I have a program, whose main thread creates a child thread. The child thread has a while loop, in which it calls first to create a an entry in my db and then to query and insert back that entry.
I am using sqlalchemy as such:
Base = declarative_base()
engine = create_engine(connection_params)
except OperationalError as ex:
raise ex
inspector = reflection.Inspector.from_engine(engine)
Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
I also have a class inheriting from Base, which implements the following methods:
def create(cls, **kwargs):
with closing(Session()) as session:
inst = cls(**kwargs)
ret_val = inst.id
return ret_val
def update(cls, entry_id, **kwargs):
with closing(Session()) as session:
entry = session.query(cls).filter_by(id=entry_id).first()
# validate and update entry code...
for k, v in kwargs.iteritems():
setattr(entry, k, v)
Several users may be running the program at the same time, but each is using a unique entry_id (
the entry_id is always unique, due to this line:
inst = cls(**kwargs)
As I said, there is only one thread per user performing these operations so a session's transaction is always flushed.
The problem:
Somehow session.commit() started hanging (not returning from its call) because of the RLock on the operation. How is it possible that there was a block not released? How to prevent?
I am using the scoped_session for my APIs from sqlalchemy python
class DATABASE():
def __init__(self):
engine = create_engine(
'mssql+pyodbc:///?odbc_connect=%s' % (
)), isolation_level='READ COMMITTED', connect_args={'options': '-c lock_timeout=30 -c statement_timeout=30', 'timeout': 40}, max_overflow=10, pool_size=30, pool_timeout=60)
session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
self.Session = scoped_session(session)
def calculate(self, book_id):
session = self.Session
output = None
result = session.query(Book).get(book_id)
if result:
output = result.pages
return output
def generate(self):
session = self.Session
result = session.query(Order).filter(Order.product_name=='book').first()
pages = self.calculate(result.product_id)
if not output:
result.product_details = str(pages)
return output
database = DATABASE()
Here, the session is not committing, then I go through the code, the generate function calls the calculate function, there, after the calculations are completed, the session is closed - due to this, the changes made in the generate function is not committed to the database
If I remove the session.close() from calculate function, the changes made in generate function is committed to the database
From the blogs, it is recommend to close the session after API complete its accessing to the database
How to resolve this, and what is the flow of sqlalchemy?
Scoped sessions default to being thread-local, so as long as you are in the same thread, the factory (self.Session in this case) will always return the same session. So calculate and generate are both using the same session, and closing it in calculate will roll back the changes made in generate.
Moreover, scoped sessions should not be closed, they should be removed from the session registry (by calling self.Session.remove()); they will be closed automatically in this case.
You should work out where in your code you will have finished with your session, and remove it there and nowhere else. It will probably be best to commit or rollback in the same place. In the code in the question I'd remove rollback and close from calculate.
The docs on When do I construct a Session, when do I commit it, and when do I close it? and Contextual/Thread-local Sessions should be helpful.
i'm making a python flask app with sqlite database
is there a way to make a queue for write requests so that it can run smoothly AS SQLITE doesn't support multiple concurrent writes or commits
this is my connection string
engine = create_engine('sqlite:///IT_DataBase.db',
connect_args={'check_same_thread': False})
Base.metadata.bind = engine
DBSession = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
session = DBSession()
and this is the commit code as example:
#app.route('/NewRequest', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def NewRequest():
if request.method == 'GET':
Types = session.query(Req_Type.id,Req_Type.Type_name)
Pr = session.query(Req_Priorities.id,Req_Priorities.Priority_name)
return render_template('NewRequest.html',conn=connUser ,name=current_user.name, items=Types,priorities=Pr)
name= request.form['Name']
Description= request.form['Description']
Type = request.form.get('Type')
Priority = request.form.get('Priority')
newRequest = Requests(name=name, Record_Created=datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"), Description=Description, Assigned_To=None, Type_Name=str(Type), Priority_Name=str(Priority), Status_Name='Opened', User_ID=Session.get('user_id') )
flash('New Request With Name %s Successfully Created' % newRequest.name)
UserRequests= session.query(Requests).filter_by(User_ID=Session.get('user_id')).filter(Requests.Status_Name!='Solved').all()
return render_template('ReqData.html',conn=connUser , title='User Requests', rows=UserRequests)
i think that if we didn't change the database engine the solution is either to queue the commits but i don't know how
or to make flask wait random time before commiting but i think this will make performance poor
what should i do
You need to serialize the commits. Create a lock like below.
from threading import RLock
sql_lock = RLock()
Wrap session.add and session.commit like the following. lock.acquire() will block the code while another thread has acquired the lock, and is yet to release the lock. This ensures that only one thread (or none) is running between acquire() and release() at all times.
