How to fetch data from azure documentdb faster - python

I'm trying to implement this example:
To fetch data from azure documentdb and do some visualization. However, I would like to use a query on the line where it says #error here instead.
def read_database(client, id):
print('3. Read a database by id')
db = next((data for data in client.ReadDatabases() if data['id'] == database_id))
coll = next((coll for coll in client.ReadCollections(db['_self']) if coll['id'] == database_collection))
return list(itertools.islice(client.ReadDocuments(coll['_self']), 0, 100, 1))
except errors.DocumentDBError as e:
if e.status_code == 404:
print('A Database with id \'{0}\' does not exist'.format(id))
raise errors.HTTPFailure(e.status_code)
The fetching is really slow when I want to get >10k items, how can I improve this?

You can't query documents directly through database entity.
The parameters of the ReadDocuments() method used in your code should be collection link and query options.
def ReadDocuments(self, collection_link, feed_options=None):
"""Reads all documents in a collection.
- `collection_link`: str, the link to the document collection.
- `feed_options`: dict
if feed_options is None:
feed_options = {}
return self.QueryDocuments(collection_link, None, feed_options)
So, you could modify your code as below:
# Initialize the Python DocumentDB client
client = document_client.DocumentClient(config['ENDPOINT'], {'masterKey': config['MASTERKEY']})
db = "db"
coll = "coll"
database_link = 'dbs/' + db
database = client.ReadDatabase(database_link)
collection_link = 'dbs/' + db + "/colls/" + coll
collection = client.ReadCollection(collection_link)
# options = {}
# options['enableCrossPartitionQuery'] = True
# options['partitionKey'] = 'jay'
docs = client.ReadDocuments(collection_link)
except errors.DocumentDBError as e:
if e.status_code == 404:
print('A Database with id \'{0}\' does not exist'.format(id))
raise errors.HTTPFailure(e.status_code)
If you want to query partition of your collection, please add the snippet of code which are commented in the above code.
options = {}
options['enableCrossPartitionQuery'] = True
options['partitionKey'] = 'jay'
It seems that your issue is focused on Azure Cosmos DB query performance.
You could refer to the following points to improve query performance.
You could set partition keys in your database and query with a filter clause on a single partition key so that it needs lower latency and consumes lower RUs.
You could set the throughput a bit larger so that Azure Cosmos DB performance in unit time will be greatly improved. Of course, this will lead to higher costs.
Indexing Policy
The use of indexing paths can offer improved performance and lower latency.
For more details, I recommend that you refer to the official performance documentation.
Hope it helps you.


Flask storing large dataframes across multiple requests

I have a Flask web app that uses a large DataFrame ( hundreds of Megs). The DataFrame is used in the app for several different machine learning models. I want to create the DataFrame only once in the application and use it across multiple requests so that the user may build different models based on the same data. The Flask session is not built for large data, so that is not an option. I do not want to go back and recreate the DataFrame in case the source of the data is a csv file(yuck). be
I have a solution that works, but I cannot find any discussion of this solution in stack overflow. That makes me suspicious that my solution may not be a good design idea. I have always used the assumption that a well beaten path in software development is a path well chosen.
My solution is simply to create a data holder class with one class variable:
class DataHolder:
dataFrameHolder = None
Now the dataFrameHolder is known across all class instances (like a static variable in Java) since it is stored in memory on the server.
I can now create the DataFrame once, put it into the DataHolder class:
import pandas as pd
from dataholder import DataHolder
result_set = pd.read_sql_query(some_SQL, connection)
df = pd.DataFrame(result_set, columns=['col1', 'col2',....]
DataHolder.dataFrameHolder = df
Then access that DataFrame from any code that imports the DataHolder class. I can then use the stored DataFrame anywhere in the application, including across different requests:
modelDataFrame = DataHolder.dataFrameHolder
Is this a bad idea, a good idea, or is there something else that I am not aware of that already solves the problem?
