Install Python 3.6.3 in Virtualenv using pip in WIndows 10? - python

How do you install Python 3.6.x in a virtualenv using pip in Windows 10?
pip install python, pip install python3, pip install python3.6 don't work.

Pip and virtualenv are two separate tools. Pip is a package manager, you will use it to install packages into your virtual environment once it has been set up. Pip does not actually manage the virtual environment. Virtualenv is the tool that handles creating virtual environments.
First, you should check if you have virtualenv installed with virtualenv --version. If you do not have it, you will get an error that virtualenv is not found. You can use pip to install virtualenv with pip install virtualenv.
Once you have virtualenv, you can create a python 3.6 environment with virtualenv -p python3.6 /path/to/myvirtualenv. You will need an installation of python 3.6 for this command to work, so download and install python 3.6 first if you do not have it.
I believe that on windows if you don't have python 3.6 in your PATH variable, you may need to point directly to the python 3.6 installation instead with virtualenv -p /path/to/mypython3.6 /path/to/myvirtualenv.
See Virtualenv User Guide


install pip on python 3.7 ubuntu

I am working on ubuntu, I have python 3.8 as standard installation.
However as my project have dependency on python 3.7 I have installed 3.7 and removed 3.8
now when I am trying to install pip it is installing python3.8 again and getting installed with 3.8.
I am using apt-get -y install pip to install pip.
I want to install pip on top of my python3.7 installation so that pip uses python3.7
my project have dependency on python 3.7
This is where virtual environments really useful. The idea is that you create an environment in which the required version of python and packages can live without altering the installation of python you might want to keep installed for other projects.
There are a few options, but Anaconda / miniconda are a popular way of using virtual environments and fairly easy to use. First you'll need to install miniconda:
After that from a terminal you need to create your new environment
conda create -n "py3p7" python=3.7
Then activate it:
conda activate py3p7
Then check that you've got pip installed and it's installed under the right python version:
pip --version
Which for me returns:
pip 22.2.2 from /home/MY_NAME/miniconda3/envs/py3p7/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pip (python 3.7)

Mac M1 python packages error after upgrade to python3

I am writing a project in NativeScript and I received the following error the last few days when I tried the commands: ns run ios or ns doctor.
Couldn't retrieve installed python packages.
The Python 'six' package not found.
I tried python and pip upgrade and also the command pip install six.
Nothing of them fixed the problem.
I believe that is not a NativeScript issue, is about the configuration of the python packages in my machine. I mention that I am using a MacBook with M1 chip and it is running the 12.5 OS version.
I will appreciate any suggestions on this situation.
Lastly, I found the solution. It was about the python folder into the path /usr/local/bin/python
You could check it by the following command: where python
In my case this folder is missing, perhaps I deleted it after the upgrade of the python3.
That was a mistake both folders should exist on this path!
If you type: where python you should receive: /usr/local/bin/python
If you type: where python3 you should receive: /usr/local/bin/python3
In order to fix the error, I installed python again by using the brew install pyenv
this suggestion helps me to install it properly.
In the end, in order to eliminate all errors I installed the Python six package by using the command:
pip install --ignore-installed six
Try doing it with the python virtual environment. Following are the steps.
Create a virtual environment.
Activate the virtual environment.
Run the pip install command with the virtual environment active.
Implement as follows:
use correct version of Python when creating VENV
python3 -m venv venv
activate on Unix or MacOS
source venv/bin/activate
activate on Windows (cmd.exe)
activate on Windows (PowerShell)
install the required package in the virtual environment
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
python3 -m pip install six
Note: This works only when you are in the virtual environment.

Migrating an env to a new python version

I have a python app build on python 3.4
Due to an OS update I have to update this app to python 3.5.
First step I did was this to create new python version path in env
python3 -m venv --upgrade ENV_DIR
But how can I reinstall the needed packages from requirements.txt into this new 3.5 path?
When I do
pip install -r requirements.txt
it says all packages are already installed.
What am I doing wrong? Can someone help me?
Thank you
You can also use pyenv for multiple python versions.
Install pyenv
check available python versions using pyenv.
pyenv install --list | grep " 3.[45]"
Install the version you want. Here you will need 3.4
pyenv install 3.4(Any version you want)
Find available versions
pyenv versions
Go to local folders where your project is there. Set python 3.4 version
pyeve local 3.4
Check python version. It would be 3.4
python --version
Create virtual Environment
python -m venv venv
Install all packages using
pip install -r requirements.txt

How to install package using pip when you have 2 Python versions

I have 2 anaconda in my system: one with python 2.7 & and another with python 3.5.
My command prompt is showing python version as 2.7.
I need to install one package for Python 3.5 using pip only,not conda install. I installed it using pip. It's showing installed successfully, but I'm not able to import it in Anaconda with Python 3.5.
My python 2.7 path is given in path environmental variable. Can you suggest me how to install it using pip install for python 3.5?
I don't have python 3 installed in my system. I think I have anaconda 3.5 environment in my system. Please refer the screen shot. Also I can't able to install python 3.5 in my system
To install a package in specific version, try this:
A specific version of python:
$ python-3.5 -m pip install <pkg-name>
Assuming you mean that you have two conda environments, go to a Anaconda command prompt and activate the Python 3.5 environment. Then, if pip is not installed, do:
conda install pip
Then, you should be able to run
pip install <package>
to install in to Python 3.5 provided that you are in the Python 3.5 environment.
If you don't have a Python 3.5 environment yet, simply do
conda create --name py35 python=3.5
followed by
activate py35 (Windows)
source activate py35 (Linux or macOS)
You can use:
pip install --install-option="--prefix=$PATH_PREFIX" <package_name>
pip install -t <direct directory> <package_name>

How do I can install pip inside virtual environment

I have created one virtual-environment. Inside that I have to install few python packages. For that I need pip package inside virtual environment. How can I install pip inside virtual-environment?
According to the pip documentation, you can install pip in a virtual environment by typing the following command when your virtual environment is activated:
python -m ensurepip --upgrade
For your information, ensurepip is an in-built Python module that serves the purpose of installing pip in your Python environment.
you can also try with upgrading pip command even after no pip installed at you specified virtual location
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
This will give you an error as below but also install latest pip version on virtual location
Can't uninstall 'pip'. No files were found to uninstall.
Successfully installed pip-19.2.3
kindly try above option and let me in case any issue.
Usually, you install pip OUTSIDE of your virtual environment.
But after activating the virtualenv you just run "pip install" inside the environment.
Meaning, you install it outside the virtualenv.
You run "pip install" inside the virtualenv.
You can follow this useful guide:
When you create a virtual environment for a particular python revision installed in your computer, all the libraries currently installed in your python revision would be copied inside the virtual environment.
Pip is usually default available in your python revision directory.
If not, install it first in your original python install directory.
Then copy the pip.exe to the virtual environment's Scripts directory.
After that execute the below command from your terminal (this is for Windows):
\your_venv_directory_path\Scripts\pip.exe install --upgrade pip
Now you can just type
pip install --upgrade pip
and it should recognise the path to the pip.exe file inside your venv
when creating the virtual-environment, be sure to include pip in the command. e.g:
conda create -n my_env pip python=3.6.8
I would suggest deleting the venv and recreating it using the above command
