i'm new to python and i'm having a select statement like following help_category_id, name, what is the most effective way to convert this string to this:
'help_category_id', 'name'
i've currently done this, which works fine, but is there a nicer and more clean way to do the same:
test_string = 'help_category_id, name'
column_sort_list = []
if test_string is not None:
for col in test_string.split(','):
column = "'{column}'".format(column=col)
column_sort = ','.join(column_sort_list)
Simple one liner using looping constructs:
result = ", ".join(["'" + i + "'" for i.strip() in myString.split(",")])
What we are doing here is we are creating a list that contains all substrings of your original string, with the quotes added. Then, using join, we make that list into a comma delimited string.
Deconstructed, the looping construct looks like this:
resultList = []
for i in myString.split(","):
resultList.append("'" + i.strip() + "'")
Note the call to i.strip(), which removes extraneous spaces around each substring.
Note: You can use format syntax to make this code even cleaner:
New syntax:
result = ", ".join(["'{}'".format(i.strip()) for i in myString.split(",")])
Old syntax:
result = ", ".join(["'%s'" % i.strip() for i in myString.split(",")])
it can be achieved by this also.
','.join("'{}'".format(value) for value in map(lambda text: text.strip(), test_string.split(",")))
I have a sql query string
query_for_update =
update {db_name}.{schema_name}.{self.table_name}
set {self.updated_field} = {self.updated_field}
where {self.key_field} in ({ids});
But when I try to write this query to file f.write(query_for_update) I get following result:
update store_1.dbo.[my_table]
set [Trusted Plan] = [Trusted Plan]
where [Entry No_] in (1472371,
Code that creates string:
ids_string = ',\n'.join(["'" + str(item) + "'" for item in result.id])
query_for_update = mssql_table.get_update_query('dbo', mssql_db_name, ids_string).strip()
with open(mssql_server_name + '.sql', 'a') as f:
How can i remove indents for strings in this case?
You can use textwrap.dedent (standard library):
import textwrap
query = textwrap.dedent(f"""\
update {db_name}.{schema_name}.{self.table_name}
set {self.updated_field} = {self.updated_field}
where {self.key_field} in ({ids});
This will remove all leading spaces that are common between every line. Useful for tipple quoted strings.
You can use the str.strip() function with a for loop to fix it.
for x in list:
if x.strip():
then you can use list2 as your new usable list
you can use the str.stip method https://www.w3schools.com/python/ref_string_strip.asp
For indentations and breaks you need to consider that you might need to use \n. There is also a dedent method in the textwrap library that could be interesting for you. https://docs.python.org/3/library/textwrap.html
I hope this helps :)
What's a cute way to do this in python?
Say we have a list of strings:
and we want the output to be:
Another approach which will work for all scenarios:
import re
data = ['clean_be',
'clean_po', 'clean_a', 'clean_clean', 'clean_clean_1']
for item in data:
item = re.sub('^clean_', '', item)
print (item)
Here is a possible solution that works with any prefix:
prefix = 'clean_'
result = [s[len(prefix):] if s.startswith(prefix) else s for s in lst]
You've merely provided minimal information on what you're trying to achieve, but the desired output for the 4 given inputs can be created via the following function:
def func(string):
return "_".join(string.split("_")[1:])
you can do this:
strlist = ['clean_be','clean_be_al','clean_fish_po','clean_po']
def func(myList:list, start:str):
ret = []
for element in myList:
return ret
print(func(strlist, 'clean_'))
I hope, it was useful, Nohab
There are many ways to do based on what you have provided.
Apart from the above answers, you can do in this way too:
string = 'clean_be_al'
string = string.replace('clean_','',1)
This would remove the first occurrence of clean_ in the string.
Also if the first word is guaranteed to be 'clean', then you can try in this way too:
string = 'clean_be_al'
You can use lstrip to remove a prefix and rstrip to remove a suffix
line = "clean_be"
The [chars] argument is not a prefix; rather, all combinations of its values are stripped.