Redis can be used. My use case is smaller data frames so have not tested with larger data frames. This allows me to provide 3 second ticking data to multiple browser clients. pyarrow serialisation / deserialisation is performing well. Works locally and across AWS/GCloud and Azure
GET route
#app.route('/cacheget/<path:key>', methods=['GET'])
def cacheget(key):
c = mycache()
data = c.redis().get(key)
resp = Response(BytesIO(data), mimetype="application/octet-stream", direct_passthrough=True)
resp.headers["key"] = key
resp.headers["type"] = c.redis().get(f"{key}.type")
resp.headers["size"] = sys.getsizeof(data)
resp.headers["redissize"] = sys.getsizeof(c.redis().get(key))
return resp
sample route to put dataframe into cache
#app.route('/sensor_data', methods=['POST'])
def sensor_data() -> str:
c = mycache()
dfsensor = c.get("dfsensor")
newsensor = json_normalize(request.get_json())
newsensor[["x","y"]] = newsensor[["epoch", "value"]]
newsensor["xy"] = newsensor[['x', 'y']].agg(pd.Series.to_dict, axis=1)
newsensor["amin"] = newsensor["value"]
newsensor["amax"] = newsensor["value"]
newsensor = newsensor.drop(columns=["x","y"])
# add new data from serial interface to start of list (append old data to new data).
# default time as now to new data
dfsensor = newsensor.append(dfsensor, sort=False)
# keep size down - only last 500 observations
c.set("dfsensor", dfsensor[:500])
del dfsensor
return jsonify(result={"status":"ok"})
utility class
import pandas as pd
import pyarrow as pa, os
import redis,json, os, pickle
import ebutils
from logenv import logenv
from pandas.core.frame import DataFrame
from redis.client import Redis
from typing import (Union, Optional)
class mycache():
CONFIGKEY = "cacheconfig"
def __init__(self) -> None:
ep = os.environ["REDIS_HOST"]
except KeyError:
if os.environ["HOST_ENV"] == "GCLOUD":
os.environ["REDIS_HOST"] = "redis://"
elif os.environ["HOST_ENV"] == "EB":
os.environ["REDIS_HOST"] = "redis://" + ebutils.get_redis_endpoint()
elif os.environ["HOST_ENV"] == "AZURE":
#os.environ["REDIS_HOST"] = "redis://"
pass # should be set in azure env variable
elif os.environ["HOST_ENV"] == "LOCAL":
os.environ["REDIS_HOST"] = "redis://"
raise "could not initialise redis"
return # no known redis setup
#self.__redisClient = redis.Redis(host=os.environ["REDIS_HOST"])
self.__redisClient = redis.Redis.from_url(os.environ["REDIS_HOST"])
# get config as well...
self.config = self.get(self.CONFIGKEY)
if self.config is None:
self.config = {"pyarrow":True, "pickle":False}
self.set(self.CONFIGKEY, self.config)
self.alog = logenv.alog()
def redis(self) -> Redis:
return self.__redisClient
def exists(self, key:str) -> bool:
if self.__redisClient is None:
return False
return self.__redisClient.exists(key) == 1
def get(self, key:str) -> Union[DataFrame, str]:
keytype = "{k}.type".format(k=key)
valuetype = self.__redisClient.get(keytype)
if valuetype is None:
if (key.split(".")[-1] == "pickle"):
return pickle.loads(self.redis().get(key))
ret = self.redis().get(key)
if ret is None:
return ret
return ret.decode()
elif valuetype.decode() == str(pd.DataFrame):
# fallback to pickle serialized form if pyarrow fails
return pa.deserialize(self.__redisClient.get(key))
except pa.lib.ArrowIOError as err:
self.alog.warning("using pickle from cache %s - %s - %s", key, pa.__version__, str(err))
return pickle.loads(self.redis().get(f"{key}.pickle"))
except OSError as err:
if "Expected IPC" in str(err):
self.alog.warning("using pickle from cache %s - %s - %s", key, pa.__version__, str(err))
return pickle.loads(self.redis().get(f"{key}.pickle"))
raise err
elif valuetype.decode() == str(type({})):
return json.loads(self.__redisClient.get(key).decode())
return self.__redisClient.get(key).decode() # type: ignore
def set(self, key:str, value:Union[DataFrame, str]) -> None:
if self.__redisClient is None:
keytype = "{k}.type".format(k=key)
if str(type(value)) == str(pd.DataFrame):
self.__redisClient.set(key, pa.serialize(value).to_buffer().to_pybytes())
if self.config["pickle"]:
self.redis().set(f"{key}.pickle", pickle.dumps(value))
