [-h]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
$ python bar -h
usage: bar [-h] somearg
positional arguments:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
This is what you probably want:
With this you can add sub arguments which have their own argument schemes.
By default, argparse arguments consume one value. If you want foo to have different behavior, you'll need to specify it. It looks like you think the default is nargs=0, but it's not. From the argparse documentation (at "If the nargs keyword argument is not provided, the number of args consumed is determined by the action. Generally this means a single command-line arg will be consumed and a single item (not a list) will be produced."
You can either use nargs='?' for foo and give it a default value in case nothing is provided from the command-line, or use a non-default action (perhaps 'store_true'?).