I have a list i need to .join as string and append characters
my_list = ['', '', '']
hostman = '|'.join('{0}'.format(w) for w in my_list)
My output = "(||||)"
I need the output to be = "(||"
how can i strip the first and last | from the string
You are making it harder than it needs to be. You can just use join() directly with the list:
my_list = ['', '', '']
s = '"(' + '|'.join(my_list) + ')"'
# s is "(||"
# with quotes as part of the string
or if you prefer format:
s = '"({})"'.format('|'.join(my_list))
Try this :
hostman = "("+"|".join(my_list)+")"
In the code below, I am trying to use len(list) to count the number of strings in an array in each of the tags variables from the while loop. When i did a sample list parameter on the bottom, list2, it printed 5 which works, but when i did it with my real data,it was counting the characters in the array, not the number of strings. I need help figuring out why that is and i am new to python so the simplest way possible please!
import json
import csv
from pprint import pprint
with open('data.json') as data_file:
data = json.load(data_file)
# calc number of alert records in json file
x = len(data['alerts'])
count = 0
while (count < x):
tags = str(data['alerts'][count] ['tags']).replace("u\"","\"").replace("u\'","\'")
list = "[" + tags.strip('[]') + "]"
print list
print len(list)
list2 = ['redi', 'asd', 'rrr', 'www', 'qqq']
print len(list2)
Your list construction list = "[" + tags.strip('[]') + "]" creates a string, not a list. So yes, len works, it counts the characters in your string.
Your tags construction looks a bit off, you have a dictionary of data (data['alerts']) which you then convert to string, and strip of the '[]'. Why don't use just get the value itself?
Also list is a horrible name for your variable. This possible clashes with internal values.
list = "[" + tags.strip('[]') + "]"
print list
print len(list)
Ironically, list is a string, not a list. That's why calling len on it "was counting the characters in the array"
you need to make sure that your variable is a list rather than a str,
if it shows that it is a str, then try this:
hope this answers your question
and when you want to establish a list variable, try this:
myList = []
for blah in blahblah:
I think these definitely solved your problem, so I hope you noticed this part.
my data is located in a .txt file (no, I can't change it to a different format) and it looks like this:
varaiablename = value
something = thisvalue
youget = the_idea
Here is my code so far (taken from the examples in Pyparsing):
from pyparsing import Word, alphas, alphanums, Literal, restOfLine, OneOrMore, \
empty, Suppress, replaceWith
input = open("text.txt", "r")
src = input.read()
# simple grammar to match #define's
ident = Word(alphas + alphanums + "_")
macroDef = ident.setResultsName("name") + "= " + ident.setResultsName("value") + Literal("#") + restOfLine.setResultsName("desc")
for t,s,e in macroDef.scanString(src):
print t.name,"=", t.value
So how can I tell my script to edit a specific value for a specific variable?
I want to change the value of variablename, from value to new_value.
So essentially variable = (the data we want to edit).
I probably should make it clear that I don't want to go directly into the file and change the value by changing value to new_value but I want to parse the data, find the variable and then give it a new value.
Even though you have already selected another answer, let me answer your original question, which was how to do this using pyparsing.
If you are trying to make selective changes in some body of text, then transformString is a better choice than scanString (although scanString or searchString are fine for validating your grammar expression by looking for matching text). transformString will apply token suppression or parse action modifications to your input string as it scans through the text looking for matches.
# alphas + alphanums is unnecessary, since alphanums includes all alphas
ident = Word(alphanums + "_")
# I find this shorthand form of setResultsName is a little more readable
macroDef = ident("name") + "=" + ident("value")
# define values to be updated, and their new values
valuesToUpdate = {
"variablename" : "new_value"
# define a parse action to apply value updates, and attach to macroDef
def updateSelectedDefinitions(tokens):
if tokens.name in valuesToUpdate:
newval = valuesToUpdate[tokens.name]
return "%s = %s" % (tokens.name, newval)
raise ParseException("no update defined for this definition")
# now let transformString do all the work!
print macroDef.transformString(src)
variablename = new_value
something = thisvalue
youget = the_idea
For this task you do not need to use special utility or module
What you need is reading lines and spliting them in list, so first index is left and second index is right side.
If you need these values later you might want to store them in dictionary.
Well here is simple way, for somebody new in python. Uncomment lines whit print to use it as debug.
txt=f.read() #all text is in txt
splitedlines = txt.splitlines():
#print splitedlines
for line in splitedlines:
#print line
conf = line.split('=')
#conf[0] is what it is on left and conf[1] is what it is on right
#print conf
if conf[0] == "youget":
#we get this
conf[1] = "the_super_idea" #the_idea is now the_super_idea
#join conf whit '=' and write
newline = '='.join(conf)
#print newline
Actually, you should have a look at the config parser module
Which parses exactly your syntax (you need only to add [section] at the beginning).
If you insist on your implementation, you can create a dictionary :
dictt = {}
for t,s,e in macroDef.scanString(src):
dictt[t.name]= t.value
import ConfigParser
config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
variablename = config.get('variablename', 'float')
It'll yell at you if you don't have a [section] header, though, but it's ok, you can fake one.