# issue should be transient through an upgrade....
# once switched off data can go away
self.redis().expire(f"{key}.pickle", 60*60*24)
elif str(type(value)) == str(type({})):
self.__redisClient.set(key, json.dumps(value))
self.__redisClient.set(key, value)
self.__redisClient.set(keytype, str(type(value)))
if __name__ == '__main__':
os.environ["HOST_ENV"] = "LOCAL"
r = mycache()
rr = r.redis()
for k in rr.keys("cache*"):
print(k.decode(), rr.ttl(k))
I had a similar problem, as I was importing CSVs (100s of MBs) and creating DataFrames on the fly for each request, which as you said was yucky! I also tried the REDIS way, to cache it, and that improved performance for a while, until I realized that making changes to the underlying data meant updating the cache as well.
Then I found a world beyond CSV, and more performant file formats like Pickle, Feather, Parquet, and others. You can read more about them here. You can import/export CSVs all you want, but use intermediate formats for processing.
I did run into some issues though. I have read that Pickle has security issues, even though I still use it. Feather wouldn't let me write some object types in my data, it needed them categorized. Your mileage may vary, but if you have good clean data, use Feather.
And more recently I've found that I manage large data using Datatable instead of Pandas, and storing them in Jay for even better read/write performance.
This does however mean re-writing bits of code that use Pandas into DataTable, but I believe the APIs are very similar. I have not yet done it myself, because of very large codebase, but you can give it a try.

I have an Error with python flask cause of an API result (probably cause of my list) and my Database

I use flask, an api and SQLAlchemy with SQLite.
I begin in python and flask and i have problem with the list.
My application work, now i try a news functions.
I need to know if my json informations are in my db.
The function find_current_project_team() get information in the API.
def find_current_project_team():
headers = {"Authorization" : "bearer "+session['token_info']['access_token']}
user = requests.get("", headers = headers)
user = user.json()
ids = [x['id'] for x in user]
I use ids = [x['id'] for x in user] (is the same that) :
ids = []
for x in user:
To get ids information. Ids information are id in the api, and i need it.
I have this result :
[2766233, 2766237, 2766256]
I want to check the values ONE by One in my database.
If the values doesn't exist, i want to add it.
If one or all values exists, I want to check and return "impossible sorry, the ids already exists".
For that I write a new function:
def test():
test = find_current_project_team()
for find_team in test:
find_team_db = User.query.filter_by(
login=session['login'], project_session=test
I have absolutely no idea to how check values one by one.