I'm trying to write unit tests for a module within a Flask app that uses it's own database connection.
The module opens its connection thus:
engine = create_engine(SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI)
Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
session = Session()
and I then use session throughout the module.
My unit test has a fixture on conftest.py to create a new session:
def test_session(app):
Creates a new database session for a test. Note you must use this fixture
if your test connects to db.
Here we not only support commit calls but also rollback calls in tests,
connection = db.engine.connect()
transaction = connection.begin()
options = dict(bind=connection, binds={})
db_session = db.create_scoped_session(options=options)
# session is actually a scoped_session
# for the `after_transaction_end` event, we need a session instance to
# listen for, hence the `session()` call
#sqlalchemy.event.listens_for(db_session(), 'after_transaction_end')
def restart_savepoint(sess, trans):
if trans.nested and not trans._parent.nested:
db.session = db_session
yield db_session
and in my test I do this:
def test_schedule_orders_by_last_update(test_session, create_test_user):
vendor = test_session.query(Vendors).filter(Vendors.name == 'Melie Bianco').first()
amazon = AmazonRequests(vendor)
result = test_session.query(AmazonReportRequests).filter(AmazonReportRequests.vendor == vendor).all()
assert len(result) == 1
assert result.vendor.name == vendor.name
My problem is that when I run the test it always ends with the following error:
self = <sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session object at 0x1104fab50>, state = <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at 0x110863f10>, obj = <AmazonReportRequests None>
def _before_attach(self, state, obj):
if state.session_id == self.hash_key:
return False
if state.session_id and state.session_id in _sessions:
raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError(
"Object '%s' is already attached to session '%s' "
"(this is '%s')" % (state_str(state),
> state.session_id, self.hash_key))
E InvalidRequestError: Object '<AmazonReportRequests at 0x110863e90>' is already attached to session '2' (this is '1')
Shouldn't a query just retrieve the row from the database and ignore the other session?
I am fairly new to SQLAlchemy and I wonder what is a right style to write code with sessions and splitting sqlalchemy queries into couple functions and to avoid zombie sessions in case of any exception ( To avoid overflow pool and make server irresponsible)
So, my question is ok to in one function create session and pass into another as parameter and in inner just call flush and in outter commit with finnaly, is this safe way to do or there is better way ?
For example
class Fetcher(object):
def main(self, name):
session = Session()
user = session.query(UserModel).filter(UserModel.name.like(name)).first()
if user and user.active:
relatives = _fetch_relatives(session, user.id)
user.active = utc_time()
except Exception as e:
print e
def _fetch_relatives(self, session, id):
relatives = []
for r in session.query(RelativesModel).filter(RelativesModel.relative_id == id).all():
relatives.apped({'name': r.name, 'age': r.age})
r.readed = utc_time()
except Exception as e:
print e
return relatives
the best approach is to have just one outermost transactional scope for an entire operation. Where you demarcate this scope is often something dependent on how the application works and there's some thoughts on this here.
for the example given, having just one outermost scope would probably look like this, seeing that your object is called a "fetcher" and I'd assume a typical use case in your application has to fetch more than one thing - it's best to keep the scope of transactions and sessions outside of the scope of objects that work with specific parts of the database:
class Fetcher(object):
def main(self, session, name):
user = session.query(UserModel).filter(UserModel.name.like(name)).first()
if user and user.active:
relatives = _fetch_relatives(session, user.id)
user.active = utc_time()
def _fetch_relatives(self, session, id):
relatives = []
for r in session.query(RelativesModel).filter(RelativesModel.relative_id == id).all():
relatives.apped({'name': r.name, 'age': r.age})
r.readed = utc_time()
return relatives
def run_my_program():
session = Session()
f1 = Fetcher()
f1.main(session, "somename")
# work with other fetchers, etc.
except Exception as e:
Specifically, do I need to call begin after doing a commit or rollback? I saw stuff suggesting that a new session always enters begin state; but I was wondering about auto-committed transactions happening when a session is begun.
When must I issue a begin? Will multiple begins in same session behave the same as in a MySQL terminal?
I have cases like (look at comments):
--1 A method that does transactions in a loop:
for ....:
session.execute("insert into...")
--2 A function that calls another function in same session:
def f1(): #can be done standalone
session = Session()
...do stuff
def f2():
session = Session()
a = session.execute("select...")
if stuff_not_fine():
session.begin() #CONTINUE WHERE IT LEFT
a = session.execute("select...")
...do rest of stuff
A SQL connection is as well a context manager. So you can do
session = Session()
with session as cursor:
# do stuff
In order to roolback, you might introduce an exception which, if raised, causes the context manager to rollback the transaction. You should remember to catch the exception, however.