If someone can help me, thanks you :)
Actually I have this error :
sqlalchemy.exc.InterfaceError: (InterfaceError) Error binding
parameter 1 - probably unsupported type. 'SELECT AS user_id,
user.login AS user_login, user.project_session AS user_project_session
\nFROM user \nWHERE user.login = ? AND user.project_session = ?\n
LIMIT ? OFFSET ?' ('my_tab_login', [2766233, 2766237, 2766256], 1, 0)
It looks to me like you are passing the list directly into the database query:
def test():
test = find_current_project_team()
for find_team in test:
find_team_db = User.query.filter_by(login=session['login'], project_session=test).first()
Instead, you should pass in the ID only:
def test():
test = find_current_project_team()
for find_team in test:
find_team_db = User.query.filter_by(login=session['login'], project_session=find_team).first()
Asides that, I think you can do better with the naming conventions though:
def test():
project_teams = find_current_project_team()
for project_team in project_teams:
project_team_result = User.query.filter_by(login=session['login'], project_session=project_team).first()
All works thanks
My code :
project_teams = find_current_project_team()
for project_team in project_teams:
project_team_result = User.query.filter_by(project_session=project_team).first()
if project_team_result is not None:
print("not none")
project_team_result = User(login=session['login'], project_session=project_team)

Looking for a better strategy for an SQLAlchemy bulk upsert

I have a Flask application with a RESTful API. One of the API calls is a 'mass upsert' call with a JSON payload. I am struggling with performance.
The first thing I tried was to use merge-result on a Query object, because...
This is an optimized method which will merge all mapped instances, preserving the structure of the result rows and unmapped columns with less method overhead than that of calling Session.merge() explicitly for each value.
This was the initial code:
class AdminApiUpdateTasks(Resource):
"""Bulk task creation / update endpoint"""
def put(self, slug):
taskdata = json.loads(
existing = db.session.query(Task).filter_by(challenge_slug=slug)
[task_from_json(slug, **task) for task in taskdata])
return {}, 200
A request to that endpoint with ~5000 records, all of them already existing in the database, takes more than 11m to return:
real 11m36.459s
user 0m3.660s
sys 0m0.391s
As this would be a fairly typical use case, I started looking into alternatives to improve performance. Against my better judgement, I tried to merge the session for each individual record:
class AdminApiUpdateTasks(Resource):
"""Bulk task creation / update endpoint"""
def put(self, slug):
# Get the posted data
taskdata = json.loads(
for task in taskdata:
db.session.merge(task_from_json(slug, **task))
return {}, 200
To my surprise, this turned out to be more than twice as fast:
real 4m33.945s
user 0m3.608s
sys 0m0.258s
I have two questions:
Why is the second strategy using merge faster than the supposedly optimized first one that uses merge_result?
What other strategies should I pursue to optimize this more, if any?
This is an old question, but I hope this answer can still help people.
I used the same idea as this example set by SQLAlchemy, but I added benchmarking for doing UPSERT (insert if exists, otherwise update the existing record) operations. I added the results on a PostgreSQL 11 database below:
Tests to run: test_customer_individual_orm_select, test_customer_batched_orm_select, test_customer_batched_orm_select_add_all, test_customer_batched_orm_merge_result
test_customer_individual_orm_select : UPSERT statements via individual checks on whether objects exist and add new objects individually (10000 iterations); total time 9.359603 sec
test_customer_batched_orm_select : UPSERT statements via batched checks on whether objects exist and add new objects individually (10000 iterations); total time 1.553555 sec
test_customer_batched_orm_select_add_all : UPSERT statements via batched checks on whether objects exist and add new objects in bulk (10000 iterations); total time 1.358680 sec
test_customer_batched_orm_merge_result : UPSERT statements using batched merge_results (10000 iterations); total time 7.191284 sec
As you can see, merge-result is far from the most efficient option. I'd suggest checking in batches whether the results exist and should be updated. Hope this helps!
This series of tests illustrates different ways to UPSERT
or INSERT ON CONFLICT UPDATE a large number of rows in bulk.
from sqlalchemy import Column
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy import Integer
from sqlalchemy import String
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.orm import Session
from profiler import Profiler
Base = declarative_base()
engine = None
class Customer(Base):
__tablename__ = "customer"
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
name = Column(String(255))
description = Column(String(255))
Profiler.init("bulk_upserts", num=100000)
def setup_database(dburl, echo, num):
global engine
engine = create_engine(dburl, echo=echo)
s = Session(engine)
for chunk in range(0, num, 10000):
# Insert half of the customers we want to merge
"id": i,
"name": "customer name %d" % i,
"description": "customer description %d" % i,
for i in range(chunk, chunk + 10000, 2)
def test_customer_individual_orm_select(n):
UPSERT statements via individual checks on whether objects exist
and add new objects individually
session = Session(bind=engine)
for i in range(0, n):
customer = session.query(Customer).get(i)
if customer:
customer.description += "updated"
name=f"customer name {i}",
description=f"customer description {i} new"
def test_customer_batched_orm_select(n):
UPSERT statements via batched checks on whether objects exist
and add new objects individually
session = Session(bind=engine)
for chunk in range(0, n, 1000):
customers = { c for c in
.filter(, chunk + 1000))
for i in range(chunk, chunk + 1000):
if i in customers:
customers[i].description += "updated"
name=f"customer name {i}",
description=f"customer description {i} new"
def test_customer_batched_orm_select_add_all(n):
UPSERT statements via batched checks on whether objects exist
and add new objects in bulk
session = Session(bind=engine)
for chunk in range(0, n, 1000):
customers = { c for c in
.filter(, chunk + 1000))
to_add = []
for i in range(chunk, chunk + 1000):
if i in customers:
customers[i].description += "updated"
"id": i,
"name": "customer name %d" % i,
"description": "customer description %d new" % i,
if to_add:
to_add = []
def test_customer_batched_orm_merge_result(n):
"UPSERT statements using batched merge_results"
session = Session(bind=engine)
for chunk in range(0, n, 1000):
customers = session.query(Customer)\
.filter(, chunk + 1000))
name=f"customer name {i}",
description=f"customer description {i} new"
) for i in range(chunk, chunk + 1000)
I think that either this was causing your slowness in the first query:
existing = db.session.query(Task).filter_by(challenge_slug=slug)
Also you should probably change this:
[task_from_json(slug, **task) for task in taskdata])
(task_from_json(slug, **task) for task in taskdata))
As that should save you some memory and time, as the list won't be generated in memory before sending it to the merge_result method.

Efficient way to query in a for loop in Google App Engine?

In the GAE documentation, it states:
Because each get() or put() operation invokes a separate remote
procedure call (RPC), issuing many such calls inside a loop is an
inefficient way to process a collection of entities or keys at once.
Who knows how many other inefficiencies I have in my code, so I'd like to minimize as much as I can. Currently, I do have a for loop where each iteration has a separate query. Let's say I have a User, and a user has friends. I want to get the latest updates for every friend of the user. So what I have is an array of that user's friends:
for friend_dic in friends:
email = friend_dic['email']
lastUpdated = friend_dic['lastUpdated']
userKey = Key('User', email)
query = ndb.gql('SELECT * FROM StatusUpdates WHERE ANCESTOR IS :1 AND modifiedDate > :2', userKey, lastUpdated)
qit = query.iter()
while (yield qit.has_next_async()):
status =
raise ndb.Return(status_list)
Is there a more efficient way to do this, maybe somehow batch all these into one single query?
Try looking at NDB's map function:
Example (assuming you keep your friend relationships in a separate model, for this example I assumed a Relationships model):
def callback(entity):
email = friend_dic['email']
lastUpdated = friend_dic['lastUpdated']
userKey = Key('User', email)
query = ndb.gql('SELECT * FROM StatusUpdates WHERE ANCESTOR IS :1 AND modifiedDate > :2', userKey, lastUpdated)
status_updates = yield query.fetch_async()
raise ndb.Return(status_updates)
qry = ndb.gql("SELECT * FROM Relationships WHERE friend_to = :1", user.key)
updates = yield qry.map_async(callback)
#updates will now be a list of status updates
With a better understanding of your data model:
queries = []
status_list = []
for friend_dic in friends:
email = friend_dic['email']
lastUpdated = friend_dic['lastUpdated']
userKey = Key('User', email)
queries.append(ndb.gql('SELECT * FROM StatusUpdates WHERE ANCESTOR IS :1 AND modifiedDate > :2', userKey, lastUpdated).fetch_async())
for query in queries:
statuses = yield query
status_list.extend([x.to_dict() for x in statuses])
raise ndb.Return(status_list)
You could perform those query concurrently using ndb async methods:
from google.appengine.ext import ndb
class Bar(ndb.Model):
class Foo(ndb.Model):
bars = ndb.put_multi([Bar() for i in range(10)])
ndb.put_multi([Foo(parent=bar) for bar in bars])
futures = [Foo.query(ancestor=bar).fetch_async(10) for bar in bars]
for f in futures:
This launches 10 concurrent Datastore Query RPCs, and the overall latency only depends of the slowest one instead of the sum of all latencies
Also see the official ndb documentation for more detail on how to async APIs with ndb.

What is an efficient way of inserting thousands of records into an SQLite table using Django?

I have to insert 8000+ records into a SQLite database using Django's ORM. This operation needs to be run as a cronjob about once per minute.
At the moment I'm using a for loop to iterate through all the items and then insert them one by one.
for item in items:
entry = Entry(a1=item.a1, a2=item.a2)
What is an efficient way of doing this?
Edit: A little comparison between the two insertion methods.
Without commit_manually decorator (11245 records):
nox#noxdevel marinetraffic]$ time python insrec
real 1m50.288s
user 0m6.710s
sys 0m23.445s
Using commit_manually decorator (11245 records):
[nox#noxdevel marinetraffic]$ time python insrec
real 0m18.464s
user 0m5.433s
sys 0m10.163s
Note: The test script also does some other operations besides inserting into the database (downloads a ZIP file, extracts an XML file from the ZIP archive, parses the XML file) so the time needed for execution does not necessarily represent the time needed to insert the records.
You want to check out django.db.transaction.commit_manually.
So it would be something like:
from django.db import transaction
def viewfunc(request):
for item in items:
entry = Entry(a1=item.a1, a2=item.a2)
Which will only commit once, instead at each save().
In django 1.3 context managers were introduced.
So now you can use transaction.commit_on_success() in a similar way:
from django.db import transaction
def viewfunc(request):
with transaction.commit_on_success():
for item in items:
entry = Entry(a1=item.a1, a2=item.a2)
In django 1.4, bulk_create was added, allowing you to create lists of your model objects and then commit them all at once.
NOTE the save method will not be called when using bulk create.
>>> Entry.objects.bulk_create([
... Entry(headline="Django 1.0 Released"),
... Entry(headline="Django 1.1 Announced"),
... Entry(headline="Breaking: Django is awesome")
... ])
In django 1.6, transaction.atomic was introduced, intended to replace now legacy functions commit_on_success and commit_manually.
from the django documentation on atomic:
atomic is usable both as a decorator:
from django.db import transaction
def viewfunc(request):
# This code executes inside a transaction.
and as a context manager:
from django.db import transaction
def viewfunc(request):
# This code executes in autocommit mode (Django's default).
with transaction.atomic():
# This code executes inside a transaction.
Bulk creation is available in Django 1.4:
Have a look at this. It's meant for use out-of-the-box with MySQL only, but there are pointers on what to do for other databases.
You might be better off bulk-loading the items - prepare a file and use a bulk load tool. This will be vastly more efficient than 8000 individual inserts.
To answer the question particularly with regard to SQLite, as asked, while I have just now confirmed that bulk_create does provide a tremendous speedup there is a limitation with SQLite: "The default is to create all objects in one batch, except for SQLite where the default is such that at maximum 999 variables per query is used."
The quoted stuff is from the docs--- A-IV provided a link.
What I have to add is that this djangosnippets entry by alpar also seems to be working for me. It's a little wrapper that breaks the big batch that you want to process into smaller batches, managing the 999 variables limit.
You should check out DSE. I wrote DSE to solve these kinds of problems ( massive insert or updates ). Using the django orm is a dead-end, you got to do it in plain SQL and DSE takes care of much of that for you.
def order(request):
if request.method=="GET":
cust_name = request.GET.get('cust_name', '')
cust_cont = request.GET.get('cust_cont', '')
pincode = request.GET.get('pincode', '')
city_name = request.GET.get('city_name', '')
state = request.GET.get('state', '')
contry = request.GET.get('contry', '')
gender = request.GET.get('gender', '')
paid_amt = request.GET.get('paid_amt', '')
due_amt = request.GET.get('due_amt', '')
order_date = request.GET.get('order_date', '')
prod_name = request.GET.getlist('prod_name[]', '')
prod_qty = request.GET.getlist('prod_qty[]', '')
prod_price = request.GET.getlist('prod_price[]', '')
# insert customer information into customer table
# Insert Data into customer table
cust_tab = Customer(customer_name=cust_name, customer_contact=cust_cont, gender=gender, city_name=city_name, pincode=pincode, state_name=state, contry_name=contry)
# Retrive Id from customer table
custo_id = Customer.objects.values_list('customer_id').last() #It is return
Tuple as result from Queryset
custo_id = int(custo_id[0]) #It is convert the Tuple in INT
# Insert Data into Order table
order_tab = Orders(order_date=order_date, paid_amt=paid_amt, due_amt=due_amt, customer_id=custo_id)
# Insert Data into Products table
# insert multiple data at a one time from djanog using while loop
p_n = prod_name[i]
p_q = prod_qty[i]
p_p = prod_price[i]
# this is checking the variable, if variable is null so fill the varable value in database
if p_n != "" and p_q != "" and p_p != "":
prod_tab = Products(product_name=p_n, product_qty=p_q, product_price=p_p, customer_id=custo_id)
I recommend using plain SQL (not ORM) you can insert multiple rows with a single insert:
insert into A select from B;
The select from B portion of your sql could be as complicated as you want it to get as long as the results match the columns in table A and there are no constraint conflicts.
def order(request):
if request.method=="GET":
# get the value from html page
cust_name = request.GET.get('cust_name', '')
cust_cont = request.GET.get('cust_cont', '')
pincode = request.GET.get('pincode', '')
city_name = request.GET.get('city_name', '')
state = request.GET.get('state', '')
contry = request.GET.get('contry', '')
gender = request.GET.get('gender', '')
paid_amt = request.GET.get('paid_amt', '')
due_amt = request.GET.get('due_amt', '')
order_date = request.GET.get('order_date', '')
prod_name = request.GET.getlist('prod_name[]', '')
prod_qty = request.GET.getlist('prod_qty[]', '')
prod_price = request.GET.getlist('prod_price[]', '')
# insert customer information into customer table
# Insert Data into customer table
cust_tab = Customer(customer_name=cust_name, customer_contact=cust_cont, gender=gender, city_name=city_name, pincode=pincode, state_name=state, contry_name=contry)
# Retrive Id from customer table
custo_id = Customer.objects.values_list('customer_id').last() #It is return Tuple as result from Queryset
custo_id = int(custo_id[0]) #It is convert the Tuple in INT
# Insert Data into Order table
order_tab = Orders(order_date=order_date, paid_amt=paid_amt, due_amt=due_amt, customer_id=custo_id)
# Insert Data into Products table
# insert multiple data at a one time from djanog using while loop
p_n = prod_name[i]
p_q = prod_qty[i]
p_p = prod_price[i]
# this is checking the variable, if variable is null so fill the varable value in database
if p_n != "" and p_q != "" and p_p != "":
prod_tab = Products(product_name=p_n, product_qty=p_q, product_price=p_p, customer_id=custo_id)
return HttpResponse('Your Record Has been Saved')
except Exception as e:
return HttpResponse(e)
return render(request, 'invoice_system/order.html